The Captain's Wife

By NegansWarrior

22.6K 593 32

I've grown to love the tv show called 'Grimm', my favorite characters are: Nick Burkhardt, Hank Griffin, Monr... More

Lunch Visit
Dinner With Sean
What Are You?!
Blubaten Brawls
Blubaten Brawls Prt. 2
Captain Burkhardt
Solid Ice
Woge? Wesen? What?
The Moment Sean and Sylas Meet
Two Grimms?!
Last Day as Captain
Tribe Hunts
She's Not Me...
She's Not Me... Prt 2
She Striked Again!?
The Start of Destroying The World
For Juliette..
Vienna prt 2
Is This Power Forever?
Seeing Ghosts?
King Fredrick's Return
King Fredrick's Return prt 2
A Prince Is Crowned
Zauberbeist vs Grimm vs Hexenbeist
Meeting Vincent
The Search For Both Burkhardt's
Zombified Burkhardt's
The Little Things
Ending The Royals
What The...
Into The Blackforest We Go..
King of Hell
The New Beginning
Our Family Fights
Take It With You..
Take It With You.. prt 2

Don't Leave Me...

977 28 0
By NegansWarrior

Sylas's P.O.V

It's been almost two weeks since I last seen Sean. Slowly my memory is coming back to me but only in small pieces... not all things I've seen were bad, but Sean wasn't wrong when he said this will be one hell of a ride.

Kate:"Sy your doing it again."

I looked at Kate then sighed,

Me:"No I was only thinking this time Kate I promise."
Kate:"Okay good."
Me:"You don't have to stay you know? You can't miss that date of yours."
Kate:"I know but I can miss it."
Me:"Seriously Kate, go I'm fine."
Kate:"Promise you'll call if something happens?"
Me:"I promise."

Kate hugged me then left the house. I looked around then sighed before laying on the couch.

Sean's P.O.V

Me:"How's Sylas?"
Nick:"She's getting better, she had a terrible trip last night."
Me:"She's okay, right?"
Nick:"Once Juliette got her to calm down she was fine."
Me:"Good, I'll leave you and Hank to it I have a friend to meet with."
Nick:"Should I worry?"
Me:"Not yet, I'll fill you in when I know more."

I walked out of the precinct to get in my car. My meeting isn't for another hour so I decided to drop by Nick's to see how Sy is doing myself.


I lightly knocked on the door, I waited a moment before Sylas opened the door.

Me:"I know, Nick told me about last night I had to come check on you."
Sylas:"I'm surprised he told you, would you like to come in?"
Me:"I would like that."

She smiled softly then stepped out of the way, I stepped inside closing the door myself.

Me:"Have you been sleeping?"
Sylas:"When I can um just when I close my eyes I see you everywhere and there's quick flashes of you and I together.."
Me:"Your starting to remember, I'm sure it's very overwhelming for you to take in but I promise it'll get better."
Sylas:"What about you? Have you seen anything or even slept at all?"

I sighed lowly so she pulled me over to the couch. Sitting on opposite ends she turned towards me waiting to hear what I had to say, some of the things I chose not to tell her. Only for her safety,

Me:"Sleeping? Off and on when I can, I've seen a lot of things which I'm sure your curious to hear about but I can't tell you it's too painful.."
Sylas:"I'm sorry you seen those.."
Me:"No don't do this, you have nothing to apologize for. Listen to me Sylas, you had nothing to do with what happened. It was Adalind's and hers alone, you just happened to be in the middle of it for her own reasons. Would have been better off if she killed me then you wouldn't have to go through with all of this."
Sylas:"Sean! Don't you ever say that again, things are better with you alive."

Tears welled up in my eyes, I never looked away from her but finally nodded.

Me:"You're right I'm sorry I shouldn't say something like that to you."
Sylas:"Do we live together?"
Me:"We do, you live with me in my apartment but after the second break in I had to move our things to the new house."

Sylas stiffened before her eyes glazed over, I got up moving quickly to her then dropped to my knees grabbing her hand.

Me:"Sylas, look at me darling. It's okay relax, everything is okay."

She gripped my hand then relaxed her body so she could look at me,

Sylas:"I remember being there for that!"
Me:"Do you know what happened that night?"
Sylas:"Yes, you and I had dinner then went to your apartment for things to get heated between us and I was taken."
Me:"Yes! That's good baby your doing great, what else do you remember?"

Before Sylas could get a word out my phone rang, suddenly annoyed I took a breath before answering.

Me:"Renard?...Yes I didn't forget...Leaving now."

I hung up looking towards Sy who seemed upset,

Me:"I'll come back, I have to meet with a good friend of mine."
Sylas:"Okay, I'll be here."

I leaned forward to kiss her cheek then stood up walking towards the door. I looked back seeing Sylas was already standing up watching me, I gave her a smile then opened the door turning around to see a guy standing in Nick's walkway pointing a gun at me, before I could react he shot me twice in the chest then once in my stomach causing me to fall to the floor.

Sylas's P.O.V

Sean stood up heading for the door as I watched him another memory came to me very clearly, it was the dinner Nick asked me about at the hospital, Sean was there and he did propose to me...FUCK I remember!!

After Sean opened the door he stood there not moving, I went to go see what he was staring at but stopped when I heard close gunshots. I gasped as Sean fell to the floor,


With shaky hands I rushed over checking on him but noticed something out the corner of my eye, I reached down yanking Sean's gun from his holster then turned towards the door shooting the guy before he could fire a shot at me first. I dropped the gun to check Sean's neck for a pulse, I found it but it was really weak. I pulled out my phone calling 911,

Me:"This is detective Burkhardt's sister I need an ambulance at his house right away captain Renard has been shot and he needs help right now!"
911 Dispatch:"Officers and emt's are in route!"

I hung up the phone placing my shaky hands on Sean's face as tears fell,

Me:"Sean don't die on me! I remember, do you hear me I remember you!!"

I rested my forehead against his while holding his hand, multiple sirens grew closer to the house. Squeezing Sean's hand I heard Wu's voice,

Wu:"Captain! Oh god Sylas are you okay?"

Wu dropped next to me to move me away from Sean,

Me:"No! I'm not letting Sean go!"
Wu:"Sylas we need to get him out of here."
Me:"Okay, right um your right."

I stood up wiping my eyes not caring that I have Sean's blood on my hands and now more likely my face. The emt's rushed in but they were waiting on the others to get here,

Me:"We don't have time to wait, Wu we need to help them move Sean."
Wu:"Will you be able to?"
Me:"Yes now help me!"

Wu moved rather quickly as him and I helped the emt's carry Sean out of the house and lift him up to lay him on the gurney.

Wu:"What the hell happened?"
Me:"I don't know it all happened so fast, who the fuck is that guy?!"
Wu:"I'll get on it, you ride with the captain. Want me to call Nick?"
Me:"N-no, I'll call him myself."
Wu:"Update me when you can."

I nodded and went to step inside the ambulance only to be stopped,

Emt:"Sorry ma'am you can't ride in the ambulance."

I growled and glared at the man,

Me:"Captain Renard is my fiance so back off."

He held up his hands as Wu laughed,

Wu:"Don't let the captain hear about this he wouldn't be happy about it."


I walked fast as the emt's rushed Sean inside the hospital,

Nurse:"Ma'am this is as far as you can go, we'll let you know how he is."

She gave me a sympathetic smile then went on her way, I walked out of the hospital feeling the tears stream down my face so I started running towards the precinct hoping Nick was there.

I rushed through the precinct doors running down the hall to stop in the large doorway seeing Nick with Hank at their desks, Hank looked over to jump out of his chair.


Nick swung around to see the way I was and stood up quickly to rush over with Hank.

Nick:"Shit, Sy what happened to you?"
Me:"It's not m-my blood.."
Hank:"Sy whose blood is it?"

I broke down dropping to my knees to feel both Nick and Hank pull me up and walk me into Sean's office then closed the blinds.

Nick:"What happened Sylas?"

I looked at him through teary eyes,

Me:"I remember everything Nick! Sean came over we talked and he got a call said he had to leave so he walked to the door and opened it after I stood up, and uh.."

Hank walked over laying his hand on my shoulder,

Hank:"It's okay you can talk to us, what happened after he opened the door?"

I took a deep breath then exhaled shakily,

Me:"After he opened the door he just stood there staring at something, I think he went to reach for his gun but he was shot...three times.. I freaked out and ran over to him and checked for a pulse then I saw something from the corner of my eye and when I looked there was a man standing there and before he could shoot me I grabbed Sean's gun and shot him first...I didn't mean to kill him Nick, I really didn't mean to.."

Nick let out a sigh before pulling me into a hug,

Nick:"I'm so sorry Sy, I should have stayed home today I knew something bad would happen."
Me:"Don't blame yourself Nick.. I was glad Wu showed up as quick as he did."
Hank:"We just arrived when he left in a rush."
Me:"I can't lose him Nick.."
Nick:"You won't. Wait here let me get you a shirt, throw that one away."


Nick, Hank, Juliette, Monroe, Rosalee and I rushed into the hospital.

Nick:"We're here for captain Renard."
Nurse:"Mr.Renard is still in surgery, you can wait in the waiting room and I'll send the doctor your way when he comes out."
Nick:"Okay thank you."

Nick made me follow him to the waiting room. Once I sat down I started lightly bouncing my leg, Rosalee laid her hand on my knee smiling softly,

Rosalee:"He'll be fine just relax."
Me:"I can't, he needs to know how sorry I am for forgetting him and causing him so much heartache.."

Nick squatted down in front of me looking at me sternly,

Nick:"Sean never once blamed you, he knows your sorry. Look while you were in that coma, Sean and I came to terms and I know for sure he loves you Sylas so if you want to marry him I will not stop you."
Me:"You really mean that?"
Hank:"He does, I've witness the two getting along."

I quickly hugged Nick who hugged me back,

Nick:"Once we know how he's doing I want to show you something."

We pulled away and I nodded.

3 hours later...

Doctor:"Family for Renard?"

I jumped out of the chair turning towards him, he walked over then stopped.

Me:"How is he?"
Doctor:"He's out of surgery, it's not looking too well. You should call his next of kin and tell them to get here right away. I'm sorry."
Me:"No!! There's something you can do, right?!"
Doctor:"With his condition, no."
Nick:"Sylas! That's enough, I apologize but may we see him?"
Doctor:"He won't say anything but sure. I'll show you to his room."

We all followed the doctor through doors and down a long hallway passing multiple rooms to stop at the middle of the hallway.

Doctor:"This is it. I'll leave you be."

As he walked away I turned around staring at Sean through the window of his room. Suddenly it became hard to breath so Nick laid his hand on my shoulder,

Nick:"You don't have to go in there Sy."
Me:"I want to."
Nick:"Want me to go in with you?"
Me:"No give me a minute, can you find out who his next of kin is? They should know."
Hank:"I'll find out."

I opened the door walking in to shut the door behind me, I walked over seeing Sean was breathing but his eyes were closed. Pulling the chair closer I sat down grabbing his hand,

Me:"I hope you can hear me Sean, I'm so sorry for the heartache you had to deal with but I finally remember you baby... I remember you proposing to me I was so surprised and was not ready, I am ready my answer is yes. I love you so much I could really use you right now you always know what to say...please wake up.."

I sniffled then lifted his hand kissing the top of it, Sean's hand lightly squeezed but stopped. Smiling softly I stood up to lean down placing a soft kiss on his forehead before laying his hand back on the bed then walked out of the room.

Juliette:"I'm sorry Sy.."

Tears welled up in my eyes causing her to pull me into a hug.


I stood outside Sean's room leaned up against the wall so I could see him clearly, looking to my left I noticed a middle aged blonde haired woman walking our way but my attention was broken from her as I heard loud beeping, my head swung towards the window to see Sean's body jolting and him groaning.

"Code Blue, I repeat we have a code Blue in ICU!"

I pushed myself off the wall to run towards the door but Nick stopped me and held onto me as doctors and nurses rushed into Sean's room, standing there watching them move around the room frantically made me feel like my heart dropped down into my stomach since there's nothing I could do to help him. The woman I saw flung the door open to be yelled at by nurses and almost forced out when she lifted her hand, all I saw was a quick blue light and that was it. The thing I couldn't understand was none of the doctors or nurses moved, like they were frozen...what the hell? I moved closer to the window, wait why can I move? I looked through the window seeing a large black and red snake, with one head at both...ends? What the fuck!? I jumped back when I saw each snake head latch down onto Sean's chest, I couldn't move...I can't do anything to stop what I'm watching.. finally I blinked and everything was normal and the woman was gone, I turned towards Nick with my eyes wide open and my lips slightly parted.

Nick:"Sy? What's wrong?"
Me:"Did you not fucking see that!?"
Nick:"Yea, they saved Sean."
Me:"No, no no! That's not what happened!"
Nick:"Yes it is Sy, what's wrong with you?"
Me:"What's wrong with me?! I'll tell-"

I stopped and sighed before rubbing my face,

Me:"Nevermind I'm just tired."
Woman:"Are you friends of Sean's?"

I looked over seeing the woman from earlier and who was in Sean's room,

Me:"You! Who are you?!"
Nick:"Sylas that's no way to talk to people!"
Woman:"It's quite alright, I'm Sean's mother now are you friends of his or not?"
Nick:"Yes, Sean is mine and Hank's boss and Sylas here is his girlfriend."

The woman looked at me then smiled,

Woman:"I thought so, Sean's told me so much about you. My name is Eliza."
Me:"Wait, your his mother?"
Eliza:"I am."
Me:"'s like looking at a female version of him-... this is so weird."

I stepped closer to examine the similarities between her and Sean, Eliza chuckled so I stepped back smiling shyly,

Me:"I'm terribly sorry for how I spoke to you.."
Eliza:"All is forgiven my dear, when he wakes up tell him I'll stop by later."
Me:"Your leaving?"
Eliza:"I won't be far."

She walked away so I looked to Nick then ran after her. When I caught up to her I stepped around her to stop her,

Me:"I saw what you did, what was that about?"
Eliza:"I'll explain that another time, I'm sure your the first one he would like to see when he wakes up."
Me:"Right...well thank you for whatever you did."

Eliza smiled so I moved out of the way then made my way back to Nick.

Nick:"What was that about?"
Me:"Nothing, I'm going to wait in his room."
Juliette:"Do you want me to stay?"
Me:"You don't have to Juls."
Hank:"May have to, Nick and I have to go we just got a case."
Nick:"Let me know when he wakes up, wait did you get a good look at the guy who shot him?"

I looked into Nick's eyes,

Me:"I'll never forget his face."
Nick:"Wouldn't happen to be this guy was it?"

He held up his phone causing me to look over at it, when I saw the picture I took a step back and started to shake as what happened to Sean earlier flashed through my brain,

Me:"Yes! He was the one who shot Sean."
Nick:"Thought so."
Nick:"I'll tell you later we really need to go."

I nodded as Nick kissed Juliette then left with Hank. She smiled at me and the both of us walked into Sean's room, I moved the same chair next to the side of his bed and sat down laying my hand on top of his.

Juliette:"He misses you."
Me:"I know he does, I miss him too."
Juliette:"I'll be sad when you leave it'll be quiet without you."
Me:"Oh I'm sure Nick will throw a party for me leaving."

We both laughed but stopped since Sean coughed, I looked towards him hopefully to only get no response. I sighed heavily then felt Sean's right hand lay on top of mine. Slowly his eyes opened and he gasped for air causing me to jump up and his eyes move quickly to me,

Me:"Hey baby, how are you feeling?"

Sean tried to sit up in a rush but I laid my hand on his shoulder to stop him.

Sean:"You remember me?"
Me:"I do and I feel terrible about it.."
Sean:"Don't you dare Sylas, it's not your fault I'm just glad you remember."
Me:"I remember everything."

Sean moved my hand to sit up anyways but Juliette rushed over raising the top of the bed up.

Sean:"Juliette's here?"
Juliette:"Yes, we all were."
Me:"Nick, Hank, Monroe, Rosalee and your mother."

He shot me a look then narrowed his eyebrows,

Sean:"My mother?"
Me:"Yes, Sean you died for a minute and came back."
Juliette:"I'll go get us a coffee."
Me:"Thank you."

She smiled then hurried out of the room, Sean scooted over and patted the space next to him so I sat next to him.

Me:"I don't know what she did but nobody else saw what I witnessed, I don't know how to even explain it to be truthful."

I felt his hand grab mine,

Sean:"Whatever you saw I'm sure you just imagined it. You may remember me now but that doesn't mean the side effects wore off just yet."
Me:"Maybe your right I'm just glad your alive."
Sean:"I am too baby."

I leaned closer to him feeling our lips move in sync, Sean laid his hand on the back of my neck deepening the kiss to only pull away as he winced in pain.

Me:"Take it easy, you need to relax."
Sean:"I can't I missed you so much and I can't express how happy I am to have my Sylas back."

I smiled wide then lifted up a bit to kiss him once more. We heard a throat being cleared, the both of us looked towards the door to see Eliza.

Eliza:"Hey Sean, how you feeling?"
Sean:"Better then what I was, hang on mom. Sylas, what happened after I fell? He didn't hurt you did he?"

I slowly smirked and shook my head no,

Me:"I got to him first."
Sean:"That's my girl! Did he suffer?"
Me:"No it was quick, I didn't mean to kill him but damn he hurt you Sean...he almost killed my future husband."

Sean's eyes lit up and he stared at me,

Sean:"So you do remember me asking?"
Me:"I do and my answer is yes."

Sean pulled me to him to kiss me as his mom rushed closer to us,

Sean:"What do you say mom?"
Eliza:"I'm happy to have her as my daughter in-law."
Sean:"Too bad the ring is in my desk at the precinct."

Quick footsteps came towards the door and Nick ran in with a smile,

Nick:"You mean this ring?"

Nick tossed a small box to Sean who quickly caught it then opened it to pull out the ring.

Sean:"Give me your hand."

I smiled and held out my hand for Sean to slid the ring onto my finger.

Eliza:"I want to know the date and details. I'll check on you later."
Sean:"Thanks mom."

Eliza smiled then made her way out of the room.

Nick:"So captain, who should watch over the precinct while you recover?"
Sean:"I know the right person for the job."

I looked to Sean who was already looking at me,

Sean:"Think you can handle it?"
Me:"I won't let you down."
Sean:"I know you won't darling."

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