Our Story (Meliodas x OC)

By meliodasbean

43.5K 1.1K 114

Meliodas x OC Alexandria, a goddess who's been ranked a high one at that falls in love with a demon while wan... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30

Chapter 31

421 17 6
By meliodasbean

if I start reusing pics of Meliodas just lemme know and I'll change it <3


Everyone stands on guard, the man in front of them is one of The Ten Commandments.

"Hey, Merlin, If you have my Sacred Treasure as well, now would be a great time to have it back." Says Alex to the woman protecting Arthur

"No time for that now, Mother." She replies as he starts walking towards them

'What are we going to do Mel, no way shape, or form are we powerful enough right now.'

"A power level of 26,000?!" A Knight says loudly, Alex rolls her eyes, thanks captain obvious.

'We've just got to roll with it. We'll be fine!' He looks at her reassuringly, and she smiles softly at him.

"I- I can't stop shaking" Continues the Knight

"We have to evacuate the townspeople!" Another goes

"A demon sealed away for 3,000 years, Galand of the Ten Commandments." Slater says to himself but loud enough for the surrounding people to hear

"His power level may be more than we imagined, but something about this seems odd. Hey, Hawk, what's his magical power?" Merlin asks

"Hmm? I don't know. Let's see. Looks like... zero?! What's going on? Is this magical eye-busted or something?" Hawk blabbers

"Alright. That means now's our only chance to attack." Diane says and Meliodas's face hardens, Alex's does also and Elizabeth takes note of her.

"The great tree of the Fairy King's Forest has been restored! Even after it was destroyed by that horrible monster." Ende exclaims

Inside of the great tree lays an unconscious King, bloody and bruised from battle. Standing over him is Ban, who uses his blood to heal him. King wakes up to see him.


"The Fairy King's woken up!" Exclaims a fairy


"Long live the Fairy King!"  Another shouts

"Wait, do they mean me?" King looks around oblivious to it all

"The only one meant to lead us is you, Harlequin." Gerheade tells him

"Hey, that's great, man. Good for you. Now I can finally move on and kiss this pain in the ass job goodbye." Ban  tells him smiling

"Um, sir Ban. I just want to say thank you with all my heart for saving our Fairy King and the Great Tree. Also I-" Gerheade tells him, not looking him in the eye until the end where she gets cut off.

"Now, let me make this clear. I couldn't care less what you think of me or everything you tried to put me through. Got it? But the next time you try and hurt Elaine, I won't hesitate to kill you!"

"I swear that I'll protect Lady Elaine's body, no matter what." She grunts out

"Damn right, you will!" He throws her onto King's pillow and storms off

"Hey, Ban! I'm coming with you!" Jericho follows close behind

"Ban, wait!" King says


"I'll ask you once more, you're really not going back to the Seven Deadly Sins with me?"

"Tell 'em hi for me, alright?"  And he walks off

"So, this is where the Humans nest. Seems there have been quite a few changes over the last 3,000 years. But as usual, they're all clumped together. I suppose some habits never change. It's too cramped." He swings his scythe and everything within a 20-mile radius is crushed to dust

"The city is..." Arthur's face is pale, Elizabeth is covering her mouth, and Diane's face is just filled with pure frustration

"That should make things a bit roomier, now where was I? Meliodas, I have been waiting to fight you for ages!!" He looks to the side of him to see Alex standing holding Elizabeth in her arms. "You wretched woman, I'd like a hand with you first, after that I'll figure out what to do with the half-blood." No one hears the last part besides Meliodas and before he can start moving Alex stepped out. She didn't say a word, she knew what the demons thought of her, especially the Ten Commandments. She manipulated their captain, and forced him to have a child with her, and because of that, he left their realm. Brainwashed. The stupid deity, all of them only care about what they want.

"No words?" He sighed "Stupid bitch" and with that, she attacked, like she never had before. She hit him like there was no tomorrow, with burns, cuts, and bruises, everywhere. He falls and she stops thinking he passed out. She didn't want to kill him, in another life, they could've been friends as they were before. Meliodas calls her and she turns around smiling, until she's not.

"You're dead, you scum" Galand stabs his spear straight through her stomach, the blood pooling in her mouth. Her hearing fading out as Meliodas calls her name more desperately now, and he started running toward her. Merlin silently made Perfect Cubes, if Alex couldn't defeat him, nobody here could in their current state. Elizabeth goes to follow Meliodas, Jiji is wrong, Alex is good, no way she could be bad after time and time again she risked her life for Elizabeth, maybe she could heal her. She got stopped by the Perfect Cube, she started screaming, angry she couldn't do anything but be protected, once again. Meliodas grabbed Alex while Galand got up.

"Fun while it lasted, huh?" Galand smirked at Meliodas who tried desperately to hold Alex's stomach together. Then Diane attacked, she grew while swinging her ax thanks to Merlin.

"Why would you do that to my mother?!" She screamed then when she was full grown "Did you hear me?!" Her ax came down but Galand's foot came up, kicking the ax. Diane unable to stop the momentum got hit by her own blow, causing her head to bust open, and she started bleeding. Merlin, noticing they were severely outmatched said "Let's take a moment to strategize" She moved her fingers up in a snapping motion, but before she could he vanished, making it look like she teleported him.

"Woah, Merlin!" Hawk exclaimed from inside the perfect cube "What magic was that?"

"Big sister's teleportation" Slader announced

"It wasn't me, he disappeared miles away before I could cast anything." Meliodas determined nothing could be done to save Alex, so he moved her body near Elizabeth. He looked up at Elizabeth "Keep her safe for me, darling, would ya?" She saw the tears at the brim of his eyes, ready to spill, the glazed-over blankness in his eyes, it scared her. Meliodas checked on Diane but before they could strategize, Galand popped up behind Merlin.

"You know, it's deceitful, underhanded mages like you I despise the most. He goes to attack Merlin, Arthur screams for her to run, and Slader moves in front of her. He calls his power and freezes, the presence and power radiating off of Galand intimidates him. Merlin teleports away from the scene. In the end, Slader gets hit so hard in his side that his arm rips off and blood spews from his mouth.

"Wait" Merlin calls out "Why don't we make a deal?" She shows her Sin Symbol "Galand of the Ten Commandments, serving under the King of the Demon Race, your power and fighting abilities far exceeded my expectations." She rambles on, there is no deal to offer, she is just trying to stall time for a miracle to happen. Maybe Mom will get up and save the day with Meliodas as they always have, maybe she's just healing herself right now or Elizabeth is healing her. Or maybe she can think of a plan smart enough to bring Galand down and spare the people around her and Camelot. "With my abilities, I'm sure I'm more than capable enough —"

"Merlin that won't work! Galand is —" Meliodas warns a bit too late

"You lied. You lied to me, didn't you?" She starts feeling heavy, like her insides are being cemented. Galand's magic works his way through her body, turning it to stone.

"Hahahaha! I am Galand, The Commandment of Truth, speak any lies in my presence, and no matter who you are, you will be turned to stone! Withstanding the commandment bestowed unto me by the Demon King is impossible. Now I'll pulverize you into dust!" Meliodas jumped into action, he quickly activated his demon mark and went the hardest he could. Soon the other soldiers followed his lead but Galand wiped them out as easily as you would squashing ants. After a couple of blows with each other Meliodas's arms get cut off. Elizabeth is horrified and screams

"Please end this! Leave and stop killing everyone!" While Meliodas falls to the ground, he coughs "Guess there's no choice. I'm going to have to do it" His demon mark grows "While Merlin's spell is still in effect" he gets to his feet, purple energy brings his arms back and reattaches them

"Hey, did you see that?" Elizabeth asks Hawk while Meliodas walks towards Galand. He kicks and lands a blow that makes Galand actually hunch over in pain, hit after hit, just like Alex had done. But then he starts sparking with red and blood comes out of his mouth

"Don't... let... the darkness... swallow you" It's even harder to do without Lexi here, she's his light, his guide, his yang to his yin, everything is so complicated without her. He doesn't know how he lived before her. "Keep it under control" he's spiraling, he knows it 'just a little longer' he says knowing she can still hear him on the other side 'you'll come back home to me again, won't you?'

"What is it you're mumbling about?!" Galand shouts and realizes a second too late, the darkness shoots up

"This is unbelievable! Somehow Meliodas is controlling all that power!" Hawk says

"Ah, wait. This dark power of yours is... Who would've thought... That it would weaken to this degree" Meliodas struggled, so hard, he knew he hadn't the power to stop him, yet he tried and failed miserably. Galand shifted and started moving, his arm throwing his spear, straight through Meliodas's chest, blood spews and the dark fades "Now I've lost interest, time and love can be such a cruel thing, the traitorous warrior, Meliodas!" He pulls his spear away then speaks again "And you pathetic fools who would ever dare to stand against us! May you spend the afterlife regretting your pitiful weakness!" He lands a final blow to Meliodas's head, splitting it in two. Diane's chest straight across, Slader right through his back, chopping Merlin's head off in the process, then proceeds to stomp it to dust. He walks over to the Perfect Cubes, containing Elizabeth, Arthur, and Hawk, and tries to do the same but fails to do so. "Perfect Cube, a secret technique from the Demon Realm! Somehow, even I'm having difficulty destroying it! Well, well, today's your lucky day, few live to tell the tale of standing before me." He looks down to see Alex's lifeless body and questions if he should take it with him, as a trophy of sorts, but decides against it. "Well, farewell!" He shoots off into the sky.

Elizabeth, Arthur, and Hawk looking around them to see all the dead bodies of all their loved ones. Nothing could be more painful than this. Then they hear a giggle, and footsteps, which soon turn into maniac laughter. Gowther steps out fully unclothed as he stands in the middle of it all.

I love you? Happy New Year?

lol xoxo

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