The fall of our secrets

By abirrosa2

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She was fire, he was ice. She raged and burned everything in her path when he stayed calm and collected. She... More

My first note
Chapter 7
Chapter 32
Chapter 33


47 8 15
By abirrosa2

Hello everyone! I hope you are all doing well.
Here is a new update for you guys.
Your comments on the last chapter excited me and I made sure to update as soon as I could.


One year later:


"Come in," I said as I rearranged the latest photos I received from Enrique.
Enzo opened the door and took a seat on the chair facing my desk. I frowned at his bruised face and swollen lip. "What happened?" I asked with a frown.

"The usual," Enzo answered with a shrug.

"Why you allow him to beat you up is beyond me. You can always come to us for protection. We consider you family." I repeated the words I have been saying for years now.

"Do you think the king would have left me alive if it weren't for your family's power?" Enzo asked with a stupid grin on his face.

"What does he want?"

"He arranged for a marriage between me and an Irish Princess. Ah, as he had put it, I should earn my keep."

"What?" I exclaimed. "Had he gone crazy?"

"Apparently. I refused, and he didn't bother to punish me. Three of his goons did it for him while he took the pleasure of watching." Enzo spoke as if he was an outsider to the situation.

"Enzo, this abuse must stop. You are stronger than them, and you know it. You should stand up for yourself, man."

"You are still stalking her, aren't you?" Enzo said in an attempt to distract me.

"You are changing the subject. And I am not stalking her. I am just trying to discover what she is hiding."

"And did you come to any conclusions?"
"Yes, I am nearly done with solving the puzzle. One more step, and I would face Nina with facts she could never deny." I said while playing with my pen.

"I see Enrique is doing a good job," Enzo remarked.

"Don't start," I warned him as I was aware of the rivalry between the two. "Speaking about work, what do you have for me?"

"Congratulations, boss. The results of the samples of our new products came in this morning. It is ready for the market. The team is waiting for you to proceed."

It was the first time in a long time I smiled in happiness. "What are we waiting for? Let's go."

A knock interrupted our conversation. I sighed in annoyance and permitted whoever was there to enter.

"Sorry for disturbing you, sir. But you have an important phone call." Melissa, who was my assistant said nervously.

I ran my hand over my face and gave her a gentle smile. "It is okay. Who is the caller?"

"Your grandfather."

"Transfer the call to my phone. I will take it shortly." Melissa nodded her head and left the office.

"I see both of us have family issues," Enzo said with a laugh.

"I don't know why is he calling, but I am sure it is not for something pleasant."

Enzo stood up from his chair and gave me thumbs-up. "It would be okay. Finish the call and come directly to the lab. We will be waiting for you."

I nodded my head in agreement and answered my ringing phone. "Hello, sir."

"Activate your camera. I want to see your face while we are talking." Grandfather ordered.

I turned on my laptop and transferred the call. Blue-piercing eyes were the first thing I made contact with.

"Hello, Ethan. How are you?" Even when he was asking about your well-being, Stefano Salviatti managed to sound intimidating.

"I am doing well, sir. How about you?"

"Cut the crap, Ethan. You refuse to answer my phone calls, and now you call me sir. You know my stand on respect which you didn't show." Grandfather said sternly.

Stefano Salviatti was a man who had principles and didn't budge. I just nodded my head and apologised.

"Let's move on. I don't have time for straightening your unruly behaviour. I want you to fly to New York tomorrow morning."

I never went along with Grandpa because of how he gave orders and expected us to follow them.

Don't get me wrong, I was used to Dad expecting me to follow his every direction to the letter, but the way Grandpa gave orders irked me to no end.

"Unfortunately, I can't come to New York. I have business here in Switzerland I must attend to." I said calmly.

"Always the disobedient one. I won't beat around the bush, your family needs you."

I chuckled darkly and shook my head. "Are you serious? Do you realise that the last time we saw each other was at a ball that took place nearly two years ago?"

He paused for a moment as if contemplating my words which I knew he wasn't doing before he resumed his speech.

"Ethan, you made your choice years ago, and you must take responsibility for it. Now, it is a time for us to be together and show a strong front."

"You want us to do that by participating in a camp full of teenagers?" I raised an eyebrow. "Sorry, but I have better things to do. If you want me to execute any mission, then I am ready for it. You know I would die for my family."

"Do you think I would waste your Father's and Uncles' time on that camp for nothing?"

"There is a catch, right?"

"Finally your brain woke up. The jet would be ready at seven in the morning."

"A catch or not, I won't participate in any activity until you answer my question about Amelia."

Even after Alberto's death, the girl's name kept replaying in my mind, I asked my grandfather the same question every chance I got, but he shut me down without any explanation.

There was silence on the other side, and I prepared myself for the tongue-lashing that was coming my way.

"I promise to have a discussion about this particular topic after the camp."
I nodded my head in agreement as I knew Grandpa's word was true, and he would never go back on a promise he made.

"I must fly to Italy first, then I will land in the states at night. I take it the camp is in the headquarters located on the outskirts of New York." I decided that obeying my grandfather's orders was the best course of action especially after he made the compromise of answering my questions about Amelia.

"Don't act as if you don't already have this information. You were never a good liar."

"You say it as if it is a bad thing."

"Yes, in our world it is a bad thing, to be honest to the core. I know you can lie and be manipulative if you wish."

Talking to Grandpa was like speaking to a wall. I sighed and said in a tired voice. "I will be in the headquarters at night tomorrow."

Grandpa nodded his head in satisfaction and ended the call without another word. I chuckled and shook my head in exasperation. The man knew how to hold a grudge for years.

I pressed the interphone and ordered my assistant. "Call Enzo back to my office."

"What did he want?" It was the first thing my best friend said.

"He wants me in New York."

"You agreed," Enzo stated rather than asking.

"I don't have an excuse to stall. From his words, they need me to be there."

"Lillian won't let you live it down. She will rub it in your face at every chance she gets." Enzo chuckled playfully.

"Yes, you are right. I should call her and inform her about my arrival. But to be honest, it is the least of my worries." I leaned back on the head of my chair. "I won't be able to keep tabs on Nina. Receiving photos from Enrique would be a great failure."

"I can receive them for you." Enzo offered.

"Really? And then I would be responsible for you murdering him or vice versa." I remarked dryly.

"We are not that bad." Enzo defended me even though he knew my words were true.

"Anyway, I will fly to Italy first. Once again, I am leaving you to work alone. I will be always available should you need me in anything." I felt guilty about dropping all the responsibility on Enzo's shoulders.

"We are in this together, Ethan," Enzo reassured me with a kind smile on his face.

With every passing day, I thank god for crossing our paths and making us best friends. Enzo was the best man who can have my back.

I grabbed my phone and keys and patted Enzo on the back. "I will make sure we will see each other as soon as possible."

"Go easy on them." Enzo joked.

I laughed and shook my head before leaving the office. I bid farewell to Melissa as well before I got inside my car and drove to the apartment so I can pack my bags.

Standing in front of my mother's room was something I did every month, but it was as hard every time.

The nurse opened the door and gave me a gentle smile.

"How is she?" I asked.

"The same as last month. Her vitals are stable, but she is not progressing."
The words were like knives stabbing my chest, but I braved a smile and nodded my head. "Thank you so much for taking care of her."

"Never mind, it is my duty."

The nurse left, and I opened the door. As always, the windows were wide open letting sun rays inside the room.

I leaned over her body and kissed her forehead gently. I took the chair next to mom's bed and took both her hands in mine.

The warmth coming from her hands comforted me to no end. It was a sign that she was alive and with us.

"Bonjour maman, comment vas-tu? Tu m'as beaucoup manqué. Ne penses-tu pas qu'il est temps de se réveiller?"

"Hello, Mom, how are you? I missed you so much. Don't you think it is time you wake up?"

I chose to use French as I knew she loved to hear both I and Hunter speaking her native language.

I wanted her to answer my question in her melodic voice, to assure me things will be good, and that she will be with us, but my words were met with silence.

I didn't let it discourage me and continued. The doctor said she could hear us even if she was in a coma, and I was determined to speak to her as much as I could.

"Tes yeux, ton sourire, ta voix mon manqué. Je veux que tu revenues dans nos vies." I breathed deeply before I spoke again.

"Your eyes, your smile, your voice, I missed them all. I want you to come back to our lives."

"Aujourd'hui, je m'envole pour New York. Ce n'est pas le voyage habitual, maman. Je rencontrerai Hunter en personne pours la première fois depuis cinq ans. Pensez-vous que ça irait bien? C'est un garçon têtu, et je suis sûr qu'il va faire tous qu'il peut pour m'enerver. Souhaite moi bonne chance."

"Today, I am flying to New York. It is not the usual trip, mom. I will meet Hunter face-to-face for the first time in five years. Do you think it will go well? He is a hard-headed boy, and I am sure he will do everything to anger me. Wish me luck."

The door opened, and I looked up to come face-to face with my Dad. I stood up in surprise and said. "What are you doing here?"

The question came wrong, and I immediately apologised. "I didn't mean it like this. It is just not the usual time for you to visit mom."

"It is not yours as well," Dad said and kissed mom's cheek.

"I am flying to New York today. I wanted to say goodbye to her since I don't know when I would have the chance to see her again."

"I thought you were busy with work. How come you are going to New York?"
I could see that my Dad was truly confused with my words.

"I am joining the camp. Aren't you aware?"

"No, come to think of it, I am flying to New York as well to join the camp."

I facepalmed and shook my head. "Do you think it is a coincidence?"

"With your Grandpa? No. The man is a sly wolf." Dad said with a chuckle.

"Then, I think we have a flight to catch," I said and took my chair again next to Mom's bed while Dad made himself comfortable by her side.

After spending another hour with Mom, we headed to the airport where a private plane was waiting for us.

Both Dad and I were engrossed in our work when his phone rang. I didn't pay attention to his conversation until he said in an angry voice.

"What? How did he escape security?"
There was silence for a few seconds before Dad ended the call and threw his phone on the couch in outrage.

"That boy! He will be the death of me." Dad muttered under his breath.

"What happened?"

"Hunter snuck out of the camp and went to the annual race. He didn't even prepare for the competition. He said he won't participate this year. The fool went head-on without an escort." Dad paced back and forth with an angry frown taking over his face.

"He is a skilled driver. I am sure he would be fine." I tried to smooth things but apparently, my words had the opposite effect.

"It is not about him winning or not. Things are not good with the Ignacio family. The race is on their territory. How do you think the outcome would be?"

I winced at the scenarios that could be the end of this disaster.

"Did he go alone?"

"No, Lillian, Aiden, and his girlfriend are with him," Dad answered as he retook his seat.

"Wait a minute. Hunter has a girlfriend?" I asked with a raised eyebrow.

"It is a long story."

"We have time to kill." I pointed out.
By the time Dad was done explaining things to me and giving me updates, I was speechless.

"Wow! I didn't know things would be that interesting."

"Your Grandpa is planning something big, and as always, we are the pawns."

"Yes, you are right. What I don't understand is why did he include a stranger. He never did it before. Why now?"

"We are on the same page then. I think she has something special which I am working on discovering."

It was night outside when the driver pulled in front of the headquarters. Uncle Jasper and Jackson were both at the entrance to welcome us.

"Is there any news?" Dad asked directly after we shared handshakes and hugs.

"Your son won the race," Jasper said with a smirk.

"That's irrelevant, I knew he would do it," Dad said nonchalantly although I could hear the pride in his voice. "I want to know if he is safe or not. I don't trust the bastards."

"Unfortunately, we were not able to contact them. The urchins turned off their phones." Jackson spoke with a frown. He was worried about Lillian, and I couldn't blame him as I was feeling the same.

As if on cue, we heard tires screeching on the ground. Lillian and Aiden descended the car.

Jackson didn't give his sister a chance to breathe and engulfed her in a tight hug while Ayla ran to Aiden.

"How could you do that? Karen would kill us if anything befall you on our watch." The petite woman scolded in earnest.

"I am fine aunt Ayla." Aiden managed to speak even though Ayla had a death grip on him. For a small woman, she was really strong.

Once the happiness of them being safe wore off, it was time for the bad cops to blare their guns.

"Where are the others?" Jasper asked icily.

"They were right after us, but then we lost them. They were attacked." Lillian reported calmly.

"What? Is that all you got?" Dad asked.

"Yes, Hunter assured me that they could handle the situation. I think we should reinforce security around the camp so they could easily get inside." Lillian suggested while keeping a cool façade.

"Very well, Aiden go to bed. We will talk about today's events later." Uncle Jasper looked at the boy and ordered in a stern voice.

"Yes sir." Aiden nodded his head and left.

"I will take care of security protocol." Uncle Edward offered and strode away.

Lillian walked slowly in my direction and threw herself in my arms. I hugged her tightly and whispered soothing words in her ears.

I knew she hated the situation especially since Hunter was in danger. Jackson's heated glares didn't help as well.

Another thirty minutes passed before Hunter's car entered safety. It took him moments to get out of the car with the help of a girl who I assumed was Anna, his girlfriend.

Hunter was grasping her hand and walking in our direction. The two of them were engrossed in some conversation, and I found myself smiling at the scene.

"Hello, brother,"

My words were like cold water damping them. Hunter froze and looked up. It was five years since my eyes made contact with his blue ones.

I was taken aback by the coldness and harshness that was inside the blue orbs. Those were not my little brother shining eyes. It was as if someone sucked all the life out of them.

My eyes travelled down his body which was more muscular and stronger than I remembered and zeroed in on his bleeding shoulder.

"Let me take a look at your injury," I offered and stepped closer to him. I tried to reach for his arm, but Hunter took several steps back and spoke coldly. "Uncle Edward will take care of it."

Lillian leaned over and whispered in my ear. "Let him be, Ethan. It is not the time to force him."

I walked away leaving Lillian with Hunter and his girlfriend. I went to the instructor's wing and entered my room.

The bed felt inviting and comfy, and I surrendered to a much-needed sleep as I knew Hunter was in good hands and would be fine.

I didn't realise it was morning until I heard incessant knocking on my door. I yawned twice before I rose from my bed.

"Good morning," I greeted father who was giving me a dark look.

"It is eleven in the morning. Aren't you worried about Hunter?"

"I knew he would be okay. Uncle Edward is a capable doctor. And from the glimpse your son allowed me yesterday, the injury wasn't that deep." I didn't know what came over me, but I spoke the words in a bitter tone.

Dad stepped inside the room and took one of the armchairs. He motioned for me to join him as well.

"We need to talk." Dad waited for me to get comfortable before he spoke again. "Why are you here?"

I chuckled and looked in the direction of the window. "You know why I am here."

"Say it out loud. I want to hear it." Father said in a stern voice that gave no way for argument.

Dad liked to have eye contact while talking with anyone and that's why I made sure we were eye to eye when I said my next words. "I tried to call Hunter for the last five months, but he refused my attempts. The camp is my chance to start amending our relationship."

"Then why are you up here hiding in your room?"

"I didn't expect Hunter to change like that. He is not the same kid I left. His eyes are so hard and cold to the point that looking at them was painful." I spoke honestly.

"I will be honest with you, Ethan. Things aren't going to be easy. On the contrary, things are going to be hard. Harder than you think. So now, make your decision. If you want to have your brother back, then fight for him. If you think you are not ready yet, leave now and don't look back. That's all I have to say to you."

"What are my chances to succeed?"


"How comforting." I snorted.

"Since when do I say words for the sole purpose of giving your comfort? I am always honest with you." Father shot back in his stern voice.

"Since you didn't say it is impossible, then I think I have a chance."

"Wash up and change. We will have a meeting shortly with Jasper to decide the actions we must take regarding yesterday's events."

I laughed out loud at my father's words. "Come on, Dad. You say it as if you plan to execute them."

"They deserve what's coming their way and some more," Dad said and exited the room.

Half an hour later, we gathered in the meeting room. I was the last to arrive and took my seat next to Jackson.

Moments later, Hunter, Lillian, and Aiden joined us. They stood in front of our table and waited for orders.

"Where is Anna?" Jasper asked.

"Don't bring her into that fiasco." Hunter moved one step. "I take full responsibility for yesterday's events. If you want to take disciplinary measures, then I am ready to accept them."

"Things don't work like this, and you know it." Uncle Jasper said in a blank voice.

"Yes, I know. But this time, I insist to be the only one responsible for what happened. Aiden, I pressured you into this right?" Hunter asked.

I could tell that Aiden hesitated for a few moments, but Hunter narrowed his eyes which made Aiden nod.
"Yes, Hunter pressured me."

"How about you Lillian?" Hunter raised an eyebrow.

Lillian shook her head and shot him a glare. "Don't be childish, Hunter. Stop that."

"Don't make things worse between us, Lillian," Hunter warned in a cold voice.
Lillian let out a breath and nodded her head. "Yes, I was forced to join Hunter."

"Do you think we are fools, Hunter?" Uncle Jasper was getting angrier by the minute.

"You believe in words and facts, don't you?" Hunter raised a challenging eyebrow.

"The meeting is over. Go to your room so Edward can check your stitches. We will talk later about this behaviour you are displaying." Dad said and stood up.

Hunter didn't say another word and stormed out followed by Aiden who left at a more moderate speed.

One by one, the adults left the room. I caught Lillian's arm before she could leave as well.

"What is wrong? You look sad."

"You and your brother will be the death of me. I don't know how I should act with both of  you." Lillian said in exasperation.

"I am not following."

"Hunter is angry because I didn't inform him of your arrival," Lillian explained.

We both exited the meeting room and went to the yard. We sat next to each other on one of the marble benches.

"Lillian, I am sorry you are in this position because of us."

"I wish you could fix your relationship with your brother. I hate seeing you like this."

"He is a stubborn boy, but I would break his walls even if it is the last thing I do in this life."

"How could I help you?" Lillian squeezed my shoulder gently.

"Just stand by his side. Hunter is younger than I and needs you. I can manage on my own."

Lillian nodded her head. "Hunter is lucky to have you as his brother."

"If only he knows it." I joked.

The next two months would be so hard on me, but I was determined to give it my best.

Mending my relationship with Huntet was not an option. It was something I must do in the near future.

If he thought he was stubborn then he would be surprised by the means I would take to break the barriers between us.

As always, don't forget to vote, comment and share with your friends.

I hope you enjoyed the chapter.

Until next time!

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