Rather Be (A Camren Story)

Od iloveyou1234566

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"There is no place in the world I rather be than with you." Více

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29 (Final Chapter)

Chapter 6

13.9K 407 208
Od iloveyou1234566

"Mommy," an angel-like voice said, waking me up.

I slowly opened my eyes realizing I never went back into my bunk. Instead I was like laying on the couch with Camila's arms wrapped loosely around my waist. Her warm breath hit against my porcelain skin. I carefully moved a piece of her raven colored hair away from her face.

"I'm hungry," Ashtyn whined, making me break out of my trance.

"What are you hungry for?" I asked the two little girls.

"Cookies," Ashtyn smiled.

"Yeah, can we have cookies for breakfast?" Kayne asked, agreeing with the suggestion her twin sister made.

"I don't think we can have cookies for breakfast," I laughed.

"Why not?" The emerald eyed toddler pouted.

"It goes against the breakfast rules," I answered.

"Breakfast rules?" Ashtyn asked.

"Mhm," I nodded. "And if you break them then a giant monster comes at night and eats you," I teased.

The ocean eyed toddlers eyes widen at the sound of that. Even though she's the oldest and the bossiest, she's the twin who gets scared more easily.

"Mama's lying," Kayne told Ashtyn.

"What is going on?" Camila yawned, her eyelids fluttering open. She removed her arms away from my torso and turned her body around so she was facing the girls, elbowing my boob in the process.

"Ow Camz, that was my boob, " I blurted out, rubbing my aching boob.

"Camz," she smiled, looking deeply into my emerald eyes. "You haven't called me that in years."

My cheeks turned a bright red. I didn't even realize I called her the nickname I gave her back during the X Factor days.

"Sorry, it just kind of slipped out," I apologized, trying to break eye contact from her but failing.

"No need to apologize. I kind of miss you calling me that," she replied, making my whole body go weak from her sucking on her bottom lip.

"Mommy, I'm hungry," Ashtyn whined, interrupting the mini conversation Camila and I were having.

"Ashtyn," Kayne sighed. "Aunty DJ told you not to ruin any camren moments," the younger toddler said, making Camila and I laugh.

"Sorry, but my stomach is going to explode from not eating," she replied, her tiny hands rubbing her stomach.

"What do you want to eat, Ash?" Camila asked, breaking her body away from mine so she could take care of the two little girls in front of us. I would do anything for her to be wrapped back up in my arms.

"Cookies," she smiled.

"I'll see what we can do," she replied, walking out of the lounge and to the kitchen area with the girls. I grabbed Dinah's grey University of Miami sweatshirt and threw it over my body before walking out to where Camila and the little girls were.

Camila stood up on her tippy toes, shuffling through several boxes of cereals and crackers. "Well Ash, I don't see any cookies," she stated, pulling more boxes out of the cupboard.

"There's no cookies," Ashtyn pouted, falling dramatically onto the floor. "I'm going to die," she said dramatically. I couldn't help but giggle at the young girl who acted a lot like Camila.

"What kind of behavior are you teaching my children?" I asked Camila with a genuine smile on my face.

"They don't get it from me because I don't act like that unlike someone I know," she replied, stepping over the toddler and carefully opening the fridge, not trying to hit Ashtyn will the door.

"Oh really? And who is this person that you know?" I smirked, crossing my arms.

"You," she admitted, looking me straight in the eyes.

"I don't act like that," I stated astonished she would lie like that.

"Yes you do," she replied, her attention going back to the fridge and pulling out a small container of strawberries. She shut the fridge door and walked back over to the sink, careful not to step on the toddler who laid on the floor.

"I want some, Mommy," Kayne said, her eyes becoming huge when she saw the red berries in Camila's hand.

"Go sit at the booth," she directed. Kayne obeyed and quickly took a seat at the booth, sitting on her knees so she could reach the table. "Do you want some too, Ash?" Camila asked, rinsing the strawberries with water from the faucet.

"Yes," she exclaimed, quickly getting off the floor and sitting next to her sister. The only thing she loves more than cookies is fruit. She's definitely an odd child, but she came from Camila so I guess it makes a lot of sense.

Camila turned off the faucet and placed a plate under the container to catch any excess water that ran out. She could barely put them down before the girls started devouring them.

"When's the last time I ever acted dramatic about something?" I asked, getting back to the conversation we were having.

"Whenever I didn't have sex with you," she stated, taking a bite out of a strawberry and acting like she said something innocent.

"Camila," I choked, astonished she would saying something like that around our three year old daughters. "There are little kids in this room."

"We can't keep them shelter, Lauren," she shrugged. Is she really saying something like this right now?

"You're kidding right?" I asked surprised. "They're only three. There are certain things in this world that they shouldn't be hearing about."

"Mama, what's sex?" Kayne asked, joining the conversation.

"Is it fun?" Ashtyn asked.

"You'll find out when you're older," Camila laughed, kissing the top of Ash's head. "And it's lots of fun," she winked.

"Camila," I said dismayed.

"That's what Aunty DJ always says," Ashtyn frowned. "Why can't I be older?"

"You have your whole life to be older. Enjoy the naps and finger painting as much as you can," she answered.

"We don't finger paint, Mommy. That's what babies do, we color," Kayne told her.

"My bad, enjoy the naps and coloring while you can," she corrected.

"So who wants to go out for breakfast?" I asked desperately want to change the topic and knowing the two both had Camila's stomach size.

"Me!" Kayne exclaimed, standing up on the booth seat.

"Go get your shoes on," I told the little girls.

Kayne pushed Ashytn out of the booth and followed her to the back lounge where we put their shoes last night. I turned my attention back to Camila who was placing all the boxes she took out earlier back in the cupboard.

"Did you really have to say something like that around them?" I asked.

"It slipped," she shrugged. "Do you honestly believe I would intentionally say something like that around my children? Geez Laur, what kind of parent do you think I am?" She questioned, grabbing the almost empty strawberry container off the table and placing it back into the fridge before discarding the plate.

"I'm not questioning your parenting skills. In fact, I'm honestly surprised you kept them alive for this long," I joked.

"Can't we just have one good day?" She asked, rolling her eyes.

"I thought we were having a good one?" I questioned, not understanding what has her so upset.

"We were until you had to bring that topic up again," she replied, rolling her eyes.

"What are you even talking about?" I asked utterly confused.

"I know you think I'm a terrible parent," the younger Cuban clarified.

"I never-"

"Do you honestly think Dinah didn't tell me?" I should have known Dinah would be the one to say something to Camila about something I say out of anger.

"I never said those exact words," I defended.

"No, but you definitely implied it," she spat.

"You definitely could have been involved with the girls a lot more instead of spending your time fucking people who don't give a shit about you and taking pictures hardly any clothes on," I admitted.  

"I'm done with his conversation," she replied before walking to the back lounge with the girls. She helped them tie their shoes before directing them to the front of the bus.

"Where are you guys going?" I asked, looking at Camila while she scan through her purse.

"I'm taking the girls out for breakfast," she answered, slipping her sunglasses over her eyes and her black Louis Vuitton over her shoulder. She grabbed her black heels out of the drawer under the couch and put them on before helping the girls off the bus, leaving me speechless.

~ Flashback ~


"Put the flowers down," I directed the two tiny toddlers in front of me, bending down so I was at eye level with them.


Ashtyn laid a red rose in front of the tombstone while Kayne laid a white one next to the red. Red and white were Chris's favorite colors. He always said red was his favorite color because it resembled love and he loved a lot of things. He also said he liked white because it helped represent new beginnings in life and everyone restarts their life in some way.


Well, that's what he would tell girls, but who is he shitting? The real reason he liked red and white was because they're the colors for the University of Alabama, his favorite college. He was supposed to be attending there that upcoming fall, but no one ever thought that a jet ski would take his life only two weeks after graduation.


"Will Uncle Chris like them?" Kayne asked, her head leaned back so she could look up at me.


"He'll love them," I replied, giving her reassuring smile.


"Mama, where is Uncle Chris?" Ashtyn asked, staring contently at the tombstone.  


"He's up in heaven," I answered, grabbing a hold of my two-year-old's hand and rubbing my thumb over the back of her hand.


"Can he see us?" She questioned, her eyes moving from the stone to look me in the eyes.


"Mhm," I nodded before kissing her temple. "He watches over you and protects you and Kayne from all the bad things and loves you very much."


"Does he praject you?"


"Yes," I laughed. "He prajects me too."


"Mama?" Kayne asked.


"Yes baby?" I responded, moving my attention to the chocolate eyed girl who hasn't spoken much since we've gotten here.


"I'm hungry."


"Of course," I laughed, standing back up and brushing my black skirt down. "Are you girl's ready to go see your aunties at Buffalo Wild Wings?"


"Yes," they said in unison.


I grabbed a hold of the two toddler's hands and led them back to the car. I helped buckle Kayne into her car seat while Ashtyn insisted she is a big girl and could buckle herself. I walked over to the other side, testing Ashtyn's buckle to see if it was tight enough before climbing into the driver's seat and driving away.

I pulled into the parking lot and unbuckled the girls before getting out of the car and placing them both on my hips. I pushed my way through the crowded of people, stopping to take a couple pictures, then walking over to the reserve table the girls were at.

"Hi Aunty DJ," Ashtyn waved when we arrived at the table.

"What up youngin'?" She asked, getting up from her seat and taking Ashtyn out of my arm. "Oh my god, you're eyes," she gushed, looking at the toddler whose eyes were a hazel blue today.


Ashtyn's eyes are a lot similar to mine. They're usually green but everyday it's a different shade of green. Sometime her eyes even turn a bluish color. People often rave about her eyes but I've always been more intrigued with Kayne's eyes. They're an exact replica of Camila's glossy, chocolate orbs.

"Being adorable," she answered, smiling up the Polynesian and then reverting her interest to the 'Bitch' necklace Dinah had hanging around her neck.


"Really Dinah?" I chuckled, placing the other toddler on the chair next to Ally. "You would be the one to wear something like that," I stated, referring to her necklace she got for her birthday about a week ago.


"I know you would be jealous of it," she smirked. "So don't worry because I got you a matching one."


"Thanks Dinah, how'd you know that's something I've always wanted?" I joked, taking a seat next to Kayne.


Dinah placed the blue hazel eyed toddler in the other seat next to me before sitting back down in hers. The waiter came and quickly scribbled down our order, coming back minutes later with our drinks and a kids menu for the girls to color on.


"So how's your birthday going, Lo?" Normani asked, grabbing a straw off the table and ripping the paper off before placing the white straw in her cup of peach tea.  


"It's been good," I nodded.


"Have you received any presents yet?" Dinah smirked.


"The girls made me cards," I answered knowing that's not the time of answer she was looking for.  


"Me and Kayne made Mama Breakfast with Ke," Ashtyn added, a smile planted on her lips.


"Well that was nice of Keana," Dinah said, her smirk still on her face. "Wasn't it, Lo?"


"Mhm," I nodded, taking a sip of my Pepsi and allowing it to burn the back of my throat.


"Where is Keana anyways?" Ally spoke up, looking around to see if my girlfriend arrived. "I thought she was supposed to be coming."


"She ended up having to go into the office this afternoon," I replied, wanting to desperately get off the subject of Keana.


Keana and I have only been together for the last two months. I have yet to tell Ashtyn and Kayne and I don't exactly plan on telling them anytime soon. My luck, the girls will be talking about Keana and I's relationship and the girls overhearing. 


"Is Keana taking you out later?" Dinah asked, not breaking away from the subject of Keana.


"Not unless she somehow found a last minute babysit," I answered.


"What about Camila?" Ally asked, unaware that the girls haven't seen Camila since her birthday and its now June.


I looked down at Ashley was busy coloring in the buffalo with her blue crayon. "She hasn't seen them since her birthday. There is also the fact that I don't think she's even in the US," I replied.


"Can she do that?" Normani questioned, taking a sip from her peach tea.


"If she wants to," I responded. "Just as long as she continues to pay child support, I really don't care. I guess modeling for Victoria Secret is really time consuming," I responded, taking another sip of Pepsi.

~ End of Flashback~


"Ow," I shouted, rubbing the spot on my upper arm where Normani decided to punch me. "What was that for?"

"How can someone who went to high school on an academic scholarship be so dumb?" She questioned, shaking her head.

"What are you even talking about?" I asked, utterly confused.

"Do you love her?" Normani sighed, ignoring my question.

"I don't know who her is," I replied.

"Camila," she clarified.

"Well yeah," I said bluntly.

"Then why the hell are you sitting in this room when you should be out there getting your woman back?" She asked.

"Because management told me to sit back here until it's time for sound check," I answered truthfully.

"That's not exactly the answer I was looking for," she sighed, rubbing the side of her head with her right hand.

"Then what do you want me to say?"

"I want you get to get your girl back. Everybody wants you to get her back including yourself.

"I have no idea how I'm going to get her back."

"Well good for you because I have a plan," she smirked, clapping her hands together.


Sorry for taking forever to get this part up. I've been super busy with studying for finals and SAT, but after this week, I'll be update a lot more because I'll be on summer vacation.


I'm going to try and update again tomorrow but In the meantime, you should check out my camren story "Lights"! 

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