While looking at the stars

By BilgeGmar

9.3K 297 25

Nanase Riku wasn't the only one Kujo Tenn left behind. Besides his parents and his twin Riku, there was someo... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28

Chapter 23

188 10 1
By BilgeGmar

When Tenn finally released her, she had gotten as far away from him as possible and crept into the farthest corner of the room. He was smiling as if he found this funny. She could feel the tension between them rising again as he started to take steps towards her.

''What's the problem? Did you really need to go this far? Am I really that scary? Don't worry. I won't eat you."

She quickly corrects her posture and looks at him with defiant eyes.

"I'm not walked away because fear you. I just needed a little get away. Why don't we put some distance between us? This serves no purpose other than to stress me out." Tenn was standing right in front of her as he said.

She looks at him in confusion as he suddenly scowls at her with an angry expression. What was he angry about this time?

"There was no such thing as distance between you and that Minami guy. But you didn't seem bothered at all. Am I causing you to stretch? Are you serious? Even though you've known me a lot longer than him?!"

With his suddenly rising voice, she is holding herself hard not to take a step back. It was really creepy when he was angry. She could literally feel herself breaking out in a cold sweat. But she knew he was right in what he said. The problem was Mui didn't know why felt this way and it wasn't something she could really control.

"Do you really need to shout for this? Sorry for not having control over my emotions! Are you happy now?!" she shouts, raising her voice too.

Probably all the shouts were echoing outside right now. But at that moment neither of them cared. The atmosphere between them was very intense.

Those words seemed to give Tenn pause. Suddenly, something in his eyes began to change. Anger gave way to satisfaction. What did that mean?

"Now that I think about it... You were always nervous around me. Every time I got too close, you were trying to get away from me somehow..."

After a short silence he continued.

"You never would have done that before. You weren't bothered at all by the distance between us. So much so, that there were many times we slept together."

She wasn't sure what he was trying to convey with that, but just remembering those memories was enough to make her feel embarrassed. He had a meaning. She wasn't really nervous back then. But now..

"So you finally realized..." she wasn't sure what he was implying as he muttered. "Realizing what?" she asks, blinking.

In return, he sighs and rolls his eyes.

"Do I really have to say it out loud for you to understand? Well.. I guess you finally see me as a man. You didn't care about the distance between us back then, but now you're avoiding me."

Mui quickly shuts her mouth before her jaw drops to the ground. What had her ears just heard?! She had never thought of it that way. But now that she think about it.. It made sense. So what does that mean? What's changed? Isn't Minami also a man? Why was she never nervous with him?

And he asks exactly what she was thinking at that moment.

"Then why are you so comfortable with him? You act like the distance between you doesn't matter at all?"

''Stop right there! I was never too close to him. It's just that I may have crossed the line a little today.. But the truth is I'm not nervous..'' he looked thoughtful.

"I guess you don't really have feelings for him.. Although I can't say the same for him.. It seems like you're finally starting to realizer me. I'm not going to complain about it. But I don't want to see you as close to him as today. It's not surprising after what I've seen today that there are so many rumors about you."

The only thing that bothered her about what he said was that she had no feelings for him. This was not true at all! She liked him! He was important to her. And Tenn apparently needed to understand that. That's why she sees no choice but to say it out loud.

"It is not true that I have no feelings for him. I like him. I love spending time with him. And he is really important to me."

Once again, he looked annoyed at what she had said. Mui could tell that just by looking at his frowning eyebrows.

"Is that really the only thing that matters to you from all that I've said? Do you like him? So what kind of like is this? How can you stay so calm when you're so close to him?"

What kind of like? Does he mean in the sense of love? It wasn't something she really thought about, but she knew it wasn't love. She was quite calm next to him and did not feel such strange movements in her heart. Though it was something she had never experienced, she wasn't sure how to understand when she fell in love.

She sees him sighing impatiently through her thoughts. His mood seemed even worse now.

"Why do you think so long? Yes or no is enough. If you have that kind of feeling towards him, shouldn't you know it?"

"Do you think it's that simple? You talk as if you've experienced love.. Or are you saying that you're already in love with someone?!" When Mui said, the shock was reflected both in her voice and on her face.

He looked just as shocked and embarrassed as she was by the sudden unexpected question.

"Where did you get that from?! That's not what we're talking about." She could hear the tension in his voice. Did he really love someone? Just this thought makes her feel an unexplainable pain in her heart. A kind of sadness.. And disappointment?

Well, but what did that mean? What does it matter whether him like someone or not? Or did she have feelings for him? The thought alone is enough to terrify her. So she quickly puts this thought out of her mind. That was out of the question!

When Mui remembers him coming here in anger, she does not want to prolong this conversation and returns to the main topic.

She folded her arms. "So what was your reason for coming here? You burst into the backstage with such anger that you looked ready to kill someone..'' she asks and does not need to hide her sarcasm.

Although he seems surprised by the sudden change of subject, he rolls his eyes seeing her teasing.

"Just so you know... I didn't come here to commit murder. But after what I saw, I was really close to it." She startle and as a shiver runs down her spine as his expression suddenly darkens. He said it in such a cold tone that it was really a question of whether he was serious when he said it.

Mui clears her throat as silence begins to form between them again.

"So.. What were you really angry about? Can you tell me the reason for your coming now?"

He shrugged. "Does I really have to have a reason? Couldn't I have wanted to visit you?" She looks at him as if to say are you serious? But he didn't seem to mind her gaze. Was he really planning on trying to prolong this conversation and spending the night backstage or something?

Unlike him, she had no intention of spending the night here. If he was having this long distracting conversation just to prevent her from seeing Minami, it was totally in vain. She could see him any time. And he certainly can't prevent this. So she wasn't sure what he was trying to achieve by doing this.

"I find it hard to think that when you would barge into my backstage with such anger that you would want to visit me. And something tells me you're trying to prolong this conversation as long as possible."

When she heard he click one's tongue, it was clear that she was right. It was too childish even for him! Not wanting to waste any more time with this nonsense, Mui quickly starts packing up. When she's finally ready to go, she turns around and suddenly finds herself face to face with Tenn.

This shocks her so much that a scream escapes her before she can stop it, and her feet tangle as she begins to back away in panic. She stumbles, completely losing her balance, and just as she falls, she quickly feels hands wrapped around her waist. The next second she regains her balance and finds herself on both feet again.

But there was a difference. Now she could feel warm hands on her waist holding her firmly in place. With a gentle but strong grasp. When she finally realizes the strange moment just had, she starts to stare at him angrily. He had taken her by surprise so much that she was close to having a heart attack.

She releases his grip and pulls back quickly. Being this close to him was definitely not good for her heart. When her beating heart finally began to calm down, "What are you trying to do? Don't scare me like that!" she shouts.

Unexpectedly, he responds with the same anger. "I'm the one who should be asking that. Our conversation isn't over yet. Where do you think you're going? Don't you want to keep him waiting?"

"This conversation is going nowhere. And all you do is kill time. If there's something you really want to say, just say it. Don't palter.''

The answer comes faster than expected. Mui shouldn't have been surprised though. It's not easy to win when you get into an argument with Tenn. He knew how to make the best use of his sharp tongue.

''I already told you. But you didn't listen. That's why I say it again. I don't want you to get this close to him again."

"And what makes you think I'd put distance between us just because you asked? Since when did it fall to you to decide about my life and the people I love? Am I meddling in your life? Why don't you do the same and just mind your own business?"


She think that was a little too harsh. Mui could see on his face that for a few seconds he was getting a shock and which he get an unexpected response. She could even see the sadness and contradiction in his eyes. And those feelings were still fixed in his eyes. He couldn't seem to hide it. She had really caught him off guard.

When he finally masks his feelings, he looks at her with a mixture of anger and sadness.

"Can't you see I'm saying this for your own good? There are a whole world of unfounded rumors and allegations about you. Don't you realize you're hurting your career?!"

These words silenced her. Definitely not what she expected to hear. There were very few times when he explained himself by controlling his anger. What he said often led to misunderstandings, but he didn't bother to correct it. Because usually at that moment he would be too angry for that.

Although his words affect her, she does not let him see it. Mui still didn't want to let her guard down without learning the story behind the missing 5 years. In fact, she missed him very much and all she wanted was to hug him to the fullest, spend time together, make up for the years lost. But her pride wouldn't allow it. And her heart, which is still hurt.

She sighs, trying to maintain a neutral facial expression. "Even so, it's not something you need to worry about. It is neither your career nor your future at stake. Why are you wasting your time here? You don't want me to see him that much? That's why you keep distracting me..'' she says and shows the time.

"What are you trying to tell me here for 30 minutes? Why are you wasting your time here with me? Wasn't your schedule full? Shouldn't you be gone before you get into trouble?"

This time he's the one who sighs. "I wouldn't be here if I cared, would I? And for your information, I've already been on the shows I was supposed to attend today. Even if it wasn't, I would still find a way to find you. Stop making excuses. You're just trying to get rid of me."

This was really starting to give her a headache. Arguing with him was more tiring than she thought.

''.. Yes. I'm trying to get rid of you. So please leave me alone!" she says, pointing to the door. But he doesn't move.

Sighing in defeat. "Why don't you just go? You-" She suddenly starts to feel dizzy and has a terrible pain in her head. In the next second, she gets down on her knees, quickly takes her head in her hands and waits for the pain to pass. It wasn't her first time, but it really sucked.

In just a few seconds, Mui barely hears the footsteps approaching her fast. She looks at him in surprise as he kneels down and removes her hands from her head abruptly. Looking at him face, she could see that he was panicking.

''What's the problem?! What's is wrong with you? Are you not feeling well? Do you have a headache?" she quickly gives him a reproachful look as the shower of questions begins. Mui just looked at him as if to 'shut up', but he didn't seem to understand.

''Damn! You have to tell me what the problem is! If you're not feeling well, why don't you tell me sooner?! If you're going to collapse on the ground like this, what's the purpose of you coming here?!" She quickly covers his mouth with her hand when he starts to scold her.

''Darn it! Can't you just shut up for 5 seconds?! You are certainly not helping my terrible headache!"

Unfortunately, he didn't seem to care at the moment. She felt too exhausted to answer when he quickly pulled her hand away from his mouth and asked, "So the problem is headache.. Do you think you could feel better while writhing on the floor like this?"

Quickly realizing that he might not get an answer, Tenn abruptly changes his position. The next moment he picks her up abruptly and carries her in her arms like a bride. She felt like she had no weight. Because he certainly didn't seem to have any trouble doing it.

In a few seconds she finds herself on the couch, but apparently still in Tenn's lap, his arms wrapping around her like a safety ring. Her head was resting on his chest and she could hear his calming heartbeat. That was enough for her to feel almost like a baby.

But just being in his arms seemed to ease the headache. Mui felt much more peaceful and calm now.

And the hand gently stroking her hair was enough for her to almost fall asleep. She had a hard time keeping her eyelids open, as she kept herself barely awake and said, "If you keep doing this, I'm going to fall asleep."

She was almost falling into the sweet arms of sleep when he gave her an angry and worried look. "For God's sake, don't you ever sleep? Do you still need me to put you to sleep?" She barely realized what he was saying.

Mui tried to get out of his embrace, but she had neither the strength nor would Tenn let her go.

As he sighs and begins to gently caress her head again, she begins to surrender to the arms of sleep, muttering a curse. The last words she heard were, "Just sleep, idiot." 


She wasn't sure how much time had passed, but she seemed to hear someone talking in the background. And at the same time, she felt carried away by someone. Mui could tell it was Tenn only by the soothing feeling of the arms surrounding her.

But why was he carrying her? How long had she been sleeping? Where were they? She knew had to wake up to find an answer to these questions, but her eyelids resisted not opening. Just as she was about to fall asleep again, with Tenn's sudden shout finally regains her consciousness.

"Don't even think about putting your hands on her. You're just waiting for a chance to touch her! Make yourself useful and open that goddamn door!"

Soon after, when she hears Gaku grunting, she begins to realize that they are getting into a car.

"You have strange thoughts. Why should I take a chance to touch her? I was just trying to help. I didn't think you could be so jealous and possessive."

When Mui finally can open her eyes, she finds herself in a jeep. Looks like she was crammed into a car with Trigger. Well, but what was going on? Why was she here? What had she missed? When she takes a look outside, she is shocked to see that it is already dark.

How many hours had she been sleeping?! Was Tenn really with her all this time? If so, she realizes that he wasn't lying about his program being empty. But even so, why hadn't he left her side for hours? And where exactly were they going now?

As she fidgets in his lap, Tenn finally realizes that she's awakened, turning his attention to her.

"Sleeping Beauty seems to have finally woken up? So did you get your beauty sleep?"

Seriously? He making fun of her the way when she opened her eyes? But that shouldn't be surprising. It was like that 5 years ago. His seems that part of this mocking hasn't changed.

Mui rolled her eyes. "You're so funny. Now tell me why I'm here. I'm not being kidnapped, am I?" when she ask he chuckles, surprising her. It was really rare to see him smile like that.

"I'll gladly kidnap you if that's what you want. But now I was just taking you home. After sleeping for 5 hours straight, I was convinced that you wouldn't wake up anytime soon. Probably Gaku's grunts woke you up." When he say this, she was struggling not to laugh.

But before she can stop herself, laughter pours out of her mouth. Tenn looked pleased and amused, while Gaku gave them both disgruntled looks. He looked like he was having a hard time not saying anything.

''Do you know? For the first time in a long time, we really agree. Gaku's grunts were what really woke me up.."

Tenn was teasingly giving Gaku a pointed look. Gaku, on the other hand, could do nothing but roll his eyes. He looked too weary to answer.

"It's good to see that we finally agree on something. Now go back to sleep." He starts stroking her hair again. But when only a few seconds pass, she quickly stops him.

''Cut it out. It's clear I've had enough sleep. Why are you so determined to put me to sleep?"

He sighed. "Because I can see you need it. It's like you haven't slept in years..''

Mui suddenly realizes the fact that for the first time in a long time she has slept without nightmares. For the first time in a long time, she had truly slept peacefully and without nightmares.

Was it because of being in Tenn's arms? And... She tried to get out of his lap quickly when she realized the fact that she still is. But she was so panicked that her struggle to get out of his embrace lacked coordination. She was acting very clumsily.

Even Tenn watched in amazement as she struggled to get out of his arms. It was as if he was trying to understand what she was trying to do. But before he could figure it out, she had to get rid of him.

Because a voice inside her said that he wouldn't let her go otherwise. Just as she was finally about to break free from his arms, she suddenly felt herself being pulled back. A second later, when she finds herself in his arms again, she realizes that the voice inside her was right.

Just as she is about to open his mouth and say something, Tenn precedes her. His expression was half amused, half angry. She wasn't sure what to make of it.

''You're unbelievable. Before this relentless struggle, you could only ask."

Mui looks at him curiously, giving her full attention. "Would you really let me go if I asked? Something inside me said it wouldn't let me go. I just listened to my instincts. The only problem was that my movements lacked coordination..'' she pouts.

Her pout makes Tenn smile. She blinks, not expecting this reaction. But after only a few seconds, his smile suddenly faded and he began to lean towards her ear.

What was he trying to do? Mui wasn't sure wanted to find out but she was literally trapped in his arms!

The next moment she feels like time has stopped for a moment as he begins to whisper lustfully into her ear.

"Your instincts are reacting as they should. Because.. I won't let you go tonight.''

She can't stop her shivering. But even worse, her heart started beating fast. Excitement and anticipation. What did that mean? It was as if he had triggered something in her body.

But she can't help but roll her eyes when suddenly remembers that they shot such raunchy commercials and TV shows. Had he suddenly decided to test it on herself? When she turned to him in anger, she could see that he was waiting for her reaction with anticipation and curiosity.

Unfortunately, she had no intention of giving him the reaction he wanted. Mui wasn't going to give him that pleasure.

"You suddenly decided to quote the TV series? Sensual scenes?"

He looks at her in surprise, not waiting for this answer.

''What? Have you seen? How long have you been following our shows?"

She finds herself smiling when remembers the funny moment with Riku. His reaction was absolutely priceless.

"I wasn't following until yesterday. I really haven't had the opportunity to do so. But by chance, I came across when Riku suddenly decided to turn on the TV. All three of you. Every time he switch channels, your sensual scenes appeared before us. He was so close to having a crisis, but his reactions were priceless," she chuckles.

Tenn seemed to be barely suppressing a smile as he glanced at her.

With a knowing expression, "Why didn't this surprise me? Riku he's too naive and innocent for show business." he said and Mui couldn't object this. She knew he was right. He really was.

But she also knew that Riku was strong enough to deal with the brutality of show business. She believed him. And she was ready to stand by him and support him in his difficult times.

They soon stop in front of her apartment and Tenn finally frees her. Before getting out of the car, she wonders for a moment if she should just go. Should she thank him? For the first time in a long time, she felt grateful for a nightmare-free sleep.

Before getting out of the car, she turns to thank him and says goodbye to the three of them. Then she heads to her apartment. Strangely, Tenn looked surprised at her thanks.


In the last few days, she was happy that she had finally completed her intense shooting and was able to find some time for herself. But from the intensity of the shoot, she realized she had missed something important.

Mui was shocked to learn that the center on IDOLISH7 is now Iori instead of Riku. When did this happen? She couldn't believe she had missed it. But the real question is why? And for how long? So when she asks about this to his managers, she is even more surprised to learn that she did it for Riku. It looked like Iori would stay in the center for a while until Riku's condition stabilized.

She doesn't know how to react to this. She really appreciated what he had done, even though there was an argument between them in their last encounter. She even officially threatened him beyond arguing! It wasn't a very good memory, but she do this was purely instinctive.

Mui was still angry with him for that day, but was glad that he had helped Riku and took the heavy responsibility off Riku. Maybe she should have visited him. It was a fact that she had been dumping him lately and they hadn't had much time to see each other.

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