Our Story (Meliodas x OC)

By meliodasbean

43.5K 1.1K 114

Meliodas x OC Alexandria, a goddess who's been ranked a high one at that falls in love with a demon while wan... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 30
Chapter 31

Chapter 29

355 15 4
By meliodasbean

Elizabeth wakes up in a field of golden grass. As she looks around she recalls she has no memory of getting there or what she's supposed to be doing, that is until a couple of papers come flying her way. One of the papers has a man who looks to be in his late 30s, the other has a woman who looks to be older than the wisest woman in Elizabeth's kingdom. She then remembers she's looking for Meliodas and the Seven Deadly Sins. She pauses for a moment but then she hears clanking of armor, she turns around to see a tall man with blonde hair and green eyes standing behind her, with a small old lady clutching his arm.


She looks around.


She's so confused.

"Elizabeth! Come on! Snap out of it!" She wakes to see Meliodas kneeling beside her.

"Sir Meliodas?" She sits up

"What a relief. Are you okay?" He smiles at her, she then notices Merlin standing a few feet away.

"Yes. But how did I end up here?"

"Gowther made everyone in the entire kingdom black out all at once."

"It's terrible! Sir Gowther and Diane are..."

"Strength, 950. As expected for a Giant. Who knew your physical abilities would come this close to the Captain's even at human size. It seems I'm overmatched without a Sacred Treasure." He makes two bow-looking wings attached to his hands, ready to shoot at notice but Diane moves her fingers and two rock giants come out to play.

"Fillet and Roast! Go!"

"All right. Sacred Treasure, Double Bow Harlit!" He stops to two giants in their tracks, his magic surrounding and charging them up, before both of them charge at Diane.


"That's enough!" She screams and punches her way through them, charging at Gowther. Then there's a loud bang that echoes throughout the kingdom. While Meliodas is trying to find the two.

"Diane, are you alright?"

"Captain? I didn't think I'd see you here" Both Diane and Gowther are on the ground, Gowther has his head in his lap

"Gowther. Do you realize what kind of damage you've done?" Meliodas asks him

"Please just lock me up. Far away from everyone else. And hurry, before I stop being myself." Gowther says

"Merlin, we can finish our talk later." Meliodas tells her, still looking down upon Gowther

"Of course"

"The bottom line is, I still don't understand." The crazy blond-haired lady says

"Indeed, I must admit. Finding a castle where there was nothing for 3,000 years is quite strange. But how did it get into such a wretched condition?" The man next to her asks

"It seems to have had an explosion of magical power radiating from its center. Quite an intense one, at that." Melascula explains to the best of her knowledge

Monspeet then chips in "Deep. Similar. Thirty thousand feet. Residual magic."

"I see." The boy with a plant surrounding him chuckles

"There's no question. Meliodas is responsible. Damn him. What could he have possibly been doing out here?" Zeldris questions

"Now, come on. Let it go, Zeldris. Let's try and relax and enjoy ourselves. We haven't been here in years" Melascula says

"Estarossa, what do you think?" Zeldris looks behind his shoulder to the man with silvery hair "Brother!"

He just opens his eyes and smirks.

Everyone crowds Guila, Gowther, and Zeal. They watch as Gowther puts a glowing pink hand near Guila's head and she gasps.

"Why did you alter my memories?"

"I meant you no harm." Gowther tells her but she ignores him and immediately looks to the side of her, trying to wake her brother

"Zeal. Zeal!" 

"I've already restored Zeals memories, as well" He tells her but she's too busy hugging her brother, who is sobbing into her chest.


"Please, I hope that you'll forgive me. I can't believe how awful I was to you."

"But I meant you no harm." Gowther puts his finger up while Meliodas jumps up to hit Gowthers head, as he's learned from Lexi, it usually works. And he was right.

"I apologize" Gowther immediately says "If I had one, I'd say I'm sorry from the bottom of my heart. I never should've attempted manipulating your mind. Trying to discover what love was, I betrayed your trust in me."

"No, the truth is, I don't have any right to blame you for this." Gowther looks up quickly "Because of my own weaknesses, I've made some mistakes in my life that I know can never be undone. Though I didn't deserve it, and though they were false memories, you still tried to rescue me. Besides, they weren't all made up. You showed me some real ones, too. Like the memories of my gentle father, Dale, the Holy Knight! Gowther, I want to thank you for giving those memories back to me. Goodbye.

"I got dumped." Gowther tells Meliodas

"What's with all the commotion?" Slader asks from behind

"Perfect timing. I have a rather urgent favor to ask of you." Merlin tells him

"The only orders that guy takes are ones from the King himself." Meliodas says

"Your every wish is my command." He kneels to Merlin while Meliodas comes to whisper in his ear

"Hey, Slader, what is this? Does Merlin have some kind of dirt on you?"

"Don't be absurd. That dazzling display she put on, breaching an impenetrable barrier with such flair to rescue the king, it gave me goosebumps! Please, allow me to call you my Big Sister."

"Call me what you will."

"Then, what is it you'd like me to do, Big Sister?"

"Gowther, come here. Absolute Cancel. The magical power used on his is incredibly effective. He's back to his original form, but it's only temporary." She looks down at a baby Gowther doll in her hands

"His original form? I don't understand. It looks like he's a..." Slader asks

"Right. A great magician created Gowther many years ago. He's a doll. Slader. I'm going to need for you to look after him while we're away on a mission. Alright?"

"Yes, Big Sister." He takes Gowther in his hands

"Oh. I can't believe Gowther is really a little doll. I guess this world is full of some pretty strange things, isn't it?" Hawks asks

"You should be the last one to ask that question." Meliodas tells him

"It's a talking pig" Slader awes

"So tell me, Hawk, are you feeling any better now?" Merlin asks

"Well, I was feeling sort of loopy for a while there. Turns out I had to poop."

"You're a digesting machine, aren't you?" Meliodas asks Hawk

"Captain, did you know that? About Gowther?" Diane asks

"Nope. I just found out today."

"Well, I had no idea and refused to believe a word of it. But now I understand how serious he really was." Diane looks down

"Hey, there's nothing to worry about. I'll bet Gowther's gonna be just fine."

"You're so amazing, Captain. You're not even surprised one bit."

"Probably 'cause we're used to seeing all kinds of different people. Besides, no matter who or what he is, he's still our friend, isn't he? And one of the Seven Deadly Sins, right?"

"You certainly are a lucky guy, Gowther." Slader tells him

Diane giggles "Captain..."' She puts her hand on her head and mumbles "What's wrong? My head feels sort of fuzzy."

"Slader. So, how would you like to join up with us for a little while? Since we're missing 2 of our guys now, and I don't know when Lexi will be back so 2 and a half" He feels a pinch on his cheek and chuckles "Sure would be awesome if we could have you on board."

"Fine by me. His majesty told me to be of assistance in any way deemed necessary."

"Sir Meliodas! Would it be okay if I were to come along, too?" Elizabeth asks

"I told you before. The battle for Liones is finally over. So there's no reason for you to be put in danger anymore."

"I thought we were all in this together. Am I the only one who felt that way? Surely Alex felt the same!" She pauses for a second feeling the silence in the room. "Or am I, nothing more to you than baggage weighing you down?"

"Exactly." He turns with a smug/ not smug look on his face. Diane hits him.

"Captain!" Hawk kicks him

"You stinkin' pig!" Elizabeth runs out the door crying

"Read the room, huh? Are you Gowther now?!" Hawk screams

'I still can't believe you're making me do this on my own'

'I'm sorry. I'll be back soon? If that eases your mind?'

'Just a little, You better give me baby treatment when you get back, Diane and Hawk hit hard!'

'Okay, Mel' she smiles to herself

Elizabeth stands outside, needing a moment for herself.

'You should've listened to me, my dear"

'It's not true, he just cares about me. He doesn't want me hurt'

'Yes princess, let's lie to ourselves'

'But Alex—'

'Alexandria isn't here to help you, is she? She left and left Meliodas to do the dirty work of telling you, you can't come on the next journey'


'But yes!'

'She would neve—'

'But she would! She's manipulative! It's how the world ended this way! Everyone hating each other. War! It's all because of her!'


'She's selfish, Eli. She wants Meliodas to herself. She betrayed the demon clan, and took my son away from me! Now she's doing the same to you!'

'But she wouldn—'

"Honestly that man has no tact, does he?" Slader walks outside to talk to Elizabeth, she looks over her shoulder to face him

"I understand. The only reason Sir Meliodas talked to me like that is because he's concerned. Truth is, that's exactly why I want to help him. They'r— He's always saving me. But I want him to know I can be useful, too.

"In that case, you should express those feelings with actions, not words."


"Mm-hmm. A child may rely on a her father's words, but for a father, it's a child's actions that count." She blushes, and he leans down "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to assume. But you seem the kind to look up to him. You admire him but not in the way a woman loves a man, but as a child loves her father." Her eyes sparkle and she laughs, she's grateful for the advice and happy with his words. Slader is happy he cheered her up.

'Actions my love. Actions can save the world.' She keeps his words in mind.

Slader and Elizabeth walk in as Merlin is checking her orb, which whirs making a sound that doesn't sound pleasant.

"What's making that sound?" Slader asks

"Our original plans have changed. We have to go to Camelot immediately. I sense an abnormal surge in magical power, and I'm teleporting Mom here as soon as possible."

"Hold on a minute, Merlin, what's going on?" Diane asks as everyone looks at her in shock

"King Arthur! The Holy Knights with long-range powers have taken their positions."

"Now, men! Ready yourselves to counter that giant." He points his sword at the big grey monster

"King Arthur! Up there in the sky!"

"Is that a flying pig?" Arthur stumbles his words, a bit shocked.

"Hey guys, what's that huge mountain-looking thing? Woah. Wonder how much bigger it is than Mom?" Hawk screams

"Hang on everyone, we're going to dip a bit. Captain, tell my mother to brace herself"

"Got it!"

'Lexi, change of plans. Merlin is going to teleport you here. She says we need you. So brace yourself." He gives Merlin a thumbs up.

"Hu—' She lands on her butt behind the group as Hawks mom, swoops down a bit, causing everyone to stumble and Alex to go rolling.

"I've never seen anyone in the Giant race who looks like that!" Diane exclaims

"I'm detecting magical reactions from inside its body. But there aren't any vital signs. It must be a golem."

"Yeah. That's the Great Beast Albion." Alex says as she gets up and stands with the group at the front of Hawk's mom's snout.

"What is that?" Diane asks

"It's a weapon that was made by the Demon race during the Ancient War. It must've woken up around the same time the Ten Commandments were brought back." Meliodas answers for her

"The Ten what?"

"We'll have to tell you about them later." Alex says

"It's like having the same nightmare all over again. I haven't sensed a force this powerful since Hendrickson turned into that monster!" Slader points out

"Are you kidding me?! Meliodas' Power Level is 3,370. Alex's power level is 3,542. Merlin's is 4,710. But that thing, that thing's at 5,500!" It's like he heard Hawk because he turned around to growl at the moving pig in the sky

"It's overpowering!" The soldier on the ground scream

"It must be reacting to our Power Levels." Merlin keeps steady as the monster swings a fist at them. Hitting the barrier that is now protecting Camelot. The Camelot soldiers look up in awe and Arthur shouts

"This is Merlin's work!"

"Seems throwing down a magic-blocking wall in advance was the right call." Merlin puts her hand on her hip proudly

"Wow! Protecting the entire city with a barrier! Look at my Big Sister go!"

"Big Sister?" Alex looks at Meliodas, then to Merlin back to Meliodas, he just shrugs his shoulders.

"That said, covering a wide range does weaken its effect. May last two more strikes" The monster whams down two times. "And now it's gone."

"No way!" Hawk shouts

"All right! Aerial magic, barrage! We must protect Camelot at any cost!"

"Awweee!!! Is that Arthur? He's gotten so big!" Alex looks down seeing the monster rumble up his attack "Oh no... he's gonna... Meli we gotta hel—" the fire spits out his mouth but the Camelot soldiers counter

"Attack countered, sir."

"Good job, men!" Arthur compliments

"But we cannot withstand another, sir!" The monster rumbles another

"Merlin! Send us down there!" Meliodas shouts, Merlin snaps, then boom. Everyone screams as fire explodes everywhere, but Meliodas chuckles and looks back at Alex who's standing in front of Arthur.

"What happened?" A soldier asks

"A miracle?" Another asks

"It sure looks like it!" They say as they feel the warmness of the globe Alex put around the kingdom to protect the soldiers from any debris and heal them at the same time.

"No, not quite. That's all—" Arthur looks in front of him, blushing a little as they all look at the woman in front of them, glowing. Then turning to Meliodas as he says

"Yo! How's it going, Arthur?" Arthur then goes full tomato-faced when he sees Meliodas

"Sir Meliodas! Lady Alexandria!"

"Artie!" She goes to jump and hug him, and he complies and hugs her as Meliodas calls out to Merlin

"Perfect timing as usual, Merlin!" She smiles down at them

"Hmm. Slader! Take her inside. Things may get a little rough out here." She says motioning to Elizabeth. The monster strikes again, the kingdom takes more damage because, unlike Merlin's protective barrier, Alex's healing barrier can only protect against smaller attacks and heal.

"Come on, Lexi! Let's go!"

"Right!" They run up the monster's legs, each on opposite sides.

"An Albion's weakest spot is its core, inside its chest! We gotta run up and smash it!

"Now follow Sir Meliodas and Lady Alexandria, men! /Some follow with Arthur right behind Meliodas the others, behind Alex. The beast swings a hand and captures Arthur.

"Arthur!" Alex screams and Meliodas jumps back and swings his sword freeing Arthur from the giant hand and then catching him while stabbing at the monster to keep them both steady.

"Keep going, Lexi!" Meliodas shouts she nods

"You saved my life, but your sword!" Arthur exclaims at Meliodas' now broken sword "Please forgive me. This is all my fault. If I just..."

"It's no big deal. After fighting with Hendrickson, it was already pretty banged up"

"But, doing battle without a weapon is..." Meliodas cuts him off

"Let's see, what am I gonna do now?

"Meliodas! I can't get stable enough to use my power!" She leaps away from another attack as Meliodas does the same along with the soldiers of Camelot.

"Captain!" Merlin calls out "Since I can't give you back the other thing just yet, let me give this back to you" She throws something at him faster than the speed of light. The thing slaps the palm of his hand, and swooshes through the air as he rests his arm in a battle position.

"Sacred Treasure, Lostvayne! Ten years ago, in Camelot, you sold it to a pawnbroker. But I bought it back. And I'm charging interest!" Merlin tells him

"You mean, you've had the captain's Sacred Treasure this whole time?!" Diane asks

"It wasn't cheap, I can assure you" Merlin says as Alex comes back up to the Boar Hat to stand next to them

"Sacred Treasure, release!" His body pulses

"What was that? It looked like his body was almost..."

Meliodas slices through the air as the Albion reaches towards the spot he was just at, but before he can reach, the Albion's arm is sliced in like 10 different pieces.

"That sword must be unbelievably sharp. With one strike, he just chopped up its arm into pieces!" The Albion starts disfiguring and makes itself look completely different than before.

"What's that Albion doing??" Diane asks

Giant cannons form in the body of the Albion and they point directly at Meliodas

"Woah! Look at that! Huge horns are growing out of him!" Hawk screams

"Looks like he learned from Full Counter" Alex says aloud

"Huh??" Hawk looks at Alex while the cannons fire up

"Not good! Even he can't handle that many all by himself." Diane says

"Oh yes he can" She smirks, his body pulses again and 4 more of him show up

"Wait a minute, are there... 5 of him???" Elizabeth's eyes widen, and then the cannons shoot.

"Now! Full Counter!" He sends an attack back, everyone in a 10-mile radius can feel the heat and power from it. The Albion stands, with just its legs left, the rest of his body scorched off.

"Well! I guess I managed to blast away the core, too." Meliodas looks up smiling

"Sir Meliodas! What was that attack you used?" Arthur comes up

"Oh well, um..."

"Wow, he brought it down all by himself. That guy doesn't know how to hold back, does he?" Hawk says

"So this is the true strength of Meliodas armed with his Sacred Treasure?" Slater awes while Elizabeth stares in worry

"All right now, Oslo. Open up a portal to Liones, okay?" King asks and the dog grunts in response "It'll be fine, trust me. I'm pretty sure the Fairy Kings Forest doesn't need me around anymore. Come on, Jericho, you're not really planning to stay here, right? You're gonna regret it."

"Leave me alone, okay? After all, it's not like I'm a Holy Knight anymore. And to be honest, I've had just about enough of living with my older brother."

"Human, go home now!" A fairy pops up from behind the tree, Jericho sticks her tongue out at him and as he leaves, the ground rumbles. "Is it an earthquake?" Jericho asks as King looks around  "It can't be!" A tree takes Jericho away.

"The forest is growing, somehow." King concludes

"Huh? That makes no sense at all. How could it start sprouting up at this speed?"

"Well. Normally, it doesn't. Maybe the seed of the Great Tree has something to do with this. But still, it couldn't have gotten this big in only 20 years. And the Fountain of Youth doesn't even exist anymore." King is trying to make sense of the entire situation

"Actually, it does." Ende comes from behind a tree and King gasps "Once every few years, a man comes and replenishes all life in the forest." His eyes widen even further and he hears Ban's words in his head

"After I'm done here, I'm leaving this forest."

Ban finishes pouring his blood into the tree, he looks at Elaine once again. She looks so peaceful, as if she's just asleep still, after all the years...

"Sir Ban. Thanks to your many years of tireless devotion, this forest is closer than ever to being completely restored now." Gerheade looks up at him

"No need to thank me for this, I'm doing it for Elaine, that's all. You served here during the last King's reign, and the one before it, right? If you were to be the ruler of this place, wouldn't that make the other fairies happy?" Ban asks

"It's much different than being a Human king, the Fairy King isn't picked by those who live here, nor is he able to name himself. Instead, he is chosen by the Sacred Tree."

"I guess I'm not qualified for it, either"

"That goes without saying, lowly Human. Clearly, Harlequin is the one who should be leading us. After all, you're nothing more than the nutrients for this forest" Ban looks at her and scoffs

More rumbling occurs and King looks around suspiciously.

"What's going on? Something isn't right here." More rumbling, bigger and louder than before "Is the forest about to grow again? No, that's not it! This is..." he gets cut off by a group of little fairies screaming

"There's trouble! There's trouble! There's trouble! King Ban! There's a scary monster just outside the forest!"

"A what?!" King and Jericho look at each other as a slim and long-legged Albion walks through the Fairy King Forest, destroying it.

okay let me explain myself, i had writers block and before you go "oh you're basing it off the story how do YOU have writers block?" i couldn't, for the life of me, think of what sacred treasure to give Alex. so i think i've decided, it doesn't really make sense, but it does? idk you'll see, i think it's pretty badass tho.

love you guys, sorry for the wait!


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