Champion: A Songs Of War Fanf...

By KnightOfShrooms

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Ardonia fights its bloodiest war in history. The Voltaris strike against the other clans for the first time i... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Chapter Twenty-Eight
Chapter Twenty-Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty-One
Chapter Thirty-Two
Chapter Thirty-Three
Mid-Part Notice
Chapter Thirty-Five
Chapter Thirty-Six
Chapter Thirty-Seven
Chapter Thirty-Eight
Chapter Delay
Chapter Thirty-Nine
Chapter Forty

Chapter Thirty-Four

82 1 0
By KnightOfShrooms

Acchilean watched a collection of troops prepare for a scouting mission. Thalleous led them.

"Your captain isn't coming?" Acchilean asked.

"Not for an in-and-out mission like this," Thallous said. "I will be commanding officer, and Aggrennall will be our guide through the Nether."

Acchilean nodded. "Good luck."

Suddenly, a bolt of Lightning flashed, and Herobrine materialized. Melkor, who had been grumbling about "insufferable fairy-tales" moments prior, glared at the Lightbringer.

"God of the Storm," Acchilean said, kneeling. Thalleous quickly followed. The Nestoris watched as their last hope stared around, his blinding eyes boring into each trooper's heart.

"Rise," Herobrine said, stalking over towards Thallous' troops as they got on their knees. "I would prefer for your soldiers to stand at attention. Is that not how you greet a superior in the Militia?"

"As you wish," Thallous sighed. He, despite being grateful for Herobrine's help, was still wary of the Lightning God. "Ten-Hut! Officer on deck!"

Thalleous' soldiers snapped up, staring forward. Herobrine smiled imperceptibly.

"Wonderful." He turned back to the Lieutenant. "I will accompany you on your trip to the Nether."

Thalleous tilted his head. "Do you not wish to plan with the Masters?"

"Your masters are nothing like the ones of my time. I wish not to speak with them often. They're impertinent, stubborn, arrogant fools."

Many ardoni shifted uncomfortably at this insult to their leaders.

"You have drafted most of your men. Your masters talk of drafting your women to fight, knowing they have not the strength in their arms to do so. They disgust me."

Herobrine's eyes flashed. Several Sendaris' eyes widened. Melkor started forward.

"The Kaltaris master even talks of making children arm their cannons. If it were not for the fact that Ardonia is unstable enough as is, I would go and smite them. I hope the new Nestoris master has more sense."

The Lightning God gripped his sword as Melkor walked towards him. Fixing the Sendaris Master with a withering glare, he turned back to the mission commander. "But back to your patrols. I respect you and your men much more. I will fight, not prattle and whine."

Thalleous nodded. He had no particular feelings about the new masters as of yet, but if they wanted to draft the weaker among their species, they weren't off to a good start. "As you say, M'lord."

"Construct the portal!" a voice yelled. Sarrettus jumped down from a tree, landing in a roll and ten blocks from Herobrine. He pulled obsidian out of his inventory as troopers began to break formation and ran to begin their journey to hell. Herobrine was the one to light the portal with a crackle from his fingers.

"After you, Lieutenant!" the Lightning God called.

As the soldiers stepped through hell, Herobrine trudged around.

"Watch for Piglins, they'll be the death of us if we find one of their domains."
Thalleous nodded. "Our guide warned us as such. He's fought them before."

Herobrine spat on the ground. "Savage beasts, all of th-"

He didn't get any further, as a shrieking cry emanated from the sky. Three more responded, and shouts of anger joined in.

"The Nether armies," Herobrine whispered. "Ready your troops! We must pull back to the Overworld!"

Thalleous nodded. He beckoned them back silently, hoping to sneak to the portal. As they crept through the wastes of the Nether, The Lieutenant looked to the rear, hoping to see what might threaten him. And there it was.

The King of the Nether, with the full might of his army behind him.

Author's Note:

Hello, all. Sorry for my slower publication schedule recently, but this is the way it is for now.

Chapter 35 should be out this weekend.



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