Mostly Girls, und Panzer II:...

Por Warthunderrager

54.7K 1.4K 1.6K

With Ōarai triumphant in the 63rd National Sensha-dō tournament, and their means of triumph dwarfing anyone's... Más

Introduction, and bio
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10
Part 11
Part 12
Part 13
Part 14
Part 15
Part 16
Part 17
Part 18
Part 19
Part 20
Part 21
Part 22
Part 23
Part 24
Part 25
Part 26
Part 27
Part 28
Part 29
Part 30
Part 31 (British & Commonwealth)
Part 31 (Germany)
Part 31 (Soviet Union/Russia)
Part 32
Part 33
Part 34
Part 35
Part 36 - Snake Hunting
Part 37
Part 38 - Wicked Propaganda
Part 39 - A Return to Form
Part 40 - Welcome to real tanks!
Part 41 - Air Mail
Part 42 - Rudimentary Haircut.
Part 43 - Yankee Doodle
Part 44 - Landfall
Part 46 - The Boko Museum.
Part - 47 Boko vs Sabaton I
Part - 48 Boko vs Sabaton II
Part - 49
Part - 50
Part - 51
Part - 52 Final Practice
Part - 53 Tank Heaven
Part 54 Nothingness I
Part - 54.5 Nothingness II
Part - 55
Part - 56 Reinforcements!
Part 57 All Together Now?
Part - 58 First Shots Fired
Part - 59 Wunderwaffe?
Part - 60 Tactical Withdrawal.
Part - 61 The Aussie, the Wind, and the Gërat
Part - 62 Recap & Retreat
Part 63 - Those that forget history......
Part - 64 Are Doomed to repeat it.....
Part - 65 Our Blood for Our Homeland!
Part - 66 Confusion & Chaos
Part - 67 Complications
Part - 68 The Slog continues
Part - 69 Disaster
Part - 70 Stranglehold.
Part - 71 Snakebite
Part - 72 Frontline Frenzy
Part - 73 Hold your Ground
Part - 75 All Falls Down.
Part - 76 By Traitor's hand....
Horrible Memories....
The Match to end all Matches
Gloves off
Hard Counter
Tighten the Noose
The Beginning Of The End
Hail To The King. Part 1
Hail To The King. Part 2
A Quick bit of art I did
Some more art I made!
Even more art I made!
Some quick editing I did
Found THIS
Project Cobra (WIP)

Part - 74 Exposed

430 14 13
Por Warthunderrager

Virtually all Ōarai tanks closed on flank the All-Stars were pushing.

The heavy tanks were moving slowly towards their target, the mediums wouldn't go ahead and attack swiftly, because it would be likely that they would be demolished.

Carm was getting impatient,

The T29 was very slow, even at the best of times.

Their flank was on the verge of collapse, and Nikolai was in serious danger.

"Nikolai! Talk! Can you hold any longer!" Carm said.

"This is Nikolai! Our tracks are gone! We can't move! I think we're done for!" Nikolai said.

"Just a little longer! Reinforcements are coming!" Carm shouted

"I'm trying!

Argh! It's their T34!




"IS-3 Unable to move!"

Carm grunted and looked down, his fist balling up.

"Can we go any faster!?" Carm shouted, knowing the answer full well.

"No we can't! I'm on max gear and the RPMs are redlining!" Dan said.

Carm sighed

"Germans, Brits! Go to the flank where Nikolai was, we end this battle here!" He said


The Panzer VII Löwe drove through the amusement park, running over obstacles with its 1-meter wide tracks.

"This is Karl! We are on route!"

"Roger! Do you have eyes on William anywhere!" Carm said.

Karl stood on his seat, balancing with his feet on the seat cushion.

He wobbled a little,

The extremely high stature of the tank allowed him to look over buildings,

"Aha! Found him!" Karl said.

"He's fighting one of their turtles! It looks like his track is gone!" Karl said.

"Roger. Karl, get to the front, I'll send another tank to help William." Carm said.

"Jahwol Herr Kommandant!" Karl said.


The German super-heavy then made its way to the battlefield,

At least allegedly.

No one was around.

"This is odd...." Karl said to himself.

"Vere is everybody...?" Peter said.

"Don't say that!!" Micheal yelled.

"Or else they'll-"




The tank shook like a tree in a windstorm,

The sounds of crunching metal snapping through the air.

The shell ricocheted......

"This is Karl! We ,are contact with ze enemy! Preparing to engage! Requesting support!" Karl yelled.

"We hear you! Sending support!" Carm shouted.

And then a voice rang out in the mic.

"No! Don't send support!

It's a trap! Don't send support!"a feminine voice yelled into the mic.

Karl stopped momentarily.

"What is a trap!?" Carm shouted.

"The All-Stars are luring you into a trap! That's how they got Nikolai-San!"

"Herr Karl! Pershing up ahead! Easy pickings!" Hans said.

"Should I shoot?" Hans said.

"Wha! Nein! Don't shoot!" Karl said, holding the speaker up closer to his ear.

"That Pershing must be bait!" Another girl said into the mic.

(That other girl is actually Yukari)

"Don't shoot, not yet...." That girl said.

"Wait? How do you know this?" Carm said.

"The All-Stars! They're cheating!" Yukari said.

"Cheating?!" Carm bellowed in an angry tone

"Yes! It says here that they're trying to encircle you!

Karl, if you go forwards, you'll be surrounded on all sides!" Yukari said.

Then, another tank exposed itself,

The T34,

"Herr Karl! The enemy T34 is exposed! Should I fire!?" Hans said, his voice getting quicker.

Karl squinted.

The metal was strange,

Almost like....


"BEHIND US!!" Karl shouted.

"Micheal! Reverse! NOW!!!" Karl shouted.

The second he did,

The T34 emerged from cover behind him.


Both tanks smashed together.

A bewildered Karl looked down at a blonde-haired girl sticking her head out of the T34 next him.

Both tanks jockeyed for a shot.

The electrical circuits in the turret ring shouted as the turret flung around, slinging the telephone-pole length 105mm gun barrel like a giant stick.

The T34 backed up swiftly,

Depressing it's 120mm gun for a shot.

Michael angled the front with no time to spare.


The gun fired


The shell smashed into the lower glacis, angled at a ricochet slope.


The shell smashed into the ground

Bits and chunks of rock flew upwards like a fountain, leaving a crater in the concrete pathway where the shell impacted.

"Traverse right!" Karl ordered

The turret swung around,

And then...

A T95 showed its ugly head, on the Löwe's side

It fired



A sickening crunch.

"Ah! We're hit!

Turret ring damaged it can't move!!" Hans shouted.

The turret was stuck.

The girl on the enemy tank flashed the slightest smirk of confidence

"Driver! Turn right!" Karl ordered

The Löwe spun right on its tracks.

The girl's expression then declined into a look of fear.

"FEUER!" Karl shouted.

Without the slightest hesitation, Hans stepped on the pedal to fire the cannon.

The T34 fired at the same time.


Both shells made contact in midair, shattering each other and making bits of debris fly in every conceivable direction.

Karl felt a small bit of pain.

He rubbed his black glove on his cheek.


The smallest bit,

Had his head been a centimeter to the other side it could've been worse.

"Micheal reverse! Get us out of here!" Karl ordered.

The German tank then backed up a fast as it could.

Zooming around a corner, narrowly dodging a third shell from the T34.

The girl shouted something in Japanese,

A bunch of Pershings fell into formation behind the T34 as it begun to give chase.

A Pershing got in front of the T34, zooming ahead as front cover.

A shell then streaked from afar, from across a river.

The Tortoise.



The Pershing in front erupted in flames, allowing the Löwe to escape.

The T34 and escorts turned to face the Tortoise, as it too retreated to cover, the German lion managing to escape effectively.


A Few minutes earlier

The Colonel sat down in his seat in the T30, downcast slightly at what happened,

Watching the battle unfold below,

An annoyed scowl cracked across his face,

That shot was way too lucky.

The Germans were attacking the All-Stars below,

And then he heard his walkie talkie come to life, whilst watching the conflict below.

"Colonel Beckmann, sir.

We have evidence that the All-Stars university team is cheating, we thought you would want to see the evidence..." a voice said

"Who might this be?" The colonel said.

Another person came to the mic.

"General Aquilino of the US Army Indo-Pacific command...." The voice said


"Mein Gott, the turret ring might a well be a Pretzel" Peter said.

"It's blown apart."

Micheal sighed.

"Least it's not the...." Micheal started

A shell streaks over his head.

Smashing the front of the Löwe.

The transmission grinded to a halt.


Micheal, and the rest of the Löwe crew looked over.

A Centurion....


He then started yelling profanity in German as the Centurion drove off.

"Löwe! Unable to move!"

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Note: I do not own anything on Girls und Panzer. And other movie, show, game references, etc. And spoilers alert from the original anime!