
By wholovefun

8.2K 468 38

It was about two person who are destiny to be together. Contract married only become the reason or the way th... More

1- Kidding
2- Grandpa
3 - Proposal
4 - Nagging
5 - Silly
6 - Husband
7 - Too much
8 - Comfort
9 - Pitiful child
11- Guilty
12 - Confuse
13 - Disturb
14 - No escape
15 - Stern
16 - I am sorry
17 - First time
18 - Angry bunny
19 - Tantrum
20 - Happy dinner
21 - Husband
22 - Win help
23 - The reason
24 - The story
25 - Penalty
26 - The queen
27 - Coincident
28 - Guarding angel
29 - Scary metawin
30 - The truth
31- Other side story
32 - Confession
33 - Tempted
34 - Christmas holiday
35 - Test
36 - Fall deeper
37 - Sacrifice
38 - I love you

10 -Wedding ring

204 12 0
By wholovefun


When i dont hear any sound from bobo room , i put my laptop down to check on them. Both are sleeping on the floor. I bring bobo to his bed. After a long consideration, i bring my husband to my room. I ask bobo nanny to accompany him and i will work at my room.

He look so calm and beautiful when he sleep. He never give me this peaceful face. He just submit to my plan and stay true to his condition. He really pretend he dont know me when we see each other at any event. So its a suprise when he contact and interact with bobo and grandpa.

Flash back

Its was luxury event at singapore. A few of famous artist invited including my husband. He definitely become the main guest and the event was organized by my sub company. Honestly i dont want to make him uncomfortable but my cousin ask for my help due to my uncle heart attack and its like a month i dont see him at our home. Its a big event and he try hard to avoid me. When we shake hand he just nod and give me a business smile. I try to talk to him but he try his best to evoid and act profesional.

We can go home together i said when we are alone. No we cant and dont talk to me for personal purpose he reply with smile. Are you going to after party i ask again. He just nod. Be careful i said and he smile but firmly said. Stay out of my business, i am big guy. I can take care of my self he said before leave me.
He is stuborn and full of himself. I will attend the party as a host. I wish one day we can host the party together.

It was wild party, i sit at vip room at the upper floor. I choose to stay because i am worry of his safety. He is not crazy type. He just chilling with the music and drink. I can see his movement from here . He only mingle with his close circle and those people really take a good care of him.  I can only observe him from far and his bodyguard always nearby. I should be able to relax but i really felt uncomfortable. Maybe i felt obligate to my duty as husband.
Its was crazy night but very chill and cool for his team. Suddenly i heard a commotion. Who is coming, this is private party. Shit, what he is doing here. The person i hate the most. Now i know why this club did not stop him from coming. He walk straight to his personal louge and suddenly he stop and turn to my husband team. He suddenly walk to my husband team and politely greet them. Its only casual greet for them but i know that bastard will never look at your side if he is not interested in someone. I can read him like a back of my palm. I can see my husband politely wai to him.  What bible doing here i ask my assistant who look a bit scare when i ask them. Lets go i said and walk to them. Khun Bible what are you doing here i greet him. Wow mile the great, suprise to see you here, he said and smirk. Or should i call you young master he ask again.  I have something to talk i said. Sure sure bible said and before that he get closer to my husband and give him a card. Dammm he is hunting now. The worst hunter i ever met. He is one my competitors. I look at my husband before leave them alone but he pretend to look at bible card.

End of flashback

My husband look shock when he awake. He is finding bobo and look worry. I felt guilty when i stop him to go to bobo. I cant let bobo felt attached to him. It will make it hard for both of bobo and grandpa after we leave. The way he ask me show that he blame me for leaving my son. But i have no excuse and just ignore his question. He look so annoy and worry when bobo seem dont stop crying. I can only smile when he suddenly run and i know where his destination is. He softly hug and caress bobo back. Bobo finally calm and fell asleep again.
I am sure he will fight me the way he look at me when he notice now i am also in bobo room. I only can smile and walk out the room. I dont want to make him angry.

How is bobo my grandpa ask when i sit in front of him. He is getting better. I am sorry, he miss brighty so much, that why i allow him to play in the rain my grandpa said. He want to mimick bright music video he add.  He just try to copy anything that brighty do he explain why this sudden fever.  I just look at him with question look.. we have video call everyday. But due to his concert he cant video call like usual.. he just say hello and good night to bobo lately. Thats why bobo miss him so much.
Thats the answer for so much toys he buy for bobo. They are in bobo room now. Both are so stubborn i said and my grandpa just laugh. 
How is your life my grandpa suddenly ask.. like usual grandpa and busy as always i reply. Be careful this time my grandpa said. I look at him. I can felt he is sincere boy, dont loose him because of your careless and work. Focus on him more he start nagging. I wish i could i reply in my heart. Ok grandpa i said.  I dont see his ring my grandpa said. Dont give other chances to approach him. I know your marriage is secret but he should wear his wedding ring he said firmly. I will talk to him i said and a bit worry how i will ask him to wear our wedding ring while touching mine. 

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