pretty girls make graves [jas...

By sept1st1989

382 2 2

"i could've been wild and i could have been free, but nature played this trick on me" book 4.. read the other... More

The Four Horsemen
A Lie Guarded
The Tinder Box
We Will Rise
Gimme Shelter
God Complex
Die All, Die Merrily
The Other Side Of The Door
The Chosen

Heavy Lies The Crown

27 0 0
By sept1st1989

Bellamy and Clarke got back two days ago, a few hours after the others. Artemis has been helping Jackson in med-bay, once again going back and forth from med-bay to the chancellor's office to help Bellamy and Clarke. Jasper hasn't been doing much, just moping around, not knowing what to do with himself. 

Artemis had got caught up in a surgery, so when she arrived at the chancellor's office, everyone was scattered around. "Sorry, Me and Jackson had a patient with severed finger that we had to-.. Never mind."  She walked up and sat down beside Jasper who sat on the floor, just staring up at the ceiling with his head resting on a wall as she spoke. She felt the tension in the air, everyone was a little on edge recently. 

 "We've been at this for two days, there's gotta be something we haven't thought of." Bellamy paced back and forth, the thunderstorm outside rattling the sky, "What if we could reach the nearest nuclear reactor?" He questioned, holding his hands in an 'i dont know' position. 

"I told you, the meltdown started months ago, there's no magic button to turn them off." Raven said, leaning against the counter, "Today, this isn't black rain, but it will be soon. That's why we have to focus on riding out the radiation. Finding someplace safe and big enough to hold all 500 of us." 

"So like a bunker?" Artemis chimed in. 

Clarke stood up, "Look, this isn't just about saving us. I made a promise to Roan, this is about saving everyone." 

Raven rolled her eyes, "And that's why we need to tell everyone. Crowdsource it. If there's another Mount Weather out there, the grounders will know about it." 

Bellamy held his head in his hand for a moment, "And you think they're gonna tell us? Just like that? If you tell everyone they're gonna die, the coalition is over, Roan falls, and the grounders will be at our gate." 

"Then just tell our people." Artemis suggested, standing up and walking towards them,  "We need more minds on this problem, guys. On the Ark, people volunteered for the Culling because they were told the truth and given a choice." She looked over at Clarke, "A choice that your father died for." 

Clarke gave her a stern look, stepping towards her, "You think i've forgotten that?"  

"Okay," Bellamy stepped forward, "We'll tell everybody the truth as soon as we have a viable solution." He looked between Artemis and Raven, "Without one, it'll start a panic." 

Artemis uncrossed her arms, "You dont know that." 

"That's it!" Monty exclaimed, pulling away from the window he was watching. "What are you talking about?" Clarke asked. 

"Think. Alpha Station survived for 97 years in space through elevated radiation levels and extreme temperature fluctuations. Sound familiar?" Raven and Artemis looked at each other as they began to understand Monty, "All we have to do is patch up the ship. We're standing in our viable solution." 

Jasper stood up as he heard this, looking around at the ship, then patting Monty on the back, "Heh" He chuckled, as he sipped his water. 


Artemis' first question was, 'how the hell are we gonna be able to store enough water for 500 people?' and that got Monty thinking. Him, Bellamy and a few others are going to go get a hydro-generator from Farm Station in Ice Nation. 

Artemis walked outside in search for her boyfriend, "Jasp--" She cut herself off as she heard him off-key singing. She followed the sound to see Jasper standing in a box, water running down him, shower cap on, washing his body, singing his heart out. Artemis let out a laugh, "Ha ha ha! ha ha ha!" She slapped her knee, catching a smile from Jasper. Monty walked up to them, and Artemis collected herself.

"You know your wasting all our drinking water, right?" 

Jasper looked over at him, "You know we're all gonna die in 6 months, right?"

"Not if we find what we're looking for today." 

"Oh, please. Tell me about another pointless task Clarke has roped you into, or better yet, dont." Jasper smiled cockily at the last part. "I don't wanna keep anymore of her secrets."  

"We're going back to Farm Station. Why don't you come with us?" 

"Monty," He turned off the water, "Look at me." 

"I'm really trying not to." Monty used his hand to cover Jasper. 

"I'm fine. I'm having fun." 

"Okay..." Monty nodded, 

"But.. if you wanna cheer me up," He grabbed his towel, "while you're at farm station, get that bag of weed we stashed behind the wall of your old bedroom." He laughed.  

He put his hand up, "Come on, don't leave me hanging man." 

Monty put his hand up, slapping it with his other hand at the same time as Jasper. Monty pointed at him, walking away. Jasper looked at Artemis, "Are you going with them?" 

Artemis scoffed, "No. I wanted to, but Bellamy turned on 'big brother mode' and shot that idea down really quick." 

"You're the only one around here besides Clarke with any order, so it makes sense. And you're too special to send on missions like that." They had began walking towards their room, Jasper with only a towel around his waist. 

"But Bellamy knows i'm their best shot, even if they do make it to Farm Station, we are the most hated clan of the 13, they're gonna need some kind of protection." 

Jasper looked at her, "Art, when are you gonna learn that they don't send you out on missions like that because you're the best shot. They need you here, in case anything goes south." 

As they passed engineering, Artemis looked in through the window, "I'm gonna go say bye, I'll meet you in the mess in a little bit, sound good?" Jasper nodded, kissing her forehead as he continued down the corridor. 

Artemis walked into engineering, putting the numbers into the keypad and following down the ramp. Artemis saw as Bellamy was talking to Clarke, walking up to them, she caught his eye, and Clarke turned around, seeing her and walking away. 

Artemis just looked at him for a moment, then pulled him into a quick hug, "Be safe, big brother." 

Bellamy pulled away, "You be safe, too, Art." 

"I always am." 

Bellamy smiled and walked away, "Alright, let's go." He called aloud to everyone, closing the back rover door, he hopped into the drivers seat and started the engine. 

They watched as Bellamy drove the rover out of the hanger bay door, and then Raven closed it, Clarke went with her, and Artemis walked back through Alpha station, quick pacing to the mess hall. 

She walked in, seeing a few people scattered around, she scanned the tables for Jasper, spotting him in the corner they used to drink at. 

But before she could walk over to him, her pager in her back pocket began to ping and vibrate. Sheulled it out, it read, "911: Eric Jackson." She rolled her eyes, walking up to Jasper, "Hey, I've gotta go, Jackson just called me down to med-bay. Don't do anything stupid. I love you." She kissed his lips quickly, "I love you more." She then walked away and practically ran to medical.-

As Artemis walked into medical, she was greeted by a surprisingly slow room. The confusion on her face only tightened when she looked to the beds and  only saw a few people on them. Jackson was sitting at a computer, he looked up and saw her, "Hey, Artemis, come here." He called over to her, and she walked over. 

"You paged me, what's wrong?" She asked. 

"Nothing, i just, i know Abby wanted to be the one to do this, but..." He pulled open a drawer and grabbed a piece of paper, he handed it to Artemis, "You've been an intern for 4 months, and in those 4 months, you have led more surgeries than i've ever done in my career. You became a doctor in 4 months because you started reading the old medicine books on the Ark when you were 6 years old. You know things about the human body that not even me and Abby know. So if anyone deserves this it's you. Congratulations, Dr. Blake." 

She looked down at the paper, and in gold writing it said, 'Graduate of the Ark: Medical' and on a black line read, 'Artemis Blake.' She couldn't help but smile. "Thank you, Eric." She pulled him into a hug. "You are very welcome. Now, go help the patients in the beds." He handed her 4 stacks of files, one for each patient, which she handed off to nurse Katie. 

She walked into the room, and her day went on as it usually does. She was congratulated by a few people as word got around that she had gotten her medical degree, but she only backfired and brought up something brilliant that they had done in their life. Some people came in for cuts, a broken toe from the soccer game going on outside, and Jasper coming in to talk Artemis' ear off while she works. It was a pretty normal day, minus the fact that half of the young adults were drinking. 


When Bellamy and the others got home, Artemis was surprised when over 15 people showed up in med-bay. She didn't recognized any of them, so she let Jackson take over when it came to their files. Harper walked up to Artemis, "What happened?" Art asked. "They were at Farm Station. The Ice Nation was using them for labor. Who knows what they've been through." 

Clarke had called for a general meeting, and apparently she had listened to Artemis, Raven, and Jasper's pleas and told the truth to their people. Clarke crowd sourced like they talked about, and Artemis tried to stay for the meeting, but, she had work to do. 

After the patients were placed in beds and chairs, Jackson, Artemis, and the three nurses began their examinations. Artemis was handed five files, as she read the first one, she walked up to the bed matching the number on her file. She saw a little girl, no older than 12 sitting there. 

Artemis took a deep breath as she walked up to her, "Hi, I'm Dr. Blake. Do you mind if i take a look at the cut?" She gently held her hand out, hoping the little girl would place her arm in it. 

She hesitated for a moment, before putting her arm in Artemis' hand. Artemis rolled up the little girl's sleeve to reveal a 4 inch blade cut, bruising around the wrists, and 2 puncture wounds on her palm. 

Artemis cleaned the wounds with moonshine, "This might sting a little bit." She pressed the cloth to her arm for a second, then pulled away, then another second on, then off, and repeated this on all the wounds to prevent anymore pain. 

"Okay, I'm gonna give you an IV. Do you know what that is?" 

The little girl shook her head no. "An IV is a needle attached to a bag that holds liquid in it, it can take blood from you, it can give blood to you, and it can put medicine into your bloodstream. Right now, i'm just gonna be putting water into your blood stream, and taking some blood from you." 

The little girl looked confused when she said 'take some blood from you', so Artemis began to elaborate, "I'm going to take the blood so we can see if there is anything going on inside the bloodstream, or organs. Then we'll give you some medicine for the pain, sound good?" 

She nodded, and Artemis began to look for a vein on her arm. Once she found a thick enough vein, she quickly stuck the IV in, taping it to her arm. The little girl shivered as she felt the cold water gush through her blood. Then, on the other arm, Artemis stuck the needle in, sucked some blood out, then pulled it out of her arm. 

"Alright, i'll be back in a few minutes and we can get that medicine in you." Artemis smiled at her patient, walking away, and going into the lab. She handed the blood to the MLT, to be tested. 

Artemis walked back to the bed, and there stood a blonde man who seemed to be talking to the little girl. "Hi, I'm Dr. Blake--" 

"You're Bellamy's sister, right?" 

"That i am." Artemis grabbed a small medicine bottle that had morphine in it. She viewed the girls chart, measuring the right amount to her weight. 

"I'm Riley." He held out his hand for her to shake, but he noticed that she was busy, so he put it down. Artemis began to replace the water flowing through her bloodstream, with the pain killer.

"Nice to meet you, Riley. If you'll excuse me." She walked between him and the bed, "You should start feeling a bit better soon." She smiled and walked away from the bed, moving on to her next patient.  

It was about 03:00 when Artemis and Jackson were clocking out of med-bay. And as Artemis slid the keycard, she felt herself beginning to fall asleep. She walked quickly to her quarters, taking off her shoes, coat, and jeans. 

She slipped into bed beside Jasper, wrapping an arm around him. He snuggled into her, "What took you so long?" 

"I'll tell you about it tomorrow. Sleep, pretty boy." 

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