
By _tillifall_

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(Taekook FF) Jeon Jungkook was an orphan sold into a life of abuse and assault by his adopted parents. At th... More

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191 8 0
By _tillifall_

"Hidden behind shiny lights and jewelry..."

>1 month later<
>Author's POV<

"And you're positive that he'll be there?" Taehyung raised an eyebrow.

Hoseok nodded. "Yes, V. He'll be there, your promotional ceremony is a big thing. Vick will want to be there to ruin it."

"If he's there...then we'll be able to kill that son of a bitch." Taehyung growled darkly.

Hoseok nodded. "Me and the rest of your men will be scouting the area, and we'll let you know if anything happens, public or not." Hoseok affirmed. 

"Thanks, Hoseok. You are dismissed." Taehyung waved his hand. 

His right hand hitman bowed then left. Taehyung rubbed his chin thoughtfully, if Hoseok's assumption was right, Vick would be taken down and all of this fear and anger would be gone, finally. 

Taehyung puckered his lips, picking up his phone. "Namjoon, get Yoongi and meet in my office, please." He said over the phone. 

Not long after, Namjoon and Yoongi entered his office. 

"What's up, Tae? Anything new?" Namjoon asked, closing the door securely.

"Yes, you guys know tomorrow is my promotion ceremony." Taehyung began. 

"It's funny how you got an even higher position, aren't you already the CEO?" Yoongi snickered. 

Taehyung rolled his eyes. "We believe Vick is going to be there, I need you two to be with me tomorrow just in case it gets ugly." 

"Oh yes, finally! I need some action." Yoongi whistled. 

"How many people will there be at the event?" Namjoon questioned. 

"Just the media and my employees. A nice enough crowd to hide in." Taehyung stated. 

"Alright, sounds good." 

"Yeah! I finally got to beat some people's asses." Yoongi grinned, cracking his knuckles. 

"Three things you like in this world, Park Jimin, sleeping and beating people's asses." Namjoon muttered, shaking his head. 

"You know it." Yoongi smirked, following Namjoon out of the office. 

Taehyung chuckled at his hyungs then sighed, worried that Vick wasn't going to be there and all of this preparation was going to waste. However, Vick could be there and it'll end everything. Now that sounded like a good plan. 

Taehyung got startled by a soft knock, and he quickly cleared his throat. 

"Come in, " he said, composing himself. 

The door opened and two big doe eyes stared back at him, a warm smile on those rosy lips. 

"Bunny!" Taehyung exclaimed happily. 

Jungkook smiled gently. "Good afternoon, sugar~ I brought you lunch." 

"Aww, bun, you shouldn't have." Taehyung smiled. 

"You barely eat, babe. You need to stay healthy." Jungkook frowned cutely, settling himself on his boyfriend's lap. 

"Whatever you say, my love." Taehyung hummed, kissing his lover's lips gently. 

After eating their delicious meal together, Jungkook spoke up. 

"There's a lot of commotion going on, what's everyone busying themselves with?" Jungkook wondered in a puzzled tone. 

"Don't worry about it, Kookie. I have a promotion ceremony tomorrow, that's why." Taehyung lied. 

Jungkook pouted suddenly. "Does that mean you'll be gone all day tomorrow?" 

Taehyung nodded, brushing his fingers over the younger's cheeks. "I'm sorry, bun." 

"Can't I go with you? Jin and Jimin are going with Namjoon and Yoongi, can't I go with you?" Jungkook pouted more profoundly, his big doe eyes making his boyfriend's heart cave in. 

"I don't know, bunny..." Taehyung hesitated. 

"Pleeeeasee?? I want to see your company building, please?" The younger pleaded. 

Taehyung sighed then nodded slowly. "Fine, you can come with me."

"Yayy! Thank you, Tae!" Jungkook squealed happily, kissing his lover's lips.

Taehyung smiled. "Anything for you, bunny."

And anything he would get for his precious baby, anything at all.

<Time skip: Next Day>

"Mmm...which suit to choose, which..."

"Kooks! Are you ready??" Jimin yelled, entering the couple's shared room closet.

"Yeah, everyone's– Kookie! You're not even out of your nightgown!" Jin gasped. 

"Guys! I know it's bad! I just can't choose what to wear! This is my first time going to my lover's company and I can't decide what to wear!" Jungkook groaned, turning to his best friends, "help me please?" He whined. 

Jin and Jimin grinned at each other. "Oh, we'll help for sure." 

Before Jungkook could blink, he whirled around and his hyungs dressed him according to their tastes. 

Jin smiled, facing the younger one to the big mirror. "How about this one?" 

"Too flashy." Jungkook shook his head at the deep purple outfit he wore. 

Another outfit was tried. 

"This one?" Jimin asked, smirking. 

"Too sexy! This exposes my chest!" Jungkook gasped, his black shirt see-through. 

Both men sighed then tried again. 

"How about this one?" Jimin raised his eyebrows. 

Jungkook finally smiled, running his hands over the smooth black jacket. "Yes, this one is perfect."

"Yay! You look beautiful, Kookie. Now time for makeup and hair!" 

"Ooo, let's add highlights!" 

"Wait, what?!" 

Taehyung sighed, glancing at his watch. "What's taking them so long?" 

"You know how Jin and Jimin are, they're probably showering Kook-ah with glitter." Namjoon chuckled, shaking his head knowingly. 

"We have to go though, Hoseok texted me saying the men are in their positions." Yoongi mumbled. 

Taehyung nodded, turning to one of the maids. "Can you go get–" 

"We're here!" Jin exclaimed, flourishing his arm as he stepped down the stairs. 

Namjoon smiled widely. "You look stunning, princess." 

"When do I not?" Jin smirked, wrapping his arms around his lover's torso. 

"How do I look, kitty?" Jimin pouted, walking towards his boyfriend, his outfit glimmering. 

Yoongi sighed, pecking the latter's lips. "Too good for my sanity." 

Jimin giggled while Jungkook shyly stepped down the stairs, his pretty eyes staring at his lover only. Taehyung looked at his boyfriend with so much love and admiration, not believing this perfect man was his. 

"How do I look...?" He asked shyly, combing his hair which was newly decorated with blue strands. 

"Beautiful, sir." Both maids and butlers chorused. 

Jungkook looked back at his boyfriend, who immediately pulled him to his side. 

"You look divine, my love." Taehyung murmured into his ear, placing a loving kiss on his cheek. 

Jungkook blushed madly at his words. "Thank you." 

"Do you have any questions regarding today's event, bun?" Taehyung asked once they all settled into the limo. 

"Um, who's gonna be there? Are there going to be a lot of people?" The younger asked nervously. 

"It won't be too many people, the reporters are the only problem. Don't be afraid of the cameras, bun, and don't answer the reporters questions, they only ask awful stuff." Taehyung rolled his eyes. 

Jungkook scooted closer to his lover. "Will there be a big commotion because I'll be there?" 

"Mhm, smart bunny. Reporters will go crazy when I introduce my boyfriend." 

"Y-You'll introduce me? To everyone?" Jungkook widened his eyes. 

"Of course, bunny. Does that make you uncomfortable?" Taehyung asked worriedly. 

"No, it doesn't at all. I want women and men to know you're mine." Jungkook pouted, snuggling his head into his lover's neck. 

The older one chuckled, kissing his head. "You're too adorable, bunny." 

"We have arrived, Mr. Kim." Tony, the driver stated. 

Jungkook could see many people already swarming the car and the shiny tall building too, it fascinated him to see such a tall building, but he didn't have time to think as Taehyung grabbed his hand and pulled him out of the dark car, into the loud voice plus bright clicks. 

All the cameras were focused on the rest of his friends until they stepped out and all the reporters quickly surrounded them. 

"Pause for a moment, bun." Taehyung whispered in his lover's ear, his hand tightly around his tiny waist. 

Jungkook blinked rapidly as all the reporters snapped pictures in his face, he was grateful for the bodyguards blocking the eager people. 

"Let's move now, bun." Taehyung instructed quietly, directing the nervous younger toward the entrance of the building, and that's when the questions started. 

"Mr. Kim! Over here! Who's this with you?!" One reporter yelled though Taehyung didn't answer. 

"Is this your boyfriend, Mr. Kim!?" A lady news reporter asked this time. 

Just as they were about to enter the building, reporters turned to the younger. 

"And just who are you, sir?! What is your relationship with Mr. Kim?!" They all just about shouted. 

Jungkook flinched at their loud vocals, grateful they finally stepped into the wide lobby, the door closing behind them, shutting out those noisy reporters to a muffled murmur. 

"You okay, bunny?" Taehyung stopped, worriedly looking at his boyfriend. 

"I'm okay, I'm just not used to that..." Jungkook shuddered. 

"Well, this happens often. This is the life of being a boyfriend to a famous CEO." Taehyung laughed while Jungkook playfully elbowed his side. 

Their laughter died down as they approached the rest of their friends, who were waiting to the side with another male next to them. 

The young couple bowed to the man, who greeted them formally. 

"Bunny, this is Cho Anjin, he is my co-founder." Taehyung introduced, "Cho, this is my boyfriend, Jungkook." 

Cho smiled. "Nice to meet you, Jungkook." 

"You as well." Jungkook flushed gently, bowing his head again.

"Congratulations again on your promotion, Taehyung. Let's greet the board of directors, they want to see you before we start the ceremony." Cho said, leading the group deeper into the building until they reached a wide space where a small stage laid. 

"Are these people your bosses, Tae?" Jungkook whispered, glancing at the group of expressionless directors. 

"Mhmm, don't worry, they might be strict but they get things done." Taehyung informed quietly. 

"Will you show me around after the ceremony?" Jungkook asked eagerly. 

"Of course, bunny." Taehyung kissed the younger's hair gently. 

Jungkook beamed excitedly yet he quickly gripped Taehyung's tux as the board of directors stared at the couple.

They all bowed deeply.

"Good to see you, Kim Taehyung." Ryun, one of the directors, said politely. 

"You as well, Mr. Jung." Taehyung smiled formally. 

"Excited for your promotion?" Won, another director chuckled. 

Taehyung laughed quietly. "Yes, sir." 

"And who might this be?" Emma, the only female director, smiled, tilting her head toward Jungkook. 

"Ah, please welcome my boyfriend, Jungkook." Taehyung said proudly, his hand tightening around his lover's waist. 

Jungkook bowed again. "It's very nice to meet all of you." 

They all nodded in agreement. 

"Well, we better get started. We'll see you up there, Kim." Ryun said and the directors walked away. 

"I better get ready as well. You'll be with Jimin and the rest of the guys in the crowd, okay? Cheer for me?" Taehyung smiled at his lover. 

Jungkook giggled. "I'll be the loudest one when you're announced." 

Taehyung chuckled, pecking the latter's lips. "Thanks, bunny." 

Jungkook placed a big kiss on the older's cheek. "Go get'em, babe!" 

Taehyung gently pinched his boyfriend's cute nose before walking off toward the stage. "Let's get our seats, Kookie!" Jin called out, waving the younger boy over to where all his hyungs were. 

Jungkook smiled, walking over to where they were at yet paused when he felt like someone was looking at him. 

He quickly glanced to his left, where a large hallway was at but nothing seemed out of the  ordinary. 

Jungkook shrugged, dismissing the weird feeling as he followed his hyungs to their seats, which were located at the foot of the stage. It wasn't long before everyone filled the area, the low murmur of talking all they could hear. It went quiet once Cho, the co-founder, stepped onto the stage. 

"Welcome and thank you all for being here, we are here to congratulate the promotion of the CEO of A.T company, Kim Taehyung." Cho smiled as Taehyung entered the stage, enlightening many claps and one loud recognizable voice cheering. 

Taehyung bowed deeply and walked forward to the podium, his speech very strong and firm, he assured everyone that this company would continue to thrive and how he would always put his employees first. 

Jungkook watched his boyfriend, HIS boyfriend up there, talking so amazingly, he admired him so much, his lover worked hard for this company and now it was paying off. The board of directors said a few words, congratulating the young CEO and that ended the whole event. 

If anything, Jungkook was the one who clapped the loudest out of the whole group as they all stood up. 

"That's my boyfriend!" Jungkook kept squealing to everyone he saw. 

All Taehyung wanted to do as he stepped off that stage was to run to his bunny and hug him tight, however the reporters quickly swarmed the CEO, taking his pictures and bombing questions on him. 

Jungkook gently smiled at his boyfriend when he suddenly squirmed.

He tapped Jin's shoulder. "Hyung, where's the restroom?" 

"Down that hall, Kookie." Jin pointed to the left, where luckily there were no press or reporters. 

"Thanks, Jinnie." Jungkook said, quickly heading toward that direction. 

"Hurry back!" Jin shouted. 

The younger didn't respond to his words as he quickly headed down the hall. 

It was oddly quiet, and Jungkook was worried he wouldn't be able to find the restroom. Fortunately, a sign was visible and he hurried inside the nicely decorated restroom. Jungkook did his business, feeling a bit queasy, making him lean on the wall, trying to calm his breathing. 

"I must've eaten something bad this morning.." Jungkook muttered to himself. 

"Are you okay, sir?" Jungkook yelped in surprise, snapping his neck up to see a tall lean man smiling at him gently. 

"I-I'm okay..." Jungkook said quietly, he wasn't used to being alone with people outside of the mansion yet. 

"Are you sure? You look very pale." The man said kindly, however Jungkook felt as if the man was faking it. 

"I'm okay, really. Thank you." Jungkook smiled politely, walking over to the sink. 

"You're Mr. Kim's boyfriend right?" The man asked, still staring at the younger. 

Jungkook tensed, worried he bumped into a reporter. "Yes, I am." 

"That's cool, I'm one of his employees." The man introduced. 

"Oh, nice to meet you." Jungkook smiled, bowing a little as he shuffled to the door, very much wanting to leave the uneasy conversation. 

"See you soon, Jungkook." The man grinned, playfully slapping the younger's shoulder as Jungkook quickly exited the restroom.

Jungkook frowned, what an odd man...wait, he never introduced did that man know–

"There you are, Kooks! Taehyung's looking for you!" Jimin yelled, waving his hand from down the hall. Jungkook shook his head, the man must have heard his name from afar, he shouldn't dwell too much on the thought. 

Yet that didn't stop Jungkook from hurrying back into the crowd of people. 

Relief filled the younger's body once he stepped back to where his hyungs and his boyfriend were. 

"Bunny!" Taehyung exclaimed happily, opening his arms. 

Jungkook giggled, jumping into his lover's arms, feeling his body being lifted up as warm lips pressed against his. 

Jungkook closed his eyes, enjoying the blissful kiss, hearing clicks of cameras. 

"I'm so proud of you, Tae..." Jungkook gushed once he was put down, caressing his hands across his boyfriend's cheeks. 

"Thank you, bunny." Taehyung blushed gently, his eyes shining with glee. 

"Are we gonna celebrate?" Jungkook asked. 

"Mhmm, let me show you around first." Taehyung said, his hand naturally wrapping around the younger's waist as they walked toward the elevators. 

Before Jungkook could express his excitement, reporters once again surrounded them, voices and cameras blinding them. 

This time, Jungkook smiled, waving sometimes. He was happy to represent himself as Taehyung's boyfriend, especially when some girls stared at him with jealousy. Jungkook just smirked at them, resting his head on his lover's shoulder as they entered the elevator. 

"Ready for a tour, bun?" 

"Mhmm!" Jungkook smiled gleefully, letting the older lead him around the huge building, telling him everything about it. 

As the tour went on, the sun began to set, letting a pretty sunset glitter onto the building. 

"We better get going if we want to celebrate." Taehyung noted as they rode down the elevator. 

Jungkook giggled playfully. "And I know just what to celebrate this promotion with," 

"And what's that?" Taehyung hummed, raising an eyebrow.

Jungkook slowly crept his hand up the older's chest, bringing their bodies closer together. Their eyes never looked away from each other as Jungkook leaned in, softly kissing each facial feature Taehyung had. 

"Me." Jungkook whispered his answer. 

Taehyung growled, immediately smashing his lips against the younger's. Their lips eagerly kissed each other, tongues fighting for dominance as hands curiously roamed around each other's bodies. 

Jungkook gasped lightly when Taehyung abruptly lifted him up and pushed his body onto the wall, making him whine as the older's hands went under his shirt.

"Taehyung..." Jungkook moaned softly, his fingers gripping the latter's black hair. 

"WOAH, guys!! What the hell do you think you're doing!?" Jimin squealed loudly. 

The couple broke apart, not realizing the elevator had stopped and opened. 

"My innocent eyes." Jin shuddered. 

Yoongi smirked. "Sex in an elevator, haven't tried that one yet, smart Tae." 

"What the fuck, Yoongs?" Namjoon gaped. 

Taehyung cleared his throat, gently putting his red boyfriend down and exited the elevator. "Sorry, I didn't see you all there." 

"Yeah, and if Jimin hadn't stopped you, Jungkook would've been under you." Yoongi snickered. 

"Just like how Jiminie was under you last night Yoongs?" Jungkook stated, raising an eyebrow. 

Yoongi blinked while the rest of them cracked up. 

"You've got a mouth, kid." Yoongi clicked his tongue. 

Jungkook just winked at him. 

"Anyway, before this conversation gets any crazier, we better get going, I want to party!" Jin clapped excitedly. 

"Yeah!" Jikook agreed. 

"Sounds good. We'll meet you all in the limo, Joon, Yoongs and I need to check something real quick, okay?" Taehyung said, giving the two males a look. 

"Okay, hurry back." Jungkook pecked his boyfriend's cheek then left with his hyungs. 

Taehyung glanced at his hyungs and they quickly walked towards the back of the building, where two men of Taehyung's stayed. They bowed as Taehyung passed and entered an office room. 

Hoseok got up from the chair he was sitting in and bowed at the three males. 

"How'd it go, Hoseok?" Taehyung questioned. 

"We get to beat anyone up?" Yoongi grinned. 

Hoseok chuckled at Yoongi's eagerness. "Actually no. Vick was here Taehyung, but our men weren't able to do anything since he stayed inside only for a bit." 

Taehyung clenched his teeth. "He got inside the building?" 

"Don't worry, Taehyung. He didn't do anything, but we were able to get one of his men in our clutches, we're gonna question him on your command." Hoseok informed. 

"Nice." Yoongi hissed in glee. 

"Thanks for your work, Hoseok. Torture that minion but don't kill him, I'll question him in a week." Taehyung planned. 

"Were you able to track the car Vick came in, Hoseok?" Namjoon wondered. 

"Yes, my men were able to see his car. They're tracking it as I speak. If we keep up, we might be able to find Vick's hideout." Hoseok smirked, victorious. 

Taehyung smirked as well. "Sounds like a plan." 

"Email me more details, Hoseok." Yoongi mentioned leaving the room with Namjoon. 

"Sure. Oh, and Taehyung?" Hoseok paused. 

"Yeah?" Taehyung twisted around. 

"Be careful, something tells me Vick's preparing something, and it ain't pretty."


oof, oki, this is getting longer than a oneshot lmao. Before, I thought of this as a oneshot since the plot wasn't fleshed out in some parts but seeing how many more chapters there is, I might change this to a ff than a oneshot.

Anyway, thank you all for reading! <3 Please excuse any grammer mistakes or typos <3

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