Psychic adventure

بواسطة sleeplesstories

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HARD DRAFT. IDK WHAT AM I WRITING. Join Nova on her journey of just surviving in this world as a new telepath... المزيد

Chapter 1
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26

Chapter 2

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بواسطة sleeplesstories

A week flew by quickly and I was staring at my two suitcases and a backpack as I paced around my apartment, wondering did I leave anything else behind that I should be taking.

Over the week, I got ready to leave this place and sole my computer setup, donate my old stuff and clothes with far too much hesitation and more. I have already informed the apartment management that I'm leaving today thus they will cut off my access to this apartment by evening.

I also started playing around with my ability, opening the windows slightly and focusing on either thoughts or pictures while blocking the rest out. It was incredibly difficult since there are so many people in this apartment building that are constantly thinking about something but I was getting the hang of it after spending more time on it than me packing and getting rid of stuff.

The sound of knocking to a specific rhythm snapped my thoughts back to reality, I jogged over to the door with her smile before opening the door to see two people in dark outfits with blackout sunglasses and masks. I threw myself and hug them tightly as I could feel their arms wrap around me.

I didn't hug them for too long before I broke the hug and brought them into my apartment, I closed the door once there are inside before facing them with a grin. "You guys didn't tell me that you were coming," I said with my hands on my hips.

The two people took off their masks and glasses. "We want to give you a surprise," Ethan said with a big grin while Levi smiled at me. "Besides, knowing you, you are probably panicking over did you pack everything you need that will turn to I don't want to go soon."

I walked up to him and hit him. "You don't have to state the obvious, I know that I have that problem and is not a habit or mentality that I can fix," I said with a smile as Ethan pouted and rubbed where I hit him. "I didn't even hit you that hard, are you skimming on working out?" I asked excitedly as I fidgeted.

"No," he shook his head hard. "There is no way I'm stopping my practices again, both of you are evil being that don't even allow me to rest."

Levi smirked with his arms crossed as I tilted my head. "What are you talking about? We all agreed to not slack in our training, didn't we?" I asked innocently with a smile.

Ethan glared at me which made me grin. "Evil beings," he hissed playfully with a smile.

"Alright, you need to leave soon, have you done packing?" Levi asked.

I nodded. "Yep, I think anyway, I ran around the house for 30 minutes already and didn't see anything," I looked at my luggage. "I have my clothes, toiletries, towel, a lot of hard disks and other random stuff."

Ethan nodded before walking over to my luggage and grabbing both suitcases. "Great, now, let's go because the longer we stay here, the longer you are going to think that we are missing something," he said before walking over to the door.

"Wear your masks and glasses before leaving," Levi reminded him as I chuckled while walking to the coffee table to grab my own black mask and blackout sunglasses.

Ethan paused out of the corner of my eye. "Right, I forgot," he said sheepishly as we all wore our masks and sunglasses.

There is nothing too special about the masks but blackout sunglasses are a fairly new invention from a partnership project between our company, ChromaTech, and another technology company for daily necessities that I don't remember since I'm bad with names for everything.

ChromaTech is a family company that ran by our parents before they disappeared. It was mostly focused on biotechnology but recently has been expanding rapidly into many industries mostly due to my brother's hard work.

Even though the glasses are blackout, it acts like one-way glass with the help of a camera at the front. The glasses can actually be connected to our watches as well and display notifications, details of the current environment and more.

We walked out of my apartment with my luggage and headed towards the elevator in silence, we got in and Levi pressed the floor where the car is parked and I felt the elevator descend. I leaned against Levi's shoulder as I forced myself to take steady breaths to calm myself from the rising anxiety, I felt a hand on my shoulder and looked to see it was from Ethan while he squeezed it slightly.

I smiled as the elevator doors open and we walked out, my eyes scanned the entire parking lot before landing on a familiar, big, black car with 2 doors which I couldn't understood for several years. We walked towards the car before the doors opened, there was a panel at the front but the seats are designed more closely to a limo.

We all got into the car with my luggage and put them underneath the seat while Levi went to set the destination. I noticed there are several other luggage once I finished putting away mine. "Are you guys going somewhere as well?" I asked as I sat down on the seat.

Ethan nodded from his seat opposite me with his leg crossed on the seat. "Yep, I have a podcast on the west side of the galaxy with one of the influencers and meeting a couple more people," he said as Levi sat down next to him while I felt the car move.

"I have some meetings with some companies and families in the south for the future company's future development," Levi said as he leaned back into his seat with arms crossed. "Are you ready to leave Aetheria and travel to Valtoria?"

I laughed helplessly. "Nope, not at all, the morning after that night, I wanted to text you to say I don't want to go so badly," I said with a helpless smile.

Levi chuckled. "Well, if that were to happen I would have said no because I already registered for you," he said with a smile before dropping it. "Be careful when at Valtoria, you should already know about the wall between the high society and low society, even if they don't know who you are, your last name might tip them off."

I nodded. "I know, I will be careful and interact with the low society people, do you want me to spot some talents?" I asked since this is related to his plans.

Ethan snorted. "Can you even do that with your poor social skills?" he asked with a raised eyebrow and a half smile.

I sighed. "My social skills are not poor, I'm just lazy to spend unnecessary time on things that are not beneficial to me at all and I just need to observe them, I don't actually need to interact with them to know their talents," I said softly.

Levi nodded. "If you can find them then sure, it's okay if you can't," he said while I nodded in understanding before I looked out the window.

There are many interesting planets across the galaxy, the one we are staying on is the capital planet of this star system and also one of the popular tourist planets. The planet is called Aetheria which is renowned for its unparalleled beauty and serenity.

From the moment one arrives on the planet, they are greeted by stunning landscapes that seem to stretch on endlessly, dominated by vibrant colours that seem to blend and shift with every passing moment. The skies above are an ever-changing canvas of multicoloured clouds, from bright pinks and oranges to deep blues and purples, providing a constant source of wonder and awe for its inhabitants.

The planet's climate is temperate and comfortable, with warm summers and mild winters. Its rich and fertile soil is home to a diverse range of flora and fauna, including towering trees and delicate flowers, each contributing to the planet's natural beauty. The forests are home to a variety of creatures with unique features, which help them to adapt to their environment and thrive on the planet.

Aetheria's population is a diverse mix with each inhabitant with its unique physical characteristics and cultural traditions. Despite their differences, the inhabitants of Aetheria coexist in peace and harmony, living together under a democratic government. The government is led by a council of elected officials, representing each of the planet's major species. The council's primary focus is on ensuring the well-being of the planet's inhabitants, protecting the planet's resources, and promoting peace and unity among its people.

The planet's cities and towns are a marvel of engineering, blending seamlessly with the natural landscape. The buildings are constructed using environmentally friendly materials, with a focus on preserving the planet's natural beauty. The streets are lined with colourful flowers and trees, and the air is filled with the sweet aroma of blooming flowers. Aetheria's cities are known for their vibrant cultural scene, with music, art, and food that reflect the diversity of the planet's inhabitants.

Aetheria's natural beauty and harmonious society have made it a popular destination for tourists from across the galaxy. Many come to explore the planet's vast natural wonders or experience the unique cultures and traditions of its people.

I smiled softly as I looked around at the marvellous buildings and the multicoloured sky, the towering building suddenly turned into lush trees that stretch for miles. I knew getting to the spaceport will take about another hour to reach, I lay down on the seat and faced the back of the seat before falling asleep.

"Nova, we are reaching the spaceport in 10 minutes, wake up," I heard Ethan say as someone shook me awake.

I sat up and rubbed my sleepy eyes and looked out the window, the spaceport was huge and there were plenty of spaceships rising into the air and descending from the sky to land. When I was here for the first time, I remember that I thought that this place was no different from an airport just plenty of times bigger compared to the biggest airport.

A big part of this spaceport and most spaceports on planets is that the boarding and hangers for spaceships are completely underground. When it is time for lift-off, the platform underneath the spaceship will move and lift the spaceship up to the surface and allow it to lift off and it repeats the process for landings as well but in reverse.

I stretched my limbs and gently slapped myself awake before I started pulling out my luggage. "I have already booked your flight ticket and transferred it to you along with registering for the Sentinels Levi said as he helped me set the suitcases upright.

I nodded and I wore my backpack. "I know, I need to go to the Sentinels alone and don't get into the wrong spaceship," I said as I took the handle of my suitcases.

Levi nodded before Ethan started to speak. "Also, keep in contact, there is without a doubt that you will be busy but don't forget about us and if you have questions about anyone from the high society or the entertainment industry, ask us about them," he said with a smile.

I raised an eyebrow. "I understand about the high society but why the entertainment industry?" I asked since I didn't think there are a lot of entertainers in the Sentinels.

Levi and Ethan both shook their heads and laughed. "There are many people in the Sentinels who are in the entertainment industry, some create videos about the inventions or about their talents others do it like documentaries or interviews," Ethan explained with amusement as I stared at them with wide eyes. "For someone that doesn't even look on social media, it's understandable that you don't know that a lot of them are in the Sentinels ."

I scrunched my face. "That means I will likely be in someone's videos..." I muttered in defeat as I never liked being on camera, not that I don't like how I look but I always thought it was troublesome since you need the perfect angle, lighting and more for it.

Ethan moved over to sit next to me and pulled me into a side hug. "You will be fine, you have always been fine being in backgrounds on pictures and if you were to be in a video just have confidence in yourself," he said with a bright smile.

I gave him a helpless smile while Levi laughed. "Where is the world do you see I have any confidence in anything related to real life?" I asked him since it is a known fact that between the 3 of us, I have a crippling low amount of self-confidence when it comes to real-life situations.

"Uh, during our training?" Ethan answered with a sheepish grin while I just rolled my eyes as I felt the car slow down.

I stood up and dragged the suitcases to the door before wearing my mask. "We will see how long will I survive in that environment, bye guys," I said while the car stopped and I opened the door enough for me to step out.

I took out the two suitcases before waving goodbye at the black windows, knowing that they can see me before I walked into the spaceport. There are several counters with long lines for different parts of the galaxy, I walked up to one of the counters for the northern part of the galaxy as that is where the Valtoria planet is located.

Even though the line was long, it didn't take long for the line to shorten while more people stood behind me. I finally got to the counter and confirmed my ticket while handing my suitcases over before getting the hanger number and the seating.

I walked out of the counter area before screams of excitement were heard, I looked over to see a large group of people surrounding an energy shield that is effortlessly pushing the people away. I smirked as I stood to the side and watch my brothers making their way to the VIP counters, I tapped on my watch and took a picture of the large crowd and sent it to the group chat before walking towards my spaceship hanger.

I arrived at the hangar and it was just announced that I could board it as well, I smiled at the timing before walking up to the ticket counter by the door and scanning my watch. I pushed open the door and walked down the long corridor toward the spaceship as my watch vibrated.

I looked at it and smiled but ignored it since it was from Levi complaining about the crowd again, which is quite common whenever he needs to go out. The spaceship is actually considered big as it is actually separated into two floors, the top floor seats are much more comfortable, spacious and expensive while the bottom floor is less comfortable with minimum space but cheaper.

The comfort level and prices also range on which part of the ship they are seating on, the front of the spaceship is more comfortable and expensive than the back of the spaceship. I sat down on the first row by the window on the bottom floor and stretched out my legs as I had plenty of legroom, I sat my backpack down and pulled out some earpieces and plugged it into my watch before I started playing music with my eyes closed as I waited.

A while later, I felt the spaceship start to move. Opening my eyes and looking out the window, I could see we are being moved out of the hanger before it started ascending to the surface.

I smiled in excitement as it had been several years since I last boarded a spaceship, it reached the surface before I heard the loud jets from the spaceship as we started to ascend high and higher into the sky. After reaching a certain height it started moving away and up towards the space before speeding up.

It took even less time to get into space and the spaceship started travelling even faster and faster before all the stars blurred into lines and started travelling at light speed. I grinned as I watch the lines of stars shining dimly outside my window, I mentally noted that this is the start of a new life.

The spaceship eventually slowed down and approached a small structure floating in space that looked like a massive grappling hook attached to the circular opening at the end and about 4 spaceships around it. Suddenly, the circular opening glowed and a spaceship appeared out of it and started moving away from the structure.

I stared at the jump gate with wide eyes since it is always cool to see sci-fi-related things, our spaceship wait for a while for the other 3 of the spaceship to use the jump gate and 2 more spaceships jumped out of the jump gate before it started to move. I tensed up in excitement before the jump gate's opening glowed white and the ship sped into the white light.

It didn't take long before we appeared out of another jump gate and quickly moved away before travelling at the speed of light again. It took another several hours before the spaceship slow down as it approached a green, blue and brown planet.

The green, blue and brown planet is called Valtoria, it is one of Sentinels's home bases. It has towering forests, sprawling jungles, and vast oceans that dominate the planet's surface, providing a diverse and thriving ecosystem for the planet's inhabitants.

Most of the faction's bases are located underground, providing protection from the planet's dangerous inhabitants and potential attacks. They have also harnessed the planet's vast resources to create advanced technology and weaponry that can aid them in their mission.

The bases are constructed to be self-sustaining and include advanced living quarters, training areas, laboratories, and research facilities. The faction has invested heavily in the development of new technologies that allow them to move swiftly and efficiently across the planet's surface and even into space.

The planet's dangers, however, are not to be underestimated. Valtoria is home to a wide variety of creatures, some of which are incredibly aggressive and territorial. Some of these creatures have high levels of intelligence and have been known to pose a significant threat to the faction's bases and personnel.

In addition to the planet's dangerous fauna, the vegetation on Valtoria is known to have various effects, ranging from paralysis and poison to pain relief and cell acceleration for wounds. The faction has invested in the development of specialized equipment to help them navigate the planet's unique challenges.

The spaceship slowly started to descend into the atmosphere and I spotted a city in the opening with a large energy dome surrounding it. Instead of seeing towering buildings, most of the buildings are much shorter but the range of the city is massive.

I spotted the familiar metal gates on the ground as the spaceship approached before landing on it, the engine of the spaceship is turned off while it started to descend into the ground. I put away the worn piece and hugged my backpack in front of me while everyone is also packing their things as we waited for the spaceship to dock.

Once we docked, I stood up and wore my backpack on my back before leaving the spaceship and heading to pick up my luggage. I walked out of the corridor and immediately found all the luggage on the right side of the door.

I walked over to it and took my two suitcases before heading for the exit of the spaceport with the next destination being the Sentinels headquarters. I looked at the directions sighs as I walked before walking elsewhere, I didn't know this was an option but I'm not complaining that this is an option.

I immediately spotted the counter I was looking for with a queue, I quickly lined up since I assumed more people will be waiting in line soon. This counter is different from the normal spaceport as this is an entrance counter and registration counter for members of Sentinels or people that want to join Sentinels.

The counter is actually in between two doors with one being purple and the other being dark blue. There is a constant stream of people going through the doors from the line, the few that tried to cause a scene are immediately removed from the line.

It didn't take long until it was my turn, I put my arm with my watch on the counter as I have see many people before me doing it and it showed red. "Welcome, this is the registration desk for new people with abilities, please put your watch on the counter," the woman said absentmindedly as her eyes focused on the screen.

I didn't bother to reply to her since she is busy but merely look at her as the counter turned green. "Nova Sinclair, 18 years old and have psychic abilities symptoms, go through the purple door with your luggage to get your check what is your specific ability," she said and I immediately moved as the woman said the first sentence again like a robot.

I shook my head slightly with a smile on my face as I walked through the purple gate to see a guy leaning next to a metal door. "Go in and leave all your luggage on the rack. If you have a psychic ability, allow yourself to fall asleep and we will bring you to your new room," he said as I reached the metal door and it slide open.

I walked in and immediately spotted the rack and put both my suitcases and my backpack on it, I also took note that there is a sofa chair with a helmet with far too many cables dangling above it. I walked over and sat down on the soft and fluffy sofa chair before there are sounds from above, I glanced up and noticed that the helmet is descending and adjusted it to fit on my head.

"Now relax and allow the helmet to do its work," a woman's voice resonated in the room as I leaned into the sofa while taking several deep breaths. My mind started buzzing uncomfortably which made me tense, I closed my eyes and controlled my breathing to calm myself and focused on the buzzing.

The buzzing continued for a while and I could feel myself getting more and more tired before blacking out. 

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