Wings Of Fire (WOF) : A dark...

By justaguychilling

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Nightjar is a hybrid between a nightwing and a mudwing and that doesn't make her life simple at all. She does... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35

Chapter 10

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By justaguychilling

Nightjar woke up with the sun's rays caressing her dark scales. She was in front of the cave entrance and the river in the forest below, with the glitter of this daytime star, like small crystals. The river was calling her to refresh herself and she gladly accepted this invitation to hydrate her dry throat and decided to get up to stretch her body. The air of the morning dew was fresh and a change from the stale smell that hung around their old prison.

As she tried to stand up, she felt the weight of Maple's soft wing. She must have gotten close to him since she was almost glued if not totally. "Are you finally up?" he whispered softly.

- Yes" she said, barely awake and at the same time a little embarrassed by the kindness of her friend.

She wanted to stay here to rest for eternity but seeing the day again after almost a week of confinement gave her courage to wake up. She could finally begin her journey. Maple's questions from the night before had slightly disturbed her sleep. Of course she wanted to find answers, but could the truth really be so bad ? From what she saw of Maple's experience, it could be. "How are you doing ? she asked him, worried about the revelations from the night before.

- Better than I would have imagined to be honest, he asserted, I'm trying to discern what's real and what's not, and I'm keeping it in perspective. I already knew what had happened in reality but maybe... I just wanted Hornet to explain.

- I see, if you ever need to, we can talk about it again.

- Don't worry about it. I've bothered you enough with this. Now it's your turn, if I may say so.

It may have been selfish on her part, but Nightjar wanted to dedicate herself to this very thing. This conviction, this desire to discover this unknown reality had been swirling around in her head for too long.

After Maple released her from his delicate embrace, they headed for the water source. Once the two travelers were able to satisfy their appetites with the help of a few unlucky deer, they flew up the Diamond Spray River to the Sky kingdom. Once they arrived there, they could finally head south to the sand kingdom.

This journey took a few days, alternating between walking and flying to rest their wings and legs. They had no trouble feeding or resting and did not encounter any dragons on their way. During that trip, they both learned from the life of each other. Maple happily told her more about his life with his parents. He said that he had felt it necessary to tell her everything in order to be honest with her, but for Nightjar, this may have been his way of saying goodbye to them for the last time. She had listened to him carefully, hoping silently to heal the deep wounds that had been embedded in his memories.

As they flew, Nightjar had begun to tell of his life in the community with his siblings : "We were very close to each other.

- Because of your compulsory service ? he asked curiously, coming closer to hear her better in the air.

- No, long before that. I was very lucky to have been accepted by them. Despite what I am, they accepted me as one of them without question.

- Simply because they don't care about the difference between you and your origins.

- I don't know. It may sound hypocritical but I hope they don't worry too much about me, stated Nightjar

- It's normal to feel a bit guilty, don't worry about it. But they should worry because your own brother literally saw you get captured before you could even cross the border, he laughed.

- Oh give me a break with that. Admit it, I was unlucky.

- Or incompetent and clumsy," he added, poking her with his tail.

- You want that I strike you perhaps, she threatened with amusement.

- Try a little to see.

At the same time, he folded his wings to dive toward the plain, accelerating his speed like an eagle. Nightjar accepted the challenge and chased him. They skimmed the grass, at times avoiding the tree trunks that remained on the plain. She was not far from him and despite her powerful wings, she had trouble catching up with him so she could put him on the ground. Several times she almost caught him but he always accelerated at the last moment to avoid the confrontation and at the same time he glanced at his pursuer with a taunting smile. Finally the half leafwing landed on the ground and stopped abruptly and the second hybrid did the same. "Look, he said cheerfully, Falcon's palace is just across the street. We've finally arrived.

By taking her eyes off him, Nightjar could see the illustrious and elaborate palace rising into the blue sky. Located in the middle of the plain, not far from a mountain, it was composed of a large main tower with others not far from it but less imposing. They seemed to be attached to compartments that were on the ground as well as on the sides. Large peaks towered over these tall buildings. As they continued to walk towards their destination, they saw several dwellings that seemed to be scattered about and the duo began to see hundreds of dragons moving up and down the great towers.

The buildings were so large that as they watched the structures grow before their eyes due to the perspective, they felt as if they were not moving forward, their silhouettes growing larger and larger. Nightjar was surprised to see that there were no or very few guards hanging around to watch their surroundings. The atmosphere was less heavy than in the Mud Kingdom. This land seemed more welcoming ; more friendly.

Nevertheless, a skywing appeared and blocked the way. She was a bright red color and was impressive with her oversized wings, typical physical traits of this clan. The stranger's horns were similar to Nightjar's but white while her claws were thin and sharp. The guard wore a simple iron breastplate adorned with the symbol of the kingdom, consisting of bird talons that were surrounded by a circle composed of rubies and amber. "May I ask in what honor you venture into the territories of the skywings? the dragoness asked politely.

- We're just passing through, Maple replied.

- You're heading for Possibility?

- Yes, but we're going around the mountains to avoid the brigands there, he added.

- Have you seen them around ?

- Once. It was on the outskirts of the Mud Kingdom, but we only saw them from a distance, Nightjar lied.

- I hope you realize that you were extremely lucky. There are more and more cases of disappearances in these territories currently. Be more careful in the future. You can pass, she said while moving aside, Try to stay only a short time. Some dragons do not look kindly on the Falcon Queen's policy of opening up to foreign tribes and therefore to dragons who are not skywings. You will not go unnoticed. If anything happens to you, let us know right away.

- Very well, good day to you, concludes Nightjar while continuing her way, followed closely by Maple.

- Thank you and have a nice stay".

They continued along a wide stone path leading to the castle and Nightjar could see the structures of the houses more clearly. Wooden beams were dotted around the walls which were consolidated with cob. At the same time, life began to emerge around them. Dragons passed by them, wandering about their businesses or looking at the newcomers curiously but trying to keep a low profile, while others admired the few stands of pottery or jewelry of varying quality scattered along the path. In the distance, she could see a few skywing dragonets having fun together, running one behind the other or fighting nicely in pairs in the grass.

As the two dragons continued to observe this extraordinary new environment, Nightjar spoke to Maple: "The guard mentioned Possibility. What was she reffering to ?

- You haven't even heard of it ? Nightjar nodded in agreement to his remark, Well, that if I expected it.

- Sorry that I don't know everything about everything.

- Don't worry about it. I just find it strange, he reassured.

Possibility is a town located on the Great Five-Tail River. It was created when a Sandwing settlement on one side of the river and a Skywing village on the other side merged. It is administered by the Sky and Sand kingdoms. Since then it has been the most coveted territory in all of Pyrrhia for all dragons who have been banished from their kingdom or who are looking for a place where they will be accepted. There, dragons from all tribes live in peace and it is also a place for trade and cultural exchange.-

 So she assumed that we were heading there...

- Because we are hybrids, he completed, Exactly.

They were now close to the palace. It was surrounded by a stone wall and several paths ran through it all around the great wall. The crowd was beginning to grow and there were not only skywings. To her right passed from one merchant to another a green seawing with blue highlights on his wings. It was the first time she had seen a dragon of this tribe. She was in awe of its webbed hands but she was most fascinated by the fluorescent markings that were scattered all over its body, even in the membrane of its wings. Despite the bright day, these spots were distinguishable to the naked eye. She had heard that since a dragon could not speak underwater, the seawings had invented a whole aquatic language composed of a combination of light flashes.

To her left passed a small pale yellow sand wing with pouches all over its body, which had been careful to stow the poisonous stinger of its tail by rolling it up on itself. "Probably a merchant," she thought. According to victims of this deadly stinger who had miraculously survived, receiving the poison from this fatal thorn was like having the sensation of burning from the inside out.

"What do we do now?" asked Maple.

- Initially I had to find a place to stay. But I didn't have the luxury of finding my purse with all my savings in it.

- That's a pity. But we'll find a solution, I'm sure. Let's get some height," he suggested.

Nightjar wished she was as optimistic as her friend. He reminded her of Viper in a way, who had a habit of always putting everything in perspective. But Maple knew how to handle it, unlike her sister. "I really need to get back to them once this is over".

They approached the large structure of the main tower and seeing that dragons were taking off to reach the upper floors, the duo did the same. The different levels were opened to the outside by large vaults supported by columns made of a marble-like material. The light gray floor was smooth and clear with regular, brown and orange organized geometric patterns. This smooth floor was reminiscent of carpets.

Small, unlit lamps hung from the ceiling and walls that were sometimes adorned with mosaics that depicted the Queen, who was sitting on a cloud contemplating her kingdom from the heavens. She did not know if these mosaics represented Volcano or Falcon since she did not know what they looked like.

In this long circular hallway, skywings decorated with their best jewelry and finery hung out in the corridors, taking turns talking and giggling but remaining courteous. These dragons seemed to care about the appearance they gave and it was a complex that was unknown to Nightjar.

As they continued their way inside, she realized that the sunlight was illuminating a large, noisy square. A fountain was in its center, forming a crossroads with the help of four other paths, and once again markets, but this time larger and more prestigious, were there and some patches of flowers of all colors decorated the place.

Contrary to the outside where there were almost only red or orange dragons, those present in this immense outside square inside the palace were made up of dragons of all horizons, to the greatest pleasure of Nightjar's curiosity. The crowd formed a living rainbow.

At her feet was a green dragon with touches of pale purple that had two pairs of wings shaped like those of a butterfly. A silkwing she assumed. Further away was a white icewing like the snow of his kingdom accompanied by a rainwing that seemed to be negotiated with a skywing with unusual colors, at least from Nightjar's perspective.

She couldn't see very well from a distance, but this one had bright red scales and on his chest were pale yellow scales. She had never before, or even today, seen a sky wing with such distinct colors.

"It's amazing, Maple said in amazement.

- That's true. I never thought I would see so many different people in one place.

- It's probably because of its proximity to Possibility.

- I wonder where the housing is. We've seen nothing but shopkeepers since we arrived, Nightjar remarked.

- That's true. In that case, let's go and ask for information, he suggested, If we get lost, we'll meet at the fountain before the sun sets.

- Alright."

They carefully descended through some stairs that were not far away. The conversations, negotiations and announcements of the merchants overflowed into the ears of the half mudwing. Around her, dragons of all colors were appearing out of nowhere and she sometimes had to play with her legs to avoid bumping into them. The items offered were also varied. Minerals, armors, weapons, wood and carpenter's furniture filled in the usual jewelries and other classic decorations that one would find. Nightjar wanted to wander around like everyone else there.

The hybrid soon realized that she had lost Maple but did not worry. After all, their search would be faster if they split up. Just as she was about to address a skywing, she was tapped on the shoulder. She was surprised and turned back to her interlocutor, "I'm sorry but I'm not..." Nightjar stopped dead in her tracks. She was in front of an individual veiled by a cloak, the same one worn by the sandwing of the prison.


- Just A Guy Chilling

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