Their Daisy- Twilight- Comple...

By 1008Shelby

15.6K 208 24

Daisy. That's all they know her as. No last name, no nicknames. Just Daisy. Spending her life running from po... More

The hospital
Decisions no
Meeting the Cullens
Breaking down walls
Finding out
Not a little girl
Can't play happy families
3 years later
Going home
The pool
Where are we going?
Day 1 in Paris
Day 2 in Paris
End Of Paris
Help Me Forget
The Loss
Gaining Stability
The Proposal
Bella's Wedding
The End

Alternative Food

278 3 0
By 1008Shelby

Jasper pov

I took Daisy into the woods and she bolted, going straight to the smell of dear. Yet I had to stop her, hold her back from attacking

"Careful of the hooves. And you wait to pounce from behind" I instruct. That's when I see the tears in her eyes. fell. I didn't know what to say. How was this possible? Was it a gift? Certainly not a gift I'd ever hears of before

"What's wrong darling?" I asked as her hands shook

"I can't....I don't want to kill it...please don't let me do it" she begged me as I brought her in for a hug, comforting her. Daisy wasn't a vegetarian as a human. But killing the animals up front, slaughtering them like we are the wild animals, it is so much more upsetting to know that we cause their pain.

"It's ok. Let's go back, and we'll figure something out" I was worried. If daisy refused to eat, then she would die and I couldn't let that happen. So I had to try and think of something. When we got back to the house, everyone seemed rather confused. Rose hugged daisy for they hadn't seen her since being awake

"That was a quick hunt" Connor says

"I can't do it. I don't want to kill them" daisy says as rosalie hugs her tighter, comforting her

"And you won't have to" I say

"Jasper thats-"

"It's not impossible Alice. I'll figure something out. Carlisle, we can use blood bags right? Or, if daisy doesn't want to kill the animal, then when we go hunting, we can collect blood for her, bring it home. We can do that...right?" I ask hopeful as I turn to look at Carlisle

"We can try it. I'll go out now. You must be thirsty" Carlisle says as daisy nods. As Carlisle leaves, I take daisy to our room and sit her down on the bed

"Are there any questions about all this? I know, it's not easy to wrap your head around at first" suddenly, she bursts into tears so I bring her in for a hug. She lies down on my chest, crying into my neck whilst I stroke her back

"It's ok. I promise, everything will be OK. Soon, you'll forget what it's like to be human. You won't be able to imagine a life without super speed or strength" I tell her

"It's not that I don't want to be a vampire. I just don't know how to feel. I died, I'm dead but...I'm here. I guess, I just hoped that when we die, that's it. Ya know, we can rest and we don't have to continue trying to live this life. It's too damn hard. Atleast as a human, I had things to naturally look forward to. Having children, getting my dream job, raising a family, buying a house, growing old and have plenty of grandchildren to spoil. But now, it's all going to be the same. Constantly hopping from place to place, living the same lie each and every day"

"I know. It can feel like a never ending cycle sometimes. But you are only looking at the negatives. Just think, we can go where ever we like in the world. Travel places only a select few have had the privilege to see. You never have to worry about taking life for granted, each day can go at your own pace. You want to get your dream job? You can. You can work for it now. Or wait a hundred years and do it then. There is no rush in anything. And about a family, we can still have that Daisy. I promise, we will get a baby. Perhaps not our blood, but we will love him with all our heart as if he was our biologically. Like Jasmine said, we will have a son, and we will call him Tommy. We will love that boy for the rest of eternity. And at some point, we will meet our daughter in heaven. This life, I will make it an incredible one for you. You have my word" I kiss her softly, wiping her tears away and kissing her again

"Oh god" she groans

"What is it?"

"I've just realised I have to spend an eternity listening to emmet and Connor argue about video games!" She says holding her head as if in pain whilst I laugh

"Heard that!" They both say as she joins in laughing

"So you ok with this? Do you trust that I'll give you the life you deserve?"

"Yes. I trust that you will make our moments on earth the most unbelievably great times anyone has ever experienced" she says

"So no pressure then" I joke as she throws a pillow at me before leaving the room. Carlisle had returned, and he had a cup in hand

"Try that. I know you are thinking it's cruel. But I have seen you eat several beef burgers. Just think of it like that. You aren't the one harming the animal. It's already dead, don't want it to die for nothing" he says

"Well when you put it that way" daisy smiles gulping down the blood and wiping her mouth afterwards. She had several more glasses before fully satisfied

"That was so gross but why was it so nice?" She asked making us all laugh

"Ye, us vampires have weird taste buds" Alice says hugging her from behind

"So, officially a vampire, you know what that means" Edward says

"No, what?" Daisy asks

"Nothing. Ignore them" I say glaring at my brothers who were smirking as daisy continued her conversation with Alice. I cursed Edward in my head. You see, I had plans to propose to daisy. And I stupidly told my family, which means I better do it fast before she finds out about it. God, why did I tell my family?

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