The fall of our secrets

By abirrosa2

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She was fire, he was ice. She raged and burned everything in her path when he stayed calm and collected. She... More

My first note
Chapter 7
Chapter 32
Chapter 33


30 8 6
By abirrosa2

Hello everyone,

I hope you are all doing well.

Here is a new chapter, Enjoy!


I closed the door behind me and fully entered the recovery room where Lexie was laying on the bed with tubes and machines attached to her body.

The last time I was in this position, the outcome was not something I wish to relive.

I sat on the chair next to her bed and clasped her hands in mine. I sighed in relief at their warmth. Her face was pale, but she was breathing steadily.

"Lexie, I am so sorry. It is the first time I apologise to you for involving you in my mess. I didn't mean to get you hurt, but deep down, I knew it was the inevitable result."

My words were coming from my heart. I meant every single one of them. The pain inside me was unbearable, but I couldn't let it out.

I wanted badly to scream and cry, but my eyes refused to produce any tears. They were adamant about painting me as a heartless human being. Even my best's friend predicament didn't raise my reaction for me.

I ran my hand through her soft hair while keeping my eyes on the heart monitor. Its beeping was a balm to my tortured soul.

I don't know how much time had passed when I felt a hand shaking my shoulder. I opened my eyes and felt disoriented for a few moments as I didn't realise I have been sleeping in the first place.

"Wake up, Nina." Ethan's voice penetrated my foggy mind.

Sleeping on a chair is never a good choice. Don't ever try it if you could help it. I slowly stretched my arms over my head and looked at Ethan in confusion.

"Where am I?" I looked around the room, and when my eyes landed on Lexie's body, the last hours' events came crushing into my head.

I jerked and nearly fell to the ground, but Ethan caught me in his arms. "Take it easy. Everything is okay."

He eased me back into my chair and looked me in the eye. "Your friend's condition is stable. Sandy just checked on her and gave her another dose of painkillers."

I looked at Lexie and smiled at seeing the colour coming back to her cheeks. "I was out for how long?" I asked with a yawn.

"You were sleeping for five hours at least. I went back to the apartment and brought a change of clothes for both you and your friend."

"Lexie, my friend, her name is Lexie., I informed Ethan with a small smile.

"Well, after bringing the things you need, I called Jason." Ethan threw me a small bag and said calmly. "In there are new identities and a passport in case your friend needs them." Ethan clarified while I inspected the papers.

I put the small bag on the bedside table and threw myself in Ethan's unsuspecting arms. He barely caught me and wrapped his arms around me.

"Why the sudden affection?" Ethan asked, resting his chin on my head.

"I don't have enough words to thank you, Ethan. What you did today was something no one did to me before." I spoke with honesty.

"Nina, you are my girl, and I treat special women in my life the way they deserve. When I say words, I mean them." Ethan drew away from the hug and put both his hands on my shoulders while keeping eye contact with me. "I know something big is happening here, but I will refrain from asking any questions. I am giving you all the time you need to come to me and speak on your own."

I was stunned for a few moments by his words. His declaration woke butterflies inside my stomach, and I found myself leaning closer to him. I put my head on his shoulder and chose to stay silent.

I had no words to explain my current predicament. I was stuck in the middle between two people that I loved.

Wait for a second Nina, did you just admit that you love Ethan?

Yes, I love him. What he did for me in the past few months, no one did in my entire life. Do I have any reason not to love him?

For the first time in my life, my conscious didn't have any arguments to throw in my face.

Ethan gently lifted my head and stroked my cheek. "You have dried blood all over you. You should go and take a shower in the cabinet's bathroom. I will stay here with Lexie until you are back."

I anxiously looked over my shoulder at Lexie's figure. Leaving her side wasn't the best idea at the moment.

"Don't worry about her. I will keep vigilant by her side." Ethan said with a teasing gleam in his eyes.

I slapped his arm playfully, gathered my clothes, and left the room with a final look in Lexie's direction.

Feeling refreshed after a long shower, I exited the bathroom only to come face to face with Sandy.

She gave me a small smile and said in her airy voice. "I ordered you some breakfast. Come and let's eat together."

"I am not hungry. I need to go and check on Lexie." I declined politely.

"She is stable and would be awake in a few hours. Meanwhile, you must eat something to refill your energy reserves."

At my look of hesitation, she raised an eyebrow and said in a stern voice. "It is doctor's orders."

Defeated, I followed her to a small room where two couches dominated most of the space. I sat on one of them with sandy next to me.

She reached over for the covered plastic containers and handed me one with chopsticks."I hope you don't mind Chinese food."

"Not at all, thank you," I said and started eating right away. As always, I didn't realise I was hungry until the first bite hit my taste buds.

We ate in comfortable silence until our containers were both empty. Sandy got up and went to the small fridge in the corner of the room and took out a bottle of sparkling water. "Do you want a drink?"

"Yes, a soda would be great."
Sandy looked at me with her mouth wide open.

"What?" I asked with a raised eyebrow.
"You drink soda?" She inquired in wonder as she took a sip from her bottle and offered me the soda.

"So?" I was still confused by her exclamation as I opened the bottle and enjoyed the cold drink.

"I am just surprised that you have this body and could drink soda at the same time. I am following a strict diet and working out every day to maintain my shape." Sandy said with a pout.

"Well, I think I am gifted," I said with a shrug, enjoying the sugary beverage.

"I see you are lucky on many levels." I noticed the change in Sandy's voice. I put all my attention on her and waited for her to elaborate.

"I mean, you are in a relationship with Ethan. He is a catch, you know."

I was surprised by her boldness and decided to treat her accordingly. "Yes, you are correct. Ethan is one in a million. I am so lucky to have him by my side."

I saw anger burning in her eyes, but she effectively cloaked it and gave me a nasty smile. "By the way, Martin wanted me to tell you how much he is satisfied with the work you did until now. He just hopes you will continue working this way."

My mind stopped processing as soon as Martin's name left her mouth. I abruptly jumped from my seat, and the bottle of soda fell to the ground with a loud thud.

"What are you talking about? How do you know Martin?"

"The same way you know him." Sandy was still lounging on the couch with the same smirk playing on her face.

"What do you want from me? I work only with Martin. If he wants to talk about anything, he can always call me."
Damn! Ethan was surrounded by fake people. If only I could bring her real face to the light.

"Oh! I see. Your standards are higher. You answer only to the boss. Martin only wanted you to understand that you are always watched. His eyes are everywhere."

Before I could give her another piece of my mind, Ethan entered the room. He looked at the scene in front of him and asked. "What is going on here?"

"Nina here got angry when I told her her friend must stay longer so I am sure her condition is better," Sandy said with a gentle voice.

The bitch was playing on both sides. Ethan shot me a glare and grabbed my hand. "Nina, Sandy is the doctor here, and she is the one who decides when Lexie leaves. Don't give her a hard time."

It was the first time I wanted to gouge out Ethan's beautiful emerald eyes. "Lexie is my friend, and I decide when she leaves here. The moment she is awake, we are leaving." I announced and turned to leave.

"Nina, why are you being difficult?" Ethan asked in an angry voice and grabbed my arm preventing me from walking further.

"Let her be, Ethan. She is just worried about her friend. I understand her feelings." Sandy put her hand on Ethan's shoulders, and I wanted to scream at her to remove it, but I refrained and forcefully shook my hand out of his grip.

Without another look in their direction, I headed to Lexie's room. I was too enraged to notice that my best friend's eyes were open. Her voice brought me out of my dark thoughts.

"Nina," I snapped out of my stupor and ran to her side.

I clasped her hands in mine and said with a smile. "Lexie, how are you?"

"After being shot, I think I can say I am doing just fine," Lexie answered with her sunshine grin.

I was hesitant, but I forced myself to ring for Sandy. Several moments had passed before she came to the room accompanied by Ethan. Sandy gave me a forced smile before she started examining Lexie.

I made sure my eyes were on her the whole time in case she decided to do something to my friend.

"You are healing just fine. You would be able to leave tomorrow morning." The stubborn minx dared to say.

I opened my mouth to protest, but Ethan spoke in a stern voice. "Nina, don't."

I closed my eyes and counted to ten before I committed a crime and killed the older son of a mafia family.

Sandy smiled in satisfaction and left the room. Ethan looked at me and motioned towards the door.

"We need to talk."

"I am not in the mood, Ethan. We will talk later." I refused and sat next to Lexie who was watching the exchange between us with keen eyes.

Ethan sighed and left the room as well. I was surprised he didn't slam the door as I knew he was exploding at my stubbornness.

"So, he is Ethan?" Lexie said with a raised eyebrow.

"Yes," I answered absentmindedly. My mind was occupied with a lot of thoughts at the moment.

"He is so hot." Lexie's words made me laugh out loud.

"You have been shot not one day ago, and now, you think Ethan is hot. You are crazy, my girl." I jested as I tried to tame her wild hair.

"I didn't die. I still have eyes, and I am not going to ignore beauty when I see it." Lexie said nonchalantly.

"You are crazy." I surrendered and grabbed her hand. "How are you? I am serious this time, Lexie."

Lexie lost her smile, and sadness took over her features. "I am so sorry, Nina. I tried with all my power to prevent them from taking Aria, but I couldn't. They overpowered me and snatched her." Ugly sobs rocked Lexie's body, and I managed to side-hug her. I whispered sweet nothings in her ear to ease her guilt.

It took me about ten minutes to calm her down and made her listen to my next words.

"Lexie, it wasn't your fault. They would have taken Aria no matter what. I am just glad you are fine and out of danger."

"She was terrified, Nina," Lexie whispered.

"Don't worry. I will do the impossible to contact her as soon as I have the chance." I wasn't assuring Lexie alone. I was doing it for myself as well.

"That man was scary. It was the first time I felt like I was going to die. I am afraid for your sake, Nina." Lexie said with worry still etched on her face.

"Please, Lexie. I will fix it."

Lexie dropped the subject, and we chatted about nothing in particular. Mostly, she recalled her antics with Aria while I was away.

It was the first time in so long that I laughed from the bottom of my heart. Ethan interrupted us again, bringing dinner.

We didn't exchange any words, and he left us alone. I was touched when I saw a double cheeseburger with a bottle of soda, my favourite on the small table beside Lexie's bed.

I helped Lexie eat her chicken soup and chopped strawberries before I devoured her.

Once we were done, I looked Lexie in the eye. The words I was going to say next are crucial, and she must listen to them.

"Lexie, first, I want to apologise to you about everything. I didn't mean to drag you into this."

Lexie huffed and shook her head. "As if I had a life before this, Nina."

I gave her a gentle smile and spoke in a serious tone. "I brought you new a identity and tickets to Sweden. Your flight is tomorrow at eleven in the morning. I want you to dye your hair and put on lenses as soon as possible. For the time being, I have a wig for you. It will do until you are out of here."

Lexie's eyes widened, and she shook her head negatively. "No way, Nina. I won't leave you alone with everything going on."

"Lexie, I want you to be safe. Unfortunately, the only way to make this happen is to send you away. I want you to stay by my side, but I want you alive more than anything else."

I saw Lexie's resolve melting with every word I spoke. I squeezed her hand harder and gave her an encouraging smile.

"You must promise me to call every chance you get."

I nodded my head in agreement at her words. She thought for a few moments before she spoke again.

"You must promise to allow me to come back when things are clear."

I chuckled at her expression and shook my head in exasperation. "Of course, Lexie. Do you think I can live without you?"

Lexie pouted again and opened her arms for a hug. Lexie sometimes could act like a five-year-old. I obliged and hugged her tightly.

I waited until Lexie drifted off to sleep before I tucked the covers around her body and left the room quietly.

Ethan was in the recreation room working on his laptop. He looked up, and I sucked in a breath.

He was wearing black framed glasses which made his eyes look even more stunning. His hair was dishevelled as if he has ran his hand through it multiple times. It was not fair for someone to look this attractive.

I sat in front of him on one of the scattered love seats. He continued typing for a few minutes before he put his focus on me.

"How is Lexie?"

"She is doing great. She will leave tomorrow at eight. Her flight will be at eleven." His eyes flashed in anger, but I decided to ignore it.

Ethan breathed deeply and said. "I know."

I rolled my eyes in frustration. I hated that all the men in my life know it all. "Of course you do," I commented dryly.

"Sandy offered to come early and check on Lexie." I don't know why Ethan made it his mission to anger me today.

"How nice of her. She doesn't need to come. Lexie is fine, and she would recover without her help."

"Wow! Easy there. Why are you so upset every time I mention Sandy?" Ethan asked, genuinely confused by my behaviour.
"I am not upset. I just don't like her. Also, I don't want you to mention Lexie's new arrangement in front of her. I am serious about this, Ethan."

At the seriousness of my voice, Ethan nodded his head. "Alright, I won't say anything to her."

I sighed in relief and lay down on the couch. "Good."

Ethan stood up from his seat and slowly walked to me. "Are you by any chance jealous of her?"

This time, I couldn't help but let out a humourless chuckle. "And why should I?"

Ethan leaned over and invaded my personal space. "I don't know. It is up to you to tell me."

"You are hallucinating, Ethan. I am not jealous of her or anything. I only don't trust her."

"And why is that?" Ethan in a low voice as he played with one of my hair strands.

Because she is betraying you and your family. She is a traitor.

I wanted to scream at the top of my lungs, but I shrugged my shoulders and said. "It is just my opinion. You can say it is a sixth sense."

Nina? You can't get any lamer.

"I assure you, she can be trusted. She is a member of our family forever. Uncle Edward found her when she was five years old and took her under his wing."
Ethan's words did nothing to ease my worries. They only gave me new things to think about.

On instinct, my eyes closed when I felt Ethan's lips touching my forehead. The kiss was brief and gentle, but it left me with a mess of emotions. Especially since I knew it would be the last kiss I would have from him in a long time.

Ethan got up to his full height and extended his hand towards me. I took it, and he guided me to a room at the end of the corridor.

He opened the door to a beautifully decorated bedroom. "You can spend the night here. Tomorrow is a long day."

"I didn't realise this clinic is an apartment as well," I commented as I took in every detail of the space.

"Well, Uncle Edward spend some of his nights here. So, he makes sure they are comfortable."

"Are you sure your uncle sleeps here?" I eyed the bright yellow bed sheets and pink curtains critically.

Ethan laughed loudly at my expression and said. "His wife is an interior designer."

"Oh! That explains everything."

Well, the bad alpha had a weak spot after all. Edward Salviatti was a weird man, and I never felt comfortable in his presence.

"Tomorrow, we will meet Dad in the afternoon. Goodnight, Nina."

Ethan liked to throw information as if it was nothing important. Mind you, a meeting with Damian Salviatti would never be unimportant.

"Goodnight, Ethan," I said in a resigned voice.

The next morning, I woke up with a new determination. It was a new day and I must get the best of it.

I washed my face and put my hair in a high ponytail before heading to Lexie's room.

I helped her change into fresh clothes, and after eating her breakfast and making sure she was well-disguised, we left the clinic.

Ethan was waiting for us in the parking lot, and we drove to the airport in silence.

We sat in the waiting hall for nearly two hours before Lexie's flight was announced.

I hated airports and goodbye moments with a passion, but this time I didn't have a choice.

It was Lexie leaving me for an undetermined amount of time.
I hugged Lexie tightly while minding her injuries. She returned the hug just as ferociously.

"I will miss you so much." She said in a choked voice.

"Hey!! Don't." I warned gently as I felt Lexie'stears soaking my shirt.

"It is not fair." She whispered through her sobs.

"I know, Lexie. But I promise we will reunite shortly. I will make sure of it." I said softly and hugged my best friend one last time before I broke the embrace.

Lexie dried her tears hurriedly and tried to give me a brave smile.
She turned to Ethan and spoke in a sincere voice. "Thank you so much."

Ethan just nodded his head curtly in response to her words, but I could see that his green eyes were soft and gentle.

Lexie gave me a wide grin and grabbed her luggage. I returned her grin and waved goodbye as she turned around and disappeared into the crowded airport.

"Are you okay?" Ethan asked.

"Are you getting mushy again?" I shot him a meaningful look.

Ethan chuckled and shook his head while leading the way out of the airport. "You are impossible."

"I know." I proclaimed proudly and hurried to catch up with his large strides.

I slipped my hand into his and was satisfied when he squeezed it without hesitation. I needed to feel safe for a few minutes since I knew I would miss that feeling for so long.

Somehow, Ethan's warm hands gave me the courage to carry out what I was planning.

Do you mean your plans to destroy the man you love?

My ever insightful conscious commented sarcastically.

I dared to look at Ethan who was focused on the road, and surely enough, my breath hitched when his green eyes locked with mine, and he gave me his one hundred-million-dollar smile.

I averted my gaze and focused on the road outside. It was not the time to feed my already unnecessary feelings.

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Until next time!

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