The Alpha's Luna

Por proteus912

170K 4.4K 252

If you enjoy this story please check out my rewritten version on my profile. Landon stood up and pressed Lyl... Mais

Rewritten version
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Author's note


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Por proteus912


Today, Lyla was turning eighteen and she was going to be an adult. She was an adult as soon as she turned eighteen and part of her was nervous for that. But at least she would be an adult and adults got to do everything that children didn't get to. She would finally be an adult, just like her brother, and she was certainly going to use that against him.

It had been two lunar cycles since the attack and the ball and so far, things had been okay. The remaining few turned wolves were willing to listen to the pure wolves and be taught by them and no new turned wolves were going to be created so eventually the race would be extinct, apart from Lyla. She would be the one and only turned wolf left.

Landon was in the midst of teaching two turned wolves how to control their wolf and for the past two full moons, he had been watching them like a hawk. They were doing well and Landon decided that they only needed one more full moon supervision and then they would be on their own.

The Alpha King had also been personally watching over the packs who were training the turned wolves and he seemed satisfied that Landon's proposal was a good one. He still had his doubts about letting Lyla live but he wasn't one to separate soulmates by death so he was willing to let her live. She just needed to control her wolf and if she created anymore turned wolves, she would definitely be killed, no matter what Landon said.

But Lyla actually wasn't scared of being killed. For the past two full moons, Landon sung the transformation song to the three turned wolves who were in his pack and they successfully managed to keep control of their wolves until the moon set the next morning. They had also been controlling their emotions and they had learnt mind link. Lyla was now able to mind link other turned wolves and they were able to mind link them. The next step was to teach Lyla to mind link the rest of the pack and then she would be set.

Today, however, there was going to be no work with the turned wolves. They were free to have the day off as long as they behaved themselves and Landon was going to spend the day making his mate happy. He wasn't going to complain about that because two lunar cycles ago, he could have lost her. So he was thanking the Moon Goddess every day that he still had her and he never realised how much he loved her.

"What first, darling?" asked Landon, "breakfast?"

Lyla nodded. A birthday breakfast sounded nice. A birthday breakfast of pancakes sounded even nicer.

"And I don't have to ask if you want pancakes, do I?" Landon grinned.

"No, you don't," replied Lyla as she followed Landon to the kitchen.

Lyla made herself comfortable at the table in the kitchen while Landon got to work on the birthday pancakes. Apparently Landon always liked cooking breakfast for his mate but Lyla wasn't going to complain because it was one less thing that she had to do in the morning so she could just sit around and relax while her breakfast was being made for her. What could be better than that in the morning?

"And what do you want to do after breakfast?" asked Landon.

"Shopping," replied Lyla.

"Why would you want to go shopping?"

"You said we are having a party and I have to wear something nice. I have to get something nice, don't I?"

"With my credit card?"

"Who else would buy me a nice dress?"

"No one. So I suppose we can go."

"You want to come?" asked Lyla when Landon finally brought over her plate of pancakes that was smothered in maple syrup. This was definitely a perfect birthday breakfast.

"I want to spend the day with you. If you want to go shopping and I want to be with you, of course I will come," replied Landon.

Lyla smiled.

"And anyway, there is something I wanted to pick up so you conveniently want to go shopping and I can take you."

"What do you need to pick up?"

"Nothing to worry your pretty little head about."

"Come on. Tell me."

"Eat your breakfast, darling."

Lyla smiled as she ate her breakfast. Was Landon deliberately being secretive? Lyla was sure that he was because the tone of his voice was telling her that he had something to hide. But it wouldn't stay hidden for long, Lyla decided, because she was always good at spoiling things. This wasn't going to be very hard because Lyla had her methods to make people talk.

Lyla and Landon finished eating their breakfast and then they went to get ready for the day. Landon refused to give Lyla any hints about what he was hiding and it was putting Lyla off. But she couldn't because she wanted to find out what he was hiding and she was going to. Even if it took all day, she was going to find out what it was.

Even during the car ride to the shopping centre Landon was silent about it. Whenever Lyla tried to ask him about it, he would avoid the topic by changing the conversation. He was sneaky, Lyla gave him that, but he was also obvious. If he wanted to make it clear that he was hiding something, he was doing a very good job of that and it was just going to make Lyla pester him even more. Hopefully that would be a good way of getting it out of him.

"You'll be right on your own for a little while, darling?" asked Landon when he parked the car.

"Sure I will. But can't I come with you?" replied Lyla.

"No. You need to find that dress. And I won't be too long anyway so just wait for me at the dress shop."

"Alright. As long as you tell me what you are hiding."

"Never, darling."

With that, Landon and Lyla stepped out of the car and they went their separate ways. Lyla made her way to her favourite dress shop and she had a look at all the dresses that were for sale. There was a sale on today so Lyla was sure that Landon would be glad of the money he would be saving. Everything in the store was half off and if Lyla was feeling mean, she would have got two dresses for the price that one would have cost. But she wasn't and she really only needed one dress so that was what she was going to stick to.

Lyla found that it was easier to look for and choose a dress today because she wasn't feeling self-conscious anymore. Landon had given her another lecture on how beautiful she was but she had also become good friends with the two turned wolves in the pack and they showed her their scars. Lyla found that her scar was not nearly as bad as what she was making it out to be so she wasn't as ashamed of it anymore and she was glad of that.

So Lyla eventually chose a red dress with thick silky straps that went over the shoulder. The rest of the dress was a softer fabric that flowed out under a sash and stopped at a few centimetres above her knee. It was a nice dress and Lyla thought that she would look good in it so she decided to get this one. And then she chose some black suede pumps that went perfectly with the dress. Maybe Lyla had too many shoes then she knew what to do with but she loved shoes and she always liked adding new ones to her collection.

Lyla quickly went and paid for the shoes and dress before she waited for Landon at the front of the store. If she knew where he was going to she would have made her way over there to find him but seeing as she didn't, she had to wait. She hoped that he wasn't going to be too much longer because she needed to get home and see what hairstyle she was going to wear with the dress. The internet was going to help her with that and she may have been a while.

Lyla looked around and she finally saw Landon coming with one of his hands stuffed in his pocket. Whatever he had to pick up was small enough to keep in his pocket. It was also a perfect hiding place and Lyla had a feeling that it was going to stay in there for a little while. This was just going to make it just that much harder for her to try and work out what it actually was. At least she knew that it was something small so that was her starting point.

"Finished already, darling?" asked Landon when he saw Lyla waiting for him. His hand quickly flew out of his pocket, Lyla noticed, and that just proved that the little something to hide was in there.

"Yeah. It was easy to choose something this time," replied Lyla.

"Glad to hear it."

"I thought you might be. And you even saved fifty per cent because everything was half off in there."

"Even better. Ready to head home?"

Lyla nodded and then she followed Landon to the car. She was trying to see if she could make out whatever it was in Landon's pocket by just looking at it but she wasn't getting very far. She couldn't make out a thing and not even the shape of the pocket was giving it away. This was so frustrating and Lyla wished that she could just work out what it was. Why did it have to be so hard? And on her birthday of all days. This was not fair.

Lyla flew up the stairs to her room when she got home, putting the dress and shoes on her bed as she did. It was time to do that research on hairstyles. Lyla would have asked Gabi for some help but she was conveniently away with the family for the day and she wouldn't be back until the time of the party so Lyla was alone to get ready. At least Gabi had taught her how to do some good hairstyles so Lyla was sure that she could do a nice one. And she would just use a picture as a guide to help her along so it couldn't have been that hard.

"Looking up anything important?" asked Landon when he came into the room.

"Sort of. Why?" replied Lyla.

"I want you to come with me."


"A birthday present."

"What is it?"

"Wait and see."

"Is this the little something you had to go and pick up?" Lyla's eyes lit up.

"Not telling," replied Landon.

"Why do you have to make it so hard?"

"I love watching you fret over it."

Lyla poked her tongue out at Landon.

"You'll find out what it is tonight, anyway," said Landon.

"Can't you just tell me what it is now?" asked Lyla.

"Never. Now, are you ready to come with me?"

"I guess."

Lyla followed Landon out of the room to the pack doctor's office in the house. She sat on the big chair that was in the room and the doctor prepared her to give her a needle. Now Lyla knew what was going on and that was the blood stuff. Lyla wanted this to happen but the needle was a little scary. She asked for Landon's hand and he happily gave it to her while she had the needle. Lyla was just glad of the comfort. At least she didn't feel it and she was happy that Landon had to tell her that it was over.

"There we go," said the doctor, "now, how do you feel?"

"I feel fine," replied Lyla.

"Good. We will have to wait and see."

"Wait and see? Really?"

"I am afraid so."

"Alright. I guess we will just wait."

Lyla then got out of the chair but she lost her footing and she fell down. She fell into the crouching position that she had normally been in when she was going to transform. Lyla thought that this was weird because it wasn't a full moon so she wasn't supposed to shift. And she hadn't even got any warning about shifting so this came out of nowhere and Lyla had no idea what was going on. Was it right to panic? Lyla wasn't sure but at least Landon was there.

"What's happening, doctor?" asked Landon.

"I don't know," replied the doctor.

Lyla closed her eyes and she felt herself shift into her wolf form. And when her eyes were open, she was still here and she was in control. She was still Lyla Boyle and she wasn't even interested in running away.

"Doctor, her eyes are still blue," said Landon.

"They are," the doctor agreed.

"She's in control. Lyla, show us that you are in control."

Lyla sat down and offered her paw for Landon. Landon smiled as he took his mate's paw because it was time for her to be treated like a dog.

"I am assuming this means something to you, Alpha," said the doctor.

"Indeed it does, doctor. She is in control and I think I know what is happening."

"Enlighten me."

"My pure blood that now flows through her veins had changed her turned blood to pure blood. If I am right, she is a pure wolf now and she can control when she shifts, as well as her wolf."

"You might be right," said the doctor before looking at Lyla, "can you shift for me?"

"Before you do, darling," said Landon when he thought it was time to take this joke a little further, "shall I get the lead and we can go for a walk in town? You can be my husky."

Lyla opened her jaws into a grin. That was actually funny.

"You can shift now," Landon finished as he released Lyla's paw.

Lyla dipped her head and she closed her eyes so she could shift back to her human form. She was getting better at it now so it wasn't as hard for her to do and when she was back in her human form, she wrapped her arms around Landon with a big smile on her face.

"I controlled myself, Landon," said Lyla.

"I know. And you are going to have to shift again," replied Landon.


"So we can test my theory."

"That I am a pure wolf now?"


So Lyla shifted to her wolf form again, still remaining in control. Landon shifted into his wolf form and they mind linked for a bit, confirming that Lyla was still in control. Then both wolves shifted back to their human form and it was clear that Lyla was a pure wolf now. Lyla was actually happy about that because she wasn't that scary turned wolf anymore. At least she didn't have to worry about being killed because she was a turned wolf because she wasn't. She was a pure wolf now.

"I am a pure wolf," said Lyla.

"Yes, you are, darling," replied Landon.

"Is that good?"

"It is great. This is a great birthday present and I didn't even organise it. Of course I organised the blood stuff but not this."

"Well, I am happy. At least I won't be killed for being a turned wolf."

"Good. Now, you should get ready for your party."

Lyla nodded and then she made her way to her room to get ready. She got into the dress and then did her hair in a mermaid braid. Gabi had taught her how to do a good mermaid braid on her own so she was able to do it. And she only had to do it three times before she got it right so this was a real improvement.

And she was even able to do it as she was thinking that she was a pure wolf now. She was always going to be able to control her wolf now and that was a strange feeling. Part of Lyla wanted to shift into her wolf right now and just go for a run. But it was her birthday party and she needed to be here for it. Maybe she and Landon could go for a run together all morning tomorrow and Lyla could practice being a wolf. That would be great.

Lyla looked at the time when she was ready. The party was nearly ready to be started so she thought that it was about time to go down. She put on her shoes and made her way down stairs to where Landon was waiting for her. As usual, he said that Lyla looked absolutely amazing. And Lyla was able to take the compliment because she wasn't feeling self-conscious about her shoulder.

"Have you looked at your shoulder, darling?" asked Landon.

Lyla shook her head, "no, why would I? You know I am feeling better about it."

"I know that. I just think you need to have a look," replied Landon.

Lyla turned her head and had a look at her shoulder. Her jaw dropped when she saw it because the scar was gone. It was gone like magic and Lyla was so happy about that. Maybe she was starting to feel better about it but that didn't mean that she wasn't going to be over the moon once it was gone. And it was gone now and Lyla couldn't be happier.

"You are definitely a pure wolf now, darling," said Landon.

"I am! It's gone!" replied Lyla.

"You will love being a pure wolf."

"Can we go for a run tomorrow morning?"

"Of course we can. But now, people are coming so it is time for you to have some fun."

Lyla nodded and she started greeting the people who were coming. Lyla had become good friends with the pack mates, even though she was their Luna. They were even on first name basis and Lyla was happy about that. Maybe Landon kept telling Lyla that they should have called her, 'Luna,' but Lyla liked it when they used her name when they talked to her.

The party was fun and Lyla was enjoying spending time with the pack and the people she invited. Gabi had turned up a little later than she planned but that didn't matter because she was here now. And she was happy for Lyla and that she was a pure wolf now. Gabi couldn't help but rub it in that she was right and Lyla was wrong but it didn't matter. At least Lyla and Gabi were happy that Lyla was no longer a turned wolf.

"So, Landon is happy about you being a pure wolf?" asked Gabi.

"Of course he is. So am I," replied Lyla.

"Why did he give you his blood, anyway?"

"I'm not going to age anyway."


Lyla nodded.

"Werewolves get all the good stuff, don't they?"

"Yes, I think they do. You are not upset about that?"

"No, I'm not."

"You are the bestest best friend I could ever ask for."

"Bestest is not even a word, Lyles."

"I know."

Gabi and Lyla laughed. This was exactly why they were best friends.

"So, where is Hamish?" asked Gabi.

"I don't know. I should probably look for him," replied Lyla.

"Okay, see you later."

Lyla then walked around the house to look for Hamish. It didn't take her long to find him outside, with a beer of all things. But at least he didn't have any girls hanging off his arm like he normally did at parties and Lyla was happy about that. It was nice seeing him just spending time by himself for once and Lyla was glad about that.

"No girls? Kissed anyone yet?" said Lyla.

"No. I know you are happy about that," replied Hamish.

"I am very happy about that."

"Landon told me about the blood stuff."


"So, my sister is a real werewolf now."

"You hate that, don't you?" asked Lyla.

"How could I hate my own sister?" replied Hamish.

"You hate our father."

"But I could never hate you, Lyles."

Lyla smiled and then she allowed herself to be pulled into a hug by her brother. This was actually a pretty good birthday and Lyla knew that she was going to remember it for a long time. Something like this would never happen to her ever again and Lyla was actually thinking that she was lucky that it was happening to her. She was liking being a part of the werewolf world and she had Landon to thank for that.

"I am going to go inside and get another drink. Do you want one?" asked Hamish.

"No thanks. And don't get drunk," replied Lyla.

"Sure thing, Lyles."

Hamish then went inside leaving Lyla outside by herself for a while. She was glad of the fresh air but she wasn't able to be by herself for a long time because someone wrapped his arms around her waist and gave her a kiss on the cheek, "having fun?"

"Heaps. You?" replied Lyla.

"More now that I am with you."

"I am still ready for that little surprise. Are you ready to tell me?"

"Yes, as a matter-of-fact I am."

"Then what it is it?"

Landon smiled at Lyla and then he got down on one knee. He had wanted to do this for a while and he was so glad that he was doing it now, "you are eighteen now, an adult, and I know I haven't known you for a long time but I know that I love you. I love you more than anything in this world and I am so glad that you are my mate. So, Lyla, will you marry me?"

Lyla wasn't expecting this but it didn't mean that she wasn't happy about that. Everything that Landon had just said right now was what she had been thinking for a long time so her answer was obvious, "yes. Of course I will marry you."

"You will?"


Landon then picked Lyla up as he gave her a hug and kissed her on the lips. He was going to be married to Lyla for the rest of his life and he was going to love her for the rest of his life. He never regretted going to the Full Moon Party now and meeting his mate for the first time. Now he could see Lyla spending the rest of her life with him and they were going to be a family for the rest of their lives. And they both couldn't be happier.

Thank you so much for reading my story. If you enjoyed it, I have rewritten it and the new version can be found on my profile. The storyline has not been changed, it has just been edited and rewritten with some new scenes for publishing. If you enjoyed this version, you will enjoy the new version!

Thank you for reading.

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