Hogwarts: A Flower Husbands F...

By Seth189

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Flower husbands but at Hogwarts. Just so you know Harry Potter isn't a thing. I mean, he's there but like his... More

Working in The Library
Summer Fly By
Third Year
Tea Leaves
Quidditch Tryouts
Qudditch Teams
First Match of The Season
Winning & Losing
Losing in Life
Just Friends
Flower Husbands
Friends Again
Patching Things Up
The Match For The Cup

Asking Him Out

675 25 153
By Seth189

Kelly's Perspective-

Three Weeks Later-

Just ask him Kelly. The Hogsmeade trip is tomorrow.

Kelly took a deep breath and walked up to Jimmy who was talking with Scar about Quidditch in the Hufflepuff Common Room.

"Er- hey Jim, can we talk?"

Jimmy stopped to turn and face her.

Scar smiled and said, "I'm gonna go talk to Joel about our strategy."

Jimmy and Kelly both blushed as Scar walked off and whispered something to Joel, so now they were both watching them.

Jimmy and Kelly laughed.

"Is everything okay?" Jimmy asked.

Kelly took a deep breath, "I was wondering if you wanted to, maybe, it's totally fine if you don't, but like...if you wanted to hang out at Hogsmeade together tomorrow?"

Jimmy blinked a couple of times and blushed.

"Like... as a d-date?"

Kelly's face heated up, "O-only if you want to! I understand if you don't, it's really stupid anyway and- "

"Yeah, I want to! You're really fun to hang out with." Jimmy smiled.

"S-so you want to hang out as friends?" Kelly asked, bracing for impact.

"Well...if you- if you w-want it to be a d-date that's fine with me." Jimmy said, looking away, his face red.

Kelly smiled, her face also red, "O-okay then! It's a d-date!"

They stood there awkwardly until Kelly said,

"I need to get some work done so..."

"Yep!" Jimmy smiled, walking over to Scar and Joel who immediately started questioning him.

Jimmy was still red, possibly even more red by his friends' questions.

Kelly dashed up to the girl's dorm and screamed into her pillow.

"Er- Kel?"

Kelly looked up and saw her friend, Venus, walk in.

"Are you okay? You dashed up pretty fast."

"V, I just asked out my crush!"

"NO!" Venus shouted, a smile on her face.

Kelly nodded, smiling as well, "I asked him out, I asked him out!"

"What'd he say?!"

"Yes!" Kelly squealed.

"Ah!" Venus squealed, "Are you hanging out together at Hogsmeade?"

Kelly nodded.

"Aww, I'm so happy for you. I told you he liked you back!"

"I thought he liked Scott." Kelly said and Venus shook her head.

"I'm pretty sure he's dating Tom."

"Really? Where'd you hear that?"

"Just me assuming." Venus shrugged, "I'm pretty sure they are though. They seem very close."

Kelly thought and then shrugged, she was too excited for tomorrow.

"Well, good for you. I'm happy." Venus then walked to the door, "I have to finish up some Potions homework, you coming?"

"I wanna write a letter to my mom, I'll be a second."

Venus nodded and closed the door behind her.

Kelly stared out the window.

She could just barely see Hogsmeade.

And that's where she was going to be tomorrow.

Her and Jimmy.

The Next Day (Jimmy's Perspective)-

Jimmy was rocking on his heels, waiting for Kelly in the Great Hall.

Scott and Tom passed by him.

"Oh! Hey Jim! Wanna hang out today?" Tom asked and bits of red formed on Scott's cheeks.

"No, sorry. I'm hanging..." Jimmy blushed, "I'm going out with Kelly."

Scott looked heartbroken and grabbed Tom's arm, tugging him away.

"Oh, that's fine. We're gonna- have fun with Kelly- bye." Scott said awkwardly, practically running away.

Jimmy was confused but the emotion was quickly replaced with butterflies as Kelly walked down.

She was wearing what she normally did, but something about the fact that they were dating made it fluster Jimmy even more.

"H-hey." Jimmy smiled.

"Hey! You ready?" She asked.

Jimmy nodded and they started to walk off.

Kelly was messing with the bag that was around her shoulder.

It was light blue and had a cloud pattern on it.

"I like your bag." Jimmy complimented.

"Oh, thanks! My mom gave it to me for my birthday." Kelly smiled, making Jimmy blush.

He loved her smile.

"So how's Quidditch going? Wasn't Scar talking to you about your tactic?"

"Oh yeah. Our first match is against Ravenclaw."

"Oof. Good thing Scott and Tom aren't on their team. That would be bad."

"Yeah. I think their captain is someone named Mumbo."

"Mumbo Jumbo?"

"I think that was it."

Kelly nodded, "I've heard of him. He helped me find my way to potions on the first week of school."

"Probably better if you got lost."

Kelly giggled, "Yeah, probably."

Their conversation went well and soon they entered the village.

Kelly was in awe at the town.

"Wow." She said breathlessly.

They walked around and chatted.

Jimmy got more and more flustered by everything about her.

The way she gasped and awed at every item in the store.

The way she would laugh and make jokes.

The way she would look around and smile from ear to ear.

Eventually, they decided to get some Butterbeer before they went back up to the castle.

"I've never had it though." She kept muttering.

"It's good. I like it." Jimmy said, ordering two.
He took out money to pay for it and she gasped.

"Oh, no. I have money, you don't have to- "

"It's fine." Jimmy smiled, "Really."

Kelly bit her lip but Jimmy paid for it anyway.

They sat down and chatted.

"Thanks for today." Kelly said after a while, "It means a lot to me."

She moved her hand on top of his and Jimmy's heart started racing.

Jimmy held her hand and she blushed as well.

They didn't say anything, but it was a comfortable silence that they were in.

Living in the happy moment.


"Hm?" Kelly hummed.

"Does this mean...are you okay with being my girlfriend?"

Kelly looked flustered but nodded and smiled, "Yeah."

And you guys thought the story was gay! Okay, okay, it is. We're getting there but not after some nice angst that's coming up! Maybe Professor Trelawney was right. Scott is going to get a broken heart.

But that's enough spoilers! I hope you enjoyed this chapter and please let me know if you could figure out that Kelly and Jimmy we're gonna get together. I don't know if I hinted it well. I do have plans for Kelly so please don't hate her for giving Scott a broken heart.

Well I shall see you guys soon and have a good day!!

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