Life With The Parkers

By ItzSoniaPearl

990 206 13

Charlotte Hayes an average teenage girl living a normal life in Seattle had her life dictated for her, when s... More

Chapter 1 & The characters
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 72
Chapter 73
Chapter 74
Chapter 75
Chapter 76
Chapter 77
Chapter 78
Chapter 79
Chapter 80
Chapter 81
Chapter 82
Chapter 83
Chapter 84
Chapter 85
Chapter 86
Chapter 87
Chapter 88
Chapter 89
Chapter 90
Chapter 91
Chapter 92
Chapter 93
Chapter 94
Chapter 95
Chapter 96
New aesthetic for the characters
Chapter 97

Chapter 47

12 2 0
By ItzSoniaPearl

"A flower themed birthday party" Bianca stated and a wide grin spread across  Chadwick's lips. "Are you sure? I mean Arielle could be allergic to lots of things"

"Of course, she's my girl, we talk...a lot! She's literally obsessed with sunflowers" she nudged him with a short laugh.

He sighed. "I knew I could trust you and I owe you a big one. Maybe a boyfriend" she laughed uneasily. "You have no idea"

He chuckled. "So, where's the address?" She asked. "I'll send you details, we should start preparations today. You all are invited, including you Charlotte"

I forced out a smile. "No problem, I'll drop by after school. It's gonna be amazing" he smiled.

"You're the best"She smiled, the bell rang. "I gotta go, we will talk later" he began moving back. "Bye Chad!" She turned back to me and I shot her  a disapproving look.

"That's not cool"

"Plan B in progress, this would be splendid indeed" she grinned. "You said she's deathly allergic to sunflowers" I slammed the locker close.

"Stop being so dramatic, she collapse and then her skins peels off and then..." She notices the look I was sending her way. "He'd know you lied"

"True but he too has lost count of the shit she's allergic to. I'll plead my case and she ends up hating him for life"she walked to her locker.

"You're sick" I said and she chuckled darkly. "Hey Anca!" She yelped and turned back around to see Tyler.

"Shit! You scared me"



"Guess what I found today?" He asked with a smile. "I don't know-"

"A flower" he shoved another rose flower in her face, she took it. "Oh, more roses"

I smiled. "That's so sweet, Tyler" I said. "Of course, I would do anything for Anca"

"Of course, you would" she mumbled, pulling the petals slowly. "Why don't you put in your locker?"

"No, I'm good"

"Don't be shy"

"I'm not shy, I mean why would I be-"

"It's okay if you don't want to put it in-" he got cut short. "Okay, I will!" She yelled and then lets out a sigh before turning back to the locker.

Immediately she pulled it open...BOOM! Confetti... everywhere, she wiped some off her hair while Tyler laughed.

"What was that for?" She asked. "You don't like it? I knew I should have gone with the doves" he mumbled to himself and I couldn't help but laugh my ass out.

"No no...they are nice" she threw the rose in and slammed the locker close. "This has been fun but...I gotta...go"

"Do you need help with your books?" She was literally with no books. "No, do not worry, I just-"

"I'll walk you then" he grabbed her hand and began pulling her away. She glanced back at me and mouthed a 'help me'.


"Why do you hate libraries" I asked Bianca for the fifth time. "Why are we always coming here?" She asked back.

"I'm here to pick up few books" I said, stopping at the door. "Well good luck, I'm heading to class before I run into Tyler again" I laughed as she sprinted off.

I pushed the door open and walked into the room.

I headed to the shelf area. Huge shelves containing books, there was a little ladder by the side. I walked past aisles and aisle, looking for the right shelf.

There were so many.

Exams were by the corner, I needed to hit few books. I was at the 7th shelf when I found it. I grinned and reached out to grab the book .

I ran my hands through the back of the familar cover, this was all I needed. Time to leave.

"That's all? I thought you were gonna hit the erotic section" I looked up immediately, the book slipping out of my hand.

I took few steps back as I recognized the figure. Jackson.

I glared at him, his guest appearances couldn't surprise me anymore, it just startles me. "What do you want?"

He smiled and leaned away from the shelf. "You dropped this" he picked up the book from the floor.

"Would you stop doing this? Would you stop haunting me?" I took steps backward"Now, isn't that a strong word?" He asked, taking a step towards me.

"Stay away! Don't take another step!" I yelled. He grinned while taking another step. I looked around for anything... weapons or shits!

How does he even get in?!

"What are you searching for?" He asked and that made my jaw clench. My fingers graced the bracelet on my wrist.

Send a signal that I'm in trouble? Who am I kidding? What is the point of the all this then? I wanted to be independent, I wanted to-

"Charlotte!" My eyes snapped up at him. He was right in front of me, I hitched, moving back and hitting the wall.

Shit! This is a dead end.

"Stand... back!" I whispered to him. "Why?" He whispered too. I tried to move away but he grabbed me by the wrist immediately. "Let go!"

My fist wanted to collide with his jaw but he grabbed hold of my hand. "Who taught you how to mold your fist?" He asked.

He grabbed both my hands and and placed it over my head, slamming me back to the wall, his grip tightening over my wrist. "What do you do now?" He asked and I looked up at him.

This sounds familiar. Memories of the morning with Carson shot through my head. I kneed him immediately, pushed him out of the way and tried to make a run for it.

But he grabbed my leg immediately, I crashed on the floor. I groaned, trying to wiggle his hands off but he slowly began pulling me back.

He hovered over me. "Bitch" he slapped me immediately, I screamed, he wouldn't get off me.

My pushed the button on the bracelet immediately.

Carson's POV

"It's a 5 hundred thousand dollars deal, right Carson?" Zeke said to Jace and they both turned to me.

I ignored them and whipped out my phone from my pocket. "How was the deal?" Jace asked.

"You don't wanna hear my opinion. You guys sent Norman for the job! Were you high on some shit or something? He will blow it, he's a fucking rookie!" I yelled at them.

"He's good, he said he can handle whatever shits comes up and beside, Dave went with him" I rolled my eyes and looked down at my phone.

"Yo Carson, why is your phone making that red light?" I immediately turned to the phone over to see the blinking red light.


I began searching for her location. "What's wrong?" Zeke asked. She was in school, what the fuck went wrong?

This better not be a false alarm like the others.

I got the result, she was indeed in school and in the library to be precise. "Carson, what's going on?" Jace asked and I looked up at them.

"Get the other guys and go help Norman and Dave  and whoever blows this up is gonna pay" I ordered before walking out.

Minutes past and I finally got to the library. I swing the door open, everyone turning to me. "Where the fuck is she?" I asked no one in particular.

"Excuse me Mr Parker, this is a quiet-"

"Where's Charlotte?" I slammed my hands on the librarian's desk. Her eyes shot open, my eyes shot to the tall shelves.

I hurried in there immediately. "Charlotte!" I called out but there was no reply. I ran to the left, right, took another turn, shits got annoying.

Too many shelves.

I turned left and saw the bracelet on the floor, I picked it up. I walked two more shelves and there he was...


"Stay away from her" he turned around on the floor, she laid on the floor... unconscious. The sight of this whole shit made me so angry.

"How dare you?" He backed off immediately as I walked towards him. "Calm down Junkie, I wanted to talk and she took if the wrong way..."

I growled and came at him but he scurried off. "Get the fuck out of here!!!"

She sprung up immediately and I turned back, she sat up slowly. Why didn't she call me on time?

I leaned down, seeing her this way killed my state of mind. Fuck!!! That dick was gone.  Her tired eyes made way to mine.

"Who's Marie?"

I froze at that spot. Of course, that dick spilled shits. "Answer my damn question, Carson!" She yelled and I backed up.

Standing up, and turning back around. "She- she was..." I sighed and turned back to her. "... Jackson's girlfriend"

She looked up at me. "Was?"

"I gotta get you out of here, you aren't-"

"Carson!!!" She screamed, getting up and pulling me to her direction. "Do I look sick? Do I look like I need you carrying me around? All I want is answers! Fucking answers, you liar! What the-"

"She's dead" she paused mid sentence, I saw the fear in her eyes, she slowly move away from me.

I hated that look, second time I've seen her act that way towards me and it killed me.

Her breathing became ragged. "Charlotte" she stumbled back but I held her in time.


Charlotte's POV

"So, no one is gonna say anything?" Mrs Parker asked and we both just stared back.

Actually, I was the only one staring, Carson leaned back on the couch, he zoned out a long time ago.

Emma needed explanations about the shits that happened but no one was down to explain shits.

And explaining meant revealing everything and that was just a rabbit hole I wasn't ready to go into, there was already lots of problems in this house.

"Charlotte, do not cover up for him. This is getting you hurt..." I glanced up at her.

I wasn't covering up for him! I was just saying nothing, 'cause it's all crazy. I glanced at Carson and he was staring at me.

I looked away and Emma sighed, Carson got up and headed to the elevator. "Carson!" She yelled, I got up too.

I mean what's the need of staying back?

We got out of the elevator and I headed to my room. "You didn't have to do that" I heard him say. I stopped and turned to face him.

"You think I did that as a favour for you? I didn't! So don't take this shit the wrong way. But I'm warning you, Carson. If you ...or Jackson try shits again with me. I swear, you both are gonna pay. I don't give a fuck who Marie is! I had no idea about her death, so I'm not gonna pay the price! I don't need this" I took off the bracelet and threw it at his feet.

He glanced down at it. "I'll really appreciate it if you keep your distance" With that I got into the room and slammed the door close

Xoxopearl 🖤.

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