Caskett: Rescue Me

By MyCastle47

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Kate Beckett is a homicide detective who is in a relationship with Josh Davidson. Although Josh is an abuser... More

Chapter 1: It all started
Chapter 2: Questions
Chapter 3: No Answers
Chapter 4: Help?
Chapter 5: Seriously
Chapter 6: Caught in the Act
Chapter 8: Dangerous Encounters
Chapter 9: The Wrong Mistakes
Chapter 10: Aftershock
Chapter 11: Bad Timing
Chapter 12: Complete Disaster
Chapter 13: All the Way
Chapter 14: Cat Fights
Chapter 15: False Hope
Chapter 16: Problems and Dilemmas
Chapter 17: Baby Jokes
Chapter 18: Success?
Chapter 19: A New Start
Chapter 20: How Did it Come to This
Chapter 21: Would You Rather
Chapter 22: Solving the Problems
Chapter 23: Quick Surprises
Chapter 24: Sickness Calls
Chapter 25: Pain and Suffering
Chapter 26: Monkey See Monkey Do
Chapter 27: The Breaking Point
Chapter 28: YAS
Chapter 29: Old Flames? I Think Not...
Chapter 30: Men Are Stupid
Chapter 31: Parties
Chapter 32: Choices and Reasons
Chapter 33: The Final "Episode"

Chapter 7: I Need You

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By MyCastle47

"What do you mean Castle isn't innocent!" I screamed at Ryan. "I just mean that the shoe could prove anything. A million different scenarios. For instance, it could be Josh, or it could be an accomplice he has." he said. "Your forgetting why he's in jail. He's in jail because he supposedly raped me. And if you're saying he has an accomplice you're basically saying he gang raped me, and that's no ok. Castle is innocent. So does my statement of what happened in the hospital mean nothing?" I was furious Castle deserved freedom. "Beckett calm down." said Espo. entering our conversation. "You know what I need a break, can't we just- I mean- well-and Castle." I broke down, I started crying and fell to the ground.

"Beckett here let me help-" Ryan started coming towards me, but I interrupted him. "No- please- just get me- Castle." I said in between sobs. "Beckett you know we can't." "Please." I said in a whisper. "I said we can't. Now let me help you." "No! Don't touch me. Just get me Castle." I heard him start walking away. I was alone. My life was ruined. If Castle went to jail he would probably be beaten and maybe even killed. Josh has connections. To prove it he had a friend come over and then both had fun. They used me. I don't even know how I got over that. I guess just seeing Castle every day made me feel better, and eventually I forgot about it. I then heard footsteps approaching. "Ryan I said to go awa- Castle." I said. I was about to stand up but he kneeled down next to me.

"Hey." he said taking me softly into his embrace. I hugged him as tight as I could, for I never knew when it would be my last. "I missed you so much." I said into his chest, breathing in his cologne. "Don't worry you can't get away from me that easily." he said chuckling to himself. I laughed and he started to talk, "I've missed your laugh so much." Well I've missed you." I said. We stayed like that for a while until Gates came out. "Detective Beckett and Mr. Castle what are you doing?" she said annoyed at us laying on the ground. "Uh well..." I couldn't find a way to make this situation reasonable. "She had a panic attack, and I thought that the only person she needed was Castle, you know, because friends need each other." Ryan said standing behind me and Castle. "Well this is a professional environment," Gates said, "And detective take the day off if you need to." "Thank you sir." I said.

Gates then left and went back into her office to do paperwork. After she closed the door I praised Ryan. "Thank you so much." I said still snuggled into Castle, I then saw the tear stains I left on his shirt. He didn't care though, he liked them. "Well I'll leave you to." Ryan said walking off to meet with Esposito. "What happened?" Castle asked. "I'll tel back at the house." I said. "I can't leave." "what are you talking about?" "I was only let out to see you." I started to cry. "No, please don't cry he said. "How can I not? I'm losing you." "I just, I know. But if I go home with you then I'll still be in police custody." "That's never gonna pass Gates." "You could always try." "Ok, I guess." I got up and went to talk to Gates. Before I went into her office I made sure that Castle wasn't going to go anywhere.

When I came out of Gate's office, I had a sad look on my face. "Did she say no?" Castle asked. "Nope, she said yes!" I squealed. I ran into his arms and he picked up off the ground and spun me around. "Castle, we're still at the precinct." I said. "Right." he then put me down. "But the elevator's a different story I whispered in his ear. He stopped walking, processed my words, and then started running like a child to the elevator. Once the elevator doors closed Castle attacked me. He kissed me up and down. Switching from my neck to my lips. I did the same. My hands rotated from being around his neck, to playing with his hair. He shifted us to the point where we hit the stop button on the elevator. He didn't care it gave us more time. My tore off my jacket and I started unbuttoning his shirt. I got about halfway down and then he slammed me against the wall, I moaned in pleasure. His hands roamed over my body. Then I remembered Josh abusing me. I can't do this, it's too soon. I remembered how he used me and hurt me, inside and out. I screamed and had a panic attack. I flew off of Castle, not because he was hurting me, but because Josh had affected horribly in my emotional life. "Kate. Kate, Kate!" Castle yelled coming towards me. "I can't I cant." I said breathing heavily and trying to calm down. "It's ok I'm not going to hurt you. I'm not Josh ok?" Castle said trying to calm me down. I cowered at Josh's name "I just see him everywhere." I said crying into his chest.

He ran his hands up and down my back shushing in my ear, his touched calmed me down immediately. "Was it too soon?" Castle asked. "I thought I was ready but I'm not, not at all. I'm sorry." I said, pulling away and wiping my tears. "You can't be sorry for something that's not your fault." he said helping me stand up. He then grabbed a hold of my hand and pressed the stop button making it start once again. Then he button up his shirt, and reached down picking up my jacket. "May I?" he asked holding my jacket. "Of course." I said giggling at his face. He placed one of my arms in the sleeve, and then placing my other arm in. The timing was perfect, because when the elevator doors opened he once again grabbed a hold of my hand. He guided me to his car saying 'my lady' and opening the door for me. His car was nice. "Shall I take you to your place?" "No! Josh could be there," I said picking at my fingers, "Lets go to yours." "Of course." He then started driving.

By the time we reached his loft it was already 9:47. I was really tired from the day I had so I fell asleep. When I woke from my slumber I was on his couch. "How did I get here?" I asked. "You fell asleep so I carried you here. I didn't want to wake you." he answered. "Your so sweet." "Yeah." he smiled, his wonderful smile, and I blushed. "My mother and Alexis went out to dinner and a movie, so they'll be back late." he said. "Ok." I answered. His house was nice. I've only seen it a few times but every time I 'm really amazed. It fits him perfectly with is personality and class. He's the perfect guy for me. I love him. "I love you." I said, speaking my thoughts out loud. "Ditto," he said, "Are you hungry?" "No." "Ok, but tell me if you ever do get hungry." "Alright." he then grabbed some wine out of the fridge. It was red. The kind that makes me all- you know. "Umm Castle, red wine makes me, umm never mind, bring it over." I said laughing at myself. He handed me my glass and sat down next to me. We talked about his case and about Josh. I had never opened up to someone as much as I do to Castle. Of course I did to my mother, but you all know the story. I then leaned into Castle's story as we watched the movie Mr. and Mrs. Smith. "What a great power couple they are." Castle said looking over at me. My eyes were closed and I fell asleep because the last thing I heard Castle say was 'power.'

Another chapter done! Thanks for reading, you guys are awesome. I'm busy next week so I might not update a lot.

    - K

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