Good Girl Meets Bad Boy

By Forever_Dark

24.4K 336 52

Every guy wants a good girl that will only be bad for him. A bad boy is known as a heartbreaker, troublemaker... More

Good Girl Meets Bad Boy
Let The Game Begin
Trust no Player
Take Him As My Brother. Or Do I?
Cut-off moments
The Unexpected.
Poetry Time
Beach day
Meet up
The Hill

The Unexpected Feelings

1.7K 27 7
By Forever_Dark

I've never thought a player could ever be so romantic. Shane has really surprised me. We look at each other, and just when he was about to tell me something I was dying to know, I heard a little smirk behind me. I turned around and saw some of Shane's friends. "Well, well, well. What do we have here?" He said with a big smirk on his face. Shane looked! at me with a unreadable look as he said,"nothing man. What are you doing here?" Shane asked. The guy leaned against the tree that was behind him as he said,"oh nothing. Just went out for a run. What are you doing here?" He asked. A run? With jeans and converse? I hate him already. "It doesn't look like you were running." I said as I looked at his outfit. I had no idea what I was doing it just came out. "What a girl you found, huh Shane. She's a keeper." He said as be winked at us. I rolled my eyes at him and turned back to Shane. I looked at him and he said,"she's not my girl." Okay that did hurt a bit. Wait what? Why did that hurt? No way. This can't be happening.

I looked down. I tried so hard to keep those tears in my eyes.

Awkward silence.

Okay this it. I can't do this anymore. I break down in a matter of seconds.

I didn't even look at them as I said,"I'm out of here."

I wasn't even sure of where I was heading. All I knew was that I just needed to get away. I don't even know Shane so well, and somehow that hurted me. 'She's not my girl'. 4 words I never thought would hurt me from a player. I've never really liked players, but Shane somehow twisted it. I have no idea why I was crying about this, and why I was feeling like someone just stabbed me in my heart, but I did. I could never have feelings for a player, but Shane was something else. Am I in love? No. Can't be. If I am... I'm screwed.


After a couple of hours I somehow managed to get home. Surprised tho. Luckily nobody was home yet since it was only 11 am. I went to my room and plopped myself on my bed. How could I be so stupid to think that a player could really have feelings for me? The problem with me is that when I fall for someone, I fall hard. And that's painful.

My thoughts got interrupted by my phone. Unknown was calling.

"Hello?" I said with a bit of a shaky voice from all the crying.

"Vanessa you don't understand." A male voice said. Shane.

"Shane don't even try, okay? I know exactly what you're up to, and yes I do understand." I almost shouted. I'm so angry at him. "This is what you do to those 1000 of girls you've been with, isn't it? You make them fall for you, and then you have a bit fun with them, and when you get tired of them, you just break their heart." My voice broke at the last part. I couldn't hold it in. Vanessa, why can't you just be strong for once?

"See? You don't understand." He said.

I'm going to throw a brick at this guy.

"Shut up, yes I do. I'm not a girl you can play with. I don't even know you. And I'm not even sure if I want to anymore."

And with that I hung up. I threw my phone away and sat on my bed with my hands on my face, and crying my eyes out. I hate this guy.

After a couple of minuets my phone buzzed again. I swear, if it's Shane I'm gonna burn my phone.

Okay this time it was not a unknown number.

"Hello?" I said with a shaky voice.

"Vanessa! Hey sweetie it's Alex! How's it going?" He asked. I could hear that he wasn't that happy. More like angry in a way.

"Hey Alex. I'll survive. How are you? Are you okay?" I asked.

"Yes I'm fine. I just needed to tell you that I heard what happened earlier, and I just want you to know that I'm here for you. So.. I was wondering if you wanted to watch a movie or something? To cheer you a bit up?"

Org, Alex is so sweet. But how does he know? I mean, does everyone now know? Urg, these rumors. So unbearable. And how did he get my number? I decided to shrug all the questions away since I wasn't in the mood to them right now.

"Thanks Alex. I really appreciate it. And yes I would love to! How about my place?" I asked. I needed someone to cheer me up, and right now I'm happy it's Alex.

"Sure! I'll be there in 30 minuets." He said. I was wondering if he knew where I lived tho, but it was too late to ask since he already hung up.

I decided to take a quick shower before Alex arrived. I walked in my big walk-in closet and picked some cute shorts and a tank top that said "dirty heels". I walked in my bathroom with a towel and as usual I put some music on and started to shower.

After a 20 minuet shower I managed to get out, and luckily I had 10 minuets left till Alex is gonna be here which was just great, because I could get to dry my hair before he came. I put my clothes on and wrapped the towel around my hair before I managed to get back into my room. When I came back there was a lying Alex on my bed.

"AAAAAAAAAH!" I screamed. Oh my god I got scared.

He smiled at me as he said,"relax it's just me."

I send him my best death glare which was kind of impossible, because he's so cute and sweet. I couldn't hold the mask anymore, so I laughed and went to slap him. Oh c'mon he deserved that.

"How did you get in?" I asked still with a towel on my head. I didn't expected him to me like THIS.

"You're not very good at locking your front door." He said with a smile on his face.

He was right.

I rolled my eyes at him as I asked,"so what movie do you want to watch?"

He looked at the celling with his thumb on his on his chin as if he was thinking. But we both knew he didn't.

"I don't know. What movies do you have?" He asked with a cute smile on his face. Geeze this guy smiles a lot

"A lot. Why don't you go downstairs and pick a move while I dry my hair, and then I'll be there as soon as I'm done?" I asked with a pleading expression.

"Sure!" He said as he jumped off my bed. "Don't be too long." He said before we went out of my room.

"Don't worry!" I shouted.

After 10 minuets my hair was full dried. I put my dryer back in place and just let my hair fall down naturally. I grabbed my phone and went down to Alex.

"Any movie you wanna see?" I asked. I bit exited about his choice.

"Yeah!" He said. "Luckily you have my favorite movie. Or else I would storm out of that door right away." He joked as he pointed on the door. "The Hunger Games." He said with a big exited smile.

"Oh my gosh, you like The Hunger Games too? I love that movie!" I said.

"OMG!" He practically screamed as he grabbed my hands and started jumping like a girl. I laughed at him and started to jump with him. I never expected him to be like this. Even tho we don't really know each other that well, it feels like we have known each other in 10 years.

As we finally managed to kinda stop fan girl anymore, we plopped down on the sofa and put The Hunger Games on my big flat screen. I have a big house so our decorations are kinda special made. Like our sofa. It's huge, but it's kinda something very few people have. It's very expensive, but that's okay for my parents since we're rich, but I don't like to brag out it so I basically never told anyone.

Alex sat next to me and I found some snacks and just enjoyed the movie. There hasn't really been any awkward moment. Like we will always comment on the movie now and then, and maybe laugh sometimes, even throw some snacks at each other. For one second I didn't think about Shane and it felt so good.

We were half way through the movie when the doorbell rang. Hmm.. Who could that be? It can't be my parents, because they'll be here at 7 pm or so. I got up and opened the door, and got really surprised when I saw who it was. Alex had a shocked expression too when I looked over at him. Get me out of here.

Why me? I could feel the tears form back to my eyes. Vanessa.. Stay strong.


"Shane." Alex snapped back. They didn't really look pleased to see each other. Oh no..


Hey guys!

Sorry it took me so long to update this chapter, but I hope you'll enjoy it.

What do you guys think will happen at Vanessa's crip? Uuuuuu ;)

Love you guys! - Bella xx

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