The Akuma (Ghost X Y/n)

By SinistxrCatx

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A mission futile without you is on Captain Price's hands. Coming from a despicable family, you've become the... More

(っ◔◡◔)っ ♥ INTRO ♥ {Please Read}
Ch. 1) The Fool
Ch. 2) The Capture
Ch. 3) Curiosity Killed the Cat
Ch. 4) Mission Possible?
Ch. 5) The Grinch
Ch. 6) Sweet Dreams or Wet Dreams
Ch. 7) Stare Into My Soul
Ch. 8) Killer Whales
Ch. 9) Inner Child
Ch. 10) This Feeling
Ch. 11) A Dream Come True
Ch. 12) Family Reunion
Ch. 13) A Ghost Can't Die
Ch. 14) Lost And Found
Ch. 16) Stubborn Search
Ch. 17) Simon Says
Ch. 18) Staring Contest
Ch. 19) Trust Fall
Ch. 20) Jealous of The King
Ch. 21) Call Me Your Aphrodisiac
Ch. 22) Self Care
Ch. 23) Secret Service
Ch. 24) My Love Mine All Mine

Ch. 15) Nothing Means Nothing

2.9K 88 71
By SinistxrCatx


You stood over his lifeless body, looking down at him with nothing but pure indignation and disgust. The sirens and yells ran around in your eardrums. Adrenaline coursed through your body speeding up your breath and heartbeat. Blood covered his face but you knew it was him. You grabbed your sickle out of your back pocket and kneeled down next to him. You scanned his body, gazing over it as the grip you had on your sickle tightened. Impulsively, you quickly and forcefully struck the sickle in his stomach. Putting your other hand on it, you began sawing down his stomach using a significant amount of strength. Finally once his inner organs were obvious and on display, putting your sickles aside on the ground, you reached inside, pulling out with your hands submerged in his blood. You stood there for a while, looking at the blood on your hands, then went over to a nearby wall and drew on it. You didn't realize what you were drawing until you were finished.

Taking a couple of steps back, you admired the wall and your work. You drew devil horns. You didn't know exactly why, but you did. It was almost like your subconscious mind took over your body. Your head was clear, your mind was free from all of your thoughts and emotions. You looked back down at his body, kneeling beside him again. You got ahold of your sickle and stabbed him underneath his head in the middle of his jaw. You watched as the shiny black blade quickly slide in from his open mouth and then you pulled it out. Flicking your wrist to get some blood off of it, you put it back in your pocket, glanced back at him, and left as quickly as you could. 

Running. Your legs moved automatically while you ran. You weren't running from anything, or anyone. No. You were hunting . Coming across anyone meant certain death for them. power walk as your limbs became heavy and your heart worked harder than it ever had to before. Walking around, you noticed you barely heard any yelling anymore, just the wailing of the sirens. You kept walking then finally, you saw at the end of the hall, the back of a familiar women on her knees, kneeling over something. It didn't take you long to start sprinting up to her as fast as you could not caring about the state you were in, but then what she said stopped you.

"Do it."

You halted your sprint now only a couple of feet away from her. The awareness of your heavy breathing accompanied with the sirens were interrupted by a loud clang as you saw a knife drop from her hands.

"Do it, kill me."  

You heard the rage of sadness she had in her voice. That's when you realized what she was kneeling over. 

Your brother.

His lifelessness was apparent.


She quickly grabbed the knife beside her and turned around charging at you while screaming but you instinctively blocked with one of your sickles and drove the other one into your mother's head making her body drop immediately. Your arm went with her body as you kept ahold of your sickles . Putting your foot on her head you pulled out your sickle. You only glanced at your brother before going hunting again, somewhere else.


Your eyes fluttered open as you felt a certain weight on your chest. Opening your eyes completely, you saw Orca. You softly smiled before reaching your hand to pet her, she purred and meowed at the warmth of your hand. You took a deep breath and stretched waking your muscles up. A releasing sigh left your mouth as you relaxed back into the bed looking at Orca. You contemplated going back to sleep for a while but the time on the clock convinced you otherwise. You gently grabbed Orca placing her off of you and got up to get dressed. It was already 9 am. You decided to brush off your dream, as you thought it meant nothing. Well you didn't know if it meant nothing but it's probably just your brain trying to process it all. The dream you had was of your brother that night, when all hell broke loose. You dreamed if Ghost had gotten killed and not him, you didn't remember a lot but you recalled that much. As you were getting dressed a wave of desire to go back to that place swept over your body. As you brushed your teeth you wondered where this was coming from and could there be a reason why you want to go so badly. Your curiosity grew as the minutes went by, and then you decided.

Just finishing getting dressed you reached for the door and handle to open the door. Swiping some lint off of your pants you opened the door and were met with Ghost with his fist up in the air about to knock. 

"Oh hey" You said softly, yawning right after. You were tired considering the fact you had only got 4 hours of sleep.

"You should go rest."

"Hm? Then why were you about to knock on my door."

"Captain asked me to get you breakfast, so what do you want?"

"Eh not hungry right now." You said about to walk out of your room but Ghost didn't move "Um excuse me, i'm trying to get through."

"Where are you going?" He asked, you shrugged.


"Yea no, you need to rest, go lay in bed i'll get you breakfast."

"Ghost I'm fine."

"Go rest."

"Ghost seriously i'm fine."

"I'm not going to say it again."

He had that look in his eye, it was intense and intimidating. Apart of you wanted to succumb, but you weren't going to do that easily. You crossed your arms not moving a muscle closer to your bed. It took about 2 seconds until Ghost picked you up, putting you over his shoulder he plopped you back into your bed.

"I'll tie you to your bed if I have to." He said, you sat up on the bed.

"Why do you care."

"I don't, Captain asked me too."

"He asked you to force me to rest?" He didn't reply but started to walk away. "Hey I'm talking to you"

"Yeah well put a sock in it." He said before closing the door shut. You heard as his footsteps slowly escape out of your ears. Once it was silent you walked to the door slowly peering out of it to see if anyone was near. Not seeing anybody, you grabbed your sickles and creeped out closing the door behind you making your way to the exit. You walked through the hall as soldiers walked by you too engaged into their conversation to acknowledge you. FInally you made it to the exit where you told the watch guards you were going for a walk.

"And where might you be heading to darling?"

"My name is y/n not darling, now open the gates."

The soldier stared at you for a bit.

"Open them." You repeated.

He the looked at the other soldier on watch, signaling for him to let you out. As you walked you heard them briefly talk on their walkie talkies about breakfast. Heading for the woods you tried to recall what direction to go. Reminiscing to Ghost carrying you, you kept trying to remember anything that would help. As you walked, you were stuck in your head, then finally you had your 'aha" moment when you remembered cameras, they were on the ground. You hope they weren't hallucinations that night from your injuries as you searched for any sign of cameras. That's when you heard a some rustling come from behind you. You turned and shock ran through you from what you saw.

Ghost's POV

Heading down the stairs I passed a couple of soldiers. They looked at me and one of the men said that I was lucky, I was confused by it since I didn't hear anything else emitting context. But as I shrugged it off I went to get some breakfast at the cafe. 

"Aw man I'm starving." I heard one soldier say. I turned around briefly but then did a double take once I realized it was the watch guards.

"Soldiers, what are you doing out of your posts?" 

"We asked others to cover for us while we get breakfast, Lieutenant."

I nodded and turned back away.

"What about you, didn't you already eat?" The other soldier asked me

I didn't feel the need to respond to them but they kept looking at me waiting for it.

"This is for y/n"

"Oh y/n? But she went out."


"Yeah, she said she was going on a walk."

"Son of a bitch!" I said running to the exit.

2nd POV

You watched as the deer ate something of the ground. It was gorgeous it had long great antlers and moved it's head elegantly while looking around. You had crouched down by a nearby bush just admiring it. You held on to the bush for balance but then one of the branches snapped at your grasp causing the deer to take off without hesitation. You let out a soft sigh and kept looking for the cameras. After a while of walking through the woods you stepped on something, well actually a lot of it. Gun shells, you knew you were close by. After a minute you didn't need to look for the cameras as you saw the big wooden cabin in front of you. You looked at it for a moment, almost waiting for a sign as not to go in. But after a couple of seconds your impatience grew and so did your curiosity, making your legs move. You got to the door that was wide open and immediately saw a guy on the floor, you stared at him seeing that he was really tall. Your head directed up seeing a metal door also wide open, you made your way through letting your curiosity take the wheel.

Walking through the white light hallways, it was so silent you heard your heartbeat. Step by step, you creeped around still unsure if everyone was dead or gone. As you passed through the hallways, some of them were accompanied with lifeless bodies as some were empty. You knew what you were looking for. You also knew this wasn't the best Idea and how Ghost probably already went to bring you your food and didn't see you there.

'He's probably looking for me right now.'

That thought did nothing but encourage you to move quicker. You now skimmed down the hall not bothering of being cautious anymore. After a while of walking around trying to find him you came to a stop when you skimmed over a certain man laying on the ground, blood pooled out of his head.

You slowly approached him mentally preparing yourself. Standing over him now, you stared at his body watching it and trying to muster up the courage to do it. You took your sickles out of you pocket and had them in hand, your heart beated faster as you raised your hand about to do it.

"You fucking dipshit." You turned your head seeing Ghost standing at the end of the hallway "What in the bloody hell do you think you're doing?!"

He then angrily walked towards you, slowing down his pace when he realized who you were standing over coming to a complete stop right next to you. Your eyes went back on to your brothers dead body. There was nothing but silence, then you felt Ghost's gaze onto you.

"You know that one incident," You started to say "when I killed my family and anyone in my proximity."Ghost stayed quiet. 

"I saw him die. Well I didn't see him die..but, I saw him dead." Ghost looked at your brother. "My mother did it. I found her with a knife, and his dead body right next to her. I killed her not long after...till this day I have no idea why she did it, or if she ever even did it." You confessed, still staring at your brother.  Ghost turned his eyes towards you again.

"Come on let's go."

He said reaching out to your hands pushing them down making you put your sickles back in your pockets. You looked at him and then back at your brother then nodded.

"yeah, you're right." 

You started to walked away as Ghost glanced at your brother once more and then followed. 

~~Time Skip~~

You were sat on your bed eating your breakfast burrito. Orca sat on your lap begging and practically praying for some of your food. Ghost had gone to go do something with the task force right after you had gotten breakfast. You held your plate in one hand while scratching Orca below her chin when you heard a knock and the door.

"It's Captain." You heard his slightly muffled voice behind the closed door

"Come in."

Captain price opened the door and leaned on the door frame.

"How you holding up?" He asked

"Good. Thanks to this burrito." You said taking another big bite. He smiled to himself and sat down on your bed adjacent to your feet.

"Ghost told me about the little one."


"It's fine, I won't make you throw it away or anything."

"Her," You corrected him "her name is Orca."


You both sat in silence for a while until he spoke again.

"So, when do you think you'll be ready to get back on track with training?"

"I told Ghost that I could today but he said you insisted on me resting."

"Hm? I never insisted that, i sent him to see if you could teach today."

"Oh. Well, that's not what he said." You said taking another bite of your burrito.

"Interesting." Price said ominously.

"What is?"

"Nothing. I'll let you be," He said getting up and heading towards the door "Oh by the way, later on if you could discuss with Laswell and I your plans for the next 8 months, that'll be well appreciated." 

"You got it." You said taking another bite. He smiled and walked out the door.

You wondered why Ghost lied to you and Price for a while, but then got distracted with Orca. After you were finished with your burrito you figured you'd pass the time with watching your favorite show on your laptop.

Although, thinking about it again you figured

'It probably meant nothing.'

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