Dad For One Oneshots || MHA

By Luna_Herobrine

152K 3.4K 3.6K

My collection of DFO Oneshots because I love the theory about Hisashi Midoriya being AFO. The Oneshots will c... More

Quick Introduction (Content Overview)
1 - Party at UA
2 - The devil (aka AFO) visits Aldera Middle School
3 - The piano incident
4 - The vault
5 - Birthday Boy / Surprise!
6 - Baby Izuku with a gun
Intermission - Crack Pics From The Movie
7 - I have a quirk?! - aka Izuku gets AFO
8 - My son / My nephew (AFO & OFA)
9 - DNA Test
9.2 - DNA Test (The Aftermath)
9.3 - DNA Test (The Aftermath part 2)
9.4 - DNA Test (The Aftermath Finale)
10 - Villain
11 - The grand reveal
12 - AFO kidnaps his child (because he can)
13 - Quirk rants (AFO and Izuku cry over quirks)
14 - Forever One (AFO & OFA)
15 - Custody War of Midoriya Izuku
Important! New Content Overview
16 - Green Bean breaks into Tartarus
17 - Little Nestling (Wings! AU)
17.1 - A Nests Shackles (Wings! AU)
17.2 - A father's choice (Wings! AU)
18 - Coming Home (Soulparent! AU)
19.1 - Suffocating Walls (Yandere! AFO)
20 - The Midoriya-Shigaraki Family Reunion
21 - Rock Man finds Little Lord and cries
22 - The Hair Dye Incident
23 - Deranged father breaks into hospital

19 - Nowhere to run (Yandere! AFO)

3.2K 75 242
By Luna_Herobrine


*stares intently*

So...Uh- Hi. It's been a while, huh? ...Welcome to... uh-

*Glances back at the cluttered, burning mess of my incoherent planning board*

Ah, well... Ignore that-

*grabs a hold of your shoulders*

Listen. I am not liable for anything- No idea what the hell happened with this. 

Probably my inner demons or something... So just-

Have fun...?




For the later part of this Oneshot:

// Possible Trigger Warnings //

Kidnapping, ((Mainly off-camera) Mass-) Murder, AFO being a creepy bastard, 

Manipulation, mild Gore, (hinted) Drugging, and some more



Crystal-clear crimson eyes stared down at a small, frail bundle laying in a baby crib. Eyes unblinking and unreadable to the outside world. Eyes, who belonged to a goliath of a man, loomed over the crib while his hands rested on the sleek wood on either side. He made no move to leave his position anytime soon, focused on the sleeping infant curled up in a plush light green blanket decorated with small blossom patterns.

His breath hitched as the baby suddenly tossed around in its sleep, fumbling with the covers and grabbing onto a white bunny plush. Having to hold back the gentle coo that tried to escape his throat, the white-haired man smiled, tightening his grip on the wooden walls of the crib. His head seemed to spin as he tried to wrap his mind around the sight, drinking in every last detail of the dimly lit infant's features.

His newborn. His child.


From the moment the baby had taken its first unsteady breath and cried out, he had felt like his whole world lit up. The colors around him had brightened and the ice in his heart melted away as he gazed down into the sleepy emerald-green orbs of his child. A green, so rich and hauntingly familiar it made him ache all over, his breath being robbed on the spot.

Hisashi knew then and there that he would give absolutely everything he had just to protect his baby. His son.

His treasure.

There was nothing else in the world that mattered to him more than his little, precious boy. Nothing else- not even himself. With that thought running through his mind, the white-haired man slowly reached out a hand towards his baby, placing it gently against the smooth skin of his rosy cheek. His intense red eyes softened as he leaned over the railing of the wooden crib.

"I love you" he whispered as he bent down closer, brushing a feather-light kiss against the tiny forehead. "You're my most treasured gem, I promise to cherish you and protect you until the world's end" he finished with a faint smile before folding the blanket securely over his slumbering son, careful to not wake the little one.

"No matter who dares to step in my way or try to lure you away..."

Hisashi's blood-red eyes darkened as he straightened back to his full height, the top of his curly hair brushing against the ceiling.

"I'll ensure that they won't get to keep their life".


As the years went by, Hisashi felt his gut-wrenching desire to hold his beloved Izuku close, to never let him leave grow more and more intense. Just like it had with his dear, yet foolish younger brother he had tried so hard to protect.

But Izuku was not Yoichi, no. And the man would make certain that the events that happened all those countless decades ago would not repeat ever again. Aside from his many henchmen, he now had numerous quirks at his disposal and enough experience to last him another lifetime.

Hisashi tilted his head at the sight of his three-year-old boy happily scrambling around the house, a beaming smile on his face as he played with his hero figurines. His eyes never once strayed too far from the green bundle of joy, a frown on his lips as he glared at the action figures. Of course, his son had befallen the fascination of those bothersome government-controlled mutts. 

After all, in this society, they were hailed by almost everyone. Being a part of one's daily life whether it is by seeing them in public, in the news, or in some kind of advertisements. Most of them weren't even genuine- upholding their fake persona of being the perfect hero until after their patrols.

Furrowing his brows, the white-haired man sighed quietly, shifting his attention back to the bright smile of his son, his mood lifting almost instantly as a result.

Well, once the preparations were all over with he'd no longer have to deal with any of their annoying lies. His lips tugged upwards ever so slightly as he leaned back into the cushions of the couch. Hisashi didn't care for the amount of money and time this plan would take up.

Watching as Izuku turned on his heels and stumbled a bit, now facing his father with a happy grin, the giant of a man smiled back, much to the glee of his child.

'This was all for him' His mind whispered into his consciousness. The ever-starving quirk within him hummed lowly in agreement, its clutches tightening around his mind as his desire increased anew. His child.

Suddenly, the green-haired boy bee-lined for the couch Hisashi was lounging on, setting aside his figurines on the coffee table in favor of climbing on the cushions, shuffling over to his father, and draping himself over his lap with a high-pitched giggle.

The white-haired man's lips curved up, a small chuckle escaping his lips as he placed an arm around his son's shoulders, holding him in place as he playfully tickled him. Izuku squealed in delight, fruitlessly squirming in his father's grasp as he fought for air. "P-Papa!" Izuku squawked twisting in his father's large hands as he swatted at him.

Hisashi simply continued to chuckle at his son's feeble attempts to free himself. "What is it, my adorable baby? What do you need?" He teased the freckled boy, squinting his eyes at him. "M-Mercy! Mercy- please! Papa!!". The child squealed breathlessly, greedily gasping for air when Hisashi finally relented, instead having turned to ruffle his big hands through his son's green curls.

"It seems like you two are having fun" Inko Midoriya stood in the doorframe leading to the kitchen, smiling gently at her husband and son. Izuku immediately perked up, standing up from his father's lap and hopping off of the couch with renewed vigor. "Momma!" The child chirped joyfully, running to latch onto his mother's leg.

Inko laughed in response, bending down to softly pat Izuku's messy locks. All the while Hisashi just watched silently. A weird coil formed in his gut as he watched the two, the muscles in his fingers twitching involuntarily. His desire rumbled, unpleased.

All For One narrowed his eyes.


The feeling of his desire was growing more and more unbearable with each passing day. It had gotten so bad to the point where he had trouble watching Izuku play with his mother. His insides itched the more anyone other than him simply stood near or even talked to his son. Even the quirk's clutches grew more vicious, close to lashing out at anyone interacting with Izuku.

A few times he was sure that he would've lost control of his quirk entirely, but he managed to prevent it from happening last minute. Hisashi's self-control was wearing dangerously thin. The urge and sheer want to bring his beloved child to safety, a modern, more secure replica of the vault he had locked his little brother in, was making him lose his sense of reason.

But he couldn't. Not yet. Until his plans were complete and all missions against the HPSC were fully carried out, he had to restrain himself. But of course, just like always, a particular fool, who had grown to be quite the headache over the past few years, decided to involve himself in his business and wreck one of his many research facilities.

Growling lowly under his breath, Hisashi ended the phone call and turned back to Inko and Izuku sitting on the couch, looking over a new hero comic his son had picked out in the store yesterday. 'Damn you, All Might' He cursed the blonde hero silently, a vein on his forehead popping out.

Now that the doctor required his assistance, he needed to leave for a week, meaning that he wouldn't be capable to see his precious son. Deep within, All For One rumbled, unpleased as its coils reached out longingly toward the happily chattering child. Hisashi quickly shut it down, gritting his teeth as his desire howled out in frustration.

This would push his plans of sending his... wife on a lovely vacation trip he had been planning for a few weeks now back by quite a bit. But he had to remind himself- this was of way much greater importance. Izuku was of much greater importance.

So he relented, shoving those thoughts aside as he moved to quickly collect his briefcase out of the master bedroom. "Hisashi, dear?" Inko called out, glancing up from the pages of the comic she was reading, eyes widening slightly in confusion as she took notice of the suitcase he was carrying.

"I'm sorry, my Jade. Work called me that something urgent came up, meaning I'll be away for a bit" Hisashi said quietly, slipping into his suit jacket as he took the seat beside Izuku on the couch. The freckled boy blinked up at his father, a pout on his face as he crossed his arms over his chest.

"Do you really gotta leave, Papa?" Izuku murmured, grabbing a fistful of his father's suit jacket and tugging on it. Hisashi almost froze at this but mentally scolded himself, clicking his teeth together. "Yes, my precious gem. I'm sorry about that. But I'll be back soon" The white-haired man looked down at his son with soft eyes.

Izuku nodded quietly, a hushed whine leaving his lips as he looked away, brows furrowed. Hisashi's heart clenched at the sight as both his quirk and desire reached out towards the green-haired child, cooing sickenly sweet mumbles of reassurance to him, not that Izuku could hear them.

Sticking out his pinky finger with a small mumble of "Promise me", Izuku peeked up at his father, his curls falling in front of his eyes. The man sighed fondly, intertwining their fingers with one another and shaking their hands with a faint grin. His child beamed back at him in response, a smile so blindingly bright and warm it made him feel alive

A smile, so addicting he simply needed to preserve it all for himself.

"I promise I'll be back soon, Izuku". Hisashi chuckled, ruffling through his son's messy hair with a loving expression before standing back up, picking up his suitcase, and stepping over to the door, retrieving his shoes and keys. All the while the gazes of his family lingered heavily on his back.

'Bear with it just for a little while.'

He opened the door, quickly waving goodbye to Izuku before closing the door behind himself.

Desire clawed at his mind while All For One swirled angrily.

Hisashi frowned darkly, snapping his fingers together and activating his quirk.

'Soon it will all be over and Izuku will be with me forever. Just a little longer...'

Within the blink of an eye, he vanished.


The sound of snapping bones rang through the small, demolished office space Hisashi- no, All For One stood in. Blood caked his expensive shoes and hands, staining his skin a dark red as his cold eyes stared down at the lifeless body in front of him. Broken bones stuck out of the contorted flesh in weird angles and his throat was crushed in, his neck snapped, ripping out the main artery and bleeding out onto the carpet below him.

A rather gruesome sight to see, but not for the giant of a man standing amid the bloodbath. This was what happened when you dared to cross him, standing in the way of the perfect world he wished to construct for his most precious emerald. Clicking the heel of his shoe against the blood-stained carpet, All For One played with the new quirk he had just absorbed, his eyes narrowing slightly as he began to inspect it.

Though he didn't get far as he was suddenly alerted by a fast-moving target entering the field of his motion-detecting quirk, making him jolt back and pull forward a yellowish glowing power field, forming it into a shield as he enhanced his body for impact. The pesky roach had finally arrived on the scene.

Not a second later, the number One hero recklessly busted through the concrete wall with a guttural scream of his villain moniker, fist clenched and ready to punch him to the ends of Japan. The hulking supervillain easily dodged with the help of his quirks, sending the power field of energy at the hero to get him to back off.

"Now now, All Might. Tearing through a wall like a gone-wild bulldozer without checking for any hostages first is quite idiotic, is it not?" All For One immediately moved to mock the blonde hero, a lazy grin on his lips as he eyes the heavily breathing man. All Might quickly perked up, electric blue eyes flitting around before landing on the corpse laying in a puddle of its blood, freezing up in shock.

Tilting his head at the pro-hero, All For One smirked maliciously as All Might trembled with rage at the gory sight. "You monster-! HOW DARE YOU!". He lashed out, leaping at the supervillain with a raised fist, ready to try and strike him again. "ALL FOR ONE!"

An unavoidable obstacle in his path to shaping the world for his son.

All For One let out an amused grunt as he easily evaded the hero's attack, spinning around and unleashing a flurry of quirk-enhanced punches to the side of his head. All Might groaned in pain as he stumbled back, clutching his bleeding temple as he tried to regain his footing. "What's wrong, Number One?" The white-haired villain taunted, a predatory grin spreading on his face.

Instead of receiving an answer, All Might just roared loudly as he launched himself at the supervillain, grabbing the front of his black suit and sending them both flying through multiple walls of the 6-level office building. 





The air crackled with electricity as they clashed, their powers colliding in a fierce dance of destruction. For almost an hour, the sounds of explosions and crashing debris echoed through the abandoned factory area of the city.

While All Might escaped the brutal fight with a destroyed stomach and multiple injuries, All For One had lost not only his upper face from the sheer force of the hero's final punch but also a crucial part of his core memories residing deep within his mind, memories he had stored away to keep them safe and secure-

Torn away in an instant.

Once he was successfully recovered from the rubble and brought to his hideout, out of the reach of the HPSC or other law enforcement, doctor Garaki worked frantically to save All For One's life, his hands shaking as he tried to stabilize the villain's failing body. For hours, he fought to keep All For One alive, battling against the odds to keep him breathing.

After nearly 12 hours of intense surgery, Garaki managed to keep his master's vitals stable, having to keep him on life-support 24/7 as without it All For One's entire body would eventually shut down. It took the villain more than a week to wake up again. Two more weeks to fully regain his senses and almost a month for him to be able to move his damaged body.

His mind was still a jumbled mess of broken memories and confused thoughts. The second he had woken up he knew he was missing something important, but he couldn't quite grasp what it was. The itch of uncertainty drove him mad, fueling his already unstable mind.

His quirk writhed and twisted within him, lashing out like a wild animal. Shadows flickered at the edge of his vision, taunting him with glimpses of a small, helpless child with such hauntingly familiar green eyes. He could feel his grip on reality slipping away, his mind consumed by the ever-present desire.

No matter how many quirks he mercilessly ripped from its users and tried to feed himself in hopes of getting that damned hunger to disappear...

It simply wouldn't cease.

The desire inside him was like a living parasite, tearing at his insides with razor-sharp claws. It chewed at his mind and core, a primal force howling in desperation for what he had forgotten. He could feel it consuming him from the inside out, driving him to the brink of insanity.







But he couldn't.

No matter what he tried, he always ended up empty-handed. 

Bitterness twisted in his gut as he turned and plotted his revenge. He would make All Might pay dearly for what he had done, and he would do it with a power that would make the world tremble. So he poured all his rage and fury into building his strength once again, fueled by the burning need for vengeance.

Picking up Nana Shimura's grandson as a successor along the way was merely a coincidence, but he would make sure to make good use of the hateful child, forming him into the symbol of terror, which would tear All Might's world and persona to nothing but ruins.

And yet, even after all of his planning to bring down the corrupt area of heroes, there was still that feeling of want tugging at him from deep within. It felt different than what he had felt back with Yoichi, his dear younger brother. 

Haunting green eyes stared at him from across the medical room he recovered in, unable to move- he had to MOVE-! IZ-...!

It was more potent, more powerful, and more violent.

Those crooked feelings would steadily increase over the following years as he trained his protegee. All too often the blinding desire would cloud his sense of reasoning just like it had done the first few weeks after he had woken up from surgery.

But All For One stubbornly pushed through it, dead-set on completing his missions.

Until that fateful day, when it all came crashing down.





All For One tilted his chin so it rested on the indent of his palm, watching the Sports festival with mild interest. The now all-too-familiar tugging had gotten significantly stronger over the last few weeks. One night in particular, he had woken up in a cold sweat, his life-support machines going haywire as both his desire and quirk seemed to merge.

Ever since then, he hadn't been able to rest properly. The new amalgamation of his desire and quirk howling and crying out to him, driving him crazy as the urgent want to possess, to control, and to keep what he was blindly longing for secure, held him awake, his mood dwindling rapidly after all the time he had managed to stay rational.

It was like someone had thrown a canister of gas onto the already smoldering flames, resulting in an explosion of this gut-wrenching hunger.

So he thought that maybe watching the sports festival would distract him even a little. Meanwhile, he'd also get a chance to have a look at the bone-breaking child his successor had been rambling about for the last month ever since the mission at the USJ commenced, referring to him as a "green, wanna-be All Might who looked similar to a younger sensei".

Sighing deeply, All For One picked up the glass from the desk next to him, swirling the liquid around before using his quirk and tabbing back into watching the broadcast of the new child soldiers, observing the many teens either dodging or fighting the robots of the first obstacle.

Keeping tabs on some of the more interesting quirks being shown off by the students, he leaned back in his chair, humming to himself whenever a student almost got too close to being injured badly. Seriously, what were these idiots even thinking setting all this up? Especially for first-years...

A certain ash blonde caught his attention the moment they showed him blasting over one of the bigger robots with the help of explosions, his prideful grin seeming oddly familiar somehow. Yet the coil of desire residing in his core churned, sending a feeling of hatred through his very being.

But why was it reacting negatively to that child?

He frowned, grasping his glass a bit harder as he leaned forward just slightly, focusing on all of the different faces being shown on the screen. It was mostly students from the hero courses, figures, but also one or two outliers here and there who managed to overcome certain obstacles quite cleverly.

The Amalgamation rumbled lowly, curiously peaking to the surface the longer the event went on, almost as if it was waiting for something.

By now the students had arrived at the minefield, either using their quirks or jumping over them to get back into the stadium and claim first place. The two students leading the charge were both from Class 1-A, the ash-blonde, who was introduced as Katsuki Bakugo, a name that ticked off something in the back of his mind, and the Number 2 hero's son, Shoto Todoroki.

Both had rather powerful, versatile quirks, but his desire had made no move yet, waiting, coiled up like a snake ready to strike. As Katsuki Bakugo and Shoto Todoroki charged ahead, the tension in All For One's chest built, his amalgamation thrumming with an almost unbearable intensity.

He felt like he was on the cusp of something, so close to finally remembering the thing that plagued him ever since he sustained his injuries, but what it was, he couldn't quite put his finger on it. It itched him, the glass cracking under the intensity he held it with. His shoulders tensed, teeth-baring at the almost unbearable pressure rising in his mind.

And suddenly...

Emerald green eyes came into focus, barreling through the pinkish mist of the huge explosion from the mines.

His grasp constricted.

Forest-green curls were ruffled by the wind via the high speeds he was flying at, darting over the mass of startled students.

The amalgamation howled.

An uneasy, yet blinding smile decorated the young child's freckled face as it was burned deeply into his core.

The glass shattered.

Hurling himself out of his leather chair, he accidentally yanked at the medical tubes linked up to him, the chair clattering to the ground with the force he stood up with. His stained hands trembled, a few pieces of glass cutting through his skin, but he paid them no mind, shakily stumbling over to the TV hoisted to the wall.

A sharp bark of laughter escaped his throat, raspy and wrong. Now he finally realized why he felt like something was missing, out of place, even when he tried to distract himself by raising Shigaraki as his protege. 

This was what he had been after. 

This was what he had forgotten- what All Might stole from him.

All Might had made him forget about his most precious gem.

Feeling a vein pop on his forehead, All For One furiously gritted his teeth in an ugly snarl at the screen in front of him, the coil in his innards squirming and lashing out for the curly-haired student, who breathlessly crossed the finish line, securing the first place for himself. The tension fell from his body at the sight as the Amalgamation purred happily.

He had finally found him... 

The source of the countless nights that made him spiral closer to insanity.

And now he knew how to satisfy the raging hunger of the Amalgamation, that had been restlessly plaguing him for so many years.  

All For One took a shaky step back, taking in the new flood of information, some bits still blurry. He wanted to feel relieved, but he couldn't- after all, his son had been taken by his arch-nemesis and somehow inherited the cursed quirk he had been chasing ever since his younger brother died.

He would make that fool pay with his life for daring to take away his child. 

And if anyone ended up in the crossfire of his smoldering wrath...?

He did not care what happened to them.


All For One spent the next few days gathering his allies, consisting of powerful villains and those loyal to him. He would make sure to strike before the students could go on their week-long trip to their chosen agencies for training. No expenses were spared, using his vast resources to equip them with the latest technology and weaponry.

He was determined to reclaim his beloved son at any cost, even if it meant sacrificing countless lives in the process.

They were all replaceable, anyway. So it didn't matter to him.

Even a few Nomu's, which the doctor had been working on for a while now, were released from their tubes, just so he could hold off any other incoming heroes, who could potentially ruin his plan. Kurogiri would be his trump card during the attack, bringing them in and out without ever appearing on the battlefield himself, just to be safe.

Staring down at the mass of people gathered in one of the many abandoned locations All For One had the ownership of, he could feel the Amalgamation swirl around with excitement, its long claws flexing at the edges of his mind as its sharp nails dragged along his remaining sanity. 

Soon he would have his treasured emerald back in his grasp.

His lips quirked upwards, teeth-baring underneath the jet-black helmet he was wearing before he turned back to the purple-black mist hovering next to him. "Kurogiri, it's time". All For One rumbled, his voice being dampened through the visor of his helmet as he spoke the command, earning a quick nod from the Nomu next to him.

Multiple, dark portals made out of the same purple mist appeared around the mean hall of the abandoned factory as the supervillain stepped forward, hands held high and open. The room quieted instantly, all gathered villains and henchmen turning to the looming giant floating high above everyone else.

"You have your orders, so go now and tear down the rotten heroes you all loathe. Weed them out and spare no one. Show the world that the area of heroes is close to its end and crush the younglings beneath your feet so the government's work of raising more 'heroes' can be utterly annihilated!"

The crowd roared, readying their equipment as they charged through the gates, All For One himself leading the charge, his once-calm demeanor replaced by a raging fury mixed with twisted excitement. Once on the opposite side of the portal, the Amalgamation cried out in delight, pointing him in the direction of his rightful possession.

Don't worry, my sweet child. Papa's coming to take you home.




Everything was fine at U.A. It was a nice, warm autumn day with a few clouds dotting the sky. Students happily chatted with each other as they sat in the lunch hall, enjoying their meals while others went over some others exchanged answers for certain worksheets. 

The majority of class 1-A sat at their chosen tables in the cafeteria as well, busy with going through the forms of agencies they could choose for their weekly training outside of U.A.

Everything was fine...

Until it wasn't. 

A shrill scream rang through the halls, everyone going quiet almost instantaneously as a few students jumped up from their seats in surprise. Izuku, one of the students that had stood up, exchanged a worried glance with Iida and Todoroki, who were sitting next to him. Iida rose from his seat, ready to take action as class president while Todoroki slowly set down his soba noodles, heterochromatic eyes narrowed in suspicion.

Loud footfalls approached the cafeteria they were all lounging in, setting everyone present further on edge before a terrified, bluish-colored 2nd-year student barged through the doors. "E-EVERYONE- VILLAINS HAVE-!". The alarm system of U.A. suddenly blared almost deafeningly through the building, sending the mass of students into disarray.

A massive explosion suddenly rocked the building, causing chaos to erupt in the cafeteria. Students scrambled to their feet, knocking over chairs and tables in their haste to escape. Iida took charge, shouting orders for everyone to evacuate through the emergency exits. Todoroki followed closely behind him, his hands already glowing with ice and flames, ready to strike and defend them from any attackers or falling rubble.

Not a second later a wall came crashing down, followed by a storm of villains running at the students, quirks activated and weapons raised, ready to kill. Izuku's heart lurched into his throat, adrenaline flooding his body as he spun around and raised his fists, ready to take on the attackers and shield the fleeing body of students.

Within seconds multiple fights broke out in the cafeteria. Students from the hero courses taking the lead in dealing with the invading villains while the business normal and inventor courses evacuated the building through one of the many secret emergency exits the school had built into its walls.

Izuku and Todoroki fought back-to-back. Making sure to keep their eyes on those that dared to come near them while also knocking out a few of the villains themselves. The dual-haired teen would've just frozen them all if it weren't for the limited space they were working with. In the corner of his eyes, Izuku watched in horror as a girl got tossed aside like some kind of ragdoll, lifelessly hitting a pillar and crumbling to the floor, unmoving.

"Where are our teachers?!" Todoroki hissed out anxiously, sending a wave of fire at an approaching villain with arrows for hands. "They could be being held up by some other villains. We still don't know how many there are- So it's best to just- hgn!". Something unexpectedly hit him in the lower leg, sending him off balance and swaying to the side.

"MIDORIYA!" Todoroki screamed out in alarm, reaching for him but he wasn't quick enough. A masked woman grabbed onto Izuku's uniform, dragging him away from the young Todoroki and further into the crowd. "I finally got you! Now I can bring you to Master and earn his appreciation!" She cackled gleefully as Izuku squirmed in her grasp.

Activating One For All, he tore himself away from her, tugging at the weird string that was attached to his leg and ripping off a bit of his skin in the process. The villainess choked as he hit her in the back of the neck, successfully knocking her out cold and getting away from her. His freedom didn't last long though, as more hands grabbed a hold of him, yanking him into the direction of the main exit.

He cried out at the fleeing of his arm being twisted the wrong way, clicking his teeth together as the output on One For All raised, the familiar red veins spreading over his skin. "GET OFF OF ME!" Izuku shouted, ripping his arm free and sending a punch at one of the villains next to him, sending them all flying with a fierce blast of wind.

His bones creaked under the applied pressure. Grimacing at the flare of pain as he tried to locate his classmates to regroup with them- only for a familiar cloth of light-gray capture tape to shoot past him, binding a villain who had tried to sneak up on him. "Problem Child!" Aizawa called out to him, easily leaping over one of the knocked-out attackers.

Izuku almost lost his footing in relief as he saw his disheveled teacher approach, letting the man check him over in a quick scan for any serious injuries. "Thank god you're okay- Listen. They have cut off the other emergency exits so we'll have to get out the front. Are you good to walk on your own?". The black-haired pro-hero explained quickly, glancing down at the freckled boy's bleeding leg.

Shaking his head, the teen just waved him off before following his teacher's lead, dodging and weaving through the oncoming villains as they rushed out the cafeteria's exit, only to be greeted by a rush of energy zipping past them, narrowly missing them and instead hitting a pillar, sending a part of the ceiling crashing down on both villains and heroes.

His body nearly froze at the horrific screams that followed but his eyes were firmly locked on the fight happening up in the sky above U.A.'s destroyed campus. All Might was trading blows with a man close to his muscular form's size, actually seeming to struggle against the villain, just like he had with the Nomu at the USJ.


That person was somehow able to keep up with All Might, not being pushed back even by an inch. Sure- the Nomu thing had been able to keep up but that was because it was modified to withstand All Might. This, from the looks of it, was a real person. A person close, or even on the level of All Might. A villain, able to go against All Might.

They were doomed.

Green eyes widening with dread, he choked, his trembling hands finding a hold of his teacher's clothes. "Aizawa-sensei...!" He warned, his gut dropping when the villain suddenly spun around after deflecting another punch, appearing to stare right at them.

The underground pro cussed silently, moving to push Izuku behind him in a protective manner, his hands finding his yellow support goggles and pulling them over his eyes. Before he could activate his quirk though, a flying Nomu moved in front of the floating villain, obstructing his vision and diving down at them with a high-pitched shriek.

"Shit!" Aizawa swore, diving to the side while grabbing a hold of Izuku, who yelped in surprise at the action. Rolling over the concrete ground, the curly-haired teen rolled over his shoulder to avoid further injuries, sliding his hand along the ground and finding his balance as he kneeled a few meters away from the gigantic Nomu.

The creature squawked at them, targeting his homeroom teacher, who was trying to create some distance and bind it with his capture weapon. Flexing his right arm, he jumped forward to try and punch the monstrous thing- only to completely miss as the Nomu seamlessly dodged his attack, completely ignoring him in favor of grabbing Eraserhead's arm, twisting it with an animalistic growl.

His teacher screamed, the grotesque sound of bones snapping ringing through the air as Izuku cried out in panic. "SENSEI!" He shouted, hectically spinning around and going in for another punch. But the Nomu simply caught him mid-jump, its big head turning to him as it groaned, tossing aside the struggling pro hero.

Izuku choked helplessly, watching his teacher crash through one of the outer glass windows, unmoving. He felt hot tears gather in his eyes, his vision blurring as he twisted his body, slamming down both his fists on the Nomu's big, clawed hand in frustration as he fought to get out of the tight grasp. But to no avail.

Snarling up at the creature, his entire body got jolted as it lifted itself into the air once again. The teen wheezed, his body locking up in fright as he realized the direction the Nomu was flying in. Why was this happening?! Why was it taking him to that villain and not just killing him?! His breath stuttered as something in his mind clicked, eyes going impossibly wide.

Did the villain know about-?!

Quickly raising the output of One For All, Izuku smashed his fists into the Nomu's hands, his bones creaking in response, but he just winced, repeating the action with rising hysteria. He had to get away- He couldn't let himself get captured like this! His fingers dug down into the dark-purple-hued, leathery skin of the Nomu, his fingernails clawing and ripping its surface with desperation.

Small chunks of flesh hung off his now bloody nails, but the inhuman regeneration fixed up the deep indents within mere seconds. Fear clung to his mind, swallowing up his sense of reason as he grimaced, his eyes finding their way back to where his mentor and the villain, All For One, was it? were battling it out.

All Might shouted something at the hulking villain, his usual smile gone, replaced with an enraged snarl. All For One just continued to dodge his attacks, seemingly walking through the air as he summoned up all kinds of different quirks to throw at the Number One. But how? How could one person have access to so many different quirks?

Biting his lip, Izuku dug his stained fingers deeper into the flying Nomu's skin. All Might obviously seemed to know that villain from somewhere. And he was sure that a threat like All For One wouldn't just appear out of nowhere or go unnoticed with such a quirk. The HPSC made sure of that. Never once had he ever heard that alias, even as he browsed some of the darker, restricted parts of the internet for his hero analysis.

Only the tale of the widely feared "Underground's Boogeyman" or the "Mastermind" popped into his head. It was treated as nothing but a rumor since such a monster shouldn't be able to exist and yet... Narrowing his eyes at the jet-black helmet of the villain, Izuku furrowed his brows, cold sweat breaking out over his whole body.

The man, no, the monster who injured All Might all those years ago- the villain who took his stomach but got "killed" in the end could be the only logical answer- If he truly was the villain from the rumor then it would be no surprise that he managed to survive. His stomach flipped at the idea. He had to do something! But what?!

Glancing around in a hurry, the green-haired teen picked back up his struggles, clawing at the bleeding skin with new vigor. He had no idea how long it would take for reinforcements to arrive, especially for pro heroes in the upper ranks, who'd be able to hold the villain off long enough. Was there even anyone that could stop him...?

With his mind going a mile a minute, Izuku turned, focusing his attention on his mentor. He knew that the man didn't have much time left, so he needed to somehow manage to distract the villain. Bracing himself, he was about to call out to the levitating villain when suddenly All Might noticed him, shadowed blue eyes shaking in horror.

"YOUNG MIDORIYA!" the blonde hero called out, teeth clenched as he began to fall back down to the ground. Izuku flinched, reaching out to his mentor with a frantic look. "All Might!" This made the gigantic villain twist in his direction, spreading out his arms. "Ah, there you are. Nomu, give him to me".

From down below, he could hear All Might roar out All For One's name, launching himself up in the air again to punch the villain out of the sky, only for the man to counterattack with some kind of energy blast. The pro hero was sent flying, hitting the asphalt below and splintering it open with tremendous force.

Izuku cried out for his teacher, twisting and struggling as his muscles ached. But all his attempts were deemed fruitless as the Nomu halted in front of the masked villain, holding him out to the giant of a man, dressed in a sleek, black suit. He growled at the villain, ignoring just how pathetic he must look like this. But the man didn't seem to mind, suddenly ensnaring him with some kind of black and red blade-like wires.

"I finally have you back...". All For One rumbled lowly, reeling in the panicking teen as he reached out to cup the boy's tear-drenched cheek. But the student just backed away as far as possible, angrily snarling at him. "Poor little thing. So frightened and all alone... Falling right into my hands, like you were destined to". Izuku's stomach lurched at this, his face twisting with repulsion.

"What are you walking about?!" He snapped before quickly silencing himself with a hiss. The man in front of him could easily break his neck and here he was, possibly riling the villain up even more- A villain able to beat All Might. What was he thinking?! But at the same time, he couldn't go down without a fight, however one-sided it might be!

A new fire sparked deep within his gut, spreading through his system and lending him more energy. Izuku glared at the spot where he assumed the villain's eyes to be. "W-Who are you? And what do you hope to gain from attacking U.A.?!" He questioned quickly, hoping that his tactic to distract the villain as long as possible would work out.

Tilting his masked head, the villain seemed to stare at him for a few seconds before clicking his tongue. "That blonde bastard didn't even mention me...?". He spoke slowly, carefully, almost. Izuku just blinked at him in confusion, which answered All For One's question. "Of course- That lousy oaf just handed you the quirk with little to no context whatsoever, did he? Shouldn't have expected anything less from him".

He outright snarled, hatred dripping from his distorted voice. But Izuku didn't listen, his mind droning with the information he had just gotten. All For One knew. He knew about One For All- and might even be connected to it, hence the similar names. And if the rumor about the Boogeyman, who was able to give and take quirks, was true, then-!

Izuku was going to be sick.

Squirming in the tight hold of the red and black blades, he felt the sharp edges press against his clothes and exposed skin, digging into it followed by a painful sting. "Now now, little hero. There's no need to struggle anymore. Soon it'll all be over". All For One scolded him, moving closer as he strode through the air with the help of one of his many quirks. "N-No! Let me go! All Might and the other pro heroes will-!"

"They can't save you, nor can they protect you. But you already know that, don't you?" The villain chided mellowly, stepping beside the injured teen and grabbing a hold of his chin, tilting it up. Izuku angrily grits his teeth at the hulking man, tears rolling down his freckled cheeks as he glared. "What's it to you? And that's not-!"

The grip tensed. "It is true, little boy. Can't you see?" He reprimanded, twisting his face to the side so that he was looking at the bloodied, unmoving body of his mentor below on the cracked ground. Izuku wheezed, another wave of tears cascading down his face as he trembled. He needed to keep the villain distracted!

"T-Then- tell me! Why are you after me?! What do you want?!". He hissed out through trembling lips, trying to push the growing panic down. "It's quite a long story...". All For One hummed down at him, releasing his grip from his chin. "In its core, it's about two brothers from a long, long time ago. The elder was born with a powerful quirk while the younger was sickly and had none. Well- that's what everyone thought, at least".

The man started, letting Izuku relax slightly. Please, let the reinforcements arrive soon! "While the elder brother did everything to keep his dear younger brother safe, the younger continued to defy him. For his safety, the older brother had to lock the younger away, only for two rats to sneak in, taking away the younger."

Izuku gulped, at the sudden drop of the villain's voice, watching him flex his right hand, which the blades that were binding him protruded from. "Of course, the older brother tried everything to get his dear brother back. But the younger died... and his original quirk activated. It's able to be passed from person to person, wandering down the generations... A stockpile quirk, becoming stronger with each new thief-... holder".

All For One lifted his left hand, tapping a finger against Izuku's chest. The boy wanted to recoil from the touch but decided to hold still. "This quirk is meant to bring down the older brother... It's meant to overthrow me. All I've done is try to get it back, as it's the last thing I have left from my long-gone brother..."

"And now, you have it". His breath hitched, his eyes dipping down to the finger connected with his chest.

He was going to rip One For All from him. Leave him quirkless again-


No- not after everything-! He couldn't disappoint All Might-

"But... I'm not here for the quirk". 

The teen's head snapped up, eyes wide in confusion as he eyed the villain's helmet. "W-What do you...? But you just stated that you wanted it back...?". Silence stretched over them, the only thing being heard were terrified screams and the tremors of UA's walls coming down due to the attacking villains. 

Dread spread through him, his throat closing and making it difficult for him to swallow. With a sigh, All For One tapped against his helmet, letting it click open with a soft, mechanical whizz. Izuku froze at the sight of the villain's disfigured face, the mouth and jaw being the only features that were mainly left in touch. 


"It's been so long since I last saw you... It must've been painful for you to be left alone for such a long time. I wanted to come back- I promised you, that I'd return as soon as possible. And then that blonde failure of a hero took not only my face but also a portion of my most treasured memories".

Izuku blanched at the voice, not being able to predict where this was going. What was he talking about? And why did his voice...? He couldn't possibly know him, right? It made no sense-! 

All For One leaned in closer, a wide smile tugging at his marred skin, large hands settling down on his shoulders.

"Papa's missed you so much, my precious emerald". 


Choking on his breath, Izuku trembled, tears trickling down his freckled face as he stared at the scarred face of his father.

He didn't know what to do. 


Izuku blinked, his father roared, the blades that had been binding him shattered and suddenly there was a huge wall separating him and the villain. Before he know it he began to plummet down toward the ground with a surprised yelp. Luckily for him, Ectoplasm-sensei managed to create enough clones just in time to save him from shattering on the ground below. 

Drowsily trying to shake off the lingering shock, he glanced over to the heroes standing a few meters away from him. Cementoss was currently busy sending more concrete pillars at the enraged supervillain while Vlad King and another batch of clones carried All Might away from the battle. Mic stood further back, carefully prying Aizawa's body out of the broken window.

"Are you alright, Midoriya?" Ectoplasm asked, gently putting him down on his own two feet, making sure that he wouldn't fall. Izuku just trembled, biting his lip as he furiously wiped away any stray tears. "No- not really. But I can stand". He breathed out, having trouble keeping himself from breaking down.

His math teacher nodded, giving him a reassuring pat to calm him down as some more clones moved to shield the two. From afar, he could hear an angry howl of "DON'T YOU DARE TOUCH WHAT'S MINE!", making him flinch back with mind-numbing fear. "S-SENSEI-!" He warned hastily, stumbling slightly as he tried to step back.

Ectoplasm turned just in time to notice the hastily approaching giant of a man, gasping and grabbing a hold of the teen's ripped uniform, throwing him aside as hard as he could. Izuku watched in horror as his father's quirk-infused fist struck his teacher right through the chest. 


His words were cut off as he hit the hard ground, rolling over and ducking his head to shield himself. 

The entire area shook as terrified screams rang through the dusty air. Coughing from the harsh impact, Izuku struggled to sit up, eyes stinging with tears and his entire body aching with every minuscule motion he forced himself to make. 

His green, unfocused eyes slid along the cracked concrete below him, further up until-

They reached the unmoving, lifeless body of his teacher, lying in a growing puddle of his blood, staining the stone below him a deep crimson. 

Guts were strewn out of the unmistakable hole now sitting right in the center of his lower chest, torn up and bleeding out, and- was that a lung sticking out of his chest?!

Bile rose in the back of his throat, clamping his hand in front of his mouth to swallow it back down. "Oh god-". He gagged as the rising stench of metal penetrated his nose. "YOU DAMNED BASTARD!" He could hear Midnight's voice scream out but he made no move to look away from the corpse. He couldn't. 

His teacher had died because of him. Because he couldn't do anything but watch-

Useless, pathetic Deku. Not being able to do anything. 

Izuku sobbed, flinching as another scream tore through the air, accompanied by the sound of multiple bones being crushed.


This was his fault.


He was here because of him.


He had to take responsibility and face his father.

Forcing down the incoming panic attack, Izuku balanced his weight onto his arms, shakily sitting up on his knees as he finally moved his eyes away from the gruesome sight in front of him. All For One was furiously lashing out at his teachers, targeting Cementoss in particular with the red and black blades from before.

His breathing hitched as Izuku scrambled up onto his unsteady feet, sprinting over while Midnight-sensei was forcefully grabbed by the throat, her right arm shattered with a bone protruding through the skin of her elbow. The villain was about to crush her throat. Charging up One For All with every last bit of energy he had left, Izuku launched himself forward, right into his father's side.

All For One jerked in surprise, flinging away the struggling pro hero and twisting to look down at him. "What-". He was about to grab him when another cement wall pushed him backward, only resulting in riling the supervillain up more. All For One growled in annoyance, breaking through the walls, and rushed at the cement hero, ready to strike him down.

Izuku wouldn't let him.

Recklessly tossing himself right in front of his father with the help of One For All, he lost his balance, angry tears clouding his vision as he protectively spread his arms out. "DAD PLEASE STOP-!". Izuku screamed, dropping back down to his knees as he hoarsely cried out his plea.

"LEAVE THEM ALONE! THEY DON'T DESERVE THIS- JUST- PLEASE!". All For One stopped his attack before it could hit Cementoss in the gut. An attack that, without a doubt, would've killed him within mere seconds of piercing through him. "MIDORIYA, WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!" Cementoss heaved out, backing away, but Izuku paid him no mind.

Turning his masked face towards him, the supervillain lowered himself down to the broken ground, his black dress shoes hitting the concrete with a soft click. "My poor child... Getting so worked up over meaningless nuisances. Do they truly mean that much to you? Or is it their brainwashing that made you care for them like this?". Izuku tensed, biting his tongue as he glared at the gigantic villain. 

"They didn't brainwash me! Just- Call off the attack and stop this madness, please. We- We can talk this out! You don't have to-". The student tried to convince the supervillain, only for the man to step up to him, looming over him like some sort of Goliath. Izuku shrunk back in fear, his hands shaking, ready to bolt the second he saw an opening.

From the sidelines, Cementoss tried to get in another cement wall to separate them, only for All For One to quickly send a flurry of air blades in his direction, accompanied by a yellowish forcefield-like dome, which surrounded them, cutting off Izuku's escape routes. He was trapped.

"You've got nowhere to run, my lovely emerald. And just talking won't benefit me. I came here to take you back, so simply return home with me willingly and I'll consider not killing more of your... teachers". All For One crooned darkly, holding his hand out as an offer for his son to take. Izuku sobbed, his grip tightening on his ripped uniform as he trembled helplessly.

Was this truly the only way to protect everyone? To lay down his freedom?

"Just grab my hand, my dear gem. Then this will all finally be over. No more playing hero, no more danger, and no more fakes who try and keep you from me". The supervillain pushed, his honey-like voice mixed with paralyzing venom. Izuku's whole body shook, his breaths coming out short and ragged, tears blurring his vision.

All his training, his newfound friends, and his life at U.A., gone in an instant...?

He couldn't just give it all up like this.

One last try wouldn't hurt...

"Y-You-! You just see me as a replacement for your brother! But I'm not-!" Izuku choked out, blinking away his tears before he was forcefully gagged, his words muffled as he struggled fruitlessly in the giant's vice-like grasp. 

All For One tutted softly at him, pulling him close and running his hands, which were still stained by the blood of his teachers, through his disheveled green curls.

Izuku wanted to throw up. 

"What made you think such foolish things, my emerald? You are worth so much more to me than that stupid, cursed quirk of my foolish younger brother". All For One mused darkly, his grip tightening slightly as Izuku wheezed in panic. "B-But! I don't-". He tried to protest, only to get shushed once again by the monster of a man.

"Shh, shh, my sweet child. Everything will be alright, I'm here for you. And I promise you to never let you slip away again. But first...". Feeling a sudden prick at the crook of his neck, Izuku stiffened, his muscles locking up and his eyes going wide with fear. "What is-...!?" All For One simply smiled down at him before he let the hatch of his helmet click shut with a soft hiss.

All control over his body promptly began to slip as his mind grew increasingly foggy, his mouth going slack as he realized what the supervillain had just injected him with. "There there, Izuku. It's time to go home now. I'm sure you must be exhausted from today, hmm? Don't worry, just close your eyes and relax. I'll be there once you wake again".

The green-haired teen felt the words die in his throat as he went limp, fighting to keep his eyes open for just a little longer. The bloodied, mutilated bodies of his teachers and fellow students burned into his eyes as his head lolled back, hitting the firm chest of the villain that turned out to be his father.

All For One hummed gently, easily hoisting him up in his large arms, securing Izuku in his tight hold. 

The amalgamation finally went quiet with a pleased purr, its hold slowly fading from his mind. 

"Now, let's go home, my precious emerald".

The gaping void devoured Izuku's wilting consciousness.

"No one will ever take you from me again~"






Aha... Ahaha- 


So uh- That was an ...interesting experience to write. 

I hope that it wasn't too bad...? *sweats nervously* Right? 

It wasn't that bad...?


ANYWAYS! That's it from me for the rest of the time-! 

See you somewhere, somewhen- I don't know! BYE

*scrambles back into the void*




Word Count: 9274

Next  Up: 20 - The family drama ("We're WHAT?!" - "Surprise!" - "Fuck this-")





(I was planning to "drop" the Oneshot series for April Fools but in the end, I thought that it would be too mean-  So I didn't end up doing it :P )

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