One Crazy Life!

By lipgloss1989

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Join Madeline and Jason to see their crazy life! More

Chapter 1: One Drunken Night
Chapter 2: One pair of confused parents
Chapter 3: One Crazy Day!
Chapter 4: One not so merry christmas
Chapter 5: One Terrible Job
Chapter 6: One stressful wedding
Chapter 7: One wild work day
Chapter 8: One great Disney trip!
Chapter 9: One big fire!
Chapter 10: One long week
Chapter 11: One big search party
Chapter 12: One sweet Easter
Chapter 13: One terrified baby
Chapter 14: One not so relaxing weekend
Chapter 15: One beautiful beach trip
Chapter 16: One holy terror
Chapter 17: One wild sleepover
Chapter 18: One mysterious camping trip
Chapter 19: One bad break
Chapter 20: One big halloween bash!
Chapter 21: One... Stella is ONE!
Chapter 22: One Scary Accident
Chapter 23: One terrible storm
Chapter 24: One merry christmas!
Chapter 25: one snowy vacation
Chapter 26: One clingy little baby
Chapter 27: One little fish
Chapter 28: One big hike!
Chapter 29: One big stage!
Chapter 30: One big sister!
Chapter 31: One new job!
Chapter 32: One big treat!
Chapter 33: One precious two year old
Chapter 34: One Mardi Pardi!
Chapter 35: One tiny dancer
Chapter 36: One Scary Allergy
Chapter 37: One colorful house!
Chapter 38: One fun Easter trip!
Chapter 39: One family vacation pt.1
Chapter 40: One family vacation pt. 2
Chapter 41: One nasty cold
Chapter 42: One showstopper
Chapter 43: One princess party
Chapter 44: One baby...?
Chapter 45: Two sweet babies!
Chapter 46: One cute date
Chapter 47: One new bed!
Chapter 48: One missing paci
Chapter 49: One, two, THREE!
Chapter 51: One dark evening
Chapter 52: One little walker!
Chapter 53: One years old!
Chapter 54: One little surgery
Chapter 55: One little tea party
Chapter 56: One Big Girl!
Chapter 57: One little award
Chapter 58: One bad bug
Chapter 59: One cute sheep
Chapter 60: One Scared Pre-Ker
Chapter 61: One close call
Chapter 62: One scary dream
Chapter 63: One big bully
Chapter 64: One little hero
Chapter 65: One community stress
Chapter 66: The aftermath

Chapter 50: One crazy holiday

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By lipgloss1989

Mrs. Gracey: okay my little munchkins. We're gonna write some letters to Santa Claus today!

Kids: *get excited*

Mrs. Gracey: okay so Mrs. Gracey has some coloring pages for you to color and Mrs. Gracey will come help you write your letter when it's your turn

Mrs. Gracey: *hands out coloring pages and colors*

Stella: yay yay luh is noman!

Laityn: I have a reindeer on mine!

Stella: noman peek!

Laityn: no stella snowman's are white

Mrs Gracey: it's okay she can color her snowman pink!

*flash to Madeline*

Caroline: hey little dude! You ready to go see Santa!

Madeline: say I'm so excited!!

Rhett: *smiles*

Caroline: how do you think he'll do?

Madeline: I don't know. He's pretty go with the flow when it comes to people so I don't think he'll cry

Caroline: already has no fear! Gotta watch out for that one when he's older!

Madeline: oh I'm aware! Everyone's been warning me. The second child is usually the terror

Caroline: enjoy him while he's a sweet little baby!

Madeline: for sure!

*go to the mall to see Santa*

Madeline: okay buddy let's go see Santa!

*go see santa*

Caroline: okay rhett you're next!

Madeline: look buddy!

Rhett: *staring at Santa*

Madeline: hey buddy! Look here!!

*takes picture*

*flash to daycare with Stella*

Mrs Gracey: okay Stella you ready?

Stella: is Sella's tuhn?

Mrs. Gracey: yes ma'am it is!

Mrs Gracey: Stella what do you want for Christmas?

Stella: ah duh nuh mih gacee!

Mrs Gracey: you don't know! Hmm let's think

Stella: ummmm

Mrs Gracey: ooh what about a bike?

Stella: ooh a bite fuh sella!

Mrs gracey: you like that?

Stella: ya a bite!

Mrs Gracey: okay I'll write it on your letter!

Stella: dan doo mih gacee!

Mrs Gracey: you're so well come sweetheart!

Mrs Gracey: okay you can finish coloring it *gives sheet back to Stella*

*few hours later*

Madeline: hey Stella girl! You ready to go home?

Stella: mama! Luh!!

Madeline: oh what's that?

Stella: fuh sana caws!

Madeline: oh it's for Santa Claus!

Stella: ya mama!

Madeline: okay let's look at it when we get home!

*Stella and Madeline go home*

Stella: dada luh ah goh sana caws!

Jason: you got Santa Claus?

Madeline: say I got a letter for Santa Claus

Jason: ooh cool baby! What did you ask Santa for?

Stella: bite!

Jason: a bite? A bite of what?

Madeline: *looks at the paper* you want a bike?

Stella: ya mama a bite!

Jason: oh wow! *looks at Madeline*

Madeline: that's all you asked for?

Stella: ya mama!

Madeline: okay well we can go send this to Santa tomorrow!

Stella: yay!

*next day*

Caroline: hey!

Madeline: hey! They're both still sleeping!

Caroline: sleepy babies today!

Madeline: yes!

Caroline: well, while they're still asleep you wanna plan the Christmas party?

Madeline: yeah let's get that out the way!

*madeline and Caroline start planning*

Stella: *comes out her room into the living room*

Madeline: good morning sweet princess!!

Stella: mama! *goes hug Madeline*

Madeline: *grabs Stella and sits her on her lap and snuggles her* did you sleep good?

Stella: I sep mama

Madeline: good glad to here

Caroline: Stella guess what?!

Stella: wuh nahnee!?

Caroline: when bubby wakes up we're going see Santa Claus!!

Stella: sana caws! Yay! *claps*

Madeline: we're gonna bring him your list!

Stella: mah yiss?

Madeline: yeah the list you made for Santa at school

Stella: uh ya!

Rhett: *wakes up*

Madeline: Stella I hear bubby!

Stella: bubby awate now?

Madeline: yeah you wanna come with mommy to get him?

Stella: ya!

*go get rhett*

Madeline: good morning buddy!

Rhett: *smiling and kicking*

Stella: wuh wets doin mama?

Madeline: Rhett's happy to see you Stella!

Stella: me!?

Madeline: *laughs* yeah you Stella!!

*gets the kids dressed and brings them to see Santa*

Caroline: oh my goodness! Stella are you excited!

Stella: ya nahnee!

Madeline: let's show Rhett what a big girl you are and don't cry!

Stella: ya Seya no cy

*go wait in line for santa*

Madeline: you gonna give Santa your letter?

Stella: ya mah yedda

Caroline: you did such a good job on your letter!!


Madeline: Stella it's your turn baby!

Stella: I guh see sana caws?

Madeline: go see him!

Stella: *runs to santa* hi sana caws!

*madeline and Caroline laugh*

Santa: ho ho ho what's your name?

Stella: I Seya Kayt!

Santa: Stella Kate! That's a beautiful name * puts Stella on his lap*

Stella: sana caws luh! *holds up her letter*

Madeline: she's doing so good!!

Santa: wow is that for me?

Stella: ya fuh sana caws!

Santa: oh well thank you! What would you like for Christmas?

Stella: a bite sana

Santa: a bike? Oh wow! We'll have you been a good girl?

Stella: ah guh gul mama?

Madeline: *laughs* yes she's such a good girl!

Santa: oh well then I guess you're on Santa's nice list!

Stella: *smiles and laughs*

Caroline: she's so freaking cute!

Madeline: I know I love her!

Stella: dat wet *points to rhett*

Santa: oh wow!

Madeline: *puts Rhett on Santa's lap*

Photographer: say cheese!

Stella: teeeeeessseeee *smiles*

Rhett: *looks at Santa and starts crying*

Stella: mama wet sah!

Madeline: he's sad! *goes grab Rhett*

Santa: *puts Stella down* bye Stella!

Stella: bah bye sana caws!

Stella: mama wet sah!

Madeline: he's okay baby! He's just scared of Santa

Stella: oday wet!

Madeline: aww you telling him it's okay

Stella: oday wet. Ah git wet tug mama

Madeline: you wanna give him a hug? *squats down*

Stella: *gives Rhett a hug*

*madeline and Caroline aww*

Madeline: that's so sweet of you baby girl

Caroline: you're such a great big sister stella

*all go home*

Madeline: *puts Rhett in his crib for a nap*

Madeline: okay let's start getting ready for the party!

Stella: a poyee?

Madeline: *laughs* not a potty a party!

Caroline: you wanna help mama and nanny get everything ready?

Stella: ya Seya hep!

Madeline: okay! Come see! *picks Stella up and sits her on the counter*

Stella: wuh doin mama?

Madeline: we're gonna bake some cookies! You wanna help mama?

Stella: yeah!!! *claps*

Madeline: yay!! Okay hand mama an egg but be soft with it

Stella: *grabs an egg* he go mama! *gives it to madeline*

Madeline: thank you angel!

*they make the cookie dough*

Madeline: okay sweet girl you ready to use the cookie cutters!

Stella: ya! *grabs one*

Madeline: okay press in down on the dough like this *shows Stella*

Stella: oday mama *copies Madeline*

Madeline: good job baby!

*finish making the cookies and put them in the oven*

Caroline: okay I'm making the gumbo

Madeline: okay we have to wait for these cookies to bake

Daniel: hey hey!

Stella: paw dan? Wey ahdee?

Addy: Im right here!

Stella: ahdee!! *runs to addy and gives her a hug*

Madeline: why don't you and addy go play!

Stella: ya!

Addy: let's go in your room Stella

*girls go in addy room*

*30 minutes later the oven beeps*

Stella: *runs into the kitchen*

Stella: cookees wedy mama?

Madeline: yes ma'am! *sits Stella on the counter*

Stella: *scoots close to the oven to watch Madeline take the cookies out*

Stella: *leans forward trying to see*

Madeline: *pulling the cookies out the bottom rack of the oven*

Stella: *slips and falls on the oven rack*

Stella: *screams then starts crying*

Madeline: *drops the pan and grabs Stella and sits her in the counter by the sink*

Madeline: ooh baby!! Let mama look

Stella: *screaming crying*

Addy: what happened?

Caroline: I don't know hold on addy

Madeline: she fell on the oven rack and burned her leg!

Caroline: *gasps* oh no!

Madeline: I don't know how to help!

Caroline: run cold water over it!

Madeline: *turn the water on and puts Stella's leg under the faucet*

Stella: *screams louder*

Madeline: ooh love bug! Shhhhh it's gonna make the burning go away

Caroline: grab her and bring her to the couch and I'll get the first aid kit

Madeline: *grabs Stella and brings her to the couch*

Stella: *screaming crying* mama!!!

Madeline: aww I know baby!! *snuggles Stella and rubs her back*

Caroline: okay hold her cause it's gonna sting

Caroline: *puts some cream on her burn*

Stella: *screams then starts crying harder*

Madeline: *eyes tearing up* ooh I know sweetheart I know!

Caroline: nanny's sorry sweet girl! It's gonna make it better though! *wraps Stella's leg in gauze*

Stella: *screaming crying* owy!!!!

Madeline: okay sweet girl *rocks Stella*

Madeline: *wiping Stella and her tears*

Caroline: let me get her an ice pack to wrap on it

Jason: *walks in* what happened?!

Caroline: she fell on the oven rack and burned her little leg

Jason: oh my goodness!

Rhett: *wakes up*

Madeline: babe I know you just got home but can you go get him please

Jason: yeah of course! *goes tend to Rhett*

Stella: owwwwwwy mama!

Madeline: okay baby nanny's getting you some ice. Daniel can you get her some ibuprofen please

Daniel: *gets Stella some medicine*

Madeline: look paran has some medicine to make you feel better

Stella: *takes the medicine*

Addy: here's Minnie Mouse *gives Stella Minnie Mouse*

Madeline: thank you sweet girl!

Stella: *starts to calm down a little bit*

Madeline: *rocks Stella and snuggles her* shh shh shh shh shh shh

Jason: *puts Rhett in his jumper*

Jason: ooh poor baby girl

Madeline: I know she's hurting so much

Jason: you want dada to lay with you

Stella: I wuh mama!

Madeline: *kisses her* I got you baby

Jason: feeling the mama hugs today

*few minutes later Stella falls asleep*

Madeline: Sha my poor baby

Caroline: she was in pain!

Madeline: I know! The last time I heard her scream like that was when she broke her arm

Caroline: yeah I remember!

*an hour later*

*guests show up for the Christmas party*

Tara: Sha Stella sleeping

Madeline: she's in a ton of pain!

Tara: oh no what happened?

Madeline: she was helping me bake cookies and slipped off the counter and her leg landed on the oven rack and burned her good

Tara: *gasps* oh no!!

Caroline: poor baby screamed!!

Tara: man I would too!

Madeline: I ready didn't even get a chance to see what it looked like. We ran it under cold water and wrapped it up real quick

Mom: Madeline Stella's knocked out!

Madeline: I know, she burned her leg really bad a little while ago and she's in so much pain!

Mom: awww nanas poor baby!

Stella: *starts moving*

Madeline: uh oh *watched stella*

Stella: *starts crying* mama!

Madeline: shh it's okay honey mamas right here! *sits Stella on her lap*

Mom: Stella girl you want nana to rock you?

Stella: *crying* yeah nana pees

Mom: aww come here sweetie *gets Stella and rocks her*

Dana: how bad did it look?

Madeline: it wasn't open so I'm not too worried about infection, but her whole calf was bright red so she got burned good

Dana: poor thing. She's gonna have a huge blister!

Madeline: I know! It's gonna be fun trying to get her to not touch it.

Dana: you may need to bring her to a clinic and get it wrapped. They usually put a soft cast over it so they don't touch it

Madeline: that would honestly be so much better. I'm scared that when it blisters she's gonna walk on it and it's gonna pop

Dana: yea definitely don't want it to pop because it really hurts and can get infected

Madeline: yeah for sure

Mom: *rocking Stella*

Stella: *crying a little bit but calming down*

Dana: *kisses Stella on the forehead*

Mom: say hi aunt D

Stella: *crying* hi ah dee

Dana: you hurting sweet baby?

Stella: owy

Dana: I know I see your owy

*start playing white elephant game*

Madeline: Stella you wanna come help play the game?

Stella: oday mama

Madeline: *sits Stella on her lap* you feeling better?

Stella: yeg owy

Madeline: your leg still hurts

Stella: ya mama owy

Madeline: ooh I'm so sorry baby *kisses Stella*

*white elephant game starts*

Oscar: *opens gift*

Everyone: *oohs*

Madeline: okay Stella girl it's mommy's turn

Dana: Stella which present you want to open for mama?

Stella: *points* dat one

Dana: *grabs a box with purple wrapping paper*

Madeline: can you help mama open it?

Stella: ya ah hep mama *rips open the present*

Everyone: *ooh*

Madeline: ooh it's a speaker!

Stella: guh dob mama

Madeline: thank you baby

Polly: you can definitely tell she's not feeling good

Madeline: I know she's hurting so much. It's Christmas Eve so there's no way anywhere is open tomorrow I'll have to wait a few days.

Polly: as long as it's not open she should be good

Madeline: yeah it's not I'm not too worried. Im just worried about her pain. Like this is how she's acting with pain medication. She was hysterical before everyone came over.

Polly: sweet girl

*party ends everyone starts leaving*

Polly: okay we're heading out. Laityn tell Stella bye

Laityn: bye Stella

Stella: bah bye yay yay

Polly: say hope you feel better!

Laityn: hope feel betta

Madeline: say thank you!

Stella: dankoo

Polly: Sha

*they leave*

Jason: *holding Rhett*

Caroline: addy come see we're gonna put cookies out for Santa

Addy: yay!

Madeline: *picks Stella up* you wanna help baby?

Stella: ya ah hep

Madeline: okay

*kids put cookies on Santa's plate*

Jason: okay I'll go put him down

Madeline: alright *kisses Rhett* good night buddy! Mama loves you!

Madeline: okay addy bear the air mattress is blown up in Stella's room

Addy: okay! *goes lay down on the mattress*

Caroline: good night addy girl! Love you!

Addy: love you too

Madeline: *puts Stella down in her bed*

Madeline: night night baby *kisses stella* mommy's sorry you're hurting. I love you

Stella: yuv vu too mama

*all go to bed*

*5 in the morning*

Stella: *wakes up crying*

Madeline: *goes into Stella's room* what's wrong angel?

Stella: yeg hut mama

Madeline: it's hurting you? Aww okay stay right here mamas going get you some medicine

Addy: *wakes up* did Santa come yet?

Madeline: *walks back in the room* yep! Santa already passed!

Addy: *gets excited* Stella Santa Claus came!

Stella: *gasps and smiles*

Madeline: do y'all want to sleep a little longer or go open presents right now?

Addy: open presents right now!

Madeline: okay let me go wake paran up and your mom and dad and then we can go

*everyone gets up*

Caroline: addy Stella are y'all excited!

Addy: yeah!!

Stella: I cited too!

Madeline: waiting for that medicine to kick in

Caroline: sweet girl

Rhett: *wakes up*

Madeline: brothers awake! *goes get Rhett* good morning buddy! *kisses him* merry Christmas! *goes in the front*

Caroline: merry Christmas Rhett!

Rhett: *smiles*

Madeline: okay ready to open presents?

Addy: yeah!

Madeline: *puts Rhett in his jumper*

Madeline: okay let me see *grabs a gift* this one is for Stella girl!!

Addy: ooh stella!

Madeline: *brings present to Stella* okay baby open your gift!

Stella: *rips open the paper*

Madeline: oh my goodness what is it!?

Stella: is a boss!

*all laugh*

Jason: hold on dadas gonna open the box for you *opens the box*

Madeline: oh wow!!! It's your own kitchen set!

Addy: Stella look how cool! We can play restaurant now!!

Stella: a wed dawn!

Madeline: so cool!

Stella: dada hep Seya puh ahgedda

Jason: okay dadas gonna put it together

*they continue opening gifts*

Madeline: okay baby one more present left. What do you think it is?

Stella: ah duh no mama!

Madeline: let's see! *puts the gift next to Stella to open*

Stella: *opens the gift*

Stella: anudda boss!

Madeline: look there's a picture of what it is on the box *flips the box around*

Stella: *gasps* a bite!!!

Caroline: oh my goodness you got a bike!!

Daniel: who's on the bike?

Stella: Minnie mows on da bite!!

Madeline: oh my goodness!!! That's so cool!!

Caroline: Daniel you wanna put it together while Jason finishes the restaurant?

Daniel: sure why not!

Caroline: poor baby's not going to be able to ride it until that burn heals!

Madeline: I know! Sweet thing!

*few hours later*

*addy and Stella playing with the kitchen*

Addy: restaurant is open!

Caroline: ooh good! I'm hungry!

Stella: mama. tie fuh dinna!

Madeline: okay mamas coming!

*caroline and Madeline both go sit at Stella's little table*

Addy: okay nanny what would you like to order?

Madeline: hmm I would like a salad please

Addy: okay coming right up! Stella take my moms order

Caroline: come take my order stella girl!

Stella: oday nahnee wuh ya wuh fuh dinna?

Caroline: um I think I want a ham burger!

Stella: cuh wite uh!


Madeline: you're so stinking precious!

*finish playing*

Madeline: stella girl let mama change your bandages on your leg

Jason: uh oh

Madeline: I know... get the anti burn cream just in case

Madeline: okay baby come sit on the couch *puts Stella on the couch*

Jason: be careful it didn't stick to her leg

Madeline: ooh I didn't think of that...

Caroline: I'll get a wet towel and loosen it

*caroline gets a wet towel and they slowly take Stella's bandage off her leg*

Stella: *starts fussing a little bit*

Madeline: I know I know sweet girl hold on. *gets the bandage off*

Stella: *try's to touch it*

Madeline: uh uh baby! Don't touch!

Stella: *whines* ah kwatch id mama!

Madeline: no baby you can't can't scratch it! It's gonna hurt!

Caroline: ooh I'd bring her to the doctor tomorrow to get that checked.

Madeline: yeah I'm gonna bring her in the morning.

*next day*

Madeline: *wakes Stella up* come see baby let's go see the doctor

Stella: da dotta?

Madeline: yeah the doctors gonna look at your burn

Stella: seya owy?

Madeline: yes your owy

*gets Stella dressed and being her to the doctor*

Doctor: hi miss Stella! What brings y'all here?

Madeline: she was helping me bake cookies on Christmas Eve and fell while I was taking the cookies out of the oven. Her leg is burned pretty good. We ran it under cold water to get the sting out and wrapped it up. I unwrapped it last night to check on it and change the gauze and thought I should still bring her in

Doctor: okay sweet girl let me see *takes a look at Stella's burn*

Doctor: obviously she was in pain but was she in like a ton of pain?

Madeline: yes! I've never heard her scream the way she did. And she cried for hours. She never cries for long periods of time like that.

Doctor: aww poor baby girl! Okay so the way it looks is completely normal. I know it looks gross and concerning but it's normal! If your concerned about her touching it, I can put a soft cast around the area so she doesn't hit it and have it bust.

Madeline: please do because she's been trying to grab at it and I just don't want it to get infected

Doctor: no problem at all! Okay sweetheart, I'm going to put some cream on it to make it feel better. *rubs cream on Stella's burn*

Stella: *starts fussing*

Madeline: it's okay baby! It's gonna make it feel better!

Doctor: okay I'm going to put gauze over it then wrap it

*puts a soft wrap around Stella's burn*

Doctor: okay all done! Good job Stella! You were so brave!

Madeline: proud of you baby!!

Doctor: okay I'm going to schedule y'all to come back in a couple of days and I will change it out and we will do that until it's healed!

Madeline: perfect thank you!

*all go home*

Caroline: how was it?

Madeline: doctor said it looks perfectly normal for a burn. She put a soft cast on it so she doesn't touch it and we will go back in a a few days to change it out!

Caroline: good!

Stella: nahnee I goh sucka!

Caroline: you got a sucker! Yum!

Madeline: she was so brave! No tears! Almost but she kept them back!

Caroline: good job sweet girl!!!

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