You're On My Mind - Tails x R...

By ThunderStrike455

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So... IDK what this is but its something. I love this fox boy and decided to create this. Its more of a passi... More

Prologue - I waited
Chapter 1 - Ghost
Chapter 2 - The Vipers
Chapter 3 - The Lab in the Desert
Chapter 4 - An Act of a Hero
Chapter 5 - Town
Chapter 6 - Your Not The Hero
Chapter 7 - A Friend?
Chapter 8 - So Cruel
Chapter 9 - Restless
Chapter 10 - Rotten Deal
Chapter 11 - Not a Fitting Pair
Chapter 12 - Sunfall is Where We Meet
Chapter 13 - My Head and My Heart
Chapter 14 - Playing a Dangerous Game
Chapter 15 - TV Shows and Ugly Tears
Chapter 16 - Brothers in Arms
Chapter 17 - Wake Up Call
Chapter 18 - Faith, Trust, and Pixie Dust
Chapter 19 - Freefalling
Chapter 20 - Books and Blankets
Chapter 21 - Are You Falling in Love?
Chapter 22 - I Don't Wanna be Someone...
Chapter 23 - ...Who Breaks Your Heart
Chapter 25 - A Flame Stronger than Fire
Chapter 26 - Secrets
Chapter 27 - The Blood on His Hands
Chapter 28 - Nothing Left but A Fox
Chapter 29 - Seperated
Chapter 30 - In the Deep Blue
Chapter 31 - Now You See Me, Now You Don't
Chapter 32 - You Win, You Lose
Chapter 33 - MIND
Chapter 34 - Time to Save Mobius... Or Not
Chapter 35 - Sacrifice
Chapter 36 - An Unstoppable Love

Chapter 24 - Old Observatory

1.3K 53 119
By ThunderStrike455

(P/F) - Pizza Flavour (definitely didn't add this bc I heard that Tails can make a mean iron cast pizza)


The winter sun began to set earlier than usual, setting the sky on fire with its orange light. It was slowly getting darker, the forest turning dark. You followed closely behind tails... well, as closely as you could. Every few steps your be yanked back as you tail got caught in the thorns or branches of a bush. It became so common that when you did get stuck it just resulted in an agitated sigh followed by a yank of your tail.

As your tail fur caught on another set of bush branches, you rolled your eyes. Wrapping your hands around your tail, you pulled on it, leaving behind chunks of fur as you freed yourself from the bushes grasp. Ears flattening with a grumble, you faced the two tailed fox. You watched as he expertly avoided getting his tails caught, swaying them in all sorts of directions. Tilting your head to the side, you continued to followed.

He has twice the tail and he hasn't gotten stuck once.

"Why don't your tails get stuck?" you finally ask, pulling your tail through another bush. Tails pauses and glances over his shoulder and chuckles as you fall on your butt, the force you used to free your tail throwing off your balance. Lowering his hand for you, he helps you up with a smile.

"I've come this way dozens of times, I know every hazard," he replied with a shrug.

"That seems unfair. Can't you give me a warning or something?" You quizzed, eyes following the fox as he crossed your field of view.

"Just watch my tails and copy them."

"Then I would be looking at your butt," you jokingly sassed, popping your hip to the side.

"You were already looking if you saw my tails weren't getting stuck," he snickered with a wink. He turned around, continuing on his trek. For a solid moment you stood frozen in shock. A blush warmed your muzzle, embarrassed.

Coughing to clear your throat and thoughts, you jogged to catch up to the fox, changing the subject, "So, where are we going?" Just as you finished speaking, you ran into Tails's back as he suddenly stopped.

"We are here," he whispered, stepping to the side to the side to reveal an old observatory. It was crumbling, cracks covering the unstable walls. Fauna grew around the building, climbing up its sides and growing in every nook and cranny.

"Its... amazing," you utter, walking towards the building. Placing a hand against it walls, you dragged it along the brick wall as you wandered along side the observatory.

"Just wait until you get inside," Tails grinned as he motioned towards a doorway that was wide open, its door having disappeared over the years. He quickly adjusted the basket that hung over his shoulder, his tails swaying happily behind him as he waited for you at the entrance of the building. Bounding over to him, you grinned as he began to climb the many stairs to the top of the observatory. After taking the first few steps, your smile fell.

This was all going to end tonight.

This was your last moments with him.

Then he will hate you.

Reaching the top of the stairs, your ears perked at the sight of an open picnic basket and a checkered blanket laid out on the floor. Tails sat on the blanket, his arms holding him up as he leaned back. His two tails sat comfortably on wither side of him, ever so slightly wagging. Your muzzle instantly picked up a smile, along with a faint blush. Sitting down on the blanket you, Tails sat up and rubbed the back of his neck, his face a soft red.

"I-I thought that since we would be out quite late that I should make us something to eat," he gave a toothy grin with closed eyes, his tails picking up speed. Chuckling at his kindness, you stared down at the assortments of cheese and crackers, accompanied by an entire (P/F) pizza.

"Its perfect!" you replied.

After eating, the sun had almost completely set, allowing evening stars to emerge. Gazing up at the sky, you smiled at the clear view of the sky. You felt so close to the sky it was just like being in the Tornado, just lest scary and warmer. You peacefully stared up at the evening stars, watching as more stars began to awaken while the sun went to bed.

"I'm sorry," your ears perked as Tails uttered the two words. Lowering your head to look at the male fox, you tilted your head to the side, your ears crooked. His eyes were downcast, glaring at the floor. Ears crest fallen, and tails limp, he sighed.

He looked so defeated.

"For what?" You sincerely asked, shifting close to him.

"The plane. The crash. I shouldn't have pressured you like that. I almost got your killed," he closed his eyes, his voice cracking at his own guilt. You shook your head, flattening your ears, perplexed at his self-blame.

"What? You have nothing to apologise for," you tried to comfort but it didn't work, he just seemed more sad.

"Yes, I do," he sighed, his tails wrapping around him. Your heart hurt for him, hating his self-blame. Dropping your eyes, you bunched your hands together as you crossed your legs. Your perked your ears up as you looked back at Tails, you mind set.

It was better if he hated you than hated himself.

"No you don't, I should be apologising," he looks at you, "I haven't been completely honest with you." It was his turn to tilt his head. He didn't speak, just waited for your explanation. "I-" you gulped, "I'm the Ghost." You open your mouth to speak more, trying to explain yourself but nothing comes out. Your voice is dead. Your heart races as you feel yourself wanting to cry. You grip the fabric of your long pants before tearing your eyes away from him.

He is going to hate you.


Tails stared at you unblinking, mouth agape. Your ears lowered further as you waited for him to shout, yell, scream, anything. Closing your eyes, you waited in suspense.

He took in a deep breathe.

You waited.

And... he... laughed.

Your ears jumped up, your eyes snapping open to gaze at him. He held his stomach as he chuckled, barely keeping himself sitting as he leaned forward trying to supress his laughter. You didn't move. You were shocked at his reaction.

Did he not believe you?

He placed a hand on his head as he shook it, his chest heaving as it scraped for air. His sky blue eyes glimmered as brightly as his smile.

"Oh, (Y/N), I already knew that," he giggled, his tails swaying.

You sat there, dumbfounded.

"S-since when?"

"The day we met. Not just anyone would have the skills to save a child from bellow a giant bull." he answered smoothly.

"So, this whole time you knew who I was?" he nods, "Why didn't you tell the others?"

Well, you know," he rubbed the back of his neck blushing, "you seemed nice and stuff... and yeah, I thought you were pretty." He smiled with closed eyes, his cheeks burning a hot red. His blush was contagious, infecting your own muzzle as you glanced to the side, tail lightly wagging.

"(Y/N)," you ears perk as you look at tails as he said your name, "I like you, a lot and I mean you can definitely refuse and all that, but I was just wondering if you would... want... to... be.. my girlfriend." He whispered the last part nervous.

Your heart almost leap out of your chest and ran seven millions miles with the amount of energy that question just gave you. Your face was hotter than a dessert, redder than a rose. You had to place your hands on your face to cool yourself down and stop you from screaming your answer. Tail thumping against the ground, sending wafts of wind that lifted the corners of the blanket you two sat on, you excitedly smiled and nodded.

"Nothing would make me happier!"

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