The Salt Files (MLB)

By AnonymousSnake977

222K 3.4K 3.1K

Different scenarios of salt in the MLB fandom. I typically do Lila, Alya, and class salt the most. Sometimes... More

To Crush Your Part Part 1
To Crush Your Part Part 2
To Crush Your Part Epilogue
The Liar Among Us
Possible Murderer In The Class?
Don't Mess With A Couffaine (Lukanette)
Enabler (Adrien and Bustier Salt)
Tabloid (Part 2 of Enabler)
Clara's Anger
Keep It Under Wraps
You Think I'm In A Gang?
Wait For It
April Fools
A Liar's Downfall
Wrong Number, Alya
Are We Really Friends?
S5 Review So Far (Mini Rant)
You Should Have Listened
The New Student (Felinette Attempt)
It's Quiet Uptown
It's Quiet Uptown (Background)
Song Requests? (Not A Chapter)
It Was A Joke
Happy Birthday (Marinette Edition)
I Spy (Pride Month Special)
Summer Lies, No Surprise
Happy Birthday, Lie-La
It's Your Fault
Guitar Hero
Get To Know Me (Not a Chapter)
The Sheep of the School
The Interview
Chloe and Sabrina: The Cat and Bug Team
Bomb Threat (Sorry If Title Is Triggering)
Random References + Updates (Not A Chapter)
I Finished S5
Babysitting Fails
I Signed Up This Story For The Wattys 2023💀
A Day To Remember
Hawkmoth's Reveal
The Path You Chose
Game Night
Uncertain Future
Identity Reveal Gone Wrong (Request)
A Touch of Creativity
The Blogger's Recklessness
The Good Liar
True Colors
One Way Ticket To Fame
My Shot
The Schuyler Sisters
You'll Be Back
Wait for It
Dear Theodosia
Take a Break
The Room Where It Happens
Congratulations to The Rossi Pamphlet
The World Was Wide Enough
Who Lives, Who Dies, Who Tells Your Story
Sincerely Me
Good For You
You Will Be Found
You've Reached The End!

Victim Blaming

3.4K 44 52
By AnonymousSnake977

I had a dream this happened to me defending a friend and the teacher blamed me cuz the person who was in the wrong acted like a dead cockroach.

So the dream was me and a friend were trying to make our way through a crowd. I think we were at a party. My friend accidentally gets shoved into someone else and she apologizes and we go back to getting out of the crowd.

Said person she bumped into rushed up and tried to smack her ass.

Now, as a friend/bystander, there are two ways it can go.

I could have pretended not to see it, or I could do something about it.

I dragged them away before they could touch her and pulled them into a corner and threatened them 😅

I'm not saying you should always chose violence but that guy pissed me off.

I almost punched them in the throat and then a teacher came out of nowhere and asked if everything was ok, and the guy dropped to the floor and acted like a shanked him or something. He was making fake noises and twitching.

Then the woman dragged me away and I got suspended for like 3 days and I didn't even get to jack him up yet. She victim blamed and she wasn't even there smh

IK good and well if this ever actually happens in real life I'm making sure me and my friend are in the view of cameras, and I also have some pepper spray.

And I thought, why not turn this into a story idea to get my rage out👹

In this story, Marinette gets blamed by Mrs. Bustier without any evidence. Lila fakes another fall but doesn't know that Marinette was about to tear the teacher apart.

Sorry for the spam and long intro😅

Lila smirked to herself as she made her way down the stairs. She couldn't believe her luck this week!

First thing she did earlier that week was claim Marinette stole her homework. They had a weekend assignment to do and Lila deliberately left hers at home. To top it off, she made sure she followed Marinette every 10 minutes so she had an alibi that they were near each other. Once the time was near, she quickly wrote her name on top of Marinette's in pen and put it back. She knew the girl would be too distracted to double check before class.

Hearing that, Mrs. Bustier asked Marinette to give in her work. But her paper had Lila's name on it. The teacher gave Marinette a 0 and Lila a 100, and it was only the first day!

The next day, Lila claimed Marinette stole her food. Specifically, her sweets that she wanted to eat for breakfast. 

But Marinette didn't want to give up her food. She skipped dinner the previous night because she was busy with class rep work and was starving. Her parents made sure to give her her favorite macaroons and other sweets so it would help her survive the day. 

"I haven't eaten in over 10 hours!" Marinette said. Adrien felt bad.

"You can eat at lunch. Now, give Lila back her food." Mrs. Bustier had a fake smile on but behind it was a frown. She didn't like how her star pupil was turning out. Adrien decided to step in.

"Don't worry Lila, I can ask Natalie and Gorilla to drop you off something. That way you won't go hungry." Adrien smiled. Lila bit back a scowl and smiled as well.

"Oh, but are you sure? I don't want to bother your chefs with the preparations and drive."

"It's fine Lila, I assure you." Adrien sent a hidden smile Marinette's way. She weakly smiled back.

Lila's bullying had gotten worse lately. It was so bad that Adrien started to see that the lies were hurting and Marinette sadly had to pay the price. She lost a majority of the class and some even started bullying her. Adrien apologized and promised to help her take down Lila and be by her side until everything was over. But sometimes, that isn't enough. 

Along with Lila's façade came Alya's faith towards the liar and Mrs. Bustier's victim blaming. It's no surprise that she does it, I mean she told Marinette to be an example for bullies and Ivan got in trouble when Kim was in the wrong.

Alya was one of the ones who started to bully Marinette in return. She and Nino broke up because he was skeptical about all the things Lila said about his childhood friend. Alya accused him of liking her instead and caused a huge fight between them. Nino just decided to break it off with her since he was sure there was no way to change her mind. He apologized to Marinette as well and they hung out with tears, movies, and ice cream. (I would totally try to do this if my friend is suffering a breakup, I'm a very clingy person who likes to distract people easily. It's a gift and a curse😅)

Both Marinette and Nino knew Alya better than she knew herself. She was confident, bold, and loyal. But she was also quick to believe anything, greedy, and doesn't fact check. That's why it was no surprise that she took Marinette's breakfast, or what was left of it, after class. Luckily Nino packed away some extra cookies in case this happened.

Now it was Wednesday, where Lila was going down the stairs. She saw Marinette leave a few seconds before her and left to make her move. She was going to claim Marinette pushed her down the stairs.

Marinette turned around in confusion before she realized what she was going to do. And like planned, Lila screamed. Loudly. Marinette covered her ears in annoyance, she had a headache and was originally heading to the nurse.

As predicted, Mrs. Bustier came out with some of the class to see what happened. As did other classrooms. Lila scowled, she didn't want all the teachers out, only hers. But she'll go with it if her plan works.

"Lila, what happened?" Alya asked, running down the stairs.

"Are you alright?" Mrs. Bustier asked. Lila turned on her waterworks.

"M-Marinette pushed me down the stairs!" The class gasped. Nathaniel, Nino, and Adrien gave each other a look. Mrs. Bustier turned to Marinette, who still had her hands on her head.

"Marinette, what is going on with you lately? You've been inappropriately rude to Lila this entire week so far! You aren't doing a good job at being an example for your classmates." Marinette was cringing over the situation. Her teacher blindly believes the liar again, there were so many eyes on her and whispers, and her head was pounding like crazy. Marinette just wanted to lay down. But Mrs. Bustier did something she would regret.

The teacher looked at Marinette for an answer, but still got one. The girl had her hands pressed against her head, and she saw it was a distraction. She went up and grabbed her wrist, removing one of her hands off.

"Don't touch her!" A voice rang out. Surprising everyone, it was Chloe of all people. She ran up to Marinette, with Adrien, Nino, Nathaniel, and Juleka in tow and formed a small circle around her. "Do not victim blame her again."

Mrs. Bustier was confused. "I'm not victim blaming-"

"Yes you are!" Juleka spoke up. "You are blindly believing that Marinette would intentionally hurt someone, especially the liar. If she actually did fall, we would have heard something." Students murmured in agreement. Teachers narrowed their eyes at Mrs. Bustier and Lila. The girl scowled, this wasn't how this was supposed to go.

"Let's not forget the first time she claimed that she fell, there were no bruises anywhere." Nino piped up.

"And no one was called for her. No ambulance, no parents, not even the nurse." Adrien listed off.

"Besides, I saw the whole thing." Nathaniel glared. "Marinette left and her hands here on her head. Lila left, looked to see if she was looking, and walked down the stairs and screamed." More whispers. The didn't realize Aurore was recording since the incident started. It was also live on her blog, for many Parisians to see. The news was going to have a field day.

Alya turned red in anger. "And how do we know you're not lying?"

"What reason would he have to lie?" Marc yelled out. More students yelled at  Alya in defense for the group. Said group was glad other students weren't as dumb as they thought and were guiding Marinette to the nurse's office.

Then, right as Mrs. Mendeliev got everything under control, some police officers and some people from the School Board waltzed into the school. They got a tip about what was happening and checked out the livestream. To say they were shocked is an understatement.

"Greetings, I'm Officer Rogers and these are some of the faculty from the School Board. We would like to see everyone involved and please keep students in the classroom until this is all settled."

Lila paled as she realized she lost. This wasn't going to be good.


Turns out Marinette's headache was a result of stress. She was so stressed about completing all the paperwork and staying on top of school that she was neglecting eating and sleeping. Not to mention she was also stressed about being Ladybug.

Lila dug herself into a deep hole. Not only did the Board fact check everything - they called her mother. Imagine their surprise when they found out Lila provided her mother's old number.

Damocles and Mrs. Bustier were let go on leave until they could find out everything behind how they handled bullying. When they found out Mrs. Bustier had the class rep do most of the work for the class, they gave her paycheck to Marinette as compensation for her work. If the teacher was lucky, she wasn't going to be sent to prison.

Lila's lies were exposed along with the class' bullying and harassment. Alya was in just as much trouble as Lila since Lila never did anything physical. That was all Alya's doing.

In the end, everyone was faced with at least one lawsuit, and several from the Dupain-Chengs. Marinette was just wondering how all this came about with just a headache.


This was the fastest one I have ever written I sped wrote this as soon as I woke up lmao

Victim blaming is a toxic method and I suggest talking to another adult you can trust, like your parent or guardian. I feel like it would be better to have others backing you up, like a class action

Ima go now I spammed enough😅

1750 words

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