celestial paradox

By feariteriu

66.8K 2.3K 1.1K

A boy stood tall, his eyes twinkling with promise as he said, "Let the sky fall, we'll face it all together."... More

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Chapter one: your best american girl
Chapter two: brooklyn visions academy
Chapter three: sweet
Chapter four: deep blue
Chapter Five: I won't run
Chapter Six: climbing walls?
Chapter Seven: you're supposed to be dead...
Chapter Eight: It's called freefall
Chapter Nine: never leave you lonely
Chapter Ten: I promise
Chapter Eleven: all the things she said
Chapter Twelve: so tonight that I may see
Chapter Thirteen: I didn't know
Chapter fourteen: skyfall
Chapter fifthteen: I guess that was goodbye
Chapter sixteen: fear is not my future
chapter seventeen: wish me luck
Chapter eighteen: collide with the sky
chapter twenty: a date with destiny
chapter twenty one: journey to the past
chapter twenty-two: spiderman always get's up
chapter twenty-three: always and forever

chapter nineteen: doomsday

1.5K 58 21
By feariteriu


THE INTENSITY OF HIS GAZE made you forget how to breathe properly. For once, it looked like he had so much to tell you. And it was killing him that he couldn't. Your sad eyes never left his figure and his determined ones never left yours.

Octavia held you in the air high above Miles Morales. Your face, usually relaxed and reserved was morphed into a reality-shattering frown. One Miles didn't fail to see.

"I tried to stay away this time, honest!" Your voice was trembling and as hard as you tried to put on a brave front, you were shivering like a leaf. You were silently pleading with him to believe your unbelievable words.

And he somehow knew, just by looking at you what you were asking of him. His head dipped, "I believe you." And he let out a harsh sigh. One that was filled with a breath of anxiety. Of course, he knew.

Miles looked up at the woman, "What do you want." Was all he uttered. He was done with the games, he was done running away. He was done. It didn't solve anything.

Miles has come to terms with the fact that the universe must be playing a cruel prank on him. Because no matter how hard he tries to get away, there's always a reason to pull him back in.

There's a moment of silence, "You." Until she says those words. Her eyes flashed dangerously as she looked down at the boy.

"Me?" He points to himself, alarmed.

The woman laughs, it's dry and there's no humor behind it. She gives her lips a quick lick, blinking her eyes they seem to shift into something more, something darker.

And Miles notices, he sees the way her eyes shift, the way she changes after those words left his lips.

"Do you know how much I can get off your body alone? All the experiments..." She trails off. Thankfully, letting everyone use their imagination.

And Miles doesn't give it a minute of hesitation. "I don't care, you can use me, beat me, break me." He means those word's because how can he fall asleep knowing you're afraid? How can he rest his eyes when every time he closes them, all he sees is you.

"Miles, no! Don-!" You were close to tears that night, and something in Miles snapped. His eyes harden. He could hear the sadness in your voice and it took every ounce of his strength to not go to you and have you in his arms.

"Leave her out of this."

The woman cocks her head, amused, "She became part of this the second you decide to take her with you Miles Morales."

You lock eyes with the boy as his name falls from her lips. It wasn't the first time she's said it but it was the first time his name was mentioned with a threat. There was malice in his name, it leaked from her mouth.

Your dark orbs flash with a warning but Miles ignores it. He doesn't care that she said his name, that she knows his true identity, none of that matters to him. You, you're all that matters, all that mattered.

You prepare to tell him her plan, what she means to do with him but one of her mechanic tentacles wraps around your mouth. You reach for your face to free yourself but it's no use, you're not strong enough.

"Y/N!" Miles tenses with hesitation. He can't move or she'll do who knows what to you. But he still readies himself to attack. His jaw clenches, and his bros fro. Miles was angry, no, livid.

"What more do you want? I already said you could have me, let her go!" He shouted, anger rolling off him in buckets. The women's eyes flash dangerously with a crazed grin. His words excite her, her smile makes your stomach ache.

"Okay." It was then Miles felt the weight of his mistake. The panic reaches his face and the boy is acting without thinking, with hesitation. This was nothing new for him, but the only difference from when he normally takes action was that Miles acted out of instinct.

His instincts were always right.

By the time you process what's happening to you, you're already screaming.

The boy, clad in sweat that coated his body, the hairs on his skin standing tall and attentive, didn't care about anything around him. He could care less about the women that towered over him

All Miles knew was that you screamed his name and that was enough for him. She dropped you, the crazed scientist dropped you. She dropped you. Your scream of utter desperation ripped through the air. And the reality of the situation pierced through Miles's still heart.

You were falling.

She released you and you fell from her grasp. You screamed Miles's name as you went down and it all seemed to happen in slow motion. He knew what was coming before she even let you go and he lunged for you.

Her evil laugh was loud and far above him as he dived for your fear-stricken body. You locked eyes with Miles while yours reflected true misery, but his were dark, dark with a promise. A promise of saving you.

He had to. He was going to.

You began to think back on your week, your days seeming to flash before your very eyes. And then the week turned into months, months turning into the years of your life, you lived a good one, right? Yeah. You did.

Miles reached out to you. His fingers pointed out in the familiar way Spider-Man would and you braced yourself. This was it, you had a good run.

His hand pointed at you and you seemed to freeze in place as he pulled you toward him. In a blur of red and black, Miles darted toward you without so much as an ounce of hesitation. He landed on a broken and beat-down bus with you in his arms hidden away from the chaos above.

He scooped you out of the air and into his arms, lifting you with very little effort. Your face, fear-stricken was already flushed from the cold, but with his grip on your waist, you were turning a bright shade of crimson.

After holding your gaze for minutes on end, examining every inch of your face he finally lets out a relieved, "Are you okay?" You didn't know what to say, at first you didn't seem to hear him. As if your head had been pushed underwater, you were frantically gasping for air as you opened your eyes. You were shaking from the core of your body and felt as if you lost all control of yourself.

You had.

"Y-Yeah." You let out, your breathing uneven and harsh.

Miles smiles, "You should really be more careful."

You look down then back up at him, "I usually am." And return his smile.

"That was a pretty complicated jump you did there."

"Oh y'know, I've been trying to perfect my technique." You grin, "Clearly my landing could still use a little more work."

He chuckles and gently drops you. As soon as your feet hit the floor he has his arms around you and yours follow. He squeezes you tight his eyes closed breathing in your presence.

"Don't ever scare me like that again."

You hold him just as tight, "I didn't have much choice in the matter but next time I'll put that into consideration." He chuckles lowly into your hair. It's seconds later when he pulls away and his mask follows, going up and resting on top of his curls.

His eyes trace over your face once more and with the silence and the air around you both his anger that he put away comes to the surface. The anger reaches his face a lot faster than he wanted it to, and you notice. You start to chew nervously at the skin behind your lips, and it just makes him angrier.

Because Miles knows that is one of your nervous ticks. Your body was riddled with anxiety and Miles could feel it. He hated thy he could feel it, you usually did a good job at hiding it, at keeping it down. But Miles took one look at you, and he knew.

"I'm gonna kill her." That is all he says. Because he punctuates each word with a growl, and as his anger catches up with his thoughts, the words become fast and deep, and so so angry.

You had never seen Miles so angry. And all the while, you'd never seen Miles so nurturing. His stare on what is apparently a bruise on your cheek is harsh, but his hands felt so warm.

He's barely touching you like he's afraid that if he does, it'll bring back all the pain.

It doesn't, you didn't think he would.

You didn't think Miles Morales could cause you pain.

You then realized you have to bring him back. "You can't kill her." He looks at you confused, "You're a superhero now." A small smile follows. Miles rolled his eyes with a face of fake annoyance.

"Then what do you suggest I do?"

You smirk, "Kick her fucking ass." It's then that he laughs with his entire body, his head rolling back as he clutches onto his stomach. It's a deep laugh, but at the same time, it sounds a little boyish, innocent, sweet.

You're not sure how Miles does it, because the entire time, you're sure you're squirming between his hands, laughing so hard, tears are falling down your face.

"I love your laugh." You say, without realizing it. You didn't mean to say that aloud. "I said that out loud..." Miles brushes the sweat out of his eyes and looks down at you, a devilish expression spreading through his face, and you realize that you haven't gotten a good look at him tonight.

His eyes are brown, and not the conventional brown you see on most people, but a brown so dark, so warm, it's almost unreal. Brown eyes are the color of nurturing, soft passion, and a color taken for granted by those too picky. But you weren't picky.

And his teeth, they're straight, but they're not even, either. His canines come down a little further than the rest, making his smile look like his eyes - unconventional.

Unconventional, but definitely still beautiful in its own way.

Miles closed the distance between the two of you and took your face in his gentle hands. Hands that held your broken, damaged heart from the moment you laid your eyes on him. Miles makes sure he gets a good look at you before he goes, he doesn't know when he'll see you next.

If, he will see you again.

He pulled away reluctantly. "I'll be here." You said in a whisper. And the boy clears his throat quietly, like he's trying to buy a little time before he has to decide what to do next.

With a nod, he pulled away slowly from your warm embrace. "I promise." Your hands were the last to leave his body, your touch lingering ever so slightly, as your fingers slowly dropped from one another.

With his back to you, your eyes watered over, "Be safe." You didn't want to think about what would come next, once Miles left your line of sight.

He turned back to you pulling his mask down in the process, "Always." And he was off.

You fondled with the sleeves of your shirt for a bit. This was where Miles had his arms around you last It was your wishful thinking that the warmth of his embrace would linger. The memory of his touch would have to do for now.

It would have to be enough to tide you through...

Olivia was long gone by the time he made it back up but he was still going to give her what she deserved. His eyes looked around for her to see where she could be. He heard Peter shriek in fear and knew where to look.

"Look I can't just give it to you, then you would win! And I don't like losing."

Miles crawled on all fours towards the two as they battled on the ceiling, the panels coming off every now and then as the building shook with vigor. Miles joins Peters's side in battle his eyes flashing with determination.

"Miles, buddy! Tell her we can't just give her the goober."

Miles looks back at the woman, "If she wants it she can come get it." He says, voice unwavering.

"Let's dance boys."

Just as she throws a panel at the two they swing away and notice the collider changing into something horrific.

"Well, that doesn't look promising."

"No, it doesn't."

The two swing away and the impact of the collider turns into a dark cloud of smoke and particles the darkness then reveals itself to be kingpins family masked in bright alarming colors, the result of all his hard work.

The two glitch in the furry of color saying incoherent words that couldn't form a sentence. Peter, Gwen, Miles, and the rest of the gang swing around each other taking turns fighting Doc Oct and dodging the things that seem to spit out from the blast of pure energy.

"On your left!"

"On your right!"

"Watch out! Five o'clock, Three o'clock, every direction!"

The onslaught was relentless and they were having trouble keeping up. Doc Oct was finally able to grab the team she pinned them down with a grin.

"It won't work!"

Back in the scientist wing, they were advising Kingpin that it was too much, that the machine couldn't handle that kind of power, that the world couldn't. But he didn't care. He pushed it to its limits forcing the handle up as it poured out more energy.

The world couldn't handle this, nowhere was safe. The hospital where Miles's mother worked, his dad on the field, the streets where cars raced to get away never escaping, you. Tucked away in a small corner.

The world itself was going to implode, blow, who knew? They needed to get down there and fast. As if answering their prayers Doc Oct turned her head to look at the next thing that seemed to spawn from the collision. The spiderlings took that as a distraction.

Breaking free Miles, Peter, and Gwen landed on a skyscraper and slid down the side. "Guys, are you seeing this?" They dove and ran through the buses and lampposts as it all came hurdling at them at full speed the three trying to put some distance between them and it.

"Looks like our dimensions are coming to us."

"Does look cool though, right?"

They make some distance and stayed crouched, as they looked at the amalgamation that emerged from the collider the trio's eyes widened with disbelief and amazement.

"We gotta get back up there."

Right as she said those words their spidey sense sparked and the three stood tall. They all turned around to see Doc Oct above them with a bus ready for the throwing.

They barely got away as it crashed down to the floor.

You leave your hiding spot to watch the six-fight. Emo man, which is what you called him, was fighting that gray slender man from earlier and he looked to be winning, good for him. He threw a car at him and jumped down.

Damn y'know that shit hurt. Was he alive? Did you just witness a murder? Nonetheless, it was another thing you guys didn't have to deal with.


Your eyes find Peni and she was fighting that scorpion abomination she didn't seem to be fairing well. You heard her partner make a noise of error as he broke a leg, you held yourself tightly wishing to help the girl.

Could you? You could try at the very least right?

He punched the window on her mech with furry.

How would you even get up there...

The man looked down at the young girl and smirked as he broke through right as he pulled the glass away his head was met with a foul hit.

He froze in place but didn't fall as you anticipated. He looked up to see who had dropped an anvil on his head and his eyes found you. You gave him a shy smile and a wave, you didn't expect the iron not to kill him.

"Y/N!" Peni shouted with glee and worry from her broken mech.

Just as Scorpio, or whatever his name was, was about to come up to you his leg gave out below him as he ate shit and you couldn't help the laugh you let out as his face hit the floor.

"Que carajo?!" He exclaimed, lifting his head he looked up to Spider-Ham his face broke into joy. "What are you, some kind of silly cartoon?" He got up and stood in front of him with excitement, happy to take him down.

"You got a problem with cartoons?" Spider-Ham said slowly his demeanor changing from silly to serious. Scorpio was the first to throw his fist and Spider-Ham took ease in defending.

He took the man out like it was nothing climbing his body and slamming his hammer down on his skull, his body met the floor but he was quick to get back up. He used one of his mutated legs to swing around ready to kick the pig but was met with Penni as she used one of her mechs arms to batter him up like a used baseball.

Her anger was just she gave him another blow and he finally went down.

"Aww, did that feel like a cartoon?" Spider-Ham mocked as he spits on his unconscious body. Spider-Noir joins him as he walks away and toward you and Peni.

As soon as the man went down she was in your arms. You held her close as she cried for her friend. She soon wiped her tears she knew now was not the time to cry. The young girl looked at you, "How did you get up here? And how are you able to lift an anvil?"

You dramatically sighed, "I've been meaning to tell you all." A hand rested on your forehead, "I'm Spider-Man." You said your face unmoving. The girl gasped in disbelief.


"It was me I gave her one of my anvils to distract the guy pretty sure she climbed up here," Spider-Ham interjected with amusing laughter. The girl smiled, you were trying to make her laugh and it seemed to work.

"Thanks Y/n."

"Of course."

You hugged her smaller frame.

"I'm just happy a little anime girl like you can feel stuff thought you were a soulless husk that had the face of a white man's dreams."

"Ehh!!?" She shoved your side standing.

"I'm not an anime girl! I'm human! And I feel...THINGS!"

You chuckled, "Okay." You then said, unconvinced.


✧・゚: *✧・゚:* ✧*:・゚✧


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