The fall of our secrets

By abirrosa2

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She was fire, he was ice. She raged and burned everything in her path when he stayed calm and collected. She... More

My first note
Chapter 7
Chapter 32
Chapter 33


33 9 7
By abirrosa2

Hello everyone!

I hope you are doing well.

Here is a new chapter. I hope you will enjoy it since I really enjoyed writing it.

Letting Lexie go was the second hardest decision I have to make today. I am sure you are asking what is the hardest decision I would make. Well, wait and see.

Ethan parked the car in front of a large building. I was no more surprised by the extravagant exteriors and luxurious buildings he frequented.

I walked next to Ethan, and together, we headed to the elevator. We waited until it reached the top before the doors opened to reveal a spacious hall with a large desk in one corner.

The brunette girl sitting at the desk looked up and smiled at us.

"Good Morning, sir. How may I help you?" She asked Ethan while completely ignoring me. I mentally rolled my eyes at her behaviour.

"You are new. Where is Agatha?" Ethan asked with a raised eyebrow.

I could see the disappointment in the girl's eyes because Ethan didn't pay attention to her exposed cleavage and extremely blinking eyes. I am sure he thought she was sick instead of finding her actions attractive.

"She is on leave. Her daughter gave birth yesterday, and she wanted some time off to be with her new granddaughter. I am Rosa, her substitute."

To my annoyance, Ethan flashed her a grin and extended his hand.
"I am Ethan,"

The dreamy look came back tenfold, and she gripped it far too long for my liking.

I had enough, and I snatched his arm away from her.

Ethan had the nerve to smirk at me while I just fixed my glare on her and said in an icy voice.

"We are here to see Mr Salviatti. He is waiting for us."

The girl glared back and entered the office. Seconds later, she came out telling Ethan and avoiding any eye contact with me that Damian was ready to meet us.

I rolled my eyes and started walking towards the door. Ethan grabbed my arm and drew me closer to his side.

"I like it when you act jealous," Ethan whispered in his so-not-low voice.
"Who said I am jealous?" I raised an eyebrow in question.

"Your actions," Ethan replied with a shrug and grabbed my hand.

"You are misinterpreting my reactions." I defended myself even though I knew he was right. I didn't like the way girls looked at him and acted as if they wanted to eat him alive.

Ethan shook his head and graced me with one of his wide grins. I swallowed and returned his smile as best as I could.

Upon our entrance to the office, Damian averted his focus from the workload in front of him and gave us his undivided attention.

"You may have a seat." Damian motioned to the two seats facing his desk.

Ethan's warmth leaving me was a shock to my body. I was getting used to his presence and closeness, even his simplest gestures meant more than they should.

I sat on the vacant chair, and we both waited for Damian to start speaking.

"I finished reviewing your files yesterday, and to say I am impressed would be unjust to what you managed to achieve. It had been so long since I saw a team which could function this way."

Ethan smiled and nodded his head in agreement. "Nina is a quick learner. I can attest to her adaptation ability."
Ethan's words were short but precise, and they left a comforting feeling inside me.

"That's said, I want to officially welcome you to our family," Damian said as he handed me a stack of papers.

Taking a look at them, I realised he wanted me to sign the Omerta oath. I skimmed through the words all the while thinking about how I would have been signing my way to a new life if Alberto was my only enemy.

I signed my name on the three dots at the end of the papers and gave them back to Damian.

Ethan reached over and squeezed my leg while giving me an adoring smile. I don't understand what I did to deserve such a look from him.

I forced a smile on my face and focused back on Damian who was speaking once again. "Since your team was successful in every mission I assigned. I want you two to continue working together. I would be generous this time and give you the choice to refuse."

I took a deep breath and readied myself to give the answer that would ruin everything.

"I would like to take your offer," I said at the same time that Ethan expressed his agreement with a smile on his face.
Said smile vanished slowly and was replaced with a frown.

Damian looked between us in confusion and rose from his chair. "I see you need some time to discuss things. I would give you some privacy."

I wanted to scream at him so he come back. I didn't need any alone time with Ethan. Even his presence could weaken my resolve. How could I survive his disappointment and hurt?

The door closed with a soft thud, and we stayed in silence for a few moments.
"Why?" Ethan asked in a calm tone.

"I told you before that I wanted to try new things." I tried to act as if I didn't care about how his green eyes hardened.

"New things?" Ethan chuckled humourlessly and stood up from his seat.

"Ethan, I don't know why you are making a big deal out of this. The missions are done and over. For me, it is an invaluable chance to explore new things and make a name for myself."

I knew the words I was saying were bullshit, and Ethan called me out on my blatant lie. "You are lying."

"Is this the only conclusion you can draw?" I challenged with a raised eyebrow.

"You know it is the truth, Nina. You are hiding things from me. More specifically, I can tell they are big and could change everything between us. You betrayed me once, Nina. You killed Alberto even though you knew I wanted him alive. Your actions deprived me of the most thing I have ever wanted, but I let it go and forgave you. Sadly, all of this didn't matter to you at all." 

At my silence, Ethan slumped back in his chair and looked at me with the same hard eyes, but I could see the sadness in there as well.

"It is not like this, Ethan. I just want to be a part of your family. For that to happen, I need to prove myself and my worth." This time, I was telling a half-truth, but apparently, Ethan didn't see it.

"Stop it. Stop lying to me. Just shut up, Nina. I told you every single detail about me. You know everything about my history. And here you are lying to my face without batting an eyelash. Do you call this a relationship, Nina?" Ethan said in a defeated voice.

I moved from my spot and sat beside him. I clasped his hand as I knew it may be the last time I would be allowed to do so. "A relationship? I don't know the meaning of this word, Ethan."

"You don't need a dictionary to understand it. You just need to let go and live. It will come to you eventually. Heck, it is in front of you. I tried my hardest to lay out my feelings in the open, but you are too blind to the point of not seeing it."

With those words, he dropped his hands from mine and left the room.
I knew it would come to this. Good things never last, I always drive them away.

Moments later, Damian was back in the room. I managed to school my features and plastered a blank face.

"I see things didn't go well," Damian remarked, taking his seat.

"It is just a small disagreement." My level of bullshit today is skyrocketing.

"Very well, since you want to explore new things, I have several jobs around the world for you. The first destination would be Paris. I know you are attracted to risky missions, and I would make sure you get them. Your flight to Paris is already booked. You will leave at eight in the morning. Other details would be discussed after you settle down."

I nodded my head in understanding and asked. "If that's all, may I leave?" I didn't want to stay any longer in his presence. In reality, I wanted to hide under my covers and cry myself to sleep, but I knew it was not possible. Life was never that easy for me.

"A word of advice before you can go. Out of my two sons, Ethan is the most levelheaded. He has a big heart and can be forgiving, courtesy of his mother. But, be warned. When he gives up on something, or if someone hurts him repeatedly, he could be the coldest person you may face."

Damian's words made me gulp, but I just nodded my head and stood up. No one should see my weakness and inner struggle.

"Thank you so much for the advice, sir." I nodded my head and left his office.
Ethan was sitting on a couch outside and rose the moment he saw me. He strode towards the elevator, and without much choice, I followed him.

Damian's words kept replaying in my head as Ethan drove at a neck-breaking speed. Did I push him off the edge? Was I that bad?

Ethan was going over the speed limit, and I was gripping the door's handle too tightly my knuckles turned white. Suddenly, we came face to face with a truck, and I instinctively closed my eyes.

"Slow down!!" I screamed as the car came to a stop with a loud screech. We were mere inches from colliding with the truck.

I breathed heavily and glared at Ethan. "If you wanted to kill me, I am sure you could come up with better ways than that."

Ethan didn't say a word and just resumed driving at a more reasonable speed. Once we reached the apartment complex, he just got out and stormed inside.

I breathed heavily and willed my anger to stay under control.

I entered the house to see Ethan sitting on the couch drinking a steaming hot cup of coffee.

I walked to him and snatched the glass out of his hand. He raised an eyebrow at me but didn't say a word.

"Stop throwing a tantrum. I thought you were more mature than that."

Ethan laughed, but it wasn't music to my ears. It was more like chalk grinding on a blackboard.

"I am not throwing a tantrum, Nina. Go and rest. After all, you have an early flight tomorrow." Ethan said in an uninterested voice.

"You are punishing me. Aren't you?" I said dryly.

"You are wrong, Nina. I am protecting you from myself." I could see Ethan was barely restraining his anger, but me being me, I egged him on.

"Really? Protecting me? Didn't I tell you before that I don't need anyone's protection? Do you have something to say? Just go ahead and say it."

Before I could react, Ethan yanked me to his chest and his lips collided with mine. At first, I resisted the contact and tried to push him away, but Ethan proved stronger than I.

I surrendered to the feeling of his kiss. I was trying to convince myself it would be the first and last time I could experience it.

Once we were both out of breath, Ethan broke the kiss. He put his hands on both of my shoulders and looked me dead in the eye. "One of these days I will know why you are leaving. Your lies and secrets will fall and crumble."

He moved from my personal space, and it took me a moment to control my erratic breaths.

I smiled softly at him and headed to my room. I hated myself for giving up and letting Ethan kiss me.

How could I let him get the best of me? I was never weak in front of any man. Why was I changing?

Ethan is destroying your walls. The walls you spent your entire life building are demolished.
You are in love with the man, Nina. Just accept it.

I was going crazy thanks to the endless battle inside my head.
Sleep was a lost cause today. I looked at my ringing phone and frowned at the private number.

For a split second, I considered not answering it, but knowing my luck, the world's existence depends on this call and I must take it.

"Hello." I greeted in a tired voice.

"Hello, Miss Castello. I am Rosa, Mr Salviatti's assistant. A ride will arrive to take you to the airport in an hour. Be ready as lateness is not acceptable."

The bitch didn't give me a chance to say a word and cut the call. I knew my sixth sense was never wrong.

Taking a shower and changing into a dress and boots was never that hard. I packed my stray clothes in a small duffle bag and exited the room after putting my hair in a messy bun.

I went to the kitchen for a much-needed cup of coffee. The house was dark and silent, and I felt disappointment taking over my body.

What did you expect? Were you thinking that Ethan would be awake at the crack of dawn waiting for you to say goodbye?  Grow up, Nina and be thankful you are still alive.

I hastily drank my coffee and rolled my suitcase to the door.

For a few seconds, I considered knocking on his door only to see him one last time, but my stupid pride was like an invisible hand pulling me away every time I took a step towards him.

After one last look, I opened the door and closed it, exiting the apartment where I left a part of myself.

I knew we would meet again but I didn't know how or when. I was only sure that Ethan Salviatti owned my heart which was a terrifying realisation I wish I never came to make.


I heard Nina's footsteps in the kitchen. I could picture her with a big coffee mug in her hands and a sleepy look on her face. She was never a morning person and could barely keep her eyes open.

I smiled as I knew she was drinking it quickly since she was already late. I stood up from my spot on the couch where I was finishing some paperwork and looked out the window.

A black SUV was waiting downstairs. The driver was already getting agitated. The poor man didn't know what was waiting for him.

Wheels screeching on the floor pulled me out of my thoughts. It was time. Nina was leaving for I don't know how much time.

The sound stopped for a few seconds, and for a moment, I imagined her coming inside my room to say goodbye.
I knew I was getting crazy. Nina was a stubborn woman, and her pride would prevent her from doing that.

How about you, Ethan? Why don't you go and say goodbye? Why didn't you apologise for kissing her forcefully?

I toyed with the idea of apologising for my actions of yesterday, but I couldn't bring myself to do it.

Nina drove me to the edge with her indifference. Was I the only one who wanted to make things work between us?

Stop it, Ethan. You know Nina had feelings for you. Her eyes told you everything she couldn't.

Nina was hiding things from me, and I knew she had a reason for it. For now, I would let her go and wait until I could figure out her secrets. She was a puzzle I would eventually solve piece by piece.

My eyes followed Nina as she entered the car and until it was out of my view. I drew back the blinders and dialled a number I had not called in years.

"Hello," The gruff voice said from the other side.

"Hello, Enrique," I said with a smile.

"Ethan! How are you, man? To what do I owe the honour of hearing your voice after all this time?" Enrique said accusingly.

"I can't say I am calling you because I missed your voice. I need a favour."

"Always precise and to the point. Some things never change." Enrique said in humour.

"Don't start the blame game. You didn't call as well, did you?"

"Intelligent as ever. What do you need?"

"Are you busy at the moment?" I asked.

"You know I can be free for you at any time." I smiled at Enrique's words and was grateful he was a friend of mine.

"I want you to fly to Paris. There is a girl..."

"A girl?" Enrique cut me off with a sing-song voice.

"Don't start, Enrique. The girl is my partner, and I want to know every single thing she does while she is in Paris. Or come to think of it, I want you to be her shadow for the foreseeable future. I know you are good at it."

There was a pause on the other end of the call before Enrique spoke again.

"Consider it done, boss. I will wait for the details."

"Thank you so much, Enrique. You are my life saviour." I said honestly and ended the call.

Just wait and see, Nina. If you thought for one minute I would let you go this easily, then you are wrong, very wrong.


I always dreamt of coming to Paris with Aria and Lexie. Going sightseeing and visiting Disneyland would have been the cherry on top of our trip.

But here I was in a five stars hotel soaking in a hot bath and relaxing my muscles with a glass of wine in my hand.

The bathroom's window was made of glass and it showed the Eiffel tower. It was a breathtaking view with the street lights acting as bright stars.

As always, my phone rang, and again, it was a private number. I sighed in annoyance and answered.

"Hello," I said with a yawn.

"I see you are in a good mood, Nina." I sobered as Martin's voice echoed through the speaker.

"What do you need?"

"Excellent job on getting out of Ethan's scrutiny. Now, we can start our work." Martin spoke in a joyful tone, and I suppressed the urge to gag. "Since your first destination is Paris, I want you to burn the Salviatti's perfume stocks. It is located on the outskirts of the city, and you must be swift and effective."

"Don't you think it is too early for me to start doing this? It would be so suspicious." I observed.

"I know a smart girl when I see one, and you Miss Castello are clever," Martin said in admiration. "You are correct. In a week, I will send you all you need to execute the mission perfectly."

"Is that all?" I said impatiently.

"Yes, have a good night."

I ignored his words and pressed the end button. I tossed the phone on a nearby loveseat and closed my eyes, letting the warm water consume me.

In a week, I would start working with Martin. He wasn't as stupid as Alberto. On the contrary, the man was intelligent and sharp. Deceiving him would be nearly impossible.

It meant you will betray Ethan and his family again and again, right?
You know I don't have a choice, don't be harsh with me, please.

It was the first time my conscious listened to me and shut up. I wasn't in the right state of mind to deal with these heavy thoughts.

I was not resisting anymore. I was just flowing with the current and waiting for where it would take me at the end.
If giving up my principles and beliefs would save my sister, so be it. I will do it once and twice and a hundred times.
Her life was more valuable than anything else on this earth. If I could guarantee Aria's life and safety, mine wouldn't matter at all.

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Until next time!

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