The Salt Files (MLB)

By AnonymousSnake977

222K 3.4K 3.1K

Different scenarios of salt in the MLB fandom. I typically do Lila, Alya, and class salt the most. Sometimes... More

To Crush Your Part Part 1
To Crush Your Part Part 2
To Crush Your Part Epilogue
The Liar Among Us
Possible Murderer In The Class?
Enabler (Adrien and Bustier Salt)
Tabloid (Part 2 of Enabler)
Clara's Anger
Keep It Under Wraps
You Think I'm In A Gang?
Wait For It
April Fools
A Liar's Downfall
Wrong Number, Alya
Are We Really Friends?
S5 Review So Far (Mini Rant)
You Should Have Listened
The New Student (Felinette Attempt)
It's Quiet Uptown
It's Quiet Uptown (Background)
Song Requests? (Not A Chapter)
It Was A Joke
Happy Birthday (Marinette Edition)
I Spy (Pride Month Special)
Summer Lies, No Surprise
Happy Birthday, Lie-La
It's Your Fault
Guitar Hero
Get To Know Me (Not a Chapter)
The Sheep of the School
Victim Blaming
The Interview
Chloe and Sabrina: The Cat and Bug Team
Bomb Threat (Sorry If Title Is Triggering)
Random References + Updates (Not A Chapter)
I Finished S5
Babysitting Fails
I Signed Up This Story For The Wattys 2023πŸ’€
A Day To Remember
Hawkmoth's Reveal
The Path You Chose
Game Night
Uncertain Future
Identity Reveal Gone Wrong (Request)
A Touch of Creativity
The Blogger's Recklessness
The Good Liar
True Colors
One Way Ticket To Fame
My Shot
The Schuyler Sisters
You'll Be Back
Wait for It
Dear Theodosia
Take a Break
The Room Where It Happens
Congratulations to The Rossi Pamphlet
The World Was Wide Enough
Who Lives, Who Dies, Who Tells Your Story
Sincerely Me
Good For You
You Will Be Found
You've Reached The End!

Don't Mess With A Couffaine (Lukanette)

5.6K 69 27
By AnonymousSnake977

Luka is tired of the class hurting Marinettte physically and mentally, so he does something about it. Marinette is just happy she has someone there for her that cares for her.

This is Lukanette, Class Salt (including Adrien), mentions of various way of bullying, cursing closer to the end, attempted assault, harassment, that sort of thing

Luka was spending his 3rd month in a row comforting his girlfriend, with Marinette tucked into his side messing with his jacket string. He doesn't mind being there for her, he would do anything for Marinette in a heartbeat. The reason, however, is what he doesn't like about the situation.

The class was split up because of a liar that showed up and turned the bluenette's life around. Ever since Lila took away all of Marinette's friends, her friend group has dropped tremendously within the 3 month span. Alya abandoned her and bullied her, cyberbullied, and hurt her physically and mentally. 

Nino broke up with the blogger because of the new attitude and he found out Lila was lying about a famous actor who died two years prior. Nino tried to tell Alya she was lying and to try and make amends with Marinette like he was, but Alya's stubbornness got in the way. They started to fight and soon Nino broke it off. After he left, Alya blamed Marinette and hurt her more. She did everything from bullying her on her blog to berating her for being "Just a baker's daughter." Marinette kept her mouth shut that she was a chef's daughter and that they were practically the same. (they are the same to me at least, they have similar beginnings)

Lila was having the time of her life. The Italian successfully took away all of Maribrat's friends, ruined her life, and even took Adrien away and convinced him to be her boyfriend. In the fox's opinion, Marinette should have stayed out of the way.

Adrien didn't understand. He told Marinette to take the high road to avoid trouble, but she didn't listen and was isolated by the class. In his eyes, it was her own fault. He warned her beforehand, so his hands were clean.

The more Lila lied, however, the more they started to be about dead people. As more of the class started to realize the Italian was lying, Adrien was talking to them to keep it quiet. The naive boy believed Lila was lying to make friends and thought lying was the way, instead of facing the truth: That she was lying for personal gain and popularity. Nino, bless his heart, had to face the fact that Adrien knew from the start that Lila was lying and just let the class treat Marinette horribly.


Nino was standing outside the classroom. He just broke up with Alya and couldn't stop regretting what he did to Marinette, so he wasn't in the best mood at the time. He figured one of the best ways to prove to Marinette he wanted to earn her forgiveness was to help expose her. Before he could walk into the room, Adrien appeared behind him.

"Are you going to tell them?" The blonde asked. Nino looked at him with his eyebrow raised.

"Dude, she lied to me, the entire class, and who else knows about Marinette, and we believed her! They need to know, it's the least we could do for her even if she wants nothing to do with us again." Nino was about to walk into the room, but Adrien grabbed his shoulder.

"But she's not hurting anybody. As long as we know, it doesn't matter, right?" Nino's eyes grew wide as saucers. He realized that Adrien knew she was lying and didn't say anything, and that he was suggesting they don't do anything instead of taking action. Nino felt betrayed that his best friend would just let the chaos happen, instead of helping Marinette when she needed it. If someone else had stepped up, maybe she would have had a better chance against them. He was starting to feel sick and nauseous with the spiraling ideas all at once. 

"Were you not listening?! She LIED to us about one of our friends. Our friend, who we ABANDONED when she needed us. I'm not letting her get away with this, either you can help me or watch it happen and not do a thing." Nino walked away, leaving Adrien alone. Why couldn't Nino just see that he was trying to protect him from getting hurt?

The attempted exposure ended just like Adrien expected. Nino was isolated, just like Marinette. The DJ didn't care, he just wanted to start over with Marinette. She decided to give him another chance but he had to earn her trust, which he worked hard to accomplish. 

After class, Adrien tried to comfort Nino, but Nino just ignored him.

Flashback End

Next was Juleka, since Lila lied and said she knew the members of Kitty Section personally and could get her into the band. Adrien had the same approach to her as with Nino, and did the same thing he did. She refused to listen to Adrien, tried to expose Lila, and was isolated too. Lila decided to get revenge by telling Rose that Juleka was cheating on her. 

Rose broke up with her, leaving Juleka to feel alone again. She saw her brother as her only friend, until he convinced her to make amends with Marinette like Nino did. She was alongside Nino and their growing group against the lying Italian.

The cycle continued as so. Nathaniel, Max, Kim, and Chloe realized next. Each were lied to about a person they were interested in or knew about, and were lied to in the face. 

Chloe knew the entire time, she just sat by wondering how long her rein would last and stepped in when she realized it wasn't going anywhere. But unlike Adrien, she kept notes of all of the lies and was taking action as soon as the time felt right.

They were all confronted by Adrien, who was still trying to keep the peace in the classroom. They all were isolated, made amends with Marinette, and divided the class.

Luka woke up from his daydream to hear Marinette sniffle. Once she was asleep, he quickly messaged the group to expose Lila called Marinette Protection Squad. After he began to trust them, Luka made a group chat with everyone in it. He made two, one with Marinette and one without, for surprise purposes. 

Luka grinned evilly. They were going to take the liar down, once and for all. 


Marinette opened her eyes to find her room filled with her friends whispering. Nino, Chloe, Juleka, Nath, Marc, Kagami, and Luka were whispering while Kim, Max, and Aurore were on video call. Chloe noticed her first. "Maribug's awake." Everyone else looked towards her direction.

"Good morning, sleepyhead," Luka joked. Marinette sat upright. 

"Morning?!" she nearly screeched, jumping up.

"No, we're joking," Marc laughed. "You were napping for like 15 minutes."

"Oh." Marinette rubbed her eyes. "What did I miss?"

"We were planning on having a movie night on Friday and were voting on options." Nino explained. "We have the Jurassic movies, natural disaster movies like 2012, and Harry Potter."

"They've been arguing for like 5 minutes on which movies for the ones that have sequels." Chloe rolled her eyes. The group continued to argue, and Marinette couldn't help but fall back asleep again. She could just ask Tikki what she missed. Once the group realized Marinette was asleep again, they went back to what they were originally discussing.

"We can finish that chat later, right now we have to get on with the plan." Everyone agreed with Luka. Chloe cleared her throat.

"Ok, so we know that Mari has all the connections the little liar lied about. Being the mayor's daughter and all, I also have some of those connections, so I could easily get them here." She pulled out a list containing all of Lila's lies, including the date she said them and the little details she mentioned about the subject. Chloe kept better track of the lies than the liar did herself.

"So we just bring them together, take the liar down, and watch her and the tabloid blogger get handed back-to-back lawsuits?" Aurore asked, typing away at her computer. She was creating a drive that had Lila's lies and proof of them to assist, and was in the process of creating a backup. If the liar found out they were trying to expose her, she would try to remove all the evidence, including breaking into her computer and removing the files herself.

"It should be in an epic way so everyone should remember and use it as a lesson." Marc grinned.

"How about a farewell party?" Kagami suggested. "We all know that they will be way too excited to see Marinette go." 

Recently, Marinette got an offer to transfer schools to go to Kagami and Luka's school. It was a prodigy school that focused around talents such as music, design, and fashion, for example. The rest of the group was planning to go there at some point, not wanting to deal with the class anymore. It also had a dormitory, so they wouldn't have much of a reason to visit or go back and forth.

"So, we can let them have their fun with it and then destroy their hopes and worry about their future. because they didn't listen to Mari when they should have," Juleka smiled. 

"I like that idea!" Kim spoke up.

"We must plan this carefully, any wrong turn could lead to failure." Kagami reminded them.

"Well then, let's create more ideas!" The group continued to discuss several backup plans, making sure to check if Marinette was listening. They didn't want her to know about it, at least not yet.

The Next Day

Marinette dragged herself to school, with the help of motivation from Chloe and Kagami. They reminded her that she couldn't skip any days of school while waiting to get back from the Prodigy School to ensure she was dedicated to getting in. Before she walked into the building, she noticed Luka was following her inside the school. She raised an eyebrow but noticed the rest of the group was unfazed. They're up to something, Marinette thought.

"Luka, don't you have school today? I don't think they will let you stay anyways, since you don't go here." She chuckled. As much as she longed for her boyfriend to stay, she didn't want anyone to try and escort him off the property. Luka just smiled.

"I'm not leaving without you." He handed her a letter. She opened it, and reread it over and over again to make sure she wasn't imagining it.

Marinette Dupain-Cheng

You have been accepted into Paris's School for Prodigies...

Marinette couldn't believe it. She was accepted, meaning she could leave Francis Dupont behind her. She looked up at Luka with a wide smile and hugged him. "Did you know about this?"

"I may or may not have been notified by the principal that you had been accepted a few days ago. Me and Kagami wanted to surprise you, and we already have your dorm ready and decorated." He let go of Marinette. "We aren't letting you leave this place without a proper goodbye." The squad came back, bags filled with popcorn, candy and drinks. They congratulated her on getting into the school and offered her some food.

"As amusing as this is, what are you guys planning?" She crossed her arms. "You guys don't usually bring that much food randomly."

"Just wait for the show, I'll be in the office if you need me." Luka gave her another side hug and walked to the Principal's Office. He had to tell them that Marinette is no longer a student there, and made sure to ask his principal to send a copy of the acceptance letter in case Damocles thought he forged it.

"If anything happens, we have protection." Marc laughed. That's when Marinette realized they also had weapons under the food. Kagami has hand blades (like those knives the guy used in Shang-Chi when he was a kid and training), Chloe had pepper spray, and Juleka had boxing gloves. If the others had anything, she couldn't tell.

"They wouldn't let me bring my sword today, so these will have to do," Kagami sighed. Marinette giggled. The group entered further into the school, and that's when the glares started. They were immediately met by Alya.

"Oh look, the bully is here," Alya sneered. "We haven't even started the day and you already punched Lila."

"I wasn't even here until now, and I was at home with my friends. I haven't even seen Lila today, so how could I have done that?" Lila walked up, holding her stomach and tears pouring down her face.

"Marinette, I only wanted to be friends, I don't understand why you bully me!" Lila's tears rolled down her face as Adrien hugged her and glared at Marinette. 

"Why would you do that, Mari? She just wanted to be friends." Adrien growled. Marinette and Kagami were starting to wonder what changed in the model when Lila came around. They rolled their eyes and Luka returned.

"Students, Mister Couffaine requested a live interview! He says he has a very important announcement." Those were all the words Alya needed to hear before she whipped out her phone and started a livestream. Within 30 seconds, she had over 5,000 views. 

Now this wouldn't be a problem, with her having a superhero blog. But lately, Alya's credibility was going down and she started believing every word from Lila and was bullying. Aurore suggested that she connected her livestreams to Nadja Chamack to get more views. It was used as an excuse  for any missed details in Akuma Fights, but it was also used for more than that. Whenever Alya goes live, Nadja goes live at the studio, and everyone tunes in. Which was what happened, and they thought it was an interview with the Parisian superheroes. They were wrong.

Luka stepped up to a small stage set up. "As your principal said, I do have a special announcement. Just not the one you guys are probably expecting." He grinned, but Marinette could tell there was a sinister smirk hiding behind it. Kim jumped onstage with Luka.

"We want to give out a huge thanks to Lila, our new class representative!" Kim cheered, starting a chain of applause. "But there's more! Marinette, get up here!" Marinette was dragged by the girls to the stage. Some of the claps left, not wanting to applaud for the bully.

"My sweet girlfriend here-"she shyly waved to the camera. Alya rolled her eyes. "Has been accepted to another school, so we want to give her a proper goodbye. Sadly, during her stay here, she has been majorly bullied and falsely accused for things she didn't do. So if the adults won't take action, we will." Jagged Stone and Clara Nightingale came out out of their hiding spots to stand by the teens. Alya nearly shoved Marinette over into a wall just to try and ask for an interview.

"Clara Nightingale, is it true you stole Lila's dance moves? Jagged Stone, is it fun to see your honorary niece again?" Alya buzzed with questions while the MPS smirked.

"Who's Lola?" Jagged asked. He turned to Luka. "Is that the liar you were talking about bullying my niece?"

"What? Lila is your niece." Alya clarified. The two stars looked confused.

"What do you mean I stole her dance? I came up with the way I prance!" Clara exclaimed. Alya glared at Marinette in the corner of her eye.

"Did she put you up to this?" she blogger angrily faced Marinette and completely forgot she was recording.

Language Starting Now (It lasts for 1 paragraph)

"You bulling little bitch! What will it take for you to stop harassing Lila?! She did nothing to you, stop being so petty!" Alya was yelling in her face now and was about to smack Marinette when Luka stood in front and blocked the hit. At the same time, Alya had a blade against her throat and pepper spray inches from her face.

"Touch her and you'll regret it," Luka darkly threatened. "It wouldn't be good for you to lose followers because of your reckless behavior." And just like that, Alya remembered what all was happening. As looked down at her phone, and when she looked up she was faced with the angry looked of celebrities with stacks of papers.

"Don't go spreading rumors, it's not very rockin," Jagged scolded. "Now, which one of you is this liar?" Aurore shined her phone flashlight on Lila, who was almost out the door. Lila was stopped and bombarded with yelling and stacks of papers.

"You lied to us?" Rose cried.

"We trusted you!" Mylene exclaimed, wrapped in Ivan's arms. He was glaring down at the liar, who was turning pale.

"We'll see you in court!" Jagged and Clara exclaimed, leaving the school. While that all happened, Adrien went up to Marinette.

"I told you to take the high road to avoid causing trouble like this! Now there won't be any peace in the class." Suddenly all noise stopped, and everyone seemed to be staring at the two.

"...You knew...?" Alya asked. "You knew and didn't say anything!?" Adrien looked like deer in headlights.

"You let Mari get hurt...on purpose...?" Nino looked hurt. He just thought Adrien believed it was the best way but was trying to help in private. He was disappointed in the Agreste boy.

"I-I thought her lies weren't hurting anyone..." Adrien started.

"Her lies were hurting Marinette!" Luka nearly yelled at him.

"Does she not matter enough to you to not help? Is Marinette a nobody? Is that why you did nothing?" Nino was trying to keep his cool and not to yell at the boy.

"You stood by, watching as she was bullied day by day, with no one to turn to." Juleka recalled, remembering everything in a blur.

"You're just like Ms. Bustier," Marinette's quiet voice stood out. "An enabler."

"Now Marinette, you shouldn't call your teacher names-" Ms. Bustier tried to defend herself but was stopped by Marinette.

"You didn't even do you job properly. You punish and blame the victims while the bullies get off scott-free and never learning what they did wrong. You expect me to represent forgiveness when they don't even deserve it. You don't do the work for the class, instead you make the class rep do all of it while you do nothing but judge from behind your desk!" At this point, Marinette was yelling. "You don't deserve to be a teacher. The same goes for Damocles, he doesn't do anything but play with fake super gadgets all day. He didn't even check the cameras or ask for my side when I got expelled, you just believe the word of one student over the other!"

"This school is toxic and I think Marinette is doing herself a favor by transferring. There are too many akumas brought here, so she is saving herself from the torture. Everyone else should transfer too, this place is filled with bad memories." Aurore agreed. Marinette was slowing her breathing so she wouldn't bring an akuma.

"Lila Rossi, Alya Cesaire, you two are under arrest." A police offer declared. Alya's livestream ended and both girls were taken in shock.

(Here's all the endings of the people that I could think of)

Bustier and Damocles: Sued for neglect and bribery. They both lost their teaching license (do principals have teaching licenses?) and faced court for neglecting the students. The school board was contacted about how Damocles handled Marinette's expulsion case and weren't happy with how it was handled. Needless to say, both adults will be struggling to find jobs in their future.

Adrien: He was disliked by most who saw the livestream. People saw it his way and didn't completely blame him because of his lack of human contact growing up, so they blamed his father for not teaching him how to handle bullies. As most people saw it, he neglected someone who he claimed was his friend, but wasn't there for her. He lost everyone, even Plagg, and was re-homeschooled so no harm could come to him. But it rumored to be a coverup because Gabriel Agreste was under investigation for child neglect. People believed Mr. Agreste should take the blame as well, because his lack of attention towards his son probably shaped him to learn to ignore and not handle problems.

Lila: Lila's mom was eventually contacted, and was angry about how the school believed everything her daughter stated with no evidence, how the handled the bullying, and why she was never contacted or realized that her daughter gave a fake contact. The best part was that they were being sued by various celebrities for slander and using their fame to get free stuff. Mrs. Rossi didn't hesitate to sue the school for their neglect as well. Lila also lost her Agreste contract, which her mom didn't even know about and she got into more trouble.

Alya (best for last): Alya was sued by every celebrity Lila lied about on her blog. She was also sued by the Dupain-Chengs for assault and attempted murder for one time she attacked Marinette after school. She tried to blame Lila for all of it, and even blamed Adrien for not saying anything, but that was quickly shut down. Alya was sent to juvie for the charges and to help her with her anger issues, her blog was taken down, and her family was struggling with their jobs because of the teen.

For everyone else, everything was great. Marinette was enjoying her new school, the rest of her friends applied and were accepted, Luka and Marinette's relationship got stronger, she was healing from her class, and even got restraining orders against them because she felt unsafe when they were nearby. All was looking up for the Marinette and her friends.

Bonus Scene

Alya broke out of juvie. She wanted to confront Marinette about the entire situation, but the blueberry never came visit. The angry teen grew annoyed and decided to go to Marinette if she wasn't going to come to her.

She still believes the incident was Marinette's fault for not telling them about Lila, things could have been different if she told them beforehand or had Adrien back her up. How was she supposed to know?

As Alya hid in the bushes in the park, she spotted Luka and Marinette hand in hand walking with Chloe and Kagami. Alya took her chance and leaped out of her hiding spot and bolted to the group.

"Marinette!" She called out. They immediately turned around and surrounded Marinette, who was paling. She held Luka's hand tighter as the ex-blogger came closer.

Alya started yelling at her, barely making out an entire sentence. "I am in juvie because of you! Why didn't you say anything? This is all your fault!" she screamed, trying to attack Marinette. Kagami and Chloe held the rabid girl back as Luka shielded his girlfriend, she was shaking like a leaf. Other people in the park realized what was happening and called the police. Some other teens were recording to humiliate the blogger even more. Police arrived in 15 seconds and pulled out a taser.

They tased her down before she could do any harm to Marinette. Alya planned to stab her, like she claimed that Marinette stabbed her in the back and left her for betrayal. Alya was sent to a mental hospital with Lila where she remained for the rest of her life. The MPS never go anywhere without some sort of protection, and Kagami was never questioned about carrying a sort with her 24/7.

And Marinette never forgave her classmates. They weren't weren't worth her time anymore.

This took way too long to do T-T

3928 words

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