The seven villains are my bro...

Bởi luvbangton

543K 57.8K 21.1K

"A sister? Such a bothersome word" "Oi,what's up with her? is she mentally ill?" "she has too much energy to... Xem Thêm

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
chapter 25
Chapter 26
chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
chapter 38
chapter 39
Chapter 40
chapter 41
chapter 42
chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
chaptet 46
chapter 47
chapter 48
Chapter 50
Season 2|Ch.51
Season 2|Ch.52
Season 2|Chapter 53
Season 2|Chapter 54
Season 2|Chapter 55
Season 2|chapter 56
Season 2|chapter 57
Season 2|chapter 58
Season 2|chapter 59
Season 2|Chapter 60
Season 2|Chapter 61
Season 2|chapter 62
Season 2|chapter 63
Season 2|chapter 64
Season 2|chapter 65
Season 2|chapter 66
Season 2|chapter 67
Season 2|chapter 68
Season 2|chapter 69
Season 2|chapter 70
Season 2|chapter 71
Season 2|chapter 72
Season 2|chapter 73
Season 2|chapter 74
Season 2|chapter 75
Season 2|chapter 76
Season 2|chaper 77
Season 2|chapter 78
Season 2|chapter 79
Season 2|chapter 80
Season 2|chapter 81
Season 2|chapter 82
Season 2|chapter 83
Season 2|chapter 84
Season 2|chapter 85
Season 2|chapter 86
Season 2|chapter 87
Season 2|chapter 88
Season 2|chapter 89
Season 3|Chapter 90
season 3|Chapter 91
Luca and Jaykar
Orpheus and Nabi
Season 3|chapter 92
Season 3|chapter 93
Season 3|Chapter 94
Season 3|Chapter 95
Season 3|Chapter 96
Season 3|Chpater 97
Season 3|Chapter 98
Season 3|Chapter 99
Season 3|Chapter 100
Season 3|Chapter 101
Season 3|Chapter 102
Season 3|Chapter 103
Season 3|Chaptet 104
Season 3|Chapter 105
Season 3|Chapter 106
Season 3|Chaptet 107
Season 3|Chapter 108
Season 3|Chapter 109
Season 3|chaptet 110
Season 3|Chapter 111
Season 3|Chapter 112
Season 3|chapter 113
Season 3|Chapter 114
Season 3|Chapter 115
Season 3|Chapter 116
Season 3|Chaptet 117
Season 3|Chapter 118
Season 3|Chapter 119
Season 3|Chapter 120
Season 3|Chaptet 121
Season 3|Chapter 122
Season 3|Chapter 123
Season 3|Chaptet 124
Season 3|Chapter 125
Season 3|Chapter 126
Season 3|Chapter 127
Season 3|Chapter 128
Season 3|Chapter 129

chapter 49

4.4K 524 237
Bởi luvbangton



Taehyung stared at his crystal ball with an intensive stare. Inside that ball was a female figure from another dimension. This was his sister when she was in the other world. She was a beautiful girl in her youth but her expression was far way different from what he's seen from Hazel. Nabi was tired and fake. Her smile,her words,her personality,everything was fake. There was no hint of happiness in those eyes.

He recalled the words of his father when he confronted him. The truth about Hazel -no,the truth about Nabi. A soul from another dimension.

"She is your sister Taehyung. No,they are your sisters. Both Nabi and Hazel...."

Taehyung cursed under his breath and took a deep breath. He had done enough thinking about it. Why does it matter now? He doesn't care about the real Hazel now. What he has is Nabi in Hazel's body. That's all he needs to see. But he pondered if he should confront his sister about this or not.

"She doesn't know that father was the one who brought her back with Dylan's help,right? Then I shouldn't confront for the time being",he mumbled to himself as he stood up. He walked towards the window to see the massive greenery that surrounded the magic tower. On the ground,he could see trainee mages training with their mana energy.

A certain man with blonde hair caught his attention. He had royal features which spoke the authority he has. He is a relative of that imperial family and the only mage that has been trying to catch upto him. Taehyung's rival in the magic tower.

"I probably should head back home now",he shut his window and sighed. He had heard that Hazel had gone to see their grandfather few days ago. "She should be back home by now"

And when he teleported himself to the manor,he was met with a fist punch on the face. Taehyung cursed loudly as he fell back regretting for not teleporting straight to his room. He just had to teleport himself right in the middle of the living room and get sucker punched by some idiot.

"I hope it hurt you",Jungkook growled stretching his fist as he looked down at Taehyung.

"What the fuck! What was that for?!"

Jungkook rolled his eyes,"Heard you ignored Hazel and left without seeing her"


" 'oh'? That's all you gotta say?"

Taehyung winced as he got up with a bruised cheek,"I'm here now,ain't I? Let me see her now"

Jimin popped out of nowhere next to Jungkook,"No in a hell way. We won't let you see her"

Taehyung was flabbergasted,"Why not?!"

Jungkook,"Why should we let a stranger meet our sister"

Taehyung,"How am I a stranger now?"

Jimin,"Aren't you? You ignored her like a plague and went on your on. Only strangers do that"

Taehyung groaned in irritation,"Come on! I'm going to apologise okay? Now tell me where is she?"

Jungkook,"As if we'd tell you. Go near her and I'll kill you bastard"

Taehyung smirked cockily and snickered,"I'd like to see how you idiots gonna stop a mage like me"

Jimin,"Don't underestimate holy knights. You're just a bastard with mana but we are knights with holy powers"

"You guys need to stop!",Hazel's voice boomed through the hallways as she strode towards them with an annoyed look. "It's too early to start a ruckus"

Taehyung's eyes immediately lit up seeing her and was about to approach her but Jungkook and Jimin were quick to block him with crossed arms.

Taehyung,"Hazel! Let's have a talk,shall we? "

Hazel raised an eyebrow and crossed her arms over her chest too,"Wow,you want to speak to me now? Go back and return after an year. I'll think about forgiving you then"

Jungkook and Jimin snickered mockingly while Taehyung's jaw dropped to the floor.

"I -I am sorry alright? I was a jerk!"

Hazel scoffed,"You realise it now? It's surprisingly unbelievable coming from you"

Taehyung was flustered and embarrassed that he had to admit he was a jerk infront of Jungkook and Jimin. His whole face was red from embarrassment but he couldn't back away now.

"I know right,Taehyung,did you eat something wrong?",Jimin teased him more.

Hazel sighed seeing her poor brother being embarrassed to the point he is shaking. Everyone is ganging up on him because of her so she has to stop it. "Alright,let's stop this. Taehyung,let's go"

Jungkook tsked,"Are you seriously forgiving him?"

Hazel,"What? You forgot already that you also ignored me when we were in Grandpa's house? Should I ignore you too?"

Now it's time to Taehyung and Jimin to look at Jungkook who was visibly shaken from Hazel's words. Jimin scoffed loudly,"Goodness gracious! What a story! So I am the only one who has the right to speak now huh?"

Hazel,"Not really. Do I need to remind you how you used to ignore me?"

"Come on! That's way past the time!! We are talking about the present!",Jimin whined.

Hazel,"You three are no good at all. Taehyung,do you want to talk or not?"

Taehyung flinched and nodded vigorously,"Of course! Of course! Let's go!"

"Let's go to my room. Ruby,would you please prepare tea and deserts for us?",Hazel asked as she walked towards the staircase with her brother following behind like a lost puppy.


Hazel sighed looking at the purple bruise on Taehyung's face. Jungkook really went too far with his punch. She placed the tea cup on the table and looked at him who was sitting across the table infront of her. The table was filled with various deserts and cakes which are all Hazel's favourite.

"You can heal yourself right? Or are you trying to play pitiful infront of me? That won't work",Hazel said.

Taehyung cleared his throat and healed his little bruise with magic and looked at her hesitantly. "So,uhm...sorry?"

Hazel wanted to smack him and Bury him ten feet under the ground. After all this time,'sorry' ??? Is that all he could say?

"Here I thought I'd receive some explanation. Taehyung,you! You ignored me after I snapped! Why?"

Taehyung looked away biting his lips as he was trying to form some lies. He couldn't believe he never thought of a lie to explain why he left like that. He was in his own world that he failed to notice Hazel's eyes turning dark a little bit.

"Is it....",..."because of my soul?"

Taehyung felt his breath having a sudden halt hearing the words from a low deep tone. He went pale within a second as he snapped his head towards his sister. The blank expression on her face said that he didn't misheard anything. She said it.

Taehyung stuttered as he opened his mouth,"W -What"

Hazel's lips curved up a bit but that wasn't a happy expression. "I've been thinking.....ah...yes. I have underestimated you so much. But I guess,I can't do it anymore. Did you perhaps....happen to see my soul that day?"

Taehyung gulped hard as he looked away without answering.

"I guessed it so that's it huh?",...."It's okay Taehyung"

Taehyung looked at her wearily with squinted eyes.

Hazel,"I already knew that you'll find out about it sooner or later. So,what else you know?"

Taehyung cleared his throat without meeting her eyes. His plan to stay ignorant had gone to toilet and he had no choice left now. But still he could pretend to know nothing about other details. "That's all",he mumbled.

"Oh really?"


Hazel raised an eyebrow as she stared at him intensively as if she knew he is lying.

"What about papa? You didn't confront him?"

Taehyung's eyes were about pop out of the sockets. "You knew?!"

Hazel,"Gotcha. So you know that he was the one who brought me back with Dylan's help"

"Was it that bastard prince who told you?!",Taehyung exclaimed.

Hazel was calm and collected as she answered honestly,"Oh no. He didn't tell me about you. I just figured. But Dylan said a thing or two about this whole soul shifting thing"

Taehyung,"You don't make any sense"

Hazel smiled innocently as she stood up. She made herself sit next to Taehyung as she ate a cupcake savouring the taste. "Taehyung,how much far do you know?"

Taehyung seriously felt scared with this weird behaviour of his sister.She wasn't normal at all in his point of view right now. He figured that she knows a lot than he thought. Then is there a reason to hide what he knows? Maybe she is being wary of him because of her secret? He didn't want to see her like this.

"Alright",he sighed as he kept his elbows on his knees as he leaned forward. "The spell Dylan used to bring you here, it wasn't just one spell,right? Soul shifting spell with time travelling to past. We are back from a far future where we were already dead"

Hazel kept quiet listening to him.

"We all came back in time except for one person. Hazel,the real Hazel Pendragon who was my uncle's daughter. My father initially wanted to bring her back but Hazel's soul interfered with Dylan's spells which made you shift into her body from another dimension",...."And I figured that real Hazel must have had some magic in her otherwise she couldn't have been able to do it"

Taehyung looked at unsurprised Hazel which proved she knew it. So he continued again.

"When the spell is being casted,the caster and the requester should be in the same array. Father said he met real Hazel's soul when they were in the array. And had heard a shocking fact from her",...."Do you know why Hazel chose you?"

Hazel stayed silent for a moment before opening her lips. "Because we are different.....but at the same time....we are the same......we are siblings born from the same mother at the same time. We are twins"

"So you knew everything",Taehyung wasn't sure if he should be shocked or not. She knew it. How? When? "Hazel -no, Nabi, how did you know everything?"

"It doesn't matter. So....what do you think? Do you hate me? For deceiving you?"

Taehyung sighed as he shook his head,"What are you saying? Even if you're not Hazel's sister,I'd have never hated you"

Hazel looked away with a sad smile. She again looked at Taehyung's concerned face and softened her gaze. "You know.....I'm happy. You're my brother. The seven of you are my everything"

Taehyung had so many other questions. The puzzle of her life ran to no end with no answer. With every puzzle piece he found,he only saw it getting complex. A fire maze with no end,a promise to burn you alive with every step you take. But seeing Nabi's sincere eyes,he wasn't scared at all. If it is for her,then he is ready to get burnt.


Hazel smiled softly,"Hearing my real name from you is comforting enough. But I'm Hazel Pendragon now. Not Nabi Pendragon"

"Please....tell me what's going on? Father said you don't know anything. But you....clearly know everything. How did you end up in another world? Father doesn't seem to know either"

Hazel,"Of course he doesn't know. That's why I went to grandpa"

Suddenly,Hazel's soft gaze changed. A look of blank took over her as he gazed at Taehyung's crimson eyes. She slowly circled her arms around his neck taking him for a hug which he hesitantly accepted.

"Taehyung, you're the greatest mage to ever walk on this world. Not Dylan,not any other person. It's you. But you see.....that's why I can't let you see through me. Please....forget about it"

A red light emitted from Hazel's palm which was on the back of Taehyung's head.

Taehyung blinked a couple of times and fell a sleep on Hazel's shoulder.

"I'm sorry. You're going to forget about what you know. It's all for your sake"

Hazel laid Taehyung on the couch and stood up. Her eyes shed a tear that fell on Taehyung's cheek.

She wouldn't let him step into the fire maze. She wouldn't let the fire burn him. It's her job to get burnt.


Hey guys

Hope you enjoyed

See ya soon

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