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Galing kay HoneyLixie00

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"Every piece of me aches for you." -- Being transferred to a new school just before the year started was the... Higit pa

Epilogue | New Beginning
Epilogue II | Matrimony


945 44 6
Galing kay HoneyLixie00


Graduation Day. The day I've feared all week, but now that it's here. It doesn't feel so bad. Im happy my friends get to start their adult lives.

I was in the gymnasium, helping them set up for the ceremony. I was currently an Art duty, setting pieces in a fashion that seemed the most organized. Chan was here too, setting up the chairs amongst the floor for graduates. The center stage that had dragged out was being put together and decorated.

Chan looked over at me, to find me looking at him and he paused his work as he started walking towards me. I turned away out of embarrassment to be staring.

"Hey." He said. "Having fun?"

"If you'd even call this fun, then yea. I suppose." I said picking up one of the larger canvases and hanging it in the middle of the display board.

"Wait, Hwang H.? This is your piece?" He pointed out as I hung it perfectly center.

"Yea." I admitted and moved onto the next one. But he stayed in front of mine, staring at it and analyzing it.

"I couldn't stop staring at this when I walked in, wondering why the face looked so familiar. Now I know. You painted him beautifully." He complimented and I smiled.

"Thank you." I said as I hung another canvas. "All my entries are painting of him. See?" I stepped back as I showed my third and last canvas.

"Wow." He said and I point to the one left of the one he was just looking at. "You're amazing. Paint me one day?"

"Maybe as a wedding present." I smiled and he chuckled.

"Anyway, imma get back to work before Mrs. Park gets onto my ass." He says and scurries off. I waved him goodbye.

Once I had finished my chore, I just headed to the bleaches and sat amongst the other students that had finished up. Changbin came strutting in, he was late, but he immediately hopped in to help Chan finish up the seating arrangements.

Whilst I had nothing to do I just opened up my back pack and pulled out my sketchbook. Clicking the end of my pencil to get enough lead.

I looked back and forth between the muse and the paper as I sketched out the body frame, lining the edges of his clothes to make sure I got all the first steps details completed.

Watching him and drawing him. It wasn't til i had finished the rough but decently perfect sketch and the bell had rang that I realized how much time I had spent sitting their. I packed up my bag and walked up to Chan and Changbin, hugging them both.

"I'll see you guys at the ceremony." I said and left.
I instantly found Seungmin just outside the gymnasium doors staring in and watching Changbin chat with other seniors.

"Hey, you okay?" I asked him.

"Yea, he's just... graduating. Going to be starting a new life soon." He said, his voice quiet. "I'm just worried that his new life won't need me in it." He looked at me with sad eyes and I frowned, giving him a hug.

"You'll still be in life Seungmin. Cause you are his life, aith how long he waited for you. I doubt he's ever gonna let you go." I reassured him. I felt him nodded against my shoulder and let him go. "Come on, we have a ceremony to get ready for." I through my arm around his shoulders and we walked away from those doors, passing people in the hall until we ran into Jeongin and Felix waiting for me.

"Hey!" Jeongin was in an extremely happy mood. Has been all morning. I smiled and we all walked out of the school to our destinations, parting with Seungmin and Felix as Jeongin and I headed home to get ready.

Cars were already filling in to fill up the parking lot of the school. Everyone getting here early to mingle and look at the art show before the ceremony began.

"It all feels so surreal. Like I can't believe they will be gone after today." Jeongin said as we walked into the house.

"I know, but they won't be completely gone you know. They've said a million times this week that we can't get rid of them so easily." I said and he laughed. "Seungmin is worried about how this will affect his and Changbins relationship." I said and Jeongin looked at me sadly.

" I'm sure they'll be fine, Changbin loves that boy too much." He replied as we walked up the stares. "Though I'd be worried to in his shoes. Hell, next year I'm going to be. With the both of you."

"Hey." I stopped us as we reached the top. "We aren't going anywhere. We will always be with you okay? Maybe not physically, but we will still be here." I said and he nodded.

"I know. It's still scary though. The thought that I won't have you guys here with me for two years."

I nodded, completely understanding. That was the one downside of being older than your lover, sometimes you have to leave them behind and it fucking sucks.

"Let's get ready." I said and he smiled.


I stood in front of the mirror fixing my top button and tucking the bottom of the shirt into my dress pants. My tie was loose around my neck in a casual way that seemed formal. Jeongin was dressed the same way but with a blazer over his button down. I didn't want the blazer, knew I'd end up getting too hot. I unbuttoned my sleeves and rolled them up just above my elbows.

"You look so damn gorgeous. All the fucking time, it's unfair." Jeongin said to me watching me through the mirror and I met his gaze through the reflection with a smirk.

"Why thank you handsome." I flirted back and he smiled, looking away from me. Then he stood and walked up behind me.

"Hold on, your tie twisted in on itself. Turn around." He said and I obeyed, his hands reached up and undid the tie. He looked at me and I stared back as he folded the tie over, under and through. He didn't tightened all the way, just like I had it before.

"Thank you." I said, my cheeks betraying me by blushing. He just patted my chest.

"It's times to go say goodbye to our friends."



The gym was full of people, Jeongin and Hyunjin weren't here yet. I felt slightly uncomfortable in such a big crowd. I instantly found Changbin dress in his cap and gown and he hollered happily as I walked up to him.

"The style fits you at least." I teased and he glared.

"Don't make me hit you. Cap and gowns are so damn shitty." He said and I nodded, both eyebrows raised as I judged the material he was wearing. But I could tell he was wearing something nice underneath. "Have you checked out Hyunjin's entries yet?" He asked me and I shook my head, he gave me a smirk and nodded his head towards an area of the art show and I raised my eyebrows at him.

He placed a hand on my shoulder and pushed me in the general direction, I kept my eyes on him until I was a good distance away and then turned my gaze to try and find Hyunjin's pieces. It didn't take me long to find his signature, as that was what I was paying attention to the most.

I stopped and let my gaze lift up to the painting and I stood there in shock and in awe. All three of his lined up in front of me, canvases a little bigger than have the size of me.

All three of them, were painting of me. In different called and poses. One of my side profile looking up, defining my jawline and my eyes closed, lips open as if I was breathing through them.

Another a headshot of me looking over my shoulder, hair framing my face and feature perfectly, wet from rain showering down on me.

And the third of front profile, hand covering my mouth as I bit down on my index finger. A anxious habit I have. None of them were suggestive with the poses, but the way he painted me was so jaw dropping and sexy.

The finest detail I noticed was certain details of me were traced with metallic gold. The tip of my nose, the pout of my lips, the corners of my eyes and lashes, my freckles.

I reached up and covered my mouth. Still in shock of the art before me. I saw a figure approach my side.

"I painted them when you were gone." Hyunjin had said. "When you avoided me for almost a month. I didn't want to forget the beautiful details of your face. So I painted them. Made them permanent."

"Hyunjin.." I whispered. "I look..." I reached out to touch the canvas but stopped and turned to him. "You made me look so ethereal.. I don't-"

"That's because you are. That's all you, I only transferred you onto the canvas, baby." He said and I almost had tears in my eyes as I looked back at them.

A little girl walked by and pointed at me. "Mommy! Mommy! Look it's the boy in the painting! He came to life!"

I smiled and a single hugged laugh escaped with it. "Well, I mean she's not wrong. You did give me life." I said to him.

"It's just Art." He blushed and got all shy.

"It's beautiful art, but I wasn't meaning that." I looked at him and he locked his eyes with mine. "I mean with your love. And it's so very clear with painted these with love."

I wanted to kiss him, but now wasn't the time. There was a tapping sound echoing through the speakers and I looked to find Mrs. Park resting the mic.

"I guess it's time. Come on, Jeongin saved us all seats." Hyunjin said taking my hand, and I gladly let him pull my along. I couldn't stop looking at him like a love sick puppy. We reached our seats in no time and Jeongin smiled at the both of us. I sat between them.

"Excuse me! If everyone could please be seated as the ceremony is about to start! I'd like to thank everyone for coming out to experience this night with all of us! I'd also like to thank our lovely artists for giving us a little show, and those who entered the judges with by choosing top placements very soon and you'll find out after the ceremony!" Mrs. Park spoke directly into the micro phone, turning her attention to the seniors in front of her.

While she talked I leaned over to Jeongin. "Did you know his paintings were of me?" I asked in a hushed whisper, watching the corner of his mouth curl up in a smile. "You did."

That's why he always smiled and looked at me any time it was the topic of conversation. That's Hyunjin told me I had to wait to see them. This was all premeditated. I looked over at Hyunjin, who was already looking back at me. He looked down at hand and took it into his own, Jeongin doing the same with my left.

We had gotten to the part of the ceremony where Chan was giving his speech. He stepped up to the podium, looking out at each of the seniors and everyone in the audience.

"Hello everyone, thank you for being here." He started, "this year, my final year of my most memorable experiences. I've done a lot of things, experienced a lot. I've loved.. and kind of hated." He said with the nod of his head. "I've agreed and disagreed with many of you. I've made memories, both sad and happy and I have each and everyone on of you in those seats and those of my friends in the stands to thank for that." He paused looking down for a moment. "Wow this is tough.." he nervously chuckled as he clears his throat. "It was a great year, but it was tough. Knowing from day one of it that I would soon be walking out those doors for the very last time, saying goodbye to all of you. Standing up here already, seems so surreal when I could swear just yesterday was the day of orientation, that I missed to pick up someone I had no idea would become a friend." Chan found Hyunjin in the stands I watched Hyunjin smile.

"And I'd like to give a special thanks to Mrs. Park for guidin in me my final year. And one last thanks to the one who help me survive this year, my best friend. My sweet love, Beomgyu." He said and their was a few quiet "aww" rippling through the crowd.

"To my fellow graduates. All I ask of you as you walk out these doors for the final time. Remember all those special moments. The ones that made you laugh within these walls, the friends you made. Cause those moments are what you will miss to most. So hold onto them tightly, and never let them go." Chan finished his speech and returned to his seat as everyone began clapping. Im sure a few tears were shed down in the rows of seniors, some of them are sappy fucks.

After that Mrs. Park began reading the list of names, inviting senior to grab their graduation certificate up on stage, one by one. Each time one of our friends names were called we hollered and shouted for them, as did a lot of other people in the stands and seniors themselves.

Once that final name was called and returned to their seats. Mrs. park spoke. "Seniors you may now flip your tassels to the left side." Every senior flipped their tassel and she smiled wide as she continued. "I am proud to say, you have all graduated!"

With hoots and hollers, claps filling the room. Every single cap flew through the air like birds leaving a tree. Everyone in the stands were standin, including us as we clapped like our lives depended on it.

Once that final cap hit the floor, Jeongin grabbed my hand and I grabbed Hyunjin's as we raced down the bleacher stairs to greet our no-longer-senior friends. They were all waiting for us to join them, Jisung, Hyuka, Seungmin, and Beomgyu right behind us. We rushed into giving hugs and taking pictures as the mic was tapped again.

"Im now going to announce the placement winners of our Art Show." Mrs. Park said. "In 5th place, Jenni Choi."


"In 4th place, Park Jisung."

All of us starting grabbing onto Hyunjin and he just stood their intently listening.

"In 3rd place, Jennie Lee."

We all started squealing for him and I was the most excited, there was no way he didn't get 1st or 2nd place.

"And taking both 1st and 2nd place with two of his beautiful entries... Hwang Hyunjin."

Hyunjin's has dropped and every single one of us surrounding him started jumping and shaking him in excitement.

"Will the four of you please come onto the stage to receive your rewards?"

He let Hyunjin pass, me and Jeongin having the same idea of smacking his ass as he walked away, earning both of us a glare. s they walked onto the stage they brought up the piece that one. I could see the second place winner as the one he painted of my side profile and first place being the full face. Personally, even though I love all of them so much. The one of me in the rain was my favorite.

I watched him up on that stage as he collected his rewards and shook the headmistress's hand. He looked to us in the crowd and noticed I was watching and waved me up.

I jogged up there and appeared as his side. "Help me carry these down?" He asked and I picked one up, as he grabbed the other one I noticed a slip of paper in his hand.

"What's that?" I asked and he looked at me.

"A check." He said and I giggled.

"My baby won." I was excited and he just smiled brightly.

"I also got something else." He said as we reached the group and all of us were paying attention now, very intently listening for him to continue. "I earned a scholarship to an art school in Seoul."

"Oh my god! That's awesome!" Jeongin shouted as he hugged him and I smiled widely. Everyone congratulated him and I waited my turn. When he finally turned to me I wrapped my arms around his waist, picking him up and spinning him around. He laughed into my shoulder as he held on.

"Im so damn proud of you." I said and kissed his cheek.

"Okay, now that this is all dealt with." Chan spoke, "How about an after party?"

We all looked between each other and shared the same smile.

"Count us in."


Anyway!! only one chapter left and then the final epilogue before the story is complete!
WE MADE IT GUYS!! Our happy ending is so close!!

Im off to bed now, but I will be posting the final chapters tomorrow! YAYYYY!

Have a goodnight honeybees! Until my next update!
~ Cece 🤍

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