Telethia warrior

By micheal9999

3.5K 95 19

In the land of two titans, there is a Telethia with free will of its own and flying around each place to batt... More

chapter 1
chapter 2
Chapter 3
chapter 4
chapter 5
chapter 6
chapter 7
chapter 8
chapter 9 and a new ether power
chapter 10
chapter 11
chapter 12
chapter 13
chapter 14
chapter 15
chapter 16
chapter 17
chapter 18
chapter 19
chapter 20
chapter 21
chapter 22
chapter 23
chapter 24
chapter 25
chapter 27
chapter 28
chapter 29
chapter 30
chapter 31
chapter 32
chapter 33
chapter 34
chapter 35
chapter 36
chapter 37 and a new evil born
chapter 38
chapter 39
chapter 40
chapter 41
chapter 42
chapter 43 final

chapter 26

48 2 0
By micheal9999


i get up from the ground and look for others, Is everyone OK? i asked. Yeah said Fiora, That was a close one, I mean, how on Bionis did we survive that?  we seem all right said Reyn. I dunno, It could be that we were just lucky. But I'm sure there must be more to it than that said Dunban.

You were protected by the power of Lady Meyneth said someone, Who's there? asked Dunban as we saw a Machina walking to us. A Machina? asked Melia, Are you Vanea? asked Fiora, Vanea? Does that mean you're Miqol's daughter? asked Reyn.

I am glad you are safe, Lady Meyneth said Vanea, Lady Meyneth? i asked. That Face was sent to destroy you, I am truly happy you are all right said Vanea, You're lying! Gadolt would never try and hurt us! said Sharla.

Sadly his Homs memories no longer remain. The current Faces are nothing more than weapons designed to annihilate all life on Bionis said Vanea. It can't be! said Sharla, Faces are created by directly integrating the brain stem and metabolic organs of Homs into Mechon said Vanea.

Memories and emotion are nothing but a hindrance to an effective weapon. However, the early Faces were experimental. Many retained memories from their former lives, This prevented them from executing their missions effectively said Vanea.

More recent Faces have had all memories of their previous lives completely erased said Vanea, Is that because of me? asked Fiora. No. It is not your fault said Vanea, Mumkhar seems the more likely candidate said Dunban.

His attachment to us was too strong. You could say it caused his destruction said Dunban, That Xord one'n' all said Reyn. You are correct said Vanea, No. It's not true. My Gadolt... said Sharla, Sharla? asked Reyn.

Explain it to me. I mean, why does Egil want to make us into Mechon? What's the reason for all this? i asked. In order to counter the Monado said Vanea, I knew it said Reyn, The Monado is ineffective against the High Entia, the Homs - against all races of Bionis said Vanea.

Egil suffered a bitter defeat in the battle one year ago. After that, he theorised that he could counter the Monado by integrating organic life from Bionis said Vanea. Of course. Initially, the Monado couldn't take a Homs life said Dunban.

It can now though said Reyn, It could not harm those who share the blood of Zanza. That was its sole weakness. But Zanza lifted that constraint said Vanea, Those who share the blood of Zanza? Who is that giant? asked Dunban.

The progenitor of the Homs said Vanea, Him?! said Dunban. And once the friend of my brother Egil, before they became sworn enemies, It was Zanza who devastated Mechonis said Vanea. What?! i said.

Are you saying that Zanza is to blame for Mechonis' devastation?! It's Zanza's sword that I'm using! Does this mean we're enemies?! And if so, why are you... i said, Shulk! Calm down! said Reyn.

Sorry...I...i said, I will take you to the Mechonis capital, Agniratha said Vanea. Is that your plan? Lead us straight to the gates of our enemy? Deliver us into Egil's hands? asked Dunban. It will be quicker to show you than to explain said Vanea.

Then you will understand the history of Mechonis and the battle between the two titans, Up ahead is a lift that leads to the Central Factory within the chest of the Mechonis, The capital, Agniratha, lies just beyond there said Vanea.

As we got to the lift and used it to get to Agniratha, once we got off we saw how big the central factory was. This is the Central Factory, within the chest of the Mechonis. Can you see the ring up ahead? said Vanea.

At the base of that ring is a transporter that leads to Agniratha, we must first head there. This place is full of autonomous security Mechon, Tread carefully said Vanea. We tried the lift to the Central tower but it didn't work so we took an alternative route.


we took out many of Mechon on the way and we found another lift that can take us to the place we need to go to, we got off the lift and walked through the hallway and we saw the capital Agniratha. So this is the Mechonis capital said Shulk.

Yes, Agniratha, The heart of the Machina civilisation said Vanea. It looks so desolate said Sharla, Like there are no signs of anyone living here said Melia. It truly is a soulless city said Dunban, Here bad place. Riki want to go said Riki.

So the Machina built this whole city? Not too shabby said Reyn, It looks like the buildings have been here for a very long time said Shulk. Look, Shulk! said Riki as we turn to see what Riki talking about.

Dinobeast! Dinobeast eat city! said Riki as he walked to it, A Dinobeast? Here? asked Reyn. We follow Riki and as we get closer to the Telethia, I look to my left and see more Telethias. But how? asked Shulk.

It is a Telethia! said Melia, It looks like it's stone said Sharla. Why would there be a Telethia in a place like this? asked Melia, The fossilised Telethia are what remain of the beasts that attacked the capital in the ancient battle said Vanea.

Why did the Telethia attack your city? Wasn't the ancient battle only between the Bionis and Mechonis themselves? asked Sharla, The answer to your question can be found in that tower, the Data Centre said Vanea

It is better that you see with your own eyes, Only then will you truly understand what happened between the Bionis and Mechonis said Vanea. Where Dinoborn y/n go said Riki as they looked around till they saw me.

Hey y/n said Shulk as they walked to me and saw a fossilised claw mark Telethia in front of me, Is that a claw mark Telethia? asked Sharla. Yes it is and look your left i said as they look to the left and they saw more claw marks Telethia.

There are more fossilised claw marks Telethia here said Reyn, yes and they are the four types of Telethia too i said. Hey y/n, where are you going said Dunban, I must know why Zanza did this and why Bionis and Mechonis fight each other i said as we head to the Data tower .


As we take the lift and enter the room, It looks like the power's up and running said Shulk. Fiona, what's the Matter? i asked. Everyone follows me said Fiora, as Fiora turns on something and map of the city.

What is that?! said Reyn, It looks like it's here, but it's just an image said Shulk. No way! Whoa, you're right! said Reyn as he tried to touch it. These are memories of a time long forgotten said Fiora.

Fiora! said Shulk as Dunban stopped him, They were left behind by the Machina, before they abandoned this place so that others may know their story said Fiora. Her voice sounds like... said Shulk as we saw the image from the part.

In ancient times, when the Bionis and the Mechonis came into existence, I was born as well. Just as the Bionis had a soul, I came to exist in this world as the soul of the Mechonis. I created my children on Mechonis and acquired this body said Fiora.

They called themselves Machina. And Mechonis was transformed into a world brimming with life. The Machina gave rise to an advanced civilization and built this great city said Fiora. This city? asked Sharla, Can't believe it used to be so lively said Reyn.

They lived their lives in peace and harmony. The gentle Machina worshipped me. Life also flourished on Bionis. The Machina generously shared the fruits of their civilization with the peoples of the Bionis said Fiora.

Also they meet the leader of the claw marks Telethia... Razor the Phoenix-type Telethia said Fiora, What? said y/n as he was shocked to hear that. Razor told one of each type of Telethia to hide the eggs in a cave in the Eryth Sea said Fiora.

Wait... i heard something about a team of researchers who found four eggs in a cave and they built a lab there i said, wait... that how High Entia meets the claw marks Telethia said y/n. Razor thinks their two worlds would grow, hand in hand said Fiora.

Then a terrible fate descended on them from above. Is that the Monado? asked Dunban, But why? Why would the Bionis...? asked Shulk. Wielding the sword of light, the Bionis attempted to destroy the Machina said Fiora.

Are those Telethia?! i said, I tried to save the Machina, and confronted the Bionis. But i know Razor and his kind were on the Machina side and fighting the other telethia. And I confronted Zanza said Fiora.

Zanza?! said Shulk, The battle waged on and on. Even as our life forces depleted, Zanza and I continued to fight. However, it did at last come to an end said Fiora, The Giant said Melia. This is when Zanza was imprisoned! said Shulk.

Taking advantage of my final blow to the Bionis, Its beings took Zanza and sealed him firmly away. However, the battle with Zanza had greatly consumed my life force. I warned the surviving Machina that the Bionis had not yet been destroyed, and that one day he would be released said Fiora.

I'm the one who released him! said Shulk, I then entered a long and deep slumber, in preparation for Zanza's inevitable reawakening and Razor told the surviving Machina about a prophecy of his kind said Fiora.

It's all clear to me, What you wanted to do. Stop the battle between the Bionis and the Mechonis said Fiora as she acted normal again, Fiora I see now. It was her inside you said Shulk, yes... Lady Meyneth desired a body in which she could be free. And after you were captured by Egil's Mechon said Vanea.

It was I who transferred her soul into your body said Vanea, But why did it have to be my body? asked Fiora. Because... You are close to Shulk, the heir to the Monado said Vanea as Shulk was shocked.

Then y/n fell to his knees and we were worried about y/n too, y/n your alright i asked. It was Zanza the whole time and nearly ended my kind, and Razor knew I would be born and to be the one to save the claw marks Telethia clan said y/n.

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