Adopted by Natasha Romanoff

By avengersmcu11

70.5K 1K 698

Y/N is a 17 year old girl who was put in foster care at age 4 by her mother cause she couldn't look after her... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25

Chapter 17

1.7K 34 24
By avengersmcu11

Natasha's POV:

I wake up at around 3:30am, 'great' I think to myself as I groan and turn myself over, facing Y/N. Her eyes flutter open, "you okay mama?" She asks.

"Yes baby i'm okay, get back to sleep." I reply, gently caressing her cheek.

After Y/N falls back to sleep, I leave my bed seeing as I still can't get back to sleep. I get into the elevator and press the button for the bottom floor. Just as the door is about to close fully, someone stops it and hops in with me.

"Y/N? What are you doing here? I thought you went back to sleep." I say as I look at her worried face.

"I didn't want you to be alone" she says softly. I just smile at her and then the elevator door opens.

We make our way to the training room. "Right, Miss Y/L/N" I say and before i could finish my sentence, she jumps in. "It's Miss Romanoff actually" she says confidently as she flicks her hair with pure sass.

"Ooh okay! Miss Romanoff it is. Lets see if you really are your Mama's girl!" I say holding back from crying at the fact that she called herself Romanoff.

Y/N's POV:

We stand in the ring, Mama goes to punch me but I dodge it and I manage to swipe her leg quickly, causing her to fall. I wrap me body around hers with my arms wrapped around her neck so she can't move. We stay there for a few seconds, my grip only getting tighter, waiting for her to tap out. And she does.

"Not bad little Romanoff" I hear Clint say from the other side of the training room.

"Thanks Uncle Clint!" I respond happily, a little too proud of myself to say it was my own Mama that I just nearly choked out...

"Yeah, nice one sweetheart." Mama says laughing as she gets up from the ground. "Right, now lets work on those powers of yours." She adds, i hesitate a little but I nod my head and begin to practice using my powers.

I start to form balls of fire with my hands and I throw them at the fireproof targets Stark made for me to train with. I start to throw them fast as the targets start moving around. I hit every target perfectly apart from the last one. I didn't hit that one at all...

I hit Mama.

The target must have moved right next to her as i went to hit it but I didn't see her as there was too much smoke in the way.

"Shit! Nat!" I hear Uncle Clint yell as he sprint over to her as fast as he can.

I don't even move. I can't move. I hurt Mama, this is all my fault.

Natasha's POV:

To be fair, it did hurt but not too bad. I was alright though, I had my suit on and that saves me from that kind of damage as Stark had been "tinkering" with it in his lab. But the thing that hurt me the most was Y/N's face when she realised what she did.

"Y/N what the hell? I knew this was a bad idea as soon as Nat told me she was helping you with your powers! How could you be so stupid?!" I hear Steve yell from the doorway. She just looks at him and suddenly her frozen face dropped and tears started pouring from her eyes. She ran out of the room.

No ones POV:

Y/N ran out of the training room and into the elevator. She frantically pushed the button to the first floor over and over again till the doors closed.

"Baby?" Wanda yells as Y/N rushes past her not stopping to conversate. She runs into her room and closes her door behind her, quickly locking it.

Natasha's POV:

"What the fuck Steve?" I yelled at the supersoldier stood right in front of me as Clint gave me a hand up. "Natasha she -" Steve begins to speak but I cut him off almost as soon as he opened his mouth.

"First of all, 'SHE has a name, that is Y/N." I yell, harshly poking his shoulder with my index finger.

"Yeah well - "

"Yeah well nothing Steve! I wasn't finished talking!" At this point he looks quite intimidates, I had never yelled at him before. "I don't know where you came from or what the hell makes you think that you can raise your voice at my daughter let alone speak to her the way you just did! DO NOT let me ever catch you speaking to her like that again or you have another thing coming Steven Grant Rogers!" I yell all of this while walking toward him while he slowly backs away.

I turn around to leave the training room. As i'm about to walk out of the door, Steve says "Natasha she's dangerous! You can't trust her!"

"Yeah well so am I Steve, so am I!" I yell back.



I hope you enjoyed this chapter!!

I'm wondering if anyone has any suggestions for my one shot stories with Natasha Romanoff?? If so would you mind commenting them on my other book please???

I will possibly be writing another chapter later on today!

Also it's my birthdayyy!!!

Thank you for reading <3

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