Love Live opinon book

By ThePianoProdigy18

492 33 23

A book where I talk about my various views and opinions on all topics regarding to love live. (artwork and l... More

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2024: The year of love live in review.

My ideal Love Live rewrites.

23 2 0
By ThePianoProdigy18

A/N: Sorry for the long absence, I have been fairly busy with college and haven't had time to update this book, luckily that ends today. 

Now I love Love Live and enjoyed each iteration, but like anything it isn't perfect. This chapter I want delve into what I would do if I was given a chance to rewrite the shows with my vision. 


First thing's first, I would want A-rise to have a bigger role and get more screen time. I feel they could have pushed Muse harder since they had a friends but rivals relationship which could have led to some more in depth plot points. Also I'd make sure they get more than 2 songs, A-rise is clearly very talented but never got a chance to shine and have been all but forgotten. Next I would make Umi a little less bossy, let's face it she can be a bit much at times and really made me dread when she was on screen. I get her needing to keep Honoka on track but she would go too far at times, like when she fat shamed Honoka and slapped her. That would also be another thing I remove is the slap scene, I'd most likely replace it with Umi saying something over the line or if I kept it make sure the resolve is more satisfying than what we got since Umi never apologized. Another change I'd make is Nozomi's washi washi, completely remove that as A, its unneeded and B harassment isn't funny, no matter the gender. I'd also make Kotori's overseas issue a bigger plot point that leads to her being less reliant on others and growing more as a person, now I love Kotori to death but by making her still dependent kinda does her dirty in a way. I'd also have Hanayo be more fleshed out as a character because I feel she is the most forgettable in Muse and all of Love Live. Lastly I would remove the Yuri baiting as it distracts from the overall story. 


The entire Chika, Riko, and You arc is removed, it's pointless, a time waster and Yuri baiting which derails the show. I would make Riko less plain, maybe use her being from Muse's school to drive the story along. I feel that there is a lot of potential stemming from Chika trying to copy Muse and Riko coming from their school that was unused. Saint Snow wins the competition at Hakodate which drives Aqours to work harder because realistically Saint Snow would have won if leah didn't fall on purpose, like when you have to give the main group a handicap because they would lose without it is a bruh moment. That ties into my next change, Leah doesn't throw the competition over Sarah, it's childish and annoying that she did that, maybe have it become a big fight between the sisters or something. I would of also loved to see Leah make a new group after Sarah graduated, maybe she could made something with Eli and Honoka's sister, the sister idol group, now thats an idea!


No Yuu, she's a Mary Sue and is not representative of the male players or the non binary players. If they keep Yuu, make her more interesting and possibly gender neutral so everyone feels included. Ayumu needs a major rework as  her being selfish for Yuu wasn't nice to see and was pointless which makes me feel like she is the worst leader we've had so far. In relation to that, remove the whole Ayumu/Yuu thing from episode 12, that was perhaps one of the worst episodes of Love Live i've ever seen and served no purpose.  Maybe make Niji a bit longer than 13 episodes, with so many characters I feel 13 episodes wasn't enough to flesh out everyone enough, and to give everyone proper screen time. They did really well with season 2 I will say, with introducing Lanzhu I was scared we would go down the All Stars path but luckily it was avoided. They handled Lanzhu much better so that pretty much leaves me no complaints with season 2.



I kinda would say keep the 5 characters as it made Liella unique and more of a family. I don't hate the new girls and other 1st years we will be getting, I just feel that Liella lost some of its charm when they got added. I'd make Keke being forced back to Shanghai a bigger plot point as it was only mentioned once or twice until the big confrontation scene in season 2. Something big like that needs to be addressed and not treated like a side plot. Biggest thing I would want is no Sumire and Keke fighting in season 2. Watching Keke antagonize Sumire almost every episode in season 2 got really irritating. In season 1 it was played for laughs but in season 2 it feels like she really hates Sumire. Even after the big episode where it seems her and Sumire make amends they still keep at it, that basically killed any like for Keke I had left. Natsumi needs to go, or get a serious redemption arc, that's all I have to say. The entire thing with Shiki and Mei would be removed, it's distracting, unneeded and pointless. Ren's game addiction was a better plot point and really cute to see, as before she was seen as a serious and prim girl, but the game addiction humanized her some, Shiki and Mei's thing distracted from that and I hope to god it doesn't return in season 3. Sunny Pa the same thing I would do for A-rise applies to them. 


Link Like Love Live:

it's not out yet so this isnt really a rewrite but a hope. I hope the app is free and is avaliable worldwide. That's it, thats all I have to say. 

Wow, I think this is the most i've ever typed in the entire book. Let me know what you think down below, do you agree with my choices? Why or why not? All I ask is you be civil if you disagree with me, so long for now!


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