Along your steps | MINSUNG

By Surb992

6K 256 26

Elder Han Jisung Younger Lee Minho When calm life of Han Jisung is in danger when the troublemaker Lee Minho... More



71 2 0
By Surb992

"I saw hyung here!"

"Oh that's gre-Wait! What? Who are you talking about?" Sehyun paused his dinner and questioned.

"Who do you think?"



"Really? How's he?"

"If you had to choose, you'll always choose him, right?"

"You know, hyung! I believe him. He'll never do anything without a reason."

"You're still at it?"

"Whether you agree or not, hyung, I know that isn't possible for that hyung to hurt anyone."

"You saw everything, Sehyun, and still you believe him?"

"I saw everything and this is exactly why I believe him. He saw me when no one did. He loved me when no one did. How can-"

"Excussse me?"

"Come on, hyung. Love can be of many types. He loved me in a friendly way. Stop being jealous about anything and everything."

"I'm not-"

"Yeah yeah... This is why you'll always interrupt me whenever I talk anything minutely cute about me and Sungie Hyung."


" I know you won't listen. Come on. Tell me what happened."

Minho told him everything that happened from the moment he first saw Han to the previous afternoon and the reason for his confusion.

"Taejoon hyung? Didn't he get engaged like two weeks ago?"


"Yeah. I don't remember who but someone definitely told me that he is engaged? He wears his engagement ring always."

"I don't care how but confirm this for mr. If that's true, I'm so gonna kill him."

"For cheating on Sungie Hyung?"

"Obvi- obviously No. For cheating on the person he is engaged with."

"You know you can't lie to me, right?"

"I'm not."

"I can see."

"Whatever. Confirm if he is engaged or not. Something is not adding up here."



"Sehyun, I swear if you called me in the middle of the night just to-"

"No, hyung, it is important. Taejoon hyung is getting married next month.''

"WHAT???" Minho sat up on his bed. He was awake all of a sudden.

"Yes. He is marrying a girl on the 4th of the next month. It is an arranged marriage and as far as I have heard, he is happy with the marriage."

"That bastard is two timing! I'm confronting him tomorrow morning the first thing. I'm going to tell hyung the truth."

"Why does it matter to you, hyung?" Sehyun smiled and asked.

"What- what do you mean? I'm no bad person. I loved him once. Of course, I will not want anything bad happen to him. He trusts him a lot. They had been friends for years. I can't let that bastard take advantage of his trust and friendship."

"Are you sure that's the only reason?"

"Yes, I am. Stop using you brain cells for unnecessary things."

"Let's see."

With that, Minho hung up the call. Although he didn't want to admit, he didn't want Han's fragile heart to break. He spent his entire night trying to figure out how he should tell Han the truth without hurting him too much.


The next day, Minho went to the cafe to meet Han but to his dismay Han was on leave that day. He went there back again and again but it seemed like Han disappeared again. Minho had to tell him the truth. It was just two weeks for the marriage. He tried finding Han for about a week but Han and Taejoon were nowhere to be found and calling Taejoon wasn't a good idea in his opinion.

A week went by and Minho was frustrated. Han was nowhere to be found. Minho was just hoping that Taejoon wouldn't harm Jisung in any way. At last, he admitted defeat and decided to go back to Korea since his vacation period was ending and he had something important in his hand to do after returning to Korea.

Before returning, he decided to visit that cafe for the last time once again. He went in and as expected Han still wasn't there. He walked out of the cafe with a disappointed face and started wandering around as he still had a lot of time in his hand.

Time passed by and afternoon turned into evening. The weather had cooled down a lot. It was chilly in the evenings now. Minho was wandering around in the streets. He could feel his hands freezing but he was in no mood to go back to his hotel and get warm clothes. It was just a matter of an hour after which he decided to get his luggage and go directly to airport.

"One instant ramen bowl, please!" Minho asked in a convenience store

"Sure!" The teenager on the cash counter replied.

Minho took the noodles and sat on the corner most chair of the convenience store and ate the ramen. He was hungry since he didn't have his lunch so he finished it rather quickly.

Since he had nothing to do, he admired the world outside through the glass wall in front of him. These are the moments when you stop and look around only to realise how your life has been on the clock. When to eat, when to sleep, when to work.... Everything has to be done at the right time otherwise schedule for everything else gets wrong.

Same was the case for Minho. He realised how he never got to take out time for himself. How badly he had indulged himself in his work. He remembered how his life changed before, with and after Han. However, when has life stopped for anyone. Minho had to go back to his life so he threw his ramen bowl in the dustbin and decided to head towards the hotel.

He had to go to the main road to get a taxi. He decided to walk until there. While crossing an alley, he heard some sounds and Minho got curious. He walked towards the alley to find out about the source of the noise only to find three boys fighting. It was rather 2 vs 1. He also saw a girl standing nearby who was shivering in fear.


"I c-can't leave y-you alone."

"I can handle them. Just run away."

"B-but what a-about you?"

"I'LL BE FINE. JUST RUN AWAY GODDAMNIT. I CAN'T HOLD THEM FOR LONG." The boy said while trying his best to not let the other two boys reach the girl.

Hearing this, the girl ran away.

Minho knew this voice all too well. It wasn't difficult to guess what was happening.

"Shit! She ran away. I'll kill you, you fucker"

"Haah! Try me baby."

Saying this, Han punched the other man in his gut.

The other two men were badly bruised by Han. One man got unconscious in the middle of the fight. As for the other, Han was straddling him and punching him right in his face for misbehaving with the girl.

Minho was so focused on Han that he didn't notice when the other man stood up and hit Han on the back of his head. Han turned dizzy by the attack.

Minho rushed towards Han and kicked the man who hit him. The other man was already unconscious with Han's attack. He lifted Han in his arms and rushed to the main road. His taxi was already waiting. He immediately got inside and went to the hospital nearby. Although Han bled because of the attack but' thankfully, there was no severe impact.


The first thing Han saw was a white ceiling when he woke up. His head felt heavy and painful. With great difficulty, he managed to sit up. It seemed to be a hospital room. The room was void of any person.

'Why am I here? Who brought me?'

As if on cue, the door opened revealing a disheveled Minho whose eyes brightened seeing a conscious Han.

"Oh my god! You're awake? Let me call the doctor real quick." Saying this, Minho ran away to look for the doctor.

The doctor came back minutes later and checked on Han's vitals.

"Umm- doctor.....when can I leave?"

"I think we can discharge you tomorrow if everything is fine...... We need to observe you today just as a precaution."

"Can't I be discharged today? I'll be fine."

"I don't think so. We are happy that you are conscious but since the hit was on the back of your head which is a critical part. We need to keep you under observation for atleast 24 hours."

"I don't want to. I'm gon-"

"Stop being stubborn and listen to the doctor. Doctor, he would stay. I'll ensure that. Don't worry." Minho smiled at the doctor.

As soon as the doctor left, Han put his feet on the ground to walk away but the moment he stood up, he felt his world spinning.

"Stop being stubborn, will you?"

Han retaliated as soon as he felt okay.

"No, thanks. I don't want to stay here anymore." Han tried getting up but Minho made him sit again by suppressing his shoulder.

"What's wrong with you? I told you that I don't want to stay. Can't you understand?"

" And why is that when the doctor clearly told you that it's needed?"

"I- don't have money."

"I'll pay."

"I don't want your beneficence."

"Whatever. You are staying and that's final."

"And who'll stop me? You? "

"Yes. Me."

"You can't force me" Saying this Han tried getting up again but Minho was quick to sweep him off his feet.

"If you want it this way then sure."

Minho laid on him on the bed again and sat on his stomach in a straddling position.

"Lee Minho... What the fuck you think you're doing? Let me go" Han said while struggling to get up.


Han stopped for a second making the first eye contact in a while.


"If you left me on your own fuckin' will then you should have been doing better than with me. Why the hell are you still suffering? Shouldn't you be happier now? You physical condition is down the drain, the boy you left me for is cheating on you and you've completed abandoned your previous life. Why have you left everything when your problem was just me and on the top of that, you chose HIM? THAT SCUMBAG? Do you have any idea about how that motherfu-"

"Minho, enough!!! I dare you to say another word against hyung. Don't drag him in this-"

"Dare accepted. That excuse of a human is a bastard who knows nothing except toying around with-"

"Minho!!" Han grabbed Minho's collar. They were face to face with eyes burning with anger.

"Fuck it!!" Minho glanced once at Han's lips before holding his chin between his thumb and index finger and smashed his lips with other's.

There they were...... Kissing all their emotions away... Letting the other know about their passion, their anticipation, their anger, their pain and most importantly their love.

Minho's right hand travelled from Han's chin to his cheeks to his hair while the other hand explored from elder's neck down to his waist. His hands smoothly travelled across his chest to his waist and slid under his shirt. Han was no different. His fingers were swirling in the younger's hairs. He was finally able to quench his thirst for the younger's touch.

"Umm- hyung!" An awkward voice brought the couple back to earth.

Both of them turned their heads to see a sheepishly smiling Sehyun and a shocked Taeyang standing at the door. Both of them jumped back from their position seeing the duo.

"Damn!!! Totally didn't think about Sungie Hyung topping Minho hyung!"

"TAEEEEE" Minho and Han screamed simultaneously.


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