By Your Side

By Kayyy-Chan

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*currently editing* Book 1: No Regrets, Right? Book 2: Gomen... Captain --- This is the 3rd book in my Luffyx... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Question for my readers
New Book!

Special Chapter

401 10 10
By Kayyy-Chan

The breeze gently blew across the field of grass, the blades swaying as the sun shined brightly in the sky above. The only sound to be heard was the occasional sounds of birds and two voices bickering back and forth.

"Hey, no fair! You cheated!"

"I didn't cheat, I'm just stronger than you!"

"Well, when I'm 8, I'll be stronger than you!"

"Haha, As if! I'll be 12 by then ya idiot!"

I heard someone bust out laughing and looked over to see Ace walking towards us. "This takes me back, don't you think so, Luffy?"

I turned to Luffy, with a confused look. "What's he talking about?"

Luffy pursed his lips, looking away. "I don't know..."

"You still suck at lying..." Sabo chuckled, standing alongside Ace, shaking his head. "Same old Luffy."

I looked over to the two, raising an eyebrow. "Someone want to explain?"

Ace smiled, looking out into the field. "When we were younger, Luffy said the same thing." He smiled fondly at the memory. "The three of us would fight each other everyday and Luffy lost to both of us. He said I only won because I was older and to wait and see when he got to be my age."

I chuckled turning to Luffy, who was still looking away. "Aweee how cute~" I cooed, grabbing his cheek and pulling it slightly.

"When are the others supposed to be here?" Sabo asked, causing me to divert my attention for a moment.

"Oh, Nami said that they should be here any minute now." As the words left my mouth, I saw a group getting closer, my smile widened.

"(Y/N)!" Nami shouted happily as she ran and gave me a hug.

"Hello (Y/N)." Robin greeted both of us. "I see Sabo and Ace got here before us."

I chuckled, letting go of Nami and giving her a hug too. "Yeah, they practically raced to get here, made it a race to see who would get here first."

"That's some super brotherly love there, man!" Franky shouted, giving a thumbs up to the two older brothers.

"Mom! Look!" I turned my head as a little girl ran over, holding her hand out. "See!" Looking at her hand, one could see a faint glow of gold light coming from it. "I'm just like you!"

I bent down smiling, "That's great!" I grabbed her hand, running my thumb over it as I stared at the glow. She inherited my power much like I did. "Why don't you go show uncle Ace and uncle Sabo."

She beamed running up to the two, holding her hand out. The others watched in surprise, looking over to me. "She-" Usopp attempted to speak, not knowing what to say.

I nodded my head, smiling. "Yeah."

"Yohohoho! She looks a lot like Luffy-San, doesn't she?" Brook spoke up, kneeling down to Lenora as she beamed brightly up at him, playing with his hair. Not phased whatsoever that he was a living skeleton... another trait she got from Luffy, her curiosity.

"She looks almost exactly like he did when he was little." Makino spoke up, coming up beside me, along with her son, Haru. (Not sure if it's a boy/girl so we just gonna make it up :))

"So how old is Lenora now?" I heard Jimbei ask, looking over as Lenora and Haru chased Chopper around.

"As of today, she's four." I grinned as Sanji appeared with cake, diverting the two kids attention from Chopper. 


Everyone was partying in the normal way a Straw Hat Pirate would. I smiled, glancing at everyone. At some point, Shanks and his crew arrived, to which Luffy was ecstatic about. Although, Usopp could give Luffy a run for his money, as he excitedly chatted away with his father, telling his stories about the 'Mighty God Usopp.'

Then there's the main entertainment... Sanji and Zoro exchanging blows back and forth, with their famous insults of 'Shitty brows' and 'Moss head.'

"I see things have turned out quite well these past couple of years."

I looked beside me to see my father had appeared, causing me to smile even more. "They have..." I turned my gaze back to the others. "Luffy became King of the Pirates, and we all couldn't be more proud. I'm sure he's happy that Ace and Sabo could be there for it."

"What about you?" He asked, causing me to turn to him in confusion. "Are you happy?"

"Happy is just one word I could use, but above all, I feel like I'm on top of the world..." I smiled as my gaze landed on Luffy and Lenora. Thinking back to the day I met Luffy.


After setting sail, I leaned against the rail, staring off into the sea, watching Thriller bark grow smaller and smaller into the distance. Seconds turned into minutes, that turned into hours, until the sun started to set. 

"There you are! Everyone's wondering where you went." I heard Straw Hat say, getting closer. "What cha thinkin' about?"

I stared at the sunset in front of me. "About how a group of pirates suddenly appeared on the island and destroyed everything Moria built over the years in a single night... Just who are you exactly, Straw Hat?" I looked over, asking him rhetorically.

"Shishishi! I'm Monkey D. Luffy, and I'm going to be King of the Pirates!" He simply replied, giggling.


"That day, they could've easily left me, but Luffy let me join the crew. Had it not been for him and the others... I don't even think I'd still be alive today. Wouldn't have the family I do now."

I saw my father smirk out the corner of my eyes. "I am forever grateful that he did, he saved my little girl." I wiped a tear, smiling at him. "Plus I have a granddaughter!" He beamed as he went to say hi to Lenora.

Chuckling, I sat down on the ground, staring at the stars as the night sky started to appear. Not a second later, Luffy sat next to me, already knowing what I was doing, as he held up the food in his hands, causing me to laugh. "This takes me back..." I said, taking some of the food he held out.


"Omg (Y/N), you look so beautiful!" Nami shouted causing a blush to cross my features.

"You think so...?" I rubbed my arms, looking over to Robin. "It's not too much?"

"No Nami is right, you look beautiful." Robin gave me a reassuring smile, causing me to smile back at the two.

"Still, I can't believe it..." Nami trailed off, tilting her head. "Never thought Luffy would be the first one to get married."

I giggled at the thought. "Well, he is full of many surprises."

As the other two giggled along with me, a knock caught our attention. Turning to the door, we could see my father peeking his head in. "Are you ready?"

I gave him a smile, turning to him as I nodded my head. "Yeah!" With that, I grabbed hold of his arm, waiting for the music to start.

The moment I watched those doors open, it finally hit me. I was getting married. As we began walking all I could focus on was the beautiful melody from Brooks violin.

I glanced around, seeing everyone gathered atop of the deck of the Sunny, smiling in my direction. Bringing my gaze forward, it felt like everything around me vanished as I saw Luffy waiting for me, a huge grin on his face.

My full attention was on him, as he stared back at me with the same eagerness. I was in my own little world, that I hadn't realized I was already standing in front of him. "Do you, (Y/N), take Luffy to be your lawfully wedded husband, through sickness and health, for you both shall live?"

"I do." I smiled, placing the ring on my is finger; adrenaline spiking throughout my whole body as Luffy was asked the same question.

"Do you, Luffy, take (Y/N) to be your lawfully wedded wife, through sickness and health, for you both shall live?"

Smile never leaving his face, Luffy nodded his head excitedly. "I do, Shishishi!" I couldn't help but to chuckle as he slipped the ring on my finger.

"By the power vested in me, the shipwright of the Thousand Sunny..." I, along with everyone else, laughed at Franky. "I am super happy to pronounce you husband and wife!"

Not waiting a second, Luffy pulled me in for a kiss. After a moment, he pulled away with a big grin as I laughed, wiping a tear away. "You're supposed to wait till he says 'you may kiss the bride', Luffy!"

"He was taking to long." Luffy pouted.

I rolled my eyes, chuckling before I pulled him into another kiss.

A few hours later, I walked over to the Lion's Head. I sat down, glancing up at the sky as I saw the stars. I felt Luffy sit down beside me, glancing up as well. "Remember how we'd always stay up at night and gaze at the stars?"

I nodded my head. "Yeah, I'd help you sneak food from the fridge too." I gestured to the mounds of food beside him.

"Shishishi!" Luffy chuckled, me laughing with him. As he calmed down laughing, he stared up at the sky. "Every time, I'd always wish that you'd stay by my side, no matter what."

I turned to him in surprise. "You did?"

"Yeah... ever since that day when you left to train with Law for two years." Luffy admitted. "Not having you around made me sad, so I made a promise to myself that when we'd all meet up again, I would do whatever it took to make that wish come true."

I leaned over, giving Luffy a kiss, smiling. "Looks like you did."


Yohohoho, yohohoho. Yohohoho, yohohoho.
Yohohoho, yohohoho. Yohohoho, yohohoho.

Gather up all of the crew, it's time to ship out Binks' Brew.
Sea wind blow, to where, who know? The waves will be our guide.
O'er across the oceans tide, rays of sunshine far and wide.
Birds they sing of cheerful things, in circles passing by.

I smiled at the familiar melody, as Brook began playing his violin. I leaned my head against Luffy's shoulder, closing my eyes, as I felt his arm wrap around me.

Bid farewell to weaver's town, say so long to port renowned
Sing a song, it won't be long before we're casting  off!
Cross the gold and silver seas, a salty spray puts us at ease
Day and night, to our delight, the voyage never ends!

I chuckled at the sounds of our friends singing, as I opened my eyes again, staring at Usopp and Chopper, dancing with chopsticks in their noses while everyone encouraged them with smiles on their faces.

Gather up all of the crew, it's time to ship out Bink's Brew
Pirates we eternally, are challenging the sea!
With the waves to rest our heads, ship Beneath us as our beds
Way up high upon the mast, our Jolly Rodger flies!

I looked to Lenora as she was talking to Shanks, eyes shining in excitement at every word he was saying, Haru begging Shanks to tell them more about whatever he was going on about.

Somewhere in the endless sky, stormy winds are blowing by
Waves are dancing evening comes, it's time to sound the drums
But steady men and never fear, tomorrow's skies are always clear
So pound your feet and clap your hands, 'till suny days return!

I kept staring at her with a smile, glad to have her in my life. Lenora caught my gaze, before turning to Shanks; to which he nodded, nudging her forward.

Yohohoho, yohohoho!
Yohohoho, yohohoho!

Smiling, she ran towards us, leaving Haru with Shanks. "Mom, dad! Shanks told me a bunch of stories of adventures he went on!"

I chuckled, "Did he now?" I rose an eyebrow.

"Yeah! He even said that the hat dad wears was his once!" She beamed, looking over to Luffy, where the infamous Straw Hat laid on his head.

"Yeah, he did, Shishishi!" Luffy smiled, remembering the day he received Shanks' hat. "I made a promise that I'd become a great pirate and give it back."

I thought back to the day Luffy went to give Shanks his hat back. Shanks grinning, saying that since he went this long without it, that Luffy can keep it. "Think of it as a gift for becoming King of the Pirates! It's only fitting the new King wears it, since it was Roger's hat." He said.

To say the news shocked us all was an understatement. Who would've ever imagined that Luffy was wearing Roger's hat this whole time. Funny how that worked out.

Gather up all of the crew, it's time to ship out Bink's Brew.
Wave goodbye, but don't you cry, our memories remain!
Our days are but a passing dream, everlasting though they seem
'Neith the moon we'll meet again, the winds our lullaby!

"I've decided!" I looked to Lenora as she glanced between the two of us, eagerly. "When I get older, I'm going to become a pirate too!" I giggled as she struck a pose, pretending to sword fight with her imaginary enemy in front of her. I looked to Luffy, who had a contemplative look on his face.

He smiled, taking the hat off his head. "That so?"

Lenora stopped and looked over to Luffy. "Yeah!"

Gather Up all of the crew, it's time to ship out bink's brew
Sing a song and play along, for all the ocean's wide!
After all is said and done, you'll end up a skeleton
So spread your tail from dawn 'till dusk, upon these foamy Seas!

"Then, for my birthday gift to you..." Luffy placed the hat on Lenora's head, it falling forward slightly due to it being to big for her. "I leave my hat to you."

"Really?! I get to keep it!?" Lenora grabbed the edge of it, pushing it up slightly to look at the two of us. "Shishishi!"

I smiled fondly, Lenora picking up Luffy's signature laugh. The two are just alike. I grabbed a hold of Lenora, bringing her into my arms. Not a moment later, I felt Luffy wrap his arms around the both of us.

"Happy birthday Lenora."

Yohohoho, yohohoho! Yohohoho, yohohoho!
Yohohoho, yohohoho! Yohohoho, yohohoho!

Published: 03/16/2023

So I might or might not come back and edit this chapter. This was the first idea that popped into my head and I tried to jot it all down before I forgot it lol. Although, I might just make another story of short stories like this for any character, and even other anime's!

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