A Hybrid's Retribution (Old)

By Obsidian-Ace

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(Special thanks to jackrip for the commissioned artwork) Fighting the losing fight, humanity's downfall is ap... More

Waste of Medicine
Old Friends New Plans
Deals and Drinks
The Demon's Daughters
Before the Storm
An Agreement
Grim Skies
Off The Grid
Shopping Free
History and Madness
Finally Free?
Pleasant Conversations
Old artwork

A Day at the Docks

421 21 7
By Obsidian-Ace

"We're almost there. Get your gear ready."

Noah prepared his carbine and kept a focused gaze. The town ahead would hopefully have a boat quick enough to get across the English Channel and over to Calais.

They passed Canterbury half an hour before arriving at the coastal town of Dover. The town, like everywhere else, was abandoned and eerie enough to drive even the most quiet individuals crazy.

Hector pulled the truck over into the parking lot of the marina and parked right next to the front gate leading to the docks. The two walked along the paved path through a small bridge checkpoint leading to a series of small buildings.

Noah looked over the railing and was surprised to see more than enough boats to take roughly a hundred people across the channel.

"Ha, look here we got plenty to choose from. Pick any model you like." Noah sarcastically chimed in.

Hector gave a quick glance over to the small abundance of boats remaining in the dockyard before returning his attention to the building before them.

"First things first, let's check to see if we got keys for any of them that have engines in the main office. After that we're probably gonna need to find some essentials." Hector bluntly spoke ruining Noah's feeble attempt at humor.

"Time to rummage?"

Hector nodded before reaching the set of double doors leading into the main building, the doors were chained together and locked with a padlock holding it tightly in place.

"Too bad we didn't pack bolt cutters." Hector murmured inspecting the lock.

Noah lifted his carbine and tapped the barrel on the lock suggesting a simple solution.

"Too loud, probably a key some-"

"We just drove a truck from London all the way to the coastline of the U.K., I doubt anyone is here." Noah interrupted before swatting Hector's hands away from the lock.

Hector tried in vain to prevent Noah from firing, but with a crack from the carbine the lock snapped open and swung limply from the chains all the while the shot echoed around them.

"Are you fucking kidding me?!" Hector scolded.

"Shhh, you hear that?" Noah responded by putting his hand up to his ear.

A moment of silence passes before Noah removes his hand away from his head and pats Hector on the shoulder.

"Nothing, nothing at all, relax Hec'." Noah continued, he removed the chains from the doors before dropping them to the ground. "Come on, I don't want to stay long."

Soon after entering the building both Hector and Noah were surprised to see tents and lamps scattered across the floor as if a small community lived inside. Sleeping bags and empty cans of food could also be seen laying around.

"Probably set up shop before ditching out back west." Hector spoke inspecting the nearest lamp lying on the floor.

"You sure about that?" Noah questioned.

A foul stench finally pushed its way past Hector's mask, one he was all too familiar with. Hector turned his head to Noah who was gesturing towards the northern wall. The wall was covered with holes along with a dark maroon color to match the scene. Hector closed his eyes and grimaced at the sight.

Noah and Hector slowly shuffle past the crime scene making sure to take a full look at the dozen bodies that laid peacefully on the ground rotting away.

Within minutes of searching the dock masters office and a few other supply closets the pair withdrew the building now carrying the keys to a decently sized fishing boat and two tanks of gas.

Silence filled the air as they both left the building, closing the doors behind them. Hector did his best to secure the chains back to the building, while Noah continued on towards the docks.

Hector finished looping the chains around the door handles and moved after Noah, soon the pair both reunited on the docks next to the small assortment of boats.

"Okay, which one?" Noah questioned, doing his best to brush off what they saw moments prior.

Hector looked at the few remaining boats and pointed to a decently sized fishing boat big enough for a four man crew. The pair boarded the vessel, and immediately began to inspect the ship's condition.

Nothing was out of place or missing, even a spare key was found aboard already in the ignition making their previous encounter seem nearly irrelevant however the tank was bone dry of fuel.

Noah got to work refueling the tank while Hector was inspecting and tuning the engine. The silence between the two was drowned out by the sounds of water gently crashing into the boat's side and the sound of Hector tinkering with the engine.

Noah finished emptying the second gas tank and leaned up against the door leading into the boat's interior where Hector was working in a compartment below.

While Hector was working, Noah decided to take the time to entertain himself by whistling his favorite song. Hector, even deep in concentration, listened to Noah's tune and smirked.

Despite his reckless behavior over the last few hours, Hector couldn't stay angry with him. He was well versed with the feeling of loss and knew that eventually he would come back to his proper senses. Or at least that was his hope, if not, his competence in the state of combat would ensure as much.

Putting down the wrench Hector hoisted himself out of the compartment and walked over to the captain's chair taking it for himself. Turning the key, the engine tried to start unsuccessfully. Hector tried again and again but was unable to get it started.

Noah soon stopped his whistling and looked out to the horizon, the sun was setting and the wind was slowly starting to pick up. He figured even if Hector managed to get the engine going it would be too windy to sail across the channel until the wind died down a bit.

"Damn it!" Hector cursed, slapping the dash of the boat.

Noah already moved away from the door and grabbed both of their bags. He figured that they had two options: sleep on the boat while the storm tossed them around lightly on board, or sleep with the corpses inside the already unlocked building.

But unfortunately the pair did forget some supplies in the truck as Noah noticed that they weren't in possession of any food upon unzipping both bags.

"Here take these, I'm going to grab the rest of the supplies from the truck."

"What did we forget?" Hector turned around confused.

"The food." Noah replied, stepping back aboard the docks.

"Alright, I'll see you back here soon." Hector spoke, descending back down into the compartment.

Noah ventured off back to the truck, his mind wandering back to the thought of the weather conditions and how long they might be stuck in the coastal town. As he reached the truck the doors already unlocked he opened the back door to be met with the missing supplies.

Grabbing what he could he stuffed the vast majority of the stockpiled food into his bag leaving only the small snacks behind. As he was about to leave back to Hector a small buzzing noise caught his attention, his head turned to the front as the buzzing sounded more like a vibration the second time. Closing the back door Noah made his way to the front seat and opened the door to be met with a phone falling to the asphalt ground beneath him.

Reaching down to pick up the small device, Noah was surprised by Damian's name glaring on the screen. As Noah was about to answer, the screen went dead with the call ending. Disappointed he tucked the phone away into his front pocket and decided he would tell Hector Damian tried to call.

Closing the door to the truck Noah swung his bag over his shoulder and began to make his way back to the boat.
Hector awaited Noah with a sweat covered brow and grease covered hands as he stopped tinkering with the engine.

"Back so soon?" Hector spoke, washing his hands in the water below.

"I got the food, now we just need to wait out the storm and get on our way across."

Hector dried his hands on a dirty cloth and took a seat back inside the boat's interior. The floor was arranged for two sleeping bags with the heads at opposite ends. Noah walked over to the bag labeled with a strand of tape and set his bag at the feet of it.

Hector did the same by moving his bag to the bottom of his before making sure the windows were closed and the blinds were shut. He then closed the door as the wind started to pick up making a small whistling sound before Hector sealed themselves inside.

"I should mention Damian called." Noah spoke, reaching into his front pocket removing the phone.

Hector's head shot over to Noah who was holding the phone out towards him. Confused, he snatched the phone from Noah and turned the screen on to see the missed call.

"How many times did he call me?" Hector asked.

"I missed the one as I grabbed it but other than that I'm not quite sure. Besides, it's probably him just wanting to know where we are."

"Maybe, we'll find out soon enough." Hector replied.

The two crept into the bags on the floor and started to get as comfortable as possible with the constant rocking of the ship. Noah was used to constant motion and never really got motion sickness while Hector was not nearly as lucky. He gets sick on the occasion but it never really gets bad enough for him to lose his lunch.

Noah finally removes the mask from his face and turns it to face him. The white and black markings would mirror its counterpart, a face he truly began to miss.

Discarding the mask into his bag, Noah used his arm as best as he could for padding against the hard carpet floor, getting sleep tonight would be difficult but he would need the rest for the next day to come.

Hector watched as Noah tried to get comfortable and chuckled internally. Maybe rest would help steady and calm his mind, but the storm outside would make that rather difficult.

Trying not to think about the constant rocking, Hector flipped onto his side facing away from Noah and did his best to make his body relax. As he did Hector questioned himself wondering why Damian had called him, no doubt the phone fell out of his pocket as they left the truck the first time but he was curious as to why he would call so soon after they dropped into London.

Deciding to find out, he grabbed the device from his pocket and pulled the bag over his head so the light wouldn't disturb Noah.

The missed call was still present on screen but now a letter icon was also visible. Unlocking the phone Hector opened the message and began to read.

How are you and the boy?

Hector read the text over again thinking of a response to give. Noah was in better shape a little while ago but before that he was in a rough state. Himself on the other hand was admittedly tense.

Good for now, just got a boat in Dover and we're going to head out by morning. He responded eventually.

Good... When you cross the channel give me a ring so I can help guide you for your next move.

Hector read the message and was pleased that Damian was still keeping a lookout for the two despite his work back in the city.

Will do, also thanks for the ride again. Hector messaged.

No problem, just think right now you'd be on another boat to Europe rather than being there already.

Hector chuckled at the thought realizing he was probably right. Curtis' ship had to have barley pulled into the docks back home.

I owe you one.

You owe me nothing, besides anything owed you're paying me back for it in full already and more.

Hector slid the phone back into his pocket and resumed his attempt at horrid quality sleep. Noah already snoring lightly.

The next morning flew by easily as the two spent the whole time fixing the engine, eventually Hector finally got the job done. Delighted with the running sound of the engine Noah untied the knotted ropes holding the boat in place allowing them to finally leave Dover. About an hour in, Hector was already seasick and decided to put Noah at the wheel while he got fresh air in his lungs.

Pulling out the phone Hector messaged Damian and informed him that they left the town and were on their way east across the channel. Damian responded with a smile and that he'd keep in touch.

A few more hours passed while the boat steadily made its way across the water. The occasional fish jumped out making Hector wish they stole some fishing gear from the marina, even though he wasn't a competent fisherman he'd at least have something to do.

Blackburn was positioned behind his desk and monitors. He was just going over some government orders before the entrance to his office was basically thrown open.

"Mr. Blackburn sir!" An anthro in medical attire stammered out quickly shutting the door behind her.

Blackburn closed the documents before rising out of his chair. "What is the meaning of this intrusion? You should know by now that my office is available to no one unless I deem the circumstances necessary."

"My apologies sir, but I have important news regarding the Gambit trials."

Blackburn's ears perked, he moved around his desk closing the gap between himself and the doctor.

"You see we've come to a recent discov-"

"That ridiculous project was to be buried with doctor Parks, why are you digging up what should stay buried!?" Blackburn growled.

"It was not my intention to disobey your orders, but I have something you should see." The doctor continued, holding out a single paper.

Blackburn took the paper into his grasp and looked over it. The doctor trembled slightly as she gripped her arm waiting for his reaction. Blackburn's expression changed from frustration to confusion and later curiosity, he moved the paper closer to his face as if rereading the paper more intently.

"When was this conducted?" He questioned calmly.

"At two yesterday morning, sir." She replied a little less tense.

"And I only hear about this now!?" He scoffed.

Blackburn folded the paper and tucked it into his suit. He reached over grabbing her shoulder pulling her in.

"Where is the subject now? How many are involved with this?" His tone changed to a more and more aggressive state.

The doctor tried to think of every individual who was there and before she could give a response the doors opened again to another two anthros adorned with military attire.

"We shall discuss this matter later, I want a list of names of those who were present." Blackburn whispered before instructing her to leave the room.

"Ahh, General Jones, and Commander Tenno it's good to see you two, how was your flight from Belgium?" He greeted throwing his arms out in the air.

"The flight was pleasant, thank you. On more important matters I am happy to report that we have completely claimed the European coast." The reptilian commander replied with a small smile.

Blackburn smiled, he had awaited the day of victory for too long. Now that the war was over it was time to celebrate.

"Well done, now how about a drink to both of your accomplishments and successes?"

The general nodded and walked over with him to his desk while the commander followed suit, a bottle of champagne was removed from its position on the bookshelf close to Blackburn's desk.

"With the human nations out of the way we can finally move on to more important matters, like clearing the war torn landscape out of our newly obtained territory and establishing new cities atop the ruins of the old." Blackburn continued with a smile, while pouring the contents of the bottle into two wine glasses.

"That is correct, my soldiers have agreed to assist in the clean up as much as possible, while the general here will help the officials with the new resource management."

"Perfect, it sounds as if all our troubles are now resolved and behind us. We can finally start a new era without the worry of an inferior race posing a threat to anyone." Blackburn finished passing the glasses to his guests.

The pair downed the contents over the course of a few minutes while they continued the discussion. Shortly after a knock interrupted once again as another soldier stood at attention at the door.

"Sorry to interrupt but may I please have a word with general Jones." The soldier asked.

Blackburn waved the general away who left with the soldier. After the doors closed once again they resumed the conversation, meanwhile Nora spoke with the soldier.

"What is it?"

"General, we have a problem... or two." The soldier spoke calmly and quietly so as to not be overheard by any other anthro in close proximity.

"Can it wait? I'm supposed to be in there helping the movement plans west."

"Unfortunately it can not, general fireteam Viking has escaped custody."

Nora froze, anger and rage blew through her mind in a matter of seconds but was quickly shut down. not only was her superior in the room but retired general Johnathan Blackburn was also present.

"I've already put out the order to have them hunted down and captured but unfortunately another matter should be brought to your attention."

"What else could be worse than that?" Nora asked, gripping the wine glass tightly.

The soldier held out an electronic map to her and after inspecting for a few seconds red dots started to pop out several times along a path.

"Motion sensors have been triggered in the United Kingdom, they go down south to the coast where whatever or whoever triggered them is currently held up."

"You told me yesterday that the zone was clean, no human presence whatsoever."

The soldier looked down in shame knowing her disappointment and frustration. Nora on the other hand didn't have time for any of this, not now at least.

"Track'em, find'em, kill'em." She finished turning to enter the room she just left.

"What about Viking?" The soldier questioned as she opened the door.

"Do I need to repeat my orders?"

"Understood ma'm."

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