By Iamurmama

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One day Y/n was coming home from school and she finds a weird card on the floor. She brings it home and someh... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
1k yippee
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25

Chapter 22

162 6 2
By Iamurmama

Sorry for no update in 2 days. Iv been busy reading other things.. anyways here's the next chapter :D I feel like I forgot how to write in 3rd person pov cus like I haven't gone to school for 2 weeks now so I'm sorry if it's bad.


3rd person pov

"It's time to go home Illumi. I hope you know what's coming when we get home," Illimis dad says as he cleans his sword. "I want you home in the next 24 hours. I think Killua is doing good by himself," he says. He glances at Illumis face once more with his feircing blue eyes before jumping into the starry city.

Illumi is standing there, heart beating fast, a knot in his chest, and tears coming in ounces. He sniffs and wipes his eyes with his sleeve as he gets on his knees besides Y/n. It started to rain and Y/ns body starts slowly disappearing starting with her feet.

"I'm sorry Y/n. Im sorry I failed to keep you alive again," Illumi starts to say. "I'm sorry I couldn't stay longer with you. I'm sorry I couldn't keep you safe from my father," his eyes start stinging again. "Im sorry I couldnt love you longer," his voice cracks and he crys violently with his head down. "You were my first friend. My best friend. You showed me joy and love. I'm sorry if I couldn't show that enough.. you made all my worrys away. You showed me out to enjoy," he stays there for atleast 10 minutes holding Y/ns cold hand, crying on it until it starts to rain.

Y/ns body was already half gone. Illumi knew she was gonna be gone soon. His trembling hands grab Y/ns still ones and give her knuckles a kiss.

"Please come back to me soon.."

Y/ns pov

"Y/n its been 20 minutes why do you keep crying," Julian says crossing his arms leaning on my doorway.

"Shut up and get out!" I throw a pillow at him and he scoffs and walks out

"It's okay sister it's okay," Benji tells me rubbing my tears away as I use him as my stuffed animal hugging him.

"No Benji you like don't understand I loved this boy," I sniffed hard and cry on my little brother's shoulder. He starts rubbing my hair and Shushing me. He was only 4 but did understand human feelings.

"You have me. You can love me all you want," he tells me smiling. I look at him with my glossy eyes. I smile and tell him to go play in his room.

'I died again. God Illumis dad can suck my dick whyd he have to kill me:(' I get up and look at myself in the mirror. My eyes were red and my mascara was all over. I groan and fall back on my bed.

'Couldn't even give me my clothes' I scoff.

"AHbbbbsbbbhhhhb" I scream into my pillow then Tracy burst into my room.

"Y/N!" I turn around and was attacked by Tracy's hug.

"Hi.." I say looking to the side and hugging back. She let's go and takes my face in her hands.

"What happened to you? Julian called me saying you were crying you good??!" She asks really quickly. I look at my door and see Julian smirking. I flip him off and throw a pillow to close the door and lean against my bed frame.

"I'm okay. Well.. no I'm not but, it's just hard to explain," I say looking at my best friend frowning.

"Whatever is going on you can tell me," she says giving me a hug again. "And where'd you get this," she grabs my hand and examines the ring on my finger. I didn't even see it. So this just confirms it even more it's not a dream. I think about tell her.. why not.

"Okay. It started when I was 12 and was walking home and found a card.." and so I explain to her the whole situation. She laughed at first but saw how serious I was.

"Oh wow.." she says looking at my wall filled with posters. "So you're gonna see him again right? When?" She asks turning to face me. I think and try to do the math.

"4 years probably unless the 'rule' changed. I'll be 20. I don't know if I wanna see him though," I say looking at my lap. Tracy's eyes go big.

"WHAT?! He's your like boyfriend right? No not even that you guys are like soulmates. He's a goddamn assasin and hes in love with you and so are you! That's like," then she does weird movements with her hands. I groan again.

"I know I know but, I hurt him the first time. I probably hurt him again by dying again. I don't want that to happen again," I say hugging my knees to my chest.

"You delusional ass, that'll just make him think you don't want to see him again and have abandoned him," she says. She's rights.

"I don't know. I don't wanna think about that right now," i say.

"Agreed. Let's find what we are gonna wear Tomorrow because tomorrow it's your birthdayyyyyy," Tracy squeals and goes to my messy closet. I smile and walk towards her. 4 years. I have 4 years to think about this.

Illumis pov

"And this Is for disobeying me," my father swings again with the big whip. I was tied up in the torchour room. I flinch from the impact on my chest.

"This one is for lying to me," he swings again as I wince. The pain was already done. I don't feel anything anymore. It was already there when Y/n left this world to hers.

I was torchoured for the next week and was told the ruled about the family.

"Family always comes first. Family first. Kill. Kill for money. Money." Everything had to be carved into my brain. I couldn't do this anymore.

"You're free to go Illumi," my father tells me as he unleashes the chains. I walk out and see Killua sitting on the floor next to the door. He jumps up when I walk out.

"Illumi!" He yells as he sees me. I'm embarrassed. I'm supposed to be an example for my brothers.

"Killua? You're supposed to be at heavens arena," I tell him as I walk to my room.

"Yea, I got to the 150th floor," he says following me. I ruffle his hair.

"Nice job. Now try the 200th," I say as I enter my room.

"No I think I'm good. I saw you," he says giving me a dead stare. I give one back wondering what he had seen. "I want to see Y/n. I saw you guys walk out. Is she um around," he asks. I sit on my bed and look at the floor.

"No. She died," I say. "You wanna know why? Because I'm weak," I say still staring down. I feel killua sit besides me.

"You arnt weak," he says patting my back. "You are an amazing brother. Even if you suck sometimes you are still my bother," he says leaning to look at me and smile. I hold back all my emotions I wanted to pour out to someone. I simply give him my best smile and he laughs at this. He then goes serious.

"But I do have a question. I thought you told me Y/n died." He says with big curiosity eyes.

"Well she was clearly alive so," i say getting up. "Now get out I have to clean myself up," I say as I look at my scarred body. Killua gives me one last confused look and walks out. 'I'll be 20 when I see her again. For now I'll focus on work' I think to myself as I shower, bandage my body, and go to sleep.

"Goodnight Y/n"

"Goodnight Illumi"

Hopefully that was angsty enough 🧍🏽‍♀️

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