By metamorphosisII

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it was supposed to be easy. but when your past comes to haunt you, there's nothing you can do. rory march fou... More

amor caecus est
vol 1.
1. when in quidditch world cup
3. goodbyes and train rides
4. ferret and moody
5. chocolate frogs
6. shit show
7. goblet of fire
8. miss march vs. dumbledore
9. blood sucking insect
10. a dragon? a dragon.
11. effy march
12. the first task
13. sitting in a tree
14. the blonde twin
15. not brilliant but ok
16. the yule ball
17. hermione j. granger
18. answers and hidden gems
19. the second task
20 sisters, sisters, sisters, sisters
21. so much but yet so little
22. into the woods
23. calm before the storm
24. the last task
25. blood of an enemy
26. the past that haunts you
27. maybe we're cursed
vol 2.
28. miss hannigan
29. strawberry fields
30. healer tonks
31. burned the disco down
32. twelve grimmauld place
33. way down we go
34. meg, jo, beth, amy
35. all for one and one for all
36. love is in the air
37. blood and rings
38. our bluest days
39. jolly christmas
40. the loss of my life
41. home is where your hat is
42. she would remember
43. almost had it all
44. family line
45. the children are not all right
46. aurora d. malfoy
47. loose canon

2. apocalypse

1K 59 6
By metamorphosisII

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Rory basically skipped around, barely containing her excitement. The whole Fernandez family and their guests were heading towards the arena where they were going to meet the Weasleys. Olive's parents were familiar with Mr Weasley due Mr Fernandez's work in the ministry.

The arena was huge and packed with people. You could barely hear your own thoughts. Just rows and rows of people cheering and waving flags to show which team they were supporting. What amazed Rory about events like this one was how people with so many different opinions, backgrounds and lives still managed to live in somewhat peace with each other ― the only thing connecting them was the game they were witnessing.

They ascended the steps up to the Minister's box where they could find Cornelius Fudge, the Minister of Magic. Rory, Via nor Lara have never met the man unlike Effy who has met him once before. The Minister was a portly little man with rumpled grey hair. In Rory's opinion, he didn't look like a minister. Fudge was in a conversation with someone else although the conversation looked more like a round of charade as it seemed that the minister and the man he was talking to did not share a language.

"That looks intense," Rory muttered to Lara who stifled her laughter just in case.

"We should go to our places," said Lara, taking her sister's hand.

They sat down, Olive by their side while her parents were still standing up and talking with people from work. Rory was looking around, clearly trying to see if Hermione was anywhere near. She couldn't see Hermione yet but did notice Caleb Zabini.

"I spy with my little eyes Caleb," grimaced Rory and nudged Effy's shoulder.

The younger sisters liked teasing their oldest sister and especially enjoyed making fun of Caleb. There was actually nothing wrong with Caleb Zabini ― other than his last name. He was quite the gentleman and also cared for Lara, Rory and Via. Whenever he wants to take Effy out for a date or just spend time with her, he makes sure her little sisters are fine with her absence.

"Isn't he going to sit with us?" Via asked — she's taken quite the liking in Caleb over the years.

"He's with Blaise, actually," confessed Effy. "He's trying to mend his relationship with his little brother. Apparently we inspired him to do so."

Via rolled her eyes, mumbling. "But his brother is Blaise..."

"This is my daughter Olive," Mrs Fernandez interrupted and placed a gentle hand on her daughter's shoulder, introducing the girl to Minister Fudge. "And these four young ladies are her friends. Effy, Lara, Rory and Via March."

The sisters and Olive turned to look at Mrs Fernandez who had finally caught Fudge's attention. The minister turned to look at the girls, a thin lipped and forced smile glued to his face.

"How do you do, ladies?" He said, his voice as bored as his expression.

"Well, thank you," said Effy through gritted teeth.

Fudge left almost immediately after exchanging a few more words with Olive's parents. They didn't really mind the minister's bad and poor behaviour unlike the youngsters around them who had stronger opinions of the minister.

"I don't like that man..." Olive said.

Effy smirked at Olive. "Nobody does."

"He should retire," Via agreed.

Taking another look around, Rory tried to see if Hermione was around. She sighed, sinking into her seat. Her behaviour didn't go unnoticed by her twin who nudged her gently.

"She will be here soon," Lara assured.

Rory turned to look at her and shook her head.

"I wasn't looking for her," said Rory.

"Really?" Asked Lara, arching her brow.

"Fine. I wasn't looking just for her," Rory corrected herself.

Olive grimaced and glanced at Lara who just rolled her eyes.

Minutes went by and the crowd grew bigger and bigger. It was insane how many people were present ― Rory has never seen this many people in one place. The biggest event she's ever been in was the Fleetwood Mac concert a year ago. But the Quidditch World Cup was even bigger. If she was being honest, being around so many people made her feel a little anxious but she focused on the people close to her, her family, and felt much better.

People were dressed in green and red ― showing which team they supported. The crowd was like an ocean of those two colours and it reminded Rory of Hogwarts' Quidditch games when Slytherin and Gryffindor played. She thought both teams were good, Ireland and Bulgaria, but she found herself supporting Ireland more.

"These seats are amazing!" Ron Weasley's voice rose up from the chaotic roars and team songs.

Rory snapped her head towards the voice and her face broke into a big smile but not because of Ron but Hermione who was walking behind her friend. Hermione noticed Rory in a second and excused herself from the Weasley's company for a moment.

"Hi! Sorry we couldn't come here together but Ron wanted Harry and me around a little more," explained Hermione and sat next to Rory once Lara had moved from the way.

"No worries. I was just afraid you might miss the game," said Rory.

Hermione shook her head. "Are you kidding? This is the first real quidditch game I have ever seen before. I might not be so into the sport but it is pretty spectacular to be here."

Mr Weasley had started a polite conversation with Olive's parents ― a conversation which was mostly focused on work. The Weasley twins were selling something behind their father's back while Harry Potter looked around in awe with Ron by his side, who was talking his ear off but it didn't seem to bother Harry. Rory quickly waved at them too ― though they weren't exactly best friends ― they were still friends of hers through Hermione.

"Lara here is about to fall asleep already," said Rory and pointed at Lara who grimaced.

"I just don't understand the game," she said.

Hermione grinned. "But Cedric plays it. He's the captain of Hufflepuff."

"Yes but I still cannot understand the game," said Lara. "Effy's not a fan either."

"Oh we know that," chuckled Hermione. "I remember my first year, Effy made it very clear that Quidditch is boring. She had a good fight about it with Oliver Wood."

Olive laughed at the memory. "Oh that was a good day!"

Effy broke out of her conversation with Via and turned towards the others. The eldest King sister looked almost sour with her lips pressed into a thin line ― she must have heard Oliver's name being mentioned.

"Please don't tell me Wood is here," she groaned.

"Possibly but I don't know where," said Lara. "But we were just talking about him and the little incident."

Effy huffed. "That was the only time I've received detention."

"But it was funny," said Rory and Lara at the same time.

"Well if you do see Wood, tell him I still don't like Quidditch," said Effy sourly before she turned back to Via.

Rory was in a full conversation with Lara and their friends but she caught Fudge again, talking to a small group of people. She didn't think too much of this and just focused on her friends and family.

Hermione told Rory, Lara and Olive all about the argument the Weasley brothers had last night. Ron was rooting for Bulgaria ― mostly because of Victor Krum ― while Fred and George were on Ireland's side and this caused some arguments earlier in the morning. While Rory knew what it was like to live with siblings, she didn't have any brothers ― she didn't think she could ever handle a brother.

"...And let's see who else - you know Arthur Weasley, I daresay?"

Minister Fudge's voice entered the scene and Rory quickly turned to look at Mr Weasley when she heard his name. Hermione swallowed as she was very familiar with the man Fudge was talking to — he was after all the father of Draco Malfoy, who has made it his life's work to bully and call Hermione by nasty names.

Rory sighed, subconsciously reaching for Hermione's hand while taking a better look at the Malfoys. She's met Draco Malfoy, aka Little Shit, and has actually spoken to him too but only to tease him after Hermione had punched him last year. She's also told him to go to hell and some other places for bullying Lara.

But she has failed to meet Little Shit's parents. They looked like him. They were both tall and blonde, looking at everyone down their nose. Draco resembled his father more than his mother but Rory could tell his snobby behaviour comes from them both.

"Good lord Arthur," said Lord Malfoy Malfoy. "What did you have to sell to get the seats in the Top Box? Surely your house wouldn't have fetched this much?"

Mr Weasley sneered at Lord Malfoy.

"Mr Malfoy. Good to see you," Mr Fernandez stepped up. He has witnessed Malfoy and Weasley's arguments at work and was honestly quite fed up with the both of them and wasn't going to let them ruin the day.

"I'm sure," said Mr Malfoy with a cold voice and glared at the children.

The look of disdain didn't go unnoticed by Mr Fernandez who was less than impressed by the way Lord Malfoy was disapprovingly looking at Olive and the March sisters.

"If you are wondering, Mr and Mrs Malfoy, that's how well-behaved and kind children look like," Mr Fernandez said.

Olive's mouth gaped open, stunned to hear her father speak like that. Mr Fernandez could be described as the most calm and thoughtful man. He doesn't pick up a fight or counter arguments for the hell of it but it seemed that even he had his limits.

"Whoah," Rory whispered, her hand still holding Hermione's.

Mrs Malfoy's stony and cold exterior faltered for a moment — she had nothing kind to say to anyone who insults her son. Her lips parted like she was about to snap but held her tongue and only cleared her throat.

Her behaviour caught her husband's attention and Mr Malfoy, with narrowed eyes, answered. "Well, I do hope you will enjoy the game."

"Phoney," couched Via, earning a sharp look from her eldest sister — who was in fact trying not to smile at Via's words.

Rory glanced at Draco who was grinning like a child who had gotten an extra lollipop. He clearly had something stupid and offensive to say but before he got the chance, his mother's hand pulled him away and he left with his parents.

Taking a deep breath in, Rory turned to her family and friends.

"I think we know now who brought those peacocks," she said, referring to the birds she ran into last night.

The little encounter with the Malfoys was soon long forgotten by everyone when Cornelius Fudge announced that the game was about to begin. Rory moved to the edge of her seat to get a better look at the pit. It was three times the size of the one they have at school. She couldn't focus on anything else but the game.

Ireland's team flew in first, their supporters cheering them like they were in a screaming contest. You could hear Fred and George Weasleys' voices topping everyone else's. Rory smiled a little, enjoying all the excitement and adrenaline. Bulgaria was next and the crowd broke into cheers once again ― they all shouted Victor Krum's name like he was some sort of God.

Rory's heart beat fast as she watched the Seekers trying to catch the Golden Snitch. They dove head first from great height after the small golden object. Their speed was incredible and while Rory was a great Quidditch player, she could never fly so fast. She glanced at her sisters, daring to tear her gaze from the game for a moment.

Effy and Lara looked bored.

Taking a look to her other side where Olive was sitting, Rory could see how excited her friend was. Rory counted herself to be very lucky to have a friend like Olive. The firecracker ― a nickname Olive's grandmother calls her ― was someone who doesn't judge. You could be your truly authentic self when you were with Olive.

While Hermione wasn't the game's biggest fan, she seemed to enjoy her time. Her face was holding a smile that was so bright it could blind you. She looked like there was absolutely nothing in the world that could make her as happy as watching the game. Rory felt the same though she did notice the same kind of happiness when she was watching Hermione ― happiness a friend feels when seeing another friend so happy and relaxed.

Ireland won fair and square.

The Fernandez family, their guests and the Weasley party parted once they arrived at their tents. It had been a long day for Rory ― and though no matter how happy and adrenaline driven she was ― she was very tired if not even exhausted. She fell on the couch, a big yawn escaping her lips. Her sisters sat down by a round dining table and opened a jar of cookies as did Olive.

Mrs Fernande took out a kettle once again and was about to turn the stove on when a loud scream echoed from outside. At first it was just one scream, then two and soon so many that you could no longer count them.

She ran outside to see what was happening and when she saw a group of people walking with black cloaks and masks covering their faces, she cursed under her breath before running to the girls.

"We need to go," she said and tried to sound as calm as she possibly could.

Rory lifted her head up from the pillow and frowned.

"Those are not shouts of victory," explained Mrs Fernandez.

Olive's mother was usually a very calm woman and nothing could easily bother her mind or make her anxious. But now as she was watching the girls with a worried expression, they all knew it meant there was something really wrong. They all gathered around Mrs and Mr Fernandez who ― despite their own personal feelings and worries ― tried their best to remain calm.

"We need to get to the portkey and go home. I take the lead, Effy you make sure Lara and Rory are with you. Olive and Via, stick together," Mr Fernandez came up with a game plan. "Now there's a lot happening outside but I need you to ignore all that and just follow me."

Rory knew there had been a "war" over a decade ago. She and Lara had been toddlers then, born just a couple years before the war ended. Effy had been a little older, around six years old but could hardly remember anything about the time. But they all knew about the war and when they stepped outside from the safety of their tent, they thought they had walked back in time.

People were running and screaming. Some even levitated up in the air against their own will. It looked like a scene from an apocalyptic film. Whatever happiness and joy the game had brought upon people was now gone and nowhere to be found.

They ran to the portkey without looking back ― their only focus was to get their family to safety. Rory took a hold of the portkey but before it swallowed her, she saw a strange looking mark appearing in the sky. 

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