Storms ⌲ Sebastian Sallow

By starrymccartney

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❝Your beauty is positively spellbinding. It's as if I'm falling for you, Cel. You've enchanted me. You've bew... More

1. ✭ every night that goes between ✭
2. ✭ i feel a little less✭
3. ✭ as you slowly go away from me ✭
4. ✭this is only another test✭
5. ✭every night you do not come✭
6. ✭your softness fades away✭
7. ✭did i ever really care that much✭
8. ✭ is there anything left to say✭
9. ✭every hour of fear i spend✭
10. ✭my body tries to cry✭
12. ✭a deadly call inside✭
13. ✭i haven't felt this way i feel✭
14. ✭since many a years ago✭
15. ✭but in those years and the lifetimes past✭
16. ✭i did not deal with the road✭
17. ✭and i did not deal with you, i know✭
18. ✭though the love has always been✭
19. ✭so i search to find an answer there✭
20. ✭so i can truly win✭
21. ✭so i try to say goodbye, my friend✭
22. ✭i'd like to leave you with something warm✭
23. ✭but never have i been a blue calm sea✭
24. ✭i have always been a storm✭
25. ✭we were frail✭
26. ✭she said, "every night he will break your heart"✭
27. ✭i should have known from the first✭
28. ✭i'd be the broken hearted✭
29. ✭i loved you from the start✭
30. ✭and, not all the prayers in the world could save us✭

11. ✭living through each empty night✭

169 9 0
By starrymccartney

Modern Soundtrack: My Demons by STARSET☼


"You are lovers now, you must be," Poppy laughed.

"Oh, please... Every time we try to label it, it becomes tainted. I'm trying to enjoy it," I scoffed as I began to get ready in my dorm room.

In front of the mirror, I combed my long jet-black hair and tied the two front strands in the back. I studied the little cage I put the golden snitch Sebastian had given to me. However, it was not fluttering around this time. It was sitting, dormant, maybe even asleep.

For another minute, I sat and stared at myself. I couldn't help but feel out of place. I focused on my eyes, the same color as Sebastian's, but more of an almond shape. My skin was as pale as snow, my cheeks as pink as the cotton candy at Honeyduke's.

I thought about the attention I got from my peers. However, I stopped myself from indulging too much, as I would find myself in a rabbit hole of insecurity. I really did not understand what made me so different than others. I felt mundane. But, people saw me as extraordinary. It was baffling - conflicting if you will.

"You alright, Cel?" Poppy asked me. I turned to her, tears brewing.

"I don't belong here, Poppy..." My voice began to break.

"Of course you do. You are so talented."

"It's not about talent... I truly feel like I am a fraud."

"You're not a fraud, you're quite the witch. You've got to learn to not put yourself down like this, it is positively detrimental." I nodded as she explained.

"How could I not? Ever since I stepped foot onto this school I've had to lie to Professors, I've had to break hearts, choose between friends... I came here looking for solace, not stress."

"What's life without a little bit of a challenge? Look, you're here for a reason. Embrace that about yourself. Now, go to Transfiguration class, don't want you to be late on your first day... and enjoy yourself there. Learn that you deserve every accomplishment you've earned." After that, I gave her a hug and thanked her for her kind words.


I was one of the first students there, so I thought to sit down in the back, hoping Sebastian would look for me. But, the minutes dragged on and he did not show up.

Another student, Leander Prewett, saw me and must've thought I was shy and scared of sitting towards the front, so he sat down next to me.

"I don't believe we have met, I am Leander," He spoke, oozing confidence. He had orange hair and he was quite tall and lanky.

"Oh, I know who you are," I smiled. "You're the one Sebastian beat in the duel on my first day." He grimaced. "Speak of the devil."

All the heads turned in the classroom to see Sebastian trudge through the doorway. Our eyes met and he shot me a shy smirk. However, once he noticed all of the seats around me were taken, he decided to sit across from me.

At that moment, I noticed the Slytherin Quidditch captain, Imelda Reyes, started to engage in conversation with Sebastian. I bit my cheek.

"To be fair, I was merely going easy. Sebastian needs to be humbled from time to time." Leander chuckled.

"Is that so?" I questioned as my eyes stayed locked on Imelda.

"That it is," Leander said, sneaking a glance at me.

"Mr. Prewett, because it is Celestial's first Transfiguration class, would you be oh so kind to demonstrate a spell for her?" Professor Weasley spoke and all heads turned to me. Great, just what I needed.

"Of course, Professor," he obeyed and drew his wand, pointing it towards me. He had transfigured a simple pot on the desk into a chocolate frog from Honeyduke's. "For you, Miss Lovegood, from your new-found friend, Mr. Prewett." I felt myself go red. I became terribly flustered. The classroom exchanged faint giggles.

"Young love, quite a potent, but a rather intoxicating feeling..." Professor Weasely trailed off. I glanced shyly at Sebastian, who cocked his head in confusion. "Nevermore, Mr. Prewett, this is not the time or place for that. Detention for the both of you."

"But, Professor! I am merely an innocent bystander!" I yelled out. Her harsh sentences on me recently started to really take a toll on me. First, having Garreth as a tutor, now this?

"You've got to learn, Miss Lovegood, that Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry is not for lollygagging and relationship-building," she smirked to herself. I sat back in my chair in utter disbelief. I was nothing but collateral damage.

"I beg to differ, Professor," Sebastian spoke out. I didn't even dare look at him. There was no use. "Building relationships is but a vital part of being a student at Hogwarts, and this does not need to mean romantically, but mentorships. They are vital to our education."

The class all had wide eyes. They must have not been used to seeing a student call out a professor like that. I smiled to myself knowing that Sebastian defended me once again, but at the same time, I felt worried. One day his "bravery" is going to come back and bite him, I just know it.

"Do you wish to join Miss Lovegood and Mr. Prewet in detention, Mr. Sallow?" She asked, and the class went quiet.

"I'd be more than happy to join Miss Lovegood anywhere, Professor," he explained as he crossed his arms. Professor Weasley shook her head in disdain.

"He's right," Profesor Sharp interrupted. My jaw dropped.

"Professor Sharp?" Professor Weasley asked, surprised by his presence.

"Matilda... These are two very bright students. Even I have learned the hard way that detention itself won't fix the issue. It is supporting the budding friendship and utilizes it as a didactic method. There's no separating those two - they are practically two peas in a pod," Professor Sharp explained and the student's curious eyes darted around the room.

"Class dismissed," Professor Weasley spoke in a defeated tone and turned her back to us. Professor Sharp started to talk to her as the class began packing up.

As the class shuffled out, I looked over at Sebastian, who raised his eyebrows. Were we really the type of friendship that needed to last? To the point where Professor Sharp believes it should not be messed with?

My eyes began to water - I wanted to cry. Lately, I had been so overwhelmed with catching up on my studies, and on top of that, I was already the talk of the town. Now, I had been completely and utterly humiliated in front of more of my pupils. Of course, I can't surround myself with like-minded people because they most definitely think I am some hormone-raged witch who hasn't got a clue about what she is doing.

Sebastian noticed this, the way he notices everything about me, and ran up to me as I slowly made my way down the stairs.

He brought me into a warm embrace. I couldn't help but let the tears flow. It felt like I could not get a grip. Everything was falling apart, my grades were failing, the school sees me as an imposter, and I haven't got any family to back me up. I guess now I can truly understand how harrowing it is to feel alone.

"You got this, Cel. Don't listen to Professor Weasley. Every student here has a Professor who has it out for them - it means nothing. You are just what everyone wants to be. Talented, cunning, loyal. People don't know if they want to be you or be with you," he reassured me as I tried to take deep breaths and not draw any attention.

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