You're On My Mind - Tails x R...

By ThunderStrike455

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So... IDK what this is but its something. I love this fox boy and decided to create this. Its more of a passi... More

Prologue - I waited
Chapter 1 - Ghost
Chapter 2 - The Vipers
Chapter 3 - The Lab in the Desert
Chapter 4 - An Act of a Hero
Chapter 5 - Town
Chapter 6 - Your Not The Hero
Chapter 7 - A Friend?
Chapter 8 - So Cruel
Chapter 9 - Restless
Chapter 10 - Rotten Deal
Chapter 11 - Not a Fitting Pair
Chapter 12 - Sunfall is Where We Meet
Chapter 13 - My Head and My Heart
Chapter 14 - Playing a Dangerous Game
Chapter 15 - TV Shows and Ugly Tears
Chapter 16 - Brothers in Arms
Chapter 17 - Wake Up Call
Chapter 18 - Faith, Trust, and Pixie Dust
Chapter 19 - Freefalling
Chapter 20 - Books and Blankets
Chapter 22 - I Don't Wanna be Someone...
Chapter 23 - ...Who Breaks Your Heart
Chapter 24 - Old Observatory
Chapter 25 - A Flame Stronger than Fire
Chapter 26 - Secrets
Chapter 27 - The Blood on His Hands
Chapter 28 - Nothing Left but A Fox
Chapter 29 - Seperated
Chapter 30 - In the Deep Blue
Chapter 31 - Now You See Me, Now You Don't
Chapter 32 - You Win, You Lose
Chapter 33 - MIND
Chapter 34 - Time to Save Mobius... Or Not
Chapter 35 - Sacrifice
Chapter 36 - An Unstoppable Love

Chapter 21 - Are You Falling in Love?

1.5K 52 80
By ThunderStrike455

Arms wrapped contently around your tail, you slept soundly on the couch. The fabric didn't itch or scratch. The pillow wasn't to hard or soft. The blanket too hot or cold. For the first time in a while, you fell into a deep slumber. Training had been harsh, messing with your already ruined sleep schedule.

But this was nice.

Tails's home brought a comfort to you. Everything about his place... everything about him, was just to relaxing. He always made you feel welcome. Something about his character was just charming.

Your tail began wagging as you thought about the twin tailed fox.

You remembered his soft fur as he held you close. His eyes reflecting his determination to save you yesterday. His arms keeping their grip around you as he flew to safety. The (H/D) he made happily for you. It made you smile like crazy.

You wouldn't never admit you were fangirling in your sleep.

But you were.

And as your heart picked up its speed in pure energy, you eyes snapped open. Heat rushed to your face as you realized that you just dreamt about Tails. Letting go of your thumping tail, it swished side to side violently. Hands covering your face, you rolled onto your back at you quietly groaned. Dragging your face down, you gazed up at the ceiling.

That's when you realized, you were no longer at the desk where you had originally fell asleep.

Leaning up on your shoulders, you searched around the dark house in wonder.

How did I get here? I definitely fell asleep at that desk. So then... How?


Face blushing an unbelievable shade of red, you flopped back on the sofa, air puffing from the cushions. Tail hitting the plush cushions of the sofa, your heart skipped a beat- which actually hurt a lot. You knew exactly how you got here, and to think of it made you want to squeal.

Tails carried me!

Sitting up on the couch, you held your cheeks, fingers stealing their warmth. With a sigh, you attempted to calm your racing heart. Holding the fluffy blanket over your knees, you glance over at the clock that sat on the wall. Your imagined it was around nine'ish a reasonable time to return home.

Eyes widening, your blinked as you read the time. It was two hours into the next day. Leaping to your feet, letting the blanket drop to the floor, you rush for the door, scrambling over the blankets and fallen pillows. Feeling the cool metal handle through your gloves, you froze.

You couldn't just disappear on Tails without saying anything.

Glancing back into the dark house, you bit your lip in thought. You could text him but his phone might buzz and wake him. Then he would try to take you home, figure out who you are, and hate you. You could leave a sticky note. But where would he see it? Your mind panicked, your thoughts tracking in different directions at wild speeds.

Finally deciding on a plan, you grabbed a sticky note from a drawer in his laboratory, you picked up a pen that sat in a cup. Messily you wrote;

Sorry I'm not there in the morning. I have to go home or my Uncle will flip. By the time I get home he will already want to kill me. Text me when you read this so I know you got the sticky note

You drew a mini smiley face but erased it. You placed a mini heart but also erased it. Contemplating what to draw beside the note, your ear flinched at the sound of the clock ticking. You didn't have time for little drawings.

Peeling the sticky note from the table you ran into his kitchen and stuck it on his fridge, hoping he would see it.

Swiftly, returning to the door, you swung it open. A gust of snowy wind cooled your once warm body. Shivering, you silently shut the door behind you. Snugging yourself in Tails's now second stolen jumper, you trotted out into the snowy outdoors. Flecks of white snow stuck to the fabric of the clothing, melting and creating wet spots. It was an unpleasant feeling. Your nose was frozen, body shivering, and the tips of your ears felt numb. It was awful.

But despite the miserable weather, you smiled.

Sure, you were going to be in so much trouble by Scourge, but you were too focused on Tails. He seemed to follow every thought you had, popping up in your head every second.

And you didn't mind.

You actually like thinking about him. It was... nice in a way. You couldn't put your finger onto why, but you didn't care.

Tail swaying side to side, you continued to jog through the snow shower, noticing how the white spots looked like falling stars. Catching a few snow drops on your tongue, you decided to slow your pace down. If you were going to get into trouble anyways, why rush?

Watching your footprints appear under the crushed snow, you began making shapes with your feet by dragging them. Your tail played along, tugging at the snow. A smile played on your icy pale lips, hand stuffed in the jumpers pockets as you continued your wander home.

The second you entered the base through one of the may secret tunnels, ice melted from your skin as the warm air caressed you. Brushing the remaining flakes off, you began your march to your room, not trying all that hard to not be caught. Moments after you made yourself known to the cameras in the halls, a green hedgehog bolted toward you. His black leather jacket flying in the wind as he collided with you in a worried hug. Pulling away, he placed his hands on your cheeks, checking over for any wounds.

"Are you okay? Are you hurt?" he asked in a panic, "Why is your face so warm? Are you coming down with a fever?" Grabbing his hands, you took them away from your face. With a gentle smile, you shook your head.

"I'm fine Scourge-" Before you could finish your sentence he wacked you backside of your head. Wincing, you rubbed the spot on your head. Crossing his arms he glared at you, ears flat.

"Then where the hell were you? I thought you died!" He scolded, hiding his fear behind rage.

"I just went out for a walk! I couldn't sleep," you replied, scratching your head.

"Next time tell me, and don't go out so late. You don't know what could happen out there," he softened his tone, but kept it stern. "Also, what the hell happened with your clothes? What are you wearing?" He motioned towards Tails's clothing that hung to your body.

Crap, didn't think about this.

Quickly coming up with an excuse, you replied, "I've.. always... had them?" You mentally slapped yourself. You didn't sound convincing at all. Before you could fix your response, Eggman and his robotic copy-hedgehog came strolling down the hall, heading to the control room. Meeting the gaze of Eggman he froze, eyes expanding upon seeing you.

"(Y-Y/N)! What a surprise to see you here... alive," he whispered the last part to himself, arms crossed in annoyance. The metal hedgehog appeared to do the same, but he appeared more excited, claws digging into his arms. Ears flattening you silently growled.

Of course he sent that jet out on purpose, he was trying to kill you... wait... does that mean he... knows...

His eyes reflected your fear. Your heart pounded in your ears as they dropped lower.

He knew.

He knew about you and Tails.

A sneery smile grew under his moustache. His eyes shifted to Scourge but his lips remained silent. With a nod to the green hedgehog he walked passed, not uttering a word about his knowledge. Ears perking up, you glanced back at the two as they continued on their way. Metal snapped his head towards you, eyes glaring their usual red, before he turned his head back.

It sent a shiver down your spine.

"You okay?" Scourge asked. As you nod, he pats your back, "Go rest now. You have training early tomorrow."

As Scourge disappeared down the hall, you stood there, staring into the void. Questions running through your mind.

Why didn't Eggman say anything?

Is he trying to get in my head?

Was it blackmail?

No, he's got to be up to something. He would have told Scourge the second he know.

So why didn't he?

Too many questions to answer and not enough knowledge, you grumbled. your mind would never let your sleep. Not with all these questions you held. So, you decided to head to the training grounds to clear your head.

Entering the arena, the sat on the fleshly fallen snow. The rain of snow had ceased, its only evidence of its existence was the white fluff you sat on. Laying on the icy ground, you gazed up at the sky. The dark clouds had began to disperse, remnants of the starry night sky beginning to emerge. Trying to collect your thoughts on Eggman it took mere minutes before Tails corrupted your thinking.

Of course he did.

Shaking your head, you tried to think about what Eggman was pulling at, but the more you tried to focus, the quicker Tails popped up in your thoughts. Sighing, you decided to give up. You would figure out the doctors plans later, but as you gazed up at the soft night, only one thing was on your mind.


The genius twin tailed fox who had stolen your heart.

You hated to admit it, but his charm was too charming. And you dared to say you found an attraction towards him.

His white chest and face fur as fluffy as clouds. Eyes as blue as the mid-day sky. Fur as beautiful and warm as fire crackling in the fire place. Tails was a sweet and gentle soul, his kindness towards you healing your wounds.

He was perfect.




Okay, you liked him just a little... a lot... who were you kidding, you were smitten for him. Your heart has fallen in love and there was nothing you could do about it.

Your face turned hot at the thought, your tail tiredly wagging. Slowly your eyes drifted asleep, a smile glued to your muzzle. Despite your racing heart, you were calmed by the thought of Tails. It almost felt like he was laying next to you in the snow.

Eventually, you fell asleep under the stars, dreaming about Tails and how you helplessly fell for him.

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