Gray (Taekook Omegaverse)

By LettyTK

42.4K 1.8K 219

Idol superstar Jungkook found himself pregnant only a few weeks before the biggest world tour of his career.H... More



1.4K 58 4
By LettyTK

Jungkook woke up way early before his husband's alarm went off.He got up and went to make breakfast as well as their baby daughter's food.When he was done he came and woke up both the father and daughter duo.

When Taehyung got up he pulled the omega on top of him.The omega struggled to get out of the older's grip but he failed.

"Taehyung i woke you up so we could get ready and leave.Not so you could hold me.You had the time to do that last night but you didn't"

"I was holding our daughter in case you forgot.You sound jealous of her.I can't believe you"

"Get up"

"I don't want to get up yet.It hurts to know that i won't be able to wake up with you and hold you like this"

"Please  don't start"

"I love you"

"I love you more but you have to be strong for us.We aren't going away forever.It's only a matter of six months.We will be home before you know it"Jungkook said

"You sound so convincing that i have no other option but to believe you"

"Stop whining and get up.If you don't get into the bathroom right now you are going to be late"

"It's not like they can fire me"

"Why can't they?Is it your father's hospital?"the omega asked

"They would be nothing without me and they know that.It will be their loss.Remember i run an entire department"

"Good for you.I like your confidence but getting to work on time won't cost you a thing"

"By the time you guys get back i will be a professor"Taehyung announced casually

"You are getting promoted?"Jungkook exclaimed


"I'm so happy for you my love.It's an occasion that we shouldn't miss but there is nothing we can do about it"

"I know baby"

"We would have thrown a party and i would have bragged about it on social media.The haters will be mad but all the same I'm proud of you.You are a great person and you deserve all the good things that come your way.I love you hubby and im so lucky to have you"

"I love you too.Thank you for giving me Hyejin.She is the best gift you have ever given me"Taehyung said with a smile.

"Tae..I should wake her up and give her a bath.While i do that you should have your bath.Do you understand me Taehyung?"

"Yes sir"

"Why is it getting hard for you to cooperate with me these days"

"I don't wanna"

"You are being too bratty for someone your age"Jungkook giggled

"I will go"

Hyejin wasn't going to wake up any soon so Jungkook gave her a bath while she was sleeping.He knew his daughter wouldn't mind because she loved bathing more than anything.When the little mermaid woke up she kept kicking and splashing the water.Her fun was cut short because they had somewhere to be.

After dressing her up in florals and pink,Jungkook took her to the kitchen.Taehyung arrived at the same time.He was already dressed up.He volunteered to feed their daughter while Jungkook had his shower.In half an hour they were all ready to leave.

Taehyung drove to the hospital whilst Jungkook drove to his parents house.He was going to drop his daughter there but he found out that his mother wasn't home.The helpers said she had left for a vacation with her husband.

Jungkook didn't know what to do.A set isn't somewhere to take a baby.A light had almost fell on her one day in the and that wasn't to be repeated.Up until today Taehyung didn't know about the incident.Jungkook knew it wasn't going to end well .The omega is  forever thankful to the staff member that caught the light in time.His daughter would have been history.So would he because there was no way he was going to live if his daughter had died.

Once he had figured out what to do with his daughter Jungkook called up Jin and told him he would be late because he had a situation at hand.He couldn't just throw her away.

Half an hour later Jungkook pulled over in the parking lot.Got out of the car,grabbed his daughter from her seat and her diaper bag that was next to her.He placed her securely on his hip and then locked his car.While he was walking people were staring at him and that wasn't anything new.He paid them no mind.All his attention was on his daughter.

"Do you know where we are princess?"Jungkook asked as they walked through the doors of the building.


"Oh my baby is a genius.We are here to see your dada.Play with him for a while and i will come and get you.I know you are a good girl and you won't trouble him"

"Dada"she clapped her chubby tiny hands.

"Yes we are going to see him"

On his way he asked the receptionist if his husband was in and he received a positive response.

"I can't wait to see his face when he realize he will be watching Jinnie.He will mostly freak out"Jungkook said to himself.

Jungkook pushed the door open and got the alpha's attention

"Baby...what a surprise"

"Look who is here"

"Princess come to daddy"Taehyung said with a smile as he took his daughter into his arms.

"She has been calling you non stop so i thought i should bring her to you"

"Missed me already'

"She did"Jungkook confirmed with a smile.

"And you?"

"No ways"

"I thought you said you have an engagement"

"Mom isn't home so there is no one to take care of her.I don't know what to do'

"I'm free.You can leave her with me"

"Really hubby?"

"Why not.She isn't only your daughter but mine too.We both have responsibility towards her.I don't want you to cancel your plans when I'm here"

"You are the best husband in the world.I will let you know when I'm done.Everything is in her bag.Thank you so much.I love you"

"I love you more"

"I should go"Jungkook kissed both his daughter and husband goodbye.

When Jungkook was out of sight Taehyung sat on his seat with his daughter on his lap.She started playing with the items on his desk.Taehyung noticed her interest and immediately removed the dangerous objects.He didn't want her to get hurt.Goodness knows Jungkook would never forgive him for being careless with his daughter.

She got so busy while talking to herself.Taehyung was in awe.It felt like yesterday when she didn't have a single teeth in her mouth and now it was full of teeth.Very soon she will start talking too.

Hyejin was really a miracle.She had witnessed a lot while she was inside Jungkook's womb.First their ugly breakup,the fight ,Jungkook's suicide attempt and them the talk of abortion.It was all too much for a little bean that hadnt come into the world yet.They didn't want any of that to happen again.If babies could remember everything that happens while they are inside the womb then Hyejin would hate her parents.She would have even refused to come into this world.

After a while Taehyung noticed his daughter fiddling with his theothescope.He picked it up and placed it around her neck.She looked up at him and started giggling.

"Do you  like it my princess"

"Dada"she she smiled at him gleefully.

"Yes princess"


The door then opened revealing  Jimin who wore a big smile on his face.

"Look who is here.I heard Jungkook was in the building and i thought i should stop by and say hie.Where is he?"

"He left"

"He left our princess with you.That's so cute of him.We are going to have a lot of fun"


Hyejin made grabby hands towards Jimin and who was Taehyung to refuse her .

"Minie"the baby uttered

"I didn't know she liked me that much.Do you think she knows I'm her dad's best friend"

"Of course she does.My daughter is really smart"

"I guess there is going to be another doctor in the family very soon.She is likely to follow in your footsteps.I mean look at her with the theothescop"

"I don't doubt it but if she decides to be something else i won't have a problem with that.I will support her regardless.That's what parents do"

"You are right.Can i keep her.You and Jungkook can always make another one"

"Not any time soon.That will happen over Jungkook's dead body.You have no idea how much he loves our daughter .No one would believe that he wanted her gone once"

"Don't bring that up.He will feel bad if he hears you"

"I won't ever say it again"


"If you want a child so bad then why don't you have one?"the alpha asked

"I just started dating this guy about a year ago and it would be weird if i tell him that i want a baby.You and Jungkook were together for eight years before you got married.You know each other inside and out.I can't say i know him well enough to plan a baby with him"

"Are you going to wait eight years then?"Taehyung asked teasingly

"Stop making fun of me"

"Regrets are part of life.Go for it if you love him.Even if you end up breaking up the baby will still be yours right"

"I want to have a baby after getting married"

"Then be the one to propose.Time doesn't wait for no one"

"I will just casually bring up the topic of marriage and children.I will see how he will react to it"

"Who is this guy anyways"

"You don't know the person your best friend is dating"

"Please don't tell me it's my brother in law"

"Taehyung i can't believe you.Hanjoon seriously.We are just friends.You of all people should know that"

"How can i know him if you have never introduced him to me"

"You will have to find out for yourself if you are really curious"

"Does Jungkook know him"

"Very well.He is the one who got us together.He thought i was dating his brother and told me he is no good.Now here we are.Happy and madly in love"

"I will ask Jungkook"

"Hyejin is such a darling.I really envy Jungkook"


"Because his daughter looks everything like him.I don't want to lie to you pal but this darling looks nothing like you"Jimin said

"You just had to rub it in did you"

"I also want a daughter who looks everything like me.I didn't know that even omegas could have such overpowering genes"

"Now you know.Good luck with having a child who looks like you"

"Forgive me for saying this but if you don't step up all your children will look like Jungkook.No one would be able to know that those kids are yours.Even your grandkids as well as great grandkids will look like him"

"Get out"Taehyung barked

"Can i take Jungkook's daughter with me?"Jimin asked teasingly

"Absolutely not"

"I will just call Jungkook and tell him that you are making your daughter cry by not letting me play with her.I don't think he will be happy with you"

"If you want to play with her then do it here.I want to watch her too"



When Jungkook arrived at the company he was briefed about the shoot and they left for the set right after.

Jin was watching whilst Jungkook had his makeup done.He had to film his last commercial before he leaves for his tour.

"So hyung the thing we talked about"Jungkook paused when he remembered that there was a third person in the room.He kindly asked the make up artist to leave.

"You were saying"

"The thing i said I would tell you in person"Jungkook said

"Ah yes.I had forgotten about that"Jin said

"So after we came back from Jeju he told me he was going to get treated and that was the last we talked about it"

"Up until now?"


"It's been a year and half"

"I know but what can i do when he isn't saying anything to me"the younger said

"Aren't you curious.Why don't you ask him about it"

"I don't want to.I already feel bad for the way i reacted back then.I can't cause any more damage"

"Jungkook you have to forgive yourself .Taehyung has already forgiven you hasn't he?Why not forgive yourself"

"I get it hyung but i don't want to push him.I don't want him to feel like sex is all that matters in our relationship.I want him to do things at his own pace.He will tell me when he feels like it.I can live without sex.It's nothing.I really don't want to bother him about it"

"I understand"


Around lunch time Taehyung came out of his office while holding his daughter's hand.On the other hand she was holding a lolipop that she had barely eaten.Her chubby cheeks were sticky because of it.

He couldn't believe that the small person was already walking.She was quite a shortie and it was a sight to see a baby her height walking.Taehyung was way taller than her so he had to walk according to her pace.

Hyejin had started walking when she was only ten months and it was a shocker.At this point she could even run .Every weekend he would take her for a walk.Whenever she gets tired he would carry her in his arms.

"Mom hasn't called.What shall we do."

"Mama"Hyejin's eyes twinkled while she was facing ahead.

"I know you miss him.I miss him too"

"Mama...Mama.."she chanted and then smiled brightly.

Taehyung looked up ahead and saw Jungkook coming in their direction.He let go of her tiny hand so she could ran to her mother like she wanted to.

Jungkook ran to her and scooped her into his arms.

"My baby.Did you have fun with daddy"

"Jimin stole her from me.Fed her all sorts of stuff"

"Including this lolipop?"

"That's him"

"She didn't even cry or call for me"

"No.Since you are here let's go for lunch"

"Sure.I'm famished"

They went to the nearest restaurant and got a table for themselves.Hyejin was sitting on Taehyung's lap because she was still a baby.They ordered something that their daughter could eat too.They got smashed potatoes and some eggs for her.Her teeth weren't strong enough for her to have steak.

"Guess what?"


"I don't need to get a nanny anymore"

"Why?What happened"

"Jin hyung said he would watch Jinnie whenever I'm performing"

"Did he really say that"

"I tried to refuse but he kept insisting.I had to give in because he left me no option"

"He is really lovely.Your mind should be at ease knowing that she will be with family.You won't have to worry about her"

"Can you believe it.I'm so lucky to have him as both my manager and my brother in law"

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