Iron blooded beast (MSG:IBO x...

By kentothevessel

4.6K 45 36

Title is pretty self explanatory, don't expect this to be good cause I'm doing this on my very little free ti... More

Iron and Blood pt.1
Iron and blood pt.2
Iron and blood pt.3
Iron and blood pt.4
Barbatos & The Unicorn
Glorious death
The price of life
Beyond the red sky
Whale hunt
The shape of closeness
This is totally not filler, what do you mean?
A letter from the future
Human Debris
The shoals
Funeral Rites
Vessel of Hope
Trail of footprints
Fumitan Admoss
Kudelia's decision

As for them

165 0 3
By kentothevessel

We open with Maruba watching the events of last chapters ending. (The Isaribi shoving itself into the Orcus ship)



We then see Gaelio covered in bandages and McGillis in their ship.

Gaelio: What's going on?

McGillis: Don't force yourself and rest, Gaelio.

Gaelio: I told you it was only a scratch. How are we going to pursue them? As soon as we're ready, I'll go too. This time I'll get that twerp-

McGillis: We won't pursue.

Gaelio: What?

McGillis: Calm down. Because of Coral's death, there's too much work. We can't act right away.

Gaelio: But, are we going to leave them alone?

McGillis: No. From the package they sent, I'm certain Kudelia is aboard that ship. If that's the case, they'll be on the route to Earth soon. We'll see them again.

-Timeskip? Idk, we're in space.-

We see the Isaribi flying through the VOID.

Orga: Well? Is there a ship chasing us?

Tekkadan worker: There's no Ahab Wave reaction. There's currently no report from our patrols.

Orga, Eugene and Biscuit were in what seems to be their radar(radars?) station.

Eugene: We're saved.

Biscuit: Though we have to stay on guard.

Cut to the mekanik boys doing some repairs on the MS.

Takaki: Old man. Is the Armor reinforcement the same as the Mobile Workers?

Nadi: Are you stupid? Mobile Suits use a Nanolaminate Armor so they're totally different!

Takaki: What should I do then?

Nadi: Just hold on a second.

He checks something in his tablet thingy. 

Yamagi: Old man!

Nadi looks up to him.

Yamagi: Check around the reactors-

Nadi: I said wait. I'm a Mobile Worker specialist and I haven't touched Mobile Suits since I was a kid!

Takaki: These Mobile Suits were made a long time ago, right?

Nadi: Yeah, more than a long time ago. They're antiques from the Calamity war. even though Kento says the other one is from the UC...

Takaki looks at him wierd.

Nadi: Although most Mobile Suits other than the Gjallarhorn ones are antiques.

Takaki: What's the Calamity war?

(Insert terraria calamity joke here)

Nadi: It was a massive war that happened on Earth 300 years ago. A great amount of Mobile suits that could have destroyed Earth got into huge battles.

We cut back to Gaelio and McGillis in their fancy-ass ship.

Gaelio: A Gundam frame?

McGillis: Right. Prominent at the end of the Calamity war, it was one of the 72 machines called Gundam. It's individual name was Barbatos.

Gaelio: Gundam... I've heard about it, but are you sure?

McGillis: I'm checking the reactor patterns.

Gaelio takes a closer look at McGillis' screen.

McGillis: It has two Ahab Reactors specially designed for that machine. That's its main characteristic. 

Gaelio: What about the other one?

McGillis suddenly gets more serious.

McGillis: The other one relies on a single Minovsky particle fusion reactor.

Gaelio: Isn't that from the... what was the time period called...?

McGillis: Universal Century. We're dealing with a Mobile Suit that should be extinct by now... The RX-0 Unicorn Gundam.

Gaelio: Heh, such an old mobile suit put up a good fight against us.

McGillis: It might be the pilot, rather than the machine.

Gaelio turns to him like "tf?"

McGillis: Don't worry. During the calamity war, the Alaya-vijnana system was developed to maximize the abilities of the Mobile Suits, apparently.

Gaelio: Space rats, huh...

(McGillis totally doesn't tell him the fact that the other dude is a newtype)

Cut back to the Isaribi cuz fak u.

We see Mikazuki and Kento having some food.

Atra walks over to their table.

Atra: What a great appetite.

Kento: Trust me, *nom* you get really hungry after work.

Atra: Will things like that happen again?

Mikazuki: Probably. They're coming after Kudelia.

Atra: Aren't you two scared?

Kento: *stares at the void for 5 seconds* Not really.

Atra: Why not? I mean, you might die!

Kento: It's okay.

He raises his arm and shows her the good luck charm.

Kento: I have this.

Atra smiles at him.

Atra: Sure.

Cut to the bridge.

Biscuit: So... About what we should do from here on.

Shino: Orcus was no good, so we have to find another guide.

Kudelia: So, is a guide absolutely necessary? 

Eugene: Of course it is. If you want to get to Earth safely, yes.

Orga: Since we're at strife with Gjallarhorn, a normal guide won't do. We need someone we could ask to even take care of those on Mars, someone strong to watch our backs.

Shino: Watch our backs, huh...

Biscuit: But who could...

Orga: Teiwaz.

Everyone: *Different mix of confusion sounds*

Orga: That's the only one.

Eugene: No way.

Kudelia: Teiwaz. A conglomerate based around the Jupiter sphere. I've heard rumors they're really a mafia.

Orga: We're after that true identity. 

Biscuit: Teiwaz indeed has some influence on Earth, and Gjallarhorn won't be able to attack so easily. 

Shino: But how are we going to negotiate with Teiwaz?

Eugene: That's right. Will that Teiwaz readily support such kids like us? 

Biscuit: If only we had a connection.

Kudelia looks as if she's preparing to say something.

Orga: As it is, we can't go to Earth nor return to Mars. We have no other choice but to head to Jupiter. I'll think of how to negotiate, but we can take a chance and talk straight.

Eugene: That's impossible...

Tekkadan worker: Woah... How'd you do it?

Orga: What's wrong?

Fumitan had helped him to do something.

Tekkadan worker: I was trying to contact those on Mars, and she connected me easily. 

(Watch it be her contacting Gjallarhorn or some shit)

Kudelia: Fumitan?

Fumitan: I used the Ariadne that Gjallarhorn controls.

Biscuit: Ariadne?

Shino: What's that?

Fumitan: Even under Ahab Wave influence where the radar does not work, the Ariadne shows the correct path for the ship. By using the cocoons that compose it as relay points, long distance communication is possible.

Eugene: Won't Gjallarhorn find out?

Fumitan: The communication is encrypted, so it shouldn't be an issue.

(If you want to encrypt your data like our Tekkadan boyos, use NORD-)

Shino: There's such a way?

Fumitan: Would you like me to help from now on? With the approval of the young miss.

Kudelia: Huh? Yes, of course.

Orga: It's decided then. Please help us as a communications operator. 

Fumitan bows.

Fumitan: Understood, sir.

Tekkadan worker: I look forward to it. 

He extends his hand.

Tekkadan worker: What's your name?

Fumitan takes it.

Fumitan: Fumitan Admoss.

Tekkadan worker: I see, I never knew your name.

-Mini timeskip-

We see Kudelia stare into the void from one of the ship's windows when Atra and the Augus brothers come out of a door with some bags.

Atra: Miss Kudelia!

Mikazuki: What are you doing?

Kudelia: I just discussed what we should do from here on with the boss and others.

Mikazuki: I see.

Kudelia: Why did you not participate?

He turns to Atra and Kento, then back to Kudelia.

Mikazuki: I don't like dealing with difficult things-

Kento: But you deal with me all the time?

Mikazuki: I tolerate you, that's different.

Kento: Haha... old man.

Mikazuki: I'm only one year older, shut up.

Kento: Oh, right. Atra is wayyy older.

Atra: Hey, I heard that!

Kento: I mean, I'm right! You're two years older!

They begin walking away.

Kudelia: What's that?

Kento: They're lunch boxes.

Atra: We're delivering them to those working.

Mikazuki: See you later.

Kudelia: Take me with you!

They turn around to face her.

Kudelia: Can you please let me help you?

Mikazuki: What?

Scene changes to the Tekkadan boyos doing all kinds of work.

Atra comes floating by.

Atra: Good job everyone! It's lunch time!

Everyone goes to get their food with her and the other 3.

Needless to say, everyone was really happy.

We then see Akihiro working out, when the door to his room opens revealing the delivery squad. 

Mikazuki: Akihiro, it's lunch time.

Akihiro: Leave it there.

Mika puts his food on a table in his room and turns to leave.

Mikazuki: Then I'll leave it here.

Akihiro: Mikazuki.

Mikazuki looks back at him.

Akihiro: Let's train with the simulator after this.

Mikazuki: Ok, just remember that he's coming too.

He points to Kento.

Kento: You can't get rid of me nyehehehe.

-Mini timeskip brought to you by a sandwich hitting the camera-

We see the delivery squad in an elevator.

Atra: So we're going to that Teiwaz person?

Kento: Wasn't Teiwaz a company and not a person?

Kudelia: Yes, but... There's no one to mediate, so it's not going to be so easy.

Mikazuki: I see.

Kudelia: "I see"? Are you not interested? It's very important.

Mikazuki: Not really. Orga will make sure everything is fine. I don't know why you're going to Earth in the first place.

Atra: Eh!? We're going to Earth?

Mikazuki: Didn't Kento tell you?

Atra: No!?

Kento: Ehe~

Atra: WHAT DO YOU MEAN "EHE"!? What should I do? I don't have any fashionable clothes...

Kento: If that's your concern, you'll be fine with your current clothes.

Atra: But we're going to Earth, right? Won't they think I'm a country girl?

Kento: I can give you one of my hoodies, if that'll make anything better-

Atra: Yes!

Kudelia seems to snap out of her thoughts.

Kudelia: The reason I'm going to Earth is to win the freedom of the Martian people. In the calamity war 300 years ago, the subdivided nations of Earth were united into four economic blocs. Did you know that?

Mikazuki: Nope.

Kudelia sweatdrops. 

Kudelia: Oh, I see... Following that, the outer spheres like mars and Jupiter, were divided among the economic blocs and governed by them. The Chryse autonomous region came under Arbrau, one of the economic blocs.

We see a slideshow of important looking people signing some papers and then civilians demanding independence. 

Kudelia: But with the unfair trans-planetary economic pact from the pioneer days, people were unjustly exploited for many years there.

We then see some men being shot.

Kudelia: To reform this, I've been negotiating with the Arbrau government of Earth. And the other day, Togonosuke Makanai, the leader of Arbrau, agreed for the first time to hold talks on this issue.

(That's him)

We go back to the little group on the elevator.

Kudelia: My aim is to win economic independence for Mars. I believe that it will lead to the happiness of all Martian people.

Atra starts clapping.

Atra: That's amazing, Miss Kudelia!

Mikazuki: I see. So you're the one who's going to make us happy?

Kudelia: Huh?

She pauses for like 15 seconds.

Kudelia: Yes, that is my intention.

The elevator arrives and they get out.

We cut to the hangar were the mekanik boys were doing some maintenance on the MS.

Tekkadan worker: It's been damaged so much.

They were looking at the armor that Barbatos removed from it's arm.

Tekkadan worker 2: I'm surprised he came back. 

Nadi: Stop chatting and move your hands.

Tekkadan worker: Okay!

Atra comes floating into view.

Atra: Thank you for your work! It's lunch time.

Nadi turns to her.

Nadi: Okay, thanks.

He turns to the rest of the mechanics. 

Nadi: Hey! Let's eat.

Yamagi: Yes, sir.

Takaki: Wow, lunch!

We then see everyone having lunch, while Mikazuki and Kento stand off to the side with Nadi.

Mikazuki: Do you want us to help here?

Nadi: Yeah, when we do heavy lifting. We're doing some fine tuning right now. You two can't read, right?

Kudelia turns to them, worried.

Kudelia: Mikazuki, you don't know how to read?

Mikazuki: Nuh.

Kudelia: "Nuh." I mean, you operate these really complicated looking machines.

Kento: It's not like we move them by reading. 

Mika nods in agreement.

Mikazuki: It's like a Mobile Worker, and the rest is instinct. 

Kudelia: Instinct?

Mikazuki: Is it that surprising?

Kudelia: Did you not go to school?

Kento: We didn't. I think the ones that did are a minority here.

Nadi: Well, many of them were desperate just to survive. There are some from slightly better facilities who learned a bit.

Kudelia: I see...

Atra floats over to where they are.

Atra: I finished the deliveries.

Kento: Do you know how to read, Atra?

Atra: Yeah, the shop keeper taught me.

Kudelia: Mikazuki, Kento. Would you like to learn how to read and write?

Mikazuki: Wuh?

Kudelia: I will teach you. If you can read and write, it will be useful from now on. By reading books or writing letters and essays, you can expand your own world.

Mikazuki: Oh. So I'll be able to read different types of books.

Kudelia: Yes, that's right!

Nadi smiles.

Mikazuki: Maybe we should give it a try.

Kento nods.

A group of kids lead by Takaki suddenly arrive.

Takaki: Don't leave us out! I want to learn how to read and write too! Can we join you?

Kid: Yeah, can we teacher?

Kudelia: A teacher? Um... Okay, if you're fine with me, let's study together.

Takaki: Awesome!

Kid 2: Wow, studying!

(Man, only if you knew.)

Atra: Such good boys. Okay, I'll teach as well, so ask me anything.

Kid 3: You Atra...?

Kid 1: I prefer Miss Kudelia.

Atra: What do you mean?

Kid 2: Me too!

They all begin laughing at her.

Atra: I can do it too!

Kento: Fine, if none of y'all will be asking Atra, then I'll be her only student.

He sticks his tongue out to the kids.

-Timeskip I guess-

We see Orga in the bridge looking up some info on Teiwaz.

Orga: A connection, huh...

Fumitan walks in.

Fumitan: Can I help you with something?

He turns to see her.

Orga: Uh, well... Can you take care of here for a minute?

Fumitan: What? I don't mind.

Orga begins leaving.

Orga: Sorry, I'll be right back.

-Timeskip brought to you by everyone in Tekkadan struggling to do math homework-

We see Nobliss in his office smoking a cigar. 

Nobliss: I see, so Coral has died. He was such a useless man. But those kids are quite amazing.

He puffs out smoke and chuckles.

Nobliss: The young knights protecting the young miss. This might be interesting. 

-Another timeskip because I currently have a fever while writing this-

We see McGillis in a desk in the fancy-ass Gjallarhorn ship.

McGillis: Are you second lieutenant Ein Dalton?

Ein was right in front of him.

Ein: Yes, sir.

McGillis: We know that you engaged a civilian organization outside Chryse. Your company planned to defeat them with your overwhelming power, but that plan went south. Was that due to the enemy mobile suits?

Ein: Yes, sir.

McGillis: I want to hear your honest impression. How was their fighting?

Ein: At first, I was surprised a civilian organization had mobile suits. But as the battle began, it turned into a different surprise...

McGillis: What sort of surprise?

Ein: It was something I never experienced in training.

He begins having flashbacks to the first battle in Mars.

Ein: The mobility, their reaction speed. We were shaken up by their tactic using those factors, and we...

Back in the real world.

McGillis: I understand. Thank you. You're dismissed.

Ein: Specialist Major, sir, I have a favor to ask.

McGillis: What is it?

Ein: Because I wasn't good enough, I lost my superior officers. I can't return to Mars like this... I am requesting permission to join the pursuit force. Please, sir.

McGillis: I understand your feelings. I'll think about it.

Ein: Thank you, sir!

McGillis: I'll give orders later. You can leave now.

Ein: Yes.

He turns and walks out of McGillis' office.

McGillis: (Gundam, huh...)

-I'm running out of ideas for timeskips send help-

We see the kids of Tekkadan in the Isaribi's cafeteria learning to write.

Kudelia: First, let's learn how to write your name correctly. Carefully and neatly.

Two kids stand up and run up to Kudelia.

Kid 1: Miss Kudelia, look at my writing!

Kid 2: Me too!

They show her their tablets.

Kid 1: Did I do it correctly?

Kudelia: Let's see...

She checks both of their work.

Kudelia: Yes, you both are very good.

both kids: We did it!

We then see the Augus brothers doing their best.

The kids walk up to them and start laughing. 

Kudelia looks over to Mika and sees why they're laughing.

Kudelia: Mikazuki, those letters are flipped. This. And this one too.

She points to the Z and the second K.

Mikazuki: What?

He erases his mistakes.

Mikazuki: I see. I knew there was something wrong.

Kid 1: Mr Mikazuki, you're amazing at work, but your handwriting is bad.

Kid 2: Mr. Kento isn't even writing, hahaha!

He was wright. Kento was making a Unicorn doodle.

Takaki suddenly stands up.

Takaki: Embi, Elgar, stop talking and practice seriously!

Embi: Okay.

Elgar: We know!

They run back to their table.

Takaki: It's not like when the adults were here. We have to contribute to Tekkadan from now on too.

Embi & Elgar: Okayyy...

Kudelia: He's strict.

Kento finishes his work.

Kento: Well, Takaki is the leader of the younger kids.  He's doing his best so they can catch up to us.

Orga was in the doorway, watching them, smiling.

Mika notices him.

Mikazuki: Orga?

We see Orga in a corridor, when 2 kids bump into him.

Orga: Hey, watch were you're going.

Kid 1: Sorry, boss.

Orga: It's fine, just be careful from now on.

Kid 2: Yes.

Kid 1: Sorry, sir.

Biscuit walks up to Orga.

Biscuit: Orga.

We then see them in front of a Window, looking out.

Biscuit: Without a connection, I think it's impossible to negotiate with Teiwaz.

Orga: What should we do?

Biscuit: I don't know, but we should think carefully to find the best way.

Orga: I did think about it. I thought over and over, but I can't find a better way.

Biscuit: Honestly, I think this job is too much of a burden for the current Tekkadan. We don't have any work experience.

Orga: So what?

Biscuit turns his head to him.

Orga: We give up escorting Kudelia and hand her over to Gjallarhorn?

Biscuit: We can't do that. For example, we can subcontract another company to do it-

Orga: No. As long as we've committed we have to move forward.

Biscuit: Aren't you rushing things, Orga?

Orga: What?

Biscuit: I feel like you're taking the dangerous path on purpose.

Orga: Maybe.

Biscuit fully turns to him.

Biscuit: Why? Why are you so stuck on moving forward?

Orga: Because I'm being watched.

Biscuit: What?

Orga: Every time I turn around, their eyes are there.

Biscuit: them?

Orga begins having flashbacks of the different things he has done with the Augus brothers.

Orga: Mika and Kiki are amazing. They're strong, cool and they have courage. They mastered a mobile suit in their first battle, and now they read and write. And their eyes ask me.

Orga, what are we doing next? What should we do next? What exciting thing are you going to show us next?

Orga: Things like that. I can't betray those eyes. In their eyes, I must always be the boldest, and have to be the coolest Orga Itsuka.

Biscuit: Huh...

Orga: We head to the Teiwaz HQ. No changes.

And with that, he leaves.


We see Orga in a different corridor, when the brothers walk up to him.

Mikazuki: So this is where you were.

Orga: Mika, Kiki.

Kento: You were watching before.

Orga: So you knew. Why did you two start learning how to read and write all of a sudden?

Mikazuki: Because Kudelia and Atra told us they'll teach us. With Takaki and the others.

Kento: If we can't read and write, we can't help with mobile suit maintenance. 

Mikazuki: And I can't do it now, but some day, I want to read all sort of books, and study about vegetables.

Orga: You told me once. That you want to run a farm like Biscuit's grandmother.

Mikazuki nods.

Kento: Aren't you tired, Orga?

Orga: This is nothing. Aren't you tired yourself from the battle the other day?

Mikazuki: We're fine.

Orga: That's good then. Earth is certainly far away.

Mikazuki: But you've decided to go.

Orga: Yeah. The die has been cast. Now we'll just get going to the bitter end. Right?

Kento & Mikazuki: Right.

Orga: We've finally found our place. Everyone's lives and futures depend on Tekkadan right now.

We see Kudelia asking the kids about the Alaya-Vijnana. 

Then back to the Brothers and Orga.

Orga: You really don't change.

Kento: How about you?

Orga: Me?

He raises his fists and fist-bumps the brothers.

Orga: I am who I am.

The three of them smile.

Mikazuki: Yeah.

Orga: Let's make your dream come true. Let's succeed on this job and make Tekkadan big.

Kento: Yeah.

The alarms suddenly go off.

Orga and the brothers arrive at the bridge.

Orga: What's going on?

Fumitan: A stop signal from another ship.

Orga: Another ship? Their position?

Fumitan: Unkown, sir.

Eugene: Isn't it Gjallarhorn?

Biscuit: I don't know, where's it from?

Maruba suddenly appears on their screen.

Maruba: You twerps! Give me back my ship!

Biscuit: President!?

Orga: Maruba!?

Maruba: You thieving rats! Give back my Will-O'-the-wisp now!

Orga: Why him?


                                                                                                                                                                  To be continued...

(Ayyy, I got sick again.

But this time it's because it's been cold af here in my city. I'm talking 8-5 C° and I'm used to like 35-40 C°.

That's all for this weeks chapter, see you next time!)

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