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By kaiwrotethat

909K 45.1K 19.2K

In a world where most believed toxicity was necessary to go through in order to find real love, she brought i... More



23.9K 1.3K 1.1K
By kaiwrotethat

"Say it again, nasty." Angel held Roman's face in her hand, tilting it towards her phone as she recorded him. He just smiled in response, making her roll her eyes.

"I'll suck the blood out that p-," He said as soon as she ended the video, being cut off as she roughly pushed his head back which caused him to laugh.

"Aight I quit, I quit." His smile was still on his face as he slid his arms around her from behind, lowering one of his hands until it was between her legs.

He was currently as drunk as ever, and along with being drunk came his unfiltered mouth. Angel wasn't even on her period so she didn't know where that had came from, but that had been his third time saying it and all she could do was shake her head at him.

She'd been invited to a hookah lounge tonight by her sister, and since she hadn't been out in forever, she figured why not. It wasn't too loud since it was RnB night, and the lights were dimmed and weren't flashing so that made the environment even calmer for her.

Although she hadn't taken a pregnancy test, she had a feeling that she really was pregnant so she decided not to drink tonight. Her sore boobs and occasional nausea were the only signs of pregnancy, and though it was still super early, she wanted to be cautious just in case her suspicions were correct.

But just because she wasn't drinking didn't mean Roman wasn't. He was one blunt and six shots of Hennessy in, and had only stopped because Angel made him. He was a light-weight and was acting an ass already.

"No. I said no more." She took a shot glass out of his hand before he could drink it, unsure of where he'd even gotten it from.

"I wasn't even gon' drink it foreal." He waved her off, and she rolled her eyes with a small smile on her face.

"I think it's time to get you home. What do you think?" She reached down on his waist to remove the gun that was there, putting it in her purse.

"Can I eat some pussy when we get there?" He put his face in her neck, and she could feel his tongue on her skin seconds later.

"No because everyone is home. Keep your tongue in your mouth, bookie." She patted his head after pulling it out of her neck, laughing at the sight of him rolling his eyes.

Angel grabbed ahold of his hand to pull him with her to go tell her sister that they were leaving, holding her dress down at the same time. She regretted letting Roman choose which dress she wore tonight because of course he went for the shortest one.

A lot of lingering eyes had been on her tonight because of it, but he didn't care. He knew how pretty she was and he wanted her to flaunt herself as much as possible. And if she wouldn't, he would.

Minutes later the two arrived at Roman's truck, and Angel's stomach sunk at the realization that she would have to drive home. She didn't even think about that while watching Roman get drunk. Driving gave her so much anxiety, she usually tried avoiding it at all costs.

"Okay baby, come on." She mumbled, removing his arm from her shoulders to guide him into the truck.

"You ain't gotta drive mama, we can call an Uber." Even drunk, he was still worried about her.

"It's fine. I can do it." She walked around the truck go the driver's side, having to hoist herself up into the tall vehicle.

She listened to the engine roar as she crunk it up, and the sound of his loud stock exhaust system filled the parking lot. Getting over her jitters, she reversed out of the parking spot, then switched the gear into drive to pull out of the parking lot.

"See, you be scared for nothin'. You got it." Roman continued staring at her with his low eyes, no longer slurring his words.

"Stop talking to me because I'm going to get distracted and crash into a tree." She held the steering wheel tightly, never removing her gaze from the road. He smiled, knowing she would hold this exact position the whole way home.

And that, she did. They ended up making what should've been a twenty minute drive almost double that because of how slow she drove, but they got there in one piece, so a win is a win.

When they made it to their bedroom, Angel helped him undress so that they could both take a shower. Drunk or not, she didn't want the hookah smoke or the scent of weed to linger on the bed sheets. Fresh linen was the only thing she wanted to smell when she laid down.

Half an hour later she was finally able to get underneath the thick duvet cooling cover, with Roman not too far behind her of course.

"I love you so much." He climbed on top of her, and she smiled, grabbing his face as soon as he leaned down to kiss her.

"I love you too but we don't have sex while drunk, remember?" Her smile remained as she stared up at him.

"Mhm, I really ain't tryna hear that though. I love this pussy I want it whenever." He pulled her bottom lip in his mouth for a real kiss, causing her smile to slowly fade away as it deepened.

He wrapped his hand around her neck when she tried pulling away from him, and the tight grip made her quietly moan in his mouth. He pushed his hips forwards so that she could feel what she did to him, making her moan yet again.

"Okay. Okay Roman, that's enough kisses. You can eat some nani in the morning." She said with a small laugh, finally getting out of his grip once she felt her core dampen.

"Man," He blew out a clearly irritated breath as he laid on his back next to her, putting his arm over his eyes.

"I'm sorry. I'm trying to have the same respect for you that you had for me. You'll be okay." She chuckled, briefly glancing down at the obvious boner in his boxers.

She looked over at him when he didn't respond, reaching over to remove his arm. She saw that he was already fast asleep, and she tried not to laugh so that she wouldn't wake him up.

Pulling the cover over her shoulders, she cuddled up against his side after putting her arm around his torso. Within seconds he had turned his body over to move even closer to her, causing her smile to return.

She loved him.

Seven hours passed and it was now nearing ten o'clock on an early Saturday morning. Instead of being woken up by the birds that usually chirped outside around this time of day, Angel woke up to the sound of yelling.

There was no other voice that she'd ever heard that could carry such a deep tone other than Roman's, and it made her pop up out of the bed in a sense of urgency. During the few minutes it took for her to throw on some clothes and brush her teeth, his anger didn't seem to have died down.

"Roman, what are you doing?" Angel had to literally push him with as much strength as she could muster up because he was all in Raelle's face, who was crying in the corner of her room.

"Yo word to my dead I'm too pissed off to talk to you right now. Get the fuck out my way Angel this don't have shit to do with you. Move." His thick eyebrows were furrowed but his voice had finally lowered just a little.

"Raelle go downstairs, okay?" Angel turned her head to look at her, and she wasted no time to slip past the two of them to get out of her room.

"What the fuck do you be doing bro!? You can't keep going against my parenting if we supposed to be doing this shit together. She's pregnant! And still fucking in my house like that shit fly over here or something!"

"First of all, I'm not your bro. Don't call me that. You need to calm down because I'm not going to yell at you and I'm not going to sit here and let you yell at me or her. Do you understand me?" Her hands traveled to his face to turn it in her direction, watching as his eyebrows slowly lost the tension they held.

"You don't get to yell at anyone like that, ever. There's no way that I should've heard you in my sleep on the other side of the house. You told me you were working on your anger but then you do stuff like this that makes me not believe you." She let him go now that his attention was completely on her.

"You know, you got a lil' thing with making it seem like I just be mad for no reason. Did you not just hear what I said? She's fucking, in my house, and she's pregnant. You need me to say that for you slowly in Spanish?"

"You don't speak Spanish." She rose an eyebrow in genuine confusion, and he pinched the bridge of his nose because he knew she didn't understand that he was being sarcastic.

"And I didn't say it wasn't for a reason. You can be mad, but you're literally calling your little sister all types of hoe's like she's some random. That's your kid. Would you be okay with somebody else calling her out of her name like how you just did?" Her head tilted to the side as she waited for a response.

There were two holes in Raelle's wall and Angel just knew that he'd done it because his knuckles were all bruised up and bleeding like he had. His gun was also off of safety and sitting on the dresser, which was an over the top reaction no matter what he'd previously walked in on.

She didn't think that he was wrong for being mad because he wasn't, but there were other ways to express and solve that rather than cursing at a child while she cried, begging for him to stop. Angel didn't know why he was okay with seeing anyone like that, much less his own little sister, regardless of what she'd done.

"Oh my fucking god," He ran his hand down his face, pacing a small area of Raelle's room while actively trying not to curse Angel out too. He was so irritated but knew that she had a point.

"So you don't see nothing wrong with this? This girl fucking in my house without paying no bills, she don't have no fucking job or none of that shit, but can sit here and get fucking nutted in on a bed that she ain't even buy? Am I buggin'? I must be going fucking crazy. I gotta be crazy." He said the last part mostly to himself, still pacing.

"To be completely honest with you, she told me that she was pregnant a while ago." She started, watching his mug return as he finally stopped walking. "But I didn't know that she and Josiah were still having sex here..."

"Angel why the fuck would you keep something like that from me?"

"Because we knew you'd respond like this. She wanted to tell you on her own time, when she was ready. She's barely even accepted it herself. She didn't want to be shamed by you." She told him, briefly pausing for a moment.

"I'm sorry that I didn't tell you but I didn't think it was my place. She trusted me and I didn't want to go against that, you know? Because there's not a lot of people she feels like she can talk to and I wanted her to know that it's always okay for her to talk to me."

Roman groaned in frustration, sitting down on Raelle's bed ottoman with his face in his hands. He was beyond shocked about his little sister's pregnancy, but finding out that Angel knew really aggravated him.

He didn't know if it was because she knew and didn't tell him, or if it was because Raelle felt more comfortable talking to Angel than she did talking to him. Which, judging by the anger tantrum he'd just thrown, he understood why she would feel that way.

"If we gone be raising them together, it can't be none of that good mom, asshole dad shit every time something happens. And we can't keep shi-stuff, like this from each other. This ain't just no regular shit Angel, and you know that." His eyes found hers again, and she nodded to show that she understood.

"When you learn that it's okay to be mad and still be kind, you won't be an 'asshole dad'. Stuff like that stays with them for life. You have to learn to express yourself better." Angel sat down on her knees in front of him, resting her arms on his thighs.

"That shit harder than it seem." He rubbed his temples, trying to calm all the way down. His veins literally strained from his neck and forehead from how upset he was.

"I know. But you have me to help you, and we'll figure it out together. I just wish it happened a little quicker so I don't have to play hero every time." She chuckled, reaching up to remove his hands from his face.

"You get on my nerves with that shit." He chuckled as well, and she shrugged, playfully rolling her eyes.

"What happened? Like, what started this? How did you find out?" She questioned him, gently rubbing over his knuckles that still bled.

"I went to her room to check on her when I woke up to see if she stayed home or went with Nana and Kaiya, and I forgot to knock before I went in and walked in on them fucking. So I accidentally whooped his ass and shot her wall, aiming for him." He told her, watching her lips turn up into a frown.

"Roman seriously, what the hell is wrong with you?"

"Too much. I don't be thinking before I do shit, I just do it." He shook his head at himself, and Angel did too after seeing the small grin on his face.

"Imagine if you had actually shot him. You'd go to jail, Roman."

"Oh well. That nigga to scared to just come over here and meet me so he rather fuck her in secret, in my house? It would've been worth it." He shrugged, not seeing anything wrong with his actions.

"Stop talking about their sex life. You were probably doing the same thing when you was her age, anyway."

"Yeah but I was paying bills, and my Nana was never home when I did it. That girl ain't never even had a job before."

"You told her to focus on school instead of getting one. What points are you making? Only employed people should have sex?" Angel's head tilted to the side as she stared up at him.

"I mean, I don't make the rules, but," He dramatically shrugged his shoulders, making her roll her eyes again while trying not to laugh. He was so unserious.

"What's the matter?" She then asked a few moments later, seeing the slightly upturned expression on his face.

"I just wish she felt comfortable enough to talk to me. And I'm mad at myself 'cause I know I'm the reason she doesn't, and why Kaiya feel more comfortable with you too. I didn't realize until you started coming over how much I needed to work on my parenting." He paused for a moment, rubbing the corner of his eye with his thumb.

"And I don't know how I'm letting somebody who ain't never took care of a kid before out-parent me. You do a damn good job though." He chuckled, leaning his head down to kiss the side of her face.

"I'm learning from you, I'm just a lot less meaner. And with time, you'll learn to be nicer too. Because you're not mean all of the time, but you need just a little more help." She pinched her fingers together for a visual representation, causing him to smile.

"Thank you for being you. I'ma work a lil' harder to be right for us-for all of us." He referred to his whole household, and she nodded, believing him.

"You can start by going down there and talking to Raelle. And then, you can go to Home Depot and get some stuff to fix the holes in the wall because I don't like the way they look." She kissed his lips before standing to her feet, and he watched her perfect figure walk towards the door, gesturing for him to follow.

"You still gon' let me eat some pussy?" His hand wrapped around her neck from behind like always, and she laughed, putting her hand over his.

"Yes. After you go apologize." She grabbed his hand that had slid between her legs, feeling him leaving repetitive kisses on the side of her face.

Roman smirked as he let her go, following her body with his eyes as she walked around the hall to get back to his bedroom. Once she was out of his sight, he headed downstairs where he assumed Raelle was.

She sat curled up in the corner of the couch with their Nana's blanket thrown over her, scrolling on her phone while tears still streamed out of her red eyes and slid down her puffy cheeks.

This wasn't the first time he'd made her cry, but every time felt like it was. He hated how he always let his anger get the best of him, and he hated feeling like he was trying when in reality he knew that he'd hardly been putting in any effort at all.

The truth was, he didn't even know where to begin.

"Raelle," His voice made her look up from her phone, and her expression softened as she prepared to be fussed at again.

"I'm sorry." He told her, genuinely catching her off guard.

"I won't apologize for being upset because I feel like I have the right to be, but there was a better way I could've handled it. I'm sorry for yelling at you and calling you a hoe 'cause you ain't nothin' near that. You a good kid, and I'm always proud of you so finding this out kind of pissed me off a lil' bit."

Her eyes remained on him as he sat down next to her, seemingly preparing his next words. For a minute he didn't say anything at all, and instead just fidgeted with his fingers-something that he'd saw Angel so multiple times before.

Raelle liked the way that Angel changed her brother. It was rare that he'd apologize after being angry with one of them; he'd usually just let the anger die out and then start talking to them again a couple of hours later. Angel made him more understanding and Raelle was so thankful for that.

"I keep telling y'all that I'm working on being better, but I realize that I need to try harder. 'Cause the way that I respond to shit that you do, it'll rub off on you and you'll treat yo' baby the same way." He said, and the reference to her unborn child put a small smile on her face.

"I will do better, I just need a lil' more time." He continued.

"And one day we gon' be at a place where you'll know it's okay to come talk to me too, like how you talk to Angel. I know it's my fault that you don't, so I'm not mad about it or nothin', I just know that I need to do better." He chuckled, rubbing his palms against his sweatpants.

Raelle reached over to wrap her arms around his neck in a hug, and her tears became more frequent once he rubbed her back, holding her bridal style in his lap the way that he used to do when she was younger.

At one point of time it was just him and her staying in this house, and they were best friends during that period of time. Them not being as close as they used to obviously affected both of them, and Roman really did want to work on building that trust with her again.

But like everything else, it was easier said than done.

"You know I got you and the baby. Y'all ain't gon' never want for nothin' and you know that. I don't know why you was begging that nigga to act right anyway. It ain't like you need him." He told her half an hour later after she'd caught him up on her 'baby daddy drama'.

"I know, but he's my best friend. It's not like he's just a sneaky link or anything. I've been messing around with him since I was like, fifteen. I didn't want to lose him. But he apologized and we're working on getting back to where we was, and that's how he wound up in my room-and um, I'm sorry you had to see that, by the way."

Her getting her back blown out was a sight that she'd never ever ever in a million years want him to see. Talk about an embarrassment, chile.

"Yeah, me too." He face palmed himself at the thought, earning a laugh from her.

"So, we good?" She held her hand out to him, and he chuckled, doing their not-so-secret handshake.

"Always. Now, you need to go find something to do 'cause I got some business to handle wit' my woman and she don't know how to be quiet, so." He stood up from the couch at the same time that her mouth fell open in shock.

"Roman! Ew!" She seemed genuinely disgusted, and he burst into a fit of laughter at the expression on her face.


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