Less Dead | Enid Sinclair

By ism0ke222

59.7K 2.1K 496

Ezra Marshall was still grieving the death of her older brother Elliot... As she gets into Nevermore to live... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
AUTHOR'S NOTE (well wholeass chapter)
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
a little message
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20 - ⚠️SMUT⚠️
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25 - ⚠️SMUT⚠️
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 30 - FINAL CHAPTER

Chapter 29

513 25 4
By ism0ke222

Enid's POV:

Gary and I kept looking around for Ezra all day. She was nowhere to be found and it was now nighttime. So we decided to leave the school grounds and go to the forest. We didn't ask for permission and basically snuck out. It was relatively cold outside. There was a thick fog, making it hard for us to see far.

"Don't you have heightened senses?" Gary asked out of nowhere.

I nodded my head. "Then use them!" He exclaimed excitedly.

I realized that maybe I should've since the beginning. I closed my eyes and tried to focus on Ezra's strong aroma. I somehow was able to track her, even though her scent was very faint. I started running like a maniac towards the smell until I tripped.

I felt my ears and nose grow, my nose turning into a muzzle.

"GARY! I'M WOLFING OUT!" I yelled, my body growing and my clothes slowly ripping apart.

Gary ran towards me and immediately took off my jacket. I turned towards the full moon and howled.

And suddenly, I had turned into a werewolf.


I ran and ran towards Ezra, her smell stronger than before. Maybe because, now that I was fully transformed, I was able to perceive it more strongly. I felt her closer.

And then, it all happened in a blink of an eye.

The Hyde was about to pounce on her and she had closed her eyes, expecting her life to end at this very moment. I swiftly jumped on him, tackled him and slashed his chest as he cried out in pain. Then I turned to her.

Her eyes were wide with shock. She was petrified.

"E-Enid?" She had whispered.

I huffed out in response and smiled.

"ENID! WATCH OUT!!!" She screamed out.

The Hyde had fought back and slashed my face. I growled and attacked back then motioned Ezra to leave.

She nodded her head and smiled proudly at me, filling my heart with joy.


The Hyde tried to run away as I had weakened him. But I kept following him. He ran towards a cave where I found all the Nevermore students battling against a swarm of evil spirits. And who was at the head of them? Sheila. That bitch...

I growled and was about to attack her face first until the Hyde stopped me and clawed at my chest, making me howl in my pain.

I didn't want to give up though. That's when a big rock was thrown on his body, projecting him back. I turned and found Gary with his palms extended.

"You've damaged him real good, huh?" He snickered.

I bowed my head to him as he petted me. Our little moment was interrupted by the Hyde rising back on his feet and pouncing at Gary. He was too quick. I tried jumping on his back, and I did, slashing his whole back with my claws. He screamed but that was not enough as he had already cut open Gary's whole abdomen.

Gary dropped to the floor as blood poured from his mouth. I whimpered loudly and ran to him, pushing him with my head to stand up and keep fighting. The vision can't come true. I won't allow it to happen.

I nudged him and he chuckled. "Go. End him, Enid. You're the only one who can." He said weakly as he stroked my fur.

I whimpered some more and sat beside him. He smiled, his typical crooked smile. "Thank you." He muttered.

I cocked my head to the side as if to ask him what he meant. "For making me a part of your group. Somehow, my last few days on earth investigating with Ezra and you were some of the best days of my life." He coughed and blood came out of his mouth.

I growled at the Hyde who was attacking other students. "Finish him, Ens." He whispered. "I believe in you."

I stood up and licked his face to which he laughed wholeheartedly and he kissed my head affectionately before his arms dropped to his sides and he went still.

Filled with so much anger, I pounced at the Hyde and kept clawing him left and right. He was crying out in agony as I sunk my teeth into his shoulder.

He, all of the sudden, pushed me to the ground and tried to fight back but couldn't since I was full of rage. I had the upper hand. I growled and slashed his chest with my claws. He hissed as the blood coated my claws.

This said movement gave me the opportunity to go for his exposed chest and end him. I sunk my teeth into his heart as he screamed out in pain. I ripped it out of his chest and shred it into tiny pieces, not wanting my first time eating raw meat to be from a monster.

He slowly transformed back into his human form and in front of me laid a naked Tyler. Tyler?

I was in shock. I watched as his neck glowed in red, not from the blood. It almost looked like a mystical choker wrapped around his neck. Sheila had marked him and bound him to be her property and only follow her orders.

Slowly but surely, the light around his neck dissipated and he let out his last breath.

I felt my bones crackle as I was turning back to my human form. Gary had taken off my jacket so that I could wear it when I turn back. I found it lying on the floor next to him. As I wrapped it around me, I sat beside Gary who, in my eyes, was a true hero.

I held his face and caressed his cheeks as I cried. The sobs were making my body shake. I felt immense guilt for not having been able to protect him as he tried his best to do so for me.

"Hey..." His soothing voice interrupted my crying. My head snapped up and I stared at his dead body. Mouth agape with a trail of blood coming out of it, glassy and emotionless hazel eyes.

"Behind you, Ens." He chuckled. I immediately turned. There he stood, perfectly well, with no hints of the gruesome scars.

"Gary!" I yelped, jumping to hug him. He felt cold and distant, almost like a cloud.

He held me back tightly. "I'm unfortunately not alive as you may think."

"What?" I pulled away in confusion.

"Look at my body, Ens..." He said with a sad smile.

I looked back and forth between the standing Gary and the dead Gary and was even more confused.

"H-How..." I stuttered.

"Ezra revived me as you went apeshit on the Hyde. I knew you could kill him by the way." He smirked proudly.

I felt the heat rush to my cheeks. "Thanks..."

"I watched everything. Pretty gore-ish yet very entertaining." He laughed.

I giggled. "Well I didn't know how to kill him except by doing... Well, what I did."

He stroked my shoulder, his touch feeling as soft as a feather. You could almost not notice it.

"Ezra needs support. You should go find her." He stated, now sounding more serious.

I straightened up and asked him to lead the way.


Ezra's POV:

I watched proudly as my girlfriend murdered the shit out of the Hyde, ripping his heart into shreds. It was pretty satisfying. In the meantime, I was trying to weaken Sheila without any luck as she was even stronger now with all the evil spirits around her.

I took a deep breath when I found Enid running towards me with Gary beside her. She hugged me tightly and I held her back with all my strength. She was warm as usual but even warmer than what I'm used to. She felt like home.

"Are you okay?" She whispered softly, stroking my cheek.

"As okay as someone can be in this situation." I muttered, placing my forehead on hers.

She sighed and placed both her hands on my cheeks, looking at me dead in the eyes. "Gary told me about the Blood Sacrifice which is the curse you must use to end this mayhem... How can I help?"

I nodded my head, feeling determined yet scared.

"Scratch me enough to draw blood on my palm so that I can do the curse." I said.

She gulped. "A-Are you sure? I-I really don't want to hurt you..." She stuttered, her eyes watering.

I kissed her forehead, letting my lips linger. "You would be helping me save the school."

She nodded her head reluctantly and got her claws out. She ran her claw against my palm and drew blood. I closed my eyes and squeezed my palm, letting one drop of my blood fall on the ground.

"SHEILA!" I called.

She turned to me with that same stupid smirk. "Ready to join my side, Ezra?"

"I would rather die." I spat.

She burst out laughing. "Then die, I could end your misery."

I smirked. "Not going to happen, Cortez. Not on my fucking watch."

I took a deep breath and just the previous spells, the words flew out of my mouth like it was a lullaby I had been reciting since birth.

"I, Ezra Marshall, master of the spirits, the living and the dead command the blood of all the martyrs that was shed because of Sheila Cortez to come raining on her. For that, I shall invoke the blood sacrifice. SANGUINIS SACRIFICIUM!!!" I screamed. 

I extended my palm and a giant red snake came out of it, precisely from my cut, a blood like venom dripping from its teeth. It was my blood and all of the people who died because of Sheila's blood as well. 

The look of pure terror that etched itself on Sheila's face was priceless. I smirked in victory as I aimed the viper towards her. She was petrified. She couldn't move. I was feeling increasingly drained and dropped on one knee. The snake attacked Sheila and bit her. She screamed and turned all shades of grey before dropping on the floor. The bite was so strong and so venomous that it poisoned her instantly and killed her. After it had done its job, the snake disappeared. 

 All the students were cheering me on. But I couldn't focus. I looked around, only to find myself surrounded by a puddle of blood. The last thing I remember before collapsing was Enid running towards me and yelling out my name. 

After that... 

It was all black.


The final battle has FINALLY happened!

The real question is though: Did Ezra survive? 

The curse she used was pretty powerful...


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