Lost and found a USWNT story

By LeviChaseN

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Zari Ashlyn Tame, a 16 year old girl who loves soccer, is the #1 striker on the Brecklin High soccer squad. S... More

Lost and Found a USWNT storychapter one *
Chapter 2*
Chapter 3*
Chapter 4*
Chapter 5*
Chapter 6*
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19 - pt1
Chapter 19 - pt2
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Christmas special Chapter
Chapter 22
Chapter 24
chapter 25
Help me out
help me out part two

Chapter 23

449 9 2
By LeviChaseN


Training was cut a little short as the team had lost their interest after what had happened. If they lose their game tomorrow because of me... The thought trailed off as Alex and Christen walked over. "Hey sweetheart, you feeling okay?" Mama asked, kneeling in front of me, I nodded and kept picking at the grass, not looking up. "We're heading back to the hotel now. You ready?" Alex asked, once again I nodded and stood to my feet, clutching a handful of grass. "Why don't we leave the grass here?" Mama asked, I frowned and shook my head. Just then mum jogged up to us, "hey everything alright?" she asked "Zari doesn't want to let go of the grass" Alex explained.

Mum squatted down so she could see my face and when she came into my view she had a soft smile on her face. "Hey kiddo" she said, her voice soft, which made me relax. "Wanna tell me why you don't want to let go of the grass?" she asked, I shook my head and Mum nodded the soft smile still on her face. "Can we maybe make a trade?" She asked, I thought about it for a minute then nodded. "Hmm how about holding my hand instead?" She questioned. I shook my head and looked away from her, she tapped my knee and I snapped my head back to her.

"How about..." she thought for a second "My keys?" I nodded and mums' smile grew and she stood up. She kissed my head and jogged over to her bag. When she returned she was swinging her keys around her finger. Crouching down again, she took my hands and whipped away all the grass and then handed me the keys. I fiddled with them and mum picked me and walked over to where all the team were gathering their things. I didn't care that my mum had just picked me up, I was too preoccupied with her keys.

She placed me back down on my feet for a second, probably to grab her bag, then picked me back up again. She carried me over to the coach and let mama and Alex get on first before climbing on herself. She made her way to an empty pair of seats and put me down. Mum quickly put her bag away then guided me to sit down. We made it quickly back to the hotel and outside the coach were a bunch of paparazzi. "Shit" I heard someone say and mum quickly pulled my head away from the window. Most of the team got off the coach, wanting to get inside and have a shower.


I had never expected so many paparazzi to be by the hotel. I looked back at Alex and Chris "What do we do?" I questioned worriedly. "Hey let me take Zari inside. Put a cap on her and cover her with a jacket" Alyssa said. I blinked "I thought you got off with everyone else" I said to her. "Thanks for the offer Lyss" Chris said "Hey Zari do you mind if Lyss carries you in?" Zari shrugged in response.

"Okay, here's the hat" Chris said after rustling in her bag "We can use my jacket" Alex said, standing up and pulling off her jacket and handing it to me. I put the cap on Zari's head and pulled it down so it covered her eyes. Zari just stood there fiddling with my keys. I guess it's kinda easy to distract her then. "Okay Lyss pick her up and I'll put the jacket over her" I instructed and Alyssa nodded. She stood up and lifted Zari into her arms, Zari lent her forehead against her shoulder still looking at the keys in her hands. I placed the jacket over Zari's head and Alyssa's shoulder. When I stood back I couldn't see any of Zari's face. I nodded in satisfaction.

"I got your bag Lyss don't worry about it" Alex said from behind me "Thanks Lex. Everyone ready?" she asked, "Yeah, let's go," I said. Christen walked off first with Alyssa and Zari just behind her, me and Alex following closely behind. When we stepped off the paparazzi started shouting and cameras started clicking. Zari started struggling in Alyssa's arms. Christen hadn't noticed so I jogged forward and placed my hand under the jacked. Zari seemed to recognise my hand and clung to it tightly. Alyssa walked faster and I kept pace.

We made it to the elevator and I pulled back the jacket. Zari had tears streaming down her face and she looked terrified. Alyssa put her down on her feet and Zari instantly sprang to cling on to Christen. "Hey, hey it's okay now" Christen said softly, she removed the cap and kissed Zari's head. We got to the team floor and many were just standing outside their doors. "God where were you guys?" Becky said, jogging up to them and taking Alyssa's hand. "We had to hide Zari from the pap" I said, trying to help Christen walk as Zari wouldn't let go.

"I'm sorry we should have helped" Beck said "No no it's okay" Christen said. She got tired of struggling to walk so she slipped her arms through Zari's, which were wrapped around her waist tightly. She picked up Zari and placed her on her hip, "I think Zari needs some alone time the paparazzi were quite alarming for her" She said then walked past everyone and to our door. I followed closely behind, opening the door for her and then closing it behind us. "That definitely didn't go to plan" I said sitting down on our bed, "Hmm" Chris hummed "Why don't you get a shower first" I nodded and walked into the bathroom.


I put Zari on her bed then sat next to her. I wiped the tears on her face, "was it all a little too much?" I asked and Zari nodded. "Why don't you put your headphones on and listen to some music for a bit before lunch" I suggested and Zari nodded again, once again fiddling with Tobin's keys. I pulled Tobin's headphones out of her bag and handed them to Zari. We really need to get her her own pair.

I also pulled out her phone that I had kept in my bag so we didn't lose it. She connected the headphones and I could see her physically relax when she played the music. I kissed her forehead then stood up and put my bag away. I pulled my laptop out of my suitcase and checked my emails. I had an email from Zari's school holding work from each lesson that she had tomorrow. Even her PE teacher had sent a workout scheme and some soccer drills she needed to do.

I knew that not everyone that was here would be playing in the game tomorrow. Kelley for example was still injured, from the injury she sustained in the last game's warm up. She had asked Jill if she could stay and Jill said yes provided she paid for her own things like hotel room and food. Pinoe was also out for cautionary things. I picked up my phone and sent a quick text to Kelley, who replied quickly.

Kelley: Hey Chris what's up?

Christen: I know you're not playing tomorrow and was wondering if you could look after Zari. Her teachers sent some work through and she needs to do it. You don't have to obviously as you might want to watch the game

Kelley: Nah Chris that's fine. I get quality time with my favourite niece :)

Christen: Thank you Kell. I'll email you over the work she has to do.

Kelley: Np mama Press

Tobin kissed me on the cheek, startling me slightly. "Hey babe, you alright?" She asked, "Yeah you just startled me" I replied, I put my laptop away and got up and went to jump in the shower. 

When I got out and got changed I went back onto my laptop and forwarded Kelley the email with Zari's work. Only then I could finally relax. Tobin came and lay next to me. "You seem stressed" she said "I've been prepping for tomorrow" I answered "What's gonna happen?" she asked. "Zari's going to stay with Kelley for the day. She has school work to do" I said. "You do know what Kelley is like right?" Tobin said sceptical "Yeah yeah I know but I have a feeling that after what has happened she will take good care of her" I replied.

*Knock knock knock*

My head spun to look at the door, "I'll get it" Tobin said giving me a peck on the cheek then getting up. "Hey Tobin" Alex's voice drifted into the room. "Hey, I kinda forgot you were staying with us" Tobin said with a chuckle. "Don't worry about it. I went to Kelley's room so it's all good" Alex replied, stepping into the room. "Hey Al" I said, smiling at her "Hey I actually came to get you for lunch. Mainly for her sake" she said, pointing at Zari who was listening to music and had her eyes closed.

"Shoot yeah I almost forgot about lunch. Thank you" I said getting up "No problem" Alex replied. I walked over to Zari and sat on the bed, she felt me sit down and looked at me. I signalled for her to take her headphones off. She huffed but complied. "Hi sweetheart, it's time for lunch. You can keep your headphones on if you want but you need to come down with us please" I said to her softly. Zari obviously wasn't too happy about having to get up but seemed happy that she could keep her headphones on.

The four of us headed down to the lobby where the team were waiting. I frowned "Where are we going?" I asked "we're going out for lunch as a celebration of JJ's birthday yesterday" Kelley said. "Shoot JJ i'm so sorry I forgot" I said "It's okay Chrissy. You have a lot on your plate" she replied with an understanding smile. "I'll catch you guys up. I'm gonna go back to the room and get our bags and a cap for Zari" Tobin said, kissing my cheek and walking away.

Zari, who had been holding my hand and looking down at the floor, looked up when Tobin walked away and watched her go. Zari started following Tobin, still holding my hand and almost pulled me over. I gripped her hand a little tighter and regained my footing before pulling her back to me. She looked up at me with a frown then looked the way Tobin had walked and back at me. I reached for her headphones so I could talk to her but she pulled back.

I sighed "Shall we go?" I asked the team a couple nodded and we started making our way out of the hotel. Zari was fighting me the whole time. She was pulling my arm and It was starting to hurt, I was also just getting really fed up. I was about to just let her go and and just have to walk back to the hotel with her when Sonnett and Mal came jogging over. They both grabbed one of Zari's arms and pulled her through the team, making a couple of the vets look at them sternly as they pushed their way through.

"At least she's not pulling your arm off now" JJ said, appearing at my side "Yeah that's definitely a bonus. I am sorry, by the way, for forgetting your birthday" I replied. "It's fine, really Chris. You're a mother now you have other obligations'' JJ said and I smiled gratefully at her. I gave her a quick side hug which she reciprocated.

Zari soon came running up to me. "Mama, can you hold my headphones please" she said, with a wide smile. I smiled back of course, "Sure baby" I said taking the headphones off her. Once I had them she ran off and joined Sonnett and Mal again. "I have to ask" JJ said "Hmm?" I hum "Why does Zari go silent sometimes and won't talk to anyone?" she asked. "Honestly I don't know, '' I replied. "I haven't really had time to stop and think about some of the things she does'' I said, thinking about all the shit she's been through recently.

I looked down at my phone when it vibrated. It was Tobin asking where to meet us and I was about to message back when I heard shouting. I looked up and saw Zari going of on this man who looked absolutely terrified. Emily and Mal stood behind him smirking. "Text Tobin where to meet us would you? I need to go sort this' ' I said to JJ and she nodded. I put my phone in my pocket and walked over quickly.

"Zari that's enough" I said sternly, not wanting to raise my voice at her as I knew she hated that. She lunged forward but I grabbed her around her waist and pulled her into me "Zari, please calm down" I said, holding her tightly. "Sorry" I said to the man and he scampered away, like a dog with his tail between his legs. Zari shook me off her, "Why did you stop me?" she shouted at me and I raised my eyebrows.

"Z mayb-" Sonnett started "No! Answer my fucking question, why did you stop me?" She interrupted. "I stopped you because I don't want my daughter to go to jail for assault" I said calmly as I knew this outburst would blow over soon. "I'm not your daughter and I never will be '' she shouted in my face then stormed off. "Chris-" Emily said, sadly "Don't Emily I know she didn't mean it she's just angry" I said with a sad smile.

I'm not going to lie when she said that it hurt a lot but even if it was true I didn't take it to heart. Emotions were running high right now and she just needed some time to calm down. The rest of the team were looking at me with sad smiles, I sent one back then walked off the way Zari had gone. I found her sitting on a bench, and sat down next to her. I didn't say anything as I needed this to be her decision to start the conversation.

I saw that Zari was picking at the skin on her fingers and they were getting very raw. I put my hand in between her own to stop her. She just started drawing little patterns on the back of my hand. After a while of silence she spoke up. "I'm sorry" She said quietly "I know" I said back. "You are my mum" she said, looking up at me, I smiled at her and sat forward. "I may not be your biological mother and you will never be my biological daughter but, I will always love you as if you are my own" I said to her sincerely, meaning every word I said.

Zari leaned into me and I wrapped my arm around her and kissed the top of her head. "I was told you'd be here," Tobin's voice said from behind us. "Mum" Zari said, getting up and hugging her tightly. "Whoa kiddo You're acting as If I've been away for years' ' she said with a chuckle. I looked at her with a solemn look and she frowned. She had to peel Zari's arms from around her waist but once she had she knelt down. "Did you think I was leaving?" she asked Zari gently. Zari fiddled with the hem of her shirt but nodded. "Listen Speedy, we're both not gonna leave you unless we have to play for our team. In which case we could phone and face time all the time" Tobin said to her reassuringly. "Now do you want a piggyback to the restaurant?" Tobin asked her and Zari lit right back up.

Zari jumped on Tobin's back with a wide smile. Tobin started jogging off slowly and Zari was laughing. I smiled to myself and took a little video to keep the memory at hand. "Come on Chris" Tobin called back "Yeah come on mama" Zari copied, both sporting wide smiles that looked so similar it was adorable. My smile widened and I walked towards them "You two are so adorable" I said with a chuckle. 

"Hey guys" Emily called from the group that was now in sight. She was waving at us crazil, Zari did the same thing, nearly falling off Tobin's back in the process. "SHIT" she shouted but managed to get her balanced "I'm alright" she said to no one in particular. Sonnett and Mal were laughing at her but I was looking at her with a disapproving look. "What?" Zari asked me "You need to be more careful or you're gonna get hurt" I told her.

"Yeah yeah" she replied, brushing off my comment. "Mum, put me down please" she asked Tobin nicely, Tobin let her slide off her back "thanks" Zari said then ran off, jumping into Sonnett's arms. "'I'm sure she'll be fine, babe," Tobin said, wrapping her arm around my waist. "I hope so, let's go in '' I replied, walking towards the restaurant. 

When we got inside, apparently Carli or someone had booked ahead as we had reservations. Zari decided to sit between Emily and Mal, they were joking around with each other. Carli ordered some tap water for the table, when the waiter came over. We all talked among ourselves or a bit before the waiter came back over to ask for our orders. He went around the table jotting down everyone's orders but when he came to Zari she said she wasn't having anything. 

When the waiter had gone Tobin stood up and walked away, she's probably going to the bathroom. A few minutes later she came back and sat down, I smiled at her and she smiled back. It took a while for all the food to be ready as there were so many of us but eventually we all had our food. We were about to dig in when a different waiter came over with a plate in her hands "Hi here's the spare plate you asked for" she said with a kind smile, handing it to Tobin who took it and thanked her.

Most of the team were looking at Tobin with a confused look on their face. Me and Alex however looked happy that Tobin thought of it. Tobin took some of the food that was on her plate onto the spare one. She cut it up to bite size pieces then handed the plate over to Zari, with a smile. She sat back down and started to eat her own food, the others followed her lead. Some of them were still confused, I could see it on their faces. I looked over at Zari who was nibbling on one of the bite size pieces, I smiled, happy she was at least eating something.

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