The fall of our secrets

By abirrosa2

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She was fire, he was ice. She raged and burned everything in her path when he stayed calm and collected. She... More

My first note
Chapter 7
Chapter 32
Chapter 33


38 10 11
By abirrosa2

Hello everyone, I hope you are doing well. It had been a long time since I published. To be honest, the lack of reaction and feedback made me sad and I didn't see the point of writing a work that gets no acknowledgement.

Anyway, one reader asked for more chapters and I couldn't ignore her request. So, here is a new chapter for all my readers.

Here is a new chapter, Alec_Jace6842 I hope you will enjoy it.

Happy reading.


We watched as the girls left the yard, leaving Enzo and me alone with Jasper.
"You allowed her to win," Jasper said accusingly.

I shrugged my shoulder, not giving him a clear answer. Jasper arched an eyebrow at me as a warning gesture.

I sighed and said in exasperation. "So what? I let her win. I have undergone that exercise countless times. It is not fair to compete against someone new in the game."

"You are losing your competitive streak."

"Come on! It is not like that. The girl did everything to impress you. She was good, but you wouldn't have given her your praise unless she won the last challenge. I wanted her to have it since she worked over her limits for it."

Jasper shook his head at my words as if they were nonsense to his ears, but thankfully, he didn't comment. "I will be waiting for you in my office."

"I am dreading the next round. I can't keep up with his endless criticism. He is getting on my last nerve." I groaned once Jasper was out of earshot.

"He is just looking out for you. You know his style." Enzo tried to reassure me since we both know that Jasper can be a pain.

"I am taking first dibs on the shower. I don't want to be late even if he didn't put a time limit on said meeting."

"You got it." Enzo agreed and took off in a jog around the house. I shook my head at the amount of energy he harness inside his body. I knew it was his way of letting off steam and thinking about his next steps.

I took a quick shower and changed out of my gym attire. Taking a deep breath, I climbed the stairs to Uncle's office. I knocked twice and waited for his permission.

"Come in," came his rough voice.
I turned the doorknob and entered his office. It wasn't as extravagant as his office back home, but it was dark and had Uncle's touch with its dark blue walls and the large black desk.

I stood in the centre of the room with my hands behind my back and my feet apart, ignoring the two armchairs in front of Jasper's desk. He didn't mention the meeting nature, so I had to be on the safe side.

Besides, I didn't know how was his mood and decided to assume the attention position.

I could see the amusement in Jasper's eyes and yearned to give him a piece of my mind. "You may have a seat."

I relaxed my taut shoulder muscles and took one of the comfy armchairs. "What is the reason for this sudden meeting?" I asked directly.

"I like how you are precise and don't beat around the bush. You know, this trait could be a curse."

Jasper was in the mood to have a conversation, but I wasn't. So, I arched an eyebrow at him and said. "I intend to make the best of it."

Jasper smirked and interlaced his arms on the surface of the desk. "Very well, I see you are impatient. Your father will join us this afternoon."

"What?" I couldn't hide my surprise as I didn't expect that at all. I thought Jasper would discuss today's training.

"I knew you didn't part on good terms last time you met, but try and fix things with him."

I rolled my eyes at the first part of his sentence. "Of course, you knew. I swear gossip spread in this family faster than fire in the forest."

Jasper's smirk didn't waver, and he shrugged his shoulder at me. "You choose to be a naughty son, you must accept the consequences."

I blushed at the word he used to describe my behaviour and shot him a glare. "You know that dealing with your brother is hard, and sometimes, it can be impossible."

"Said brother is trying his best to repair your relationship. You know I don't meddle in other's business, but don't you think your disagreements went further than they should?"

"Look Uncle, I love my father and would give my life for him should he order it, but I won't budge on my decision, and he knows it," I said with finality in my voice.

"You are stubborn." Jasper threw his hands in the air, surrendering.

"I learned from the best." I gave him my best innocent smile.

He shook his head and made a dismissing gesture with his hand. I took the chance and hurried out of his office. I didn't want to allow him to reprimand me once again should he remember something else.

The afternoon came too fast for my liking. We were all sitting outside enjoying the cool air when two black Rang Rovers pulled into the driveway.

Father and to my surprise Jackson exited the first car. For a moment there, I had a small amount of hope that Hunter would be next only to be disappointed as two guards joined them from the second vehicle.

I smiled while watching Lillian squealing in happiness and running to hug her brother. They didn't see each other for nearly a year now, and I could understand her excitement.

I waited patiently until everyone got his chance to greet them. I hugged Jackson and exchanged a few words with him.

When it was time to talk with my father, I felt my heart racing inside my ribcage, and with slow steps, I moved to stand in front of him.

He didn't keep me waiting for long and brought me in a hug. Instantly, I felt myself relaxing in his hold.

"I missed you." He whispered in my ear, and I smiled at his words because I knew he said them to let me know everything was okay between us.

The next few days passed in a blur. Dad took over our training sessions, and I could tell Nina was relieved to be out of Jasper's watchful eyes.

I can't blame her, the man was like a hawk following every movement of hers. Dad was something else entirely. He gave you the chance to do your best before criticising you and correcting your faults.

Nina appreciated that and did her best during every session. She made it her mission to impress him and prove her worth. She was aware that her acceptance into the family depended solely on his opinion of her.

Nina was so busy I barely got the chance to spend time with her. She was so tired by the end of the day that she went to sleep early at night.

It was Friday morning and Dad gave us the day off. I don't know what possessed him since he never allowed us to take as much as a breath until the training program is over.

I smiled when I saw Nina walking my way. She was wearing blue jeans and a yellow oversized shirt. She joined me on the damp grass, and I immediately brought her closer to my side. I kissed her cheek and ran my hand through her silky hair.

"How are you today?"

Nina rolled her eyes and said in a tired voice. "How do you think? Sore."

I laughed at her response. "I never took you for a dramatic person."

"I am not dramatic. Between your Dad and Uncle, I am never relaxing again."

I laughed louder and shook my head while stealing another kiss from her. "You want to spend the day together?"

Before she could respond, Enzo came running towards us and exclaimed in an excited voice. "I have good news for you, bro."

"Can't it wait?" I said with a hint of annoyance in my voice.

"No," Enzo responded in one word.

"It is okay. We can meet later." Nina said as she got up from her spot on the ground.

I shot Enzo a heated glare while watching Nina's form retreating from the backyard and inside the house.
I turned my attention to my best friend and said angrily. "Are you happy now?"

Enzo ignored my attitude and spoke in the same cheerful tone he used when he busted my moment with Nina. "We have a deal. They agreed to our offer after we submitted the lab's result. We will start production next week."

I was speechless for a few minutes, giving my mind the necessary time to process the words I just heard.

"What?" I knew it was the dumbest question I had ever asked, but I needed Enzo to reconfirm the words he just dumped on me.

Enzo gave me an exasperated smile, but he patiently repeated his words.
"What must we do now?"

"You are the boss, right?" Enzo said with a smirk.

And like that, we spent the rest of the day going through phone calls and conferences. The work we were supposed to do in two months, we managed to finish half of it in a few hours. Our motivation was at its highest, and we didn't allow anything to stop us.

It was seven and a half when Enzo put his papers on the table and stretched his limp muscles.

"You know we must go back to the company. You can't keep working from distance. There are meetings and deals we must close. Your presence is critical."

"I know," I mimicked my friend's posture and rested my head on the back of the sofa. "I think Dad is here to divulge the details of the last mission. I am sure it will be the hardest and the longest, but I will make sure to close it as fast as I can."

I assured Enzo and hoped my words were true as I have to go back to my life and start working on the future of my company.

"I think we must call it a night. Let's change and join the girls and Jackson for the rest of the afternoon."

"Why should we change? Are we going out?" I asked with a raised eyebrow.

"You are free to meet your girl with a crumbled shirt and dusty pants." Enzo left the room before I could retort.

I looked down at my attire, and surely enough, my clothes were in the state Enzo just described. I shook my head and went to my closet to change.

I walked down the unusually dark hallway. It was rare for lights to be off. I turned on my phone torch and headed to the living room.

The moment I set foot inside, the room illuminated and a chorus of happy birthday to you started.

I must be going senile! I didn't even realise it was my birthday. I gave my family a large smile and moved inside.

I stood in front of the table where a large chocolate cake in the shape of the number 22 was situated in the middle. Balloons and colourful decorations were scattered around the room.

Lillian reached over and put a paper hat on my head. I adjusted it and kissed her cheek. I blew out the candles and opened my arms for Nina who came next and hugged me.

"Happy birthday," she whispered and pecked my lips.

Dad and Uncle Jasper gave me one arm hug while the guys high-fived me. I opened the gifts and smiled at the pair of socks Lillian brought me.

"Your feet are like ice in the winter, you need them."

I shook my head at her words. "You are funny," I said in a dry tone.

"It is time we hit the club." Jackson clapped his hands, and for the first time, I noticed the girl's attire.

Lillian was wearing an off-the-shoulder short red dress with black high heels. Her ash blond hair was in a ponytail. Nina on the other hand was clad in a tight sleeveless blue dress with white black heels. She left her hair free and down her back the way I loved it.

Enzo and Lillian walked hand in hand while I grabbed Nina's hand, and we followed them.

Jackson groaned from the back and whined. "I knew I should have brought Natalie with me."

"You will be all alone. My eyes will be on you in case you entertain the idea of dancing with a hot lady." Lillian said with a raised eyebrow.

"I am not going to comment on this. Watch yourself, little sis. Maybe your friend there might leave you." Jackson gestured with his hand towards Enzo.

"Leave him out of it, Jackson." Lillian started dragging him towards the door. She looked over her shoulder and glared at her brother. "You are not driving with us."

I laughed at their antics and got inside my Audi. Nina took the passenger seat while Jackson took the back.

We arrived at a small club on the outskirts of the city. We entered the cosy building where soft music was playing in the background.

"Things are calm here," Jackson noted as he sat on the stool and ordered a round of drinks.

We spent most of the night dancing and having drinks. Jackson was the adult in this scenario and made sure we stayed within the limits of alcohol consumption.

It was one in the morning when we called it a night and headed back.
As we were entering the house, Nina grabbed my arm and stopped me. "I need to give you something."

We walked the short distance to the garden, and I leaned over the metal railing. I waited patiently for Nina to start talking.

"I didn't know it was your birthday, and therefore didn't buy you anything."

"Don't worry about it..." Nina raised her hand and stopped me mid-sentence.

"Let me finish. I made something for you. It isn't fancy like the ones you received this afternoon, but it is handmade, and I hope you will like it."
Nina looked inside her purse for a moment before she fetched a ring.

At first, I didn't see it clearly in the darkness, but when I took it from her hand and moon rays reflected on it, I was left speechless. It was a crafted wooden ring with three types of wood that was designed beautifully. The colour contrast from light brown to dark red was breathtaking.

"You made this?" I asked in amazement.

I put it on my finger and it fitted perfectly. "Thank you," I said with a genuine smile taking over my face.

"I made it as sturdy as I can so it doesn't break when you work out or fight while wearing it. It was hard finding the suitable woods to make." Nina explained.

"I am not worried. You will make me a new one." I said as I put my arm around her shoulders.

"Why are you so sure I would be here to do it?" Nina asked in a low voice.

"I plan to keep you near me as long as I can," I spoke sincerely.

We stood in silence for a few moments before I asked her. "From where did you learn how to craft?"

I saw a flicker of hurt in her brown orbs, but it was gone so quickly that I thought my eyes just deceived me.

"My dad loved to craft things. I always sat with him and together we spent several hours creating things. He always told me I can make beautiful jewellery even if I don't have diamonds and gold. A piece of wood is enough."
Nina said with a small smile on her face. It was the first time I saw this side of her. She was almost displaying nostalgia for someone that was long lost to her.

I didn't dare interrupt her silence and waited for her to speak again. "I think he was wrong though. In this world, if you don't have diamond and gold, you won't make it."

I couldn't disagree with her opinion. She was right. Unfortunately, we were living in a world where power and greed rule us.

"Thank you for the ring. It is a special gift, and I shall keep it forever."

"You had better keep it, Mister," Nina said in a threatening voice, but I could see she was grateful I didn't ask her any more questions about her father.

We enjoyed the silence and the beautiful night for a few more minutes before we retired for the night.

I realised I didn't know a lot of things about Nina, but I found solving the mystery was so exciting and a challenge.

Day after day I was falling deeper for her. I knew I was playing with fire and getting myself involved with her, but I didn't regret it one bit.

Nina was an adventure I was willing to conquer and live to the extreme.


I went to bed around two in the morning, and that's why I didn't even stir until it was eleven in the morning.

I opened my eyes, and it took me a few minutes to adjust to the light that where coming from the windows which I am sure closed last night.

The door opened to my room, and I looked up to find Dad standing in the doorway.

"Finally, you are awake."

"You were the one who opened the curtains," I stated accusatory.

"Yes, I am leaving in an hour. I wanted to give you your birthday gift."

"The Rolex watch wasn't enough?" I asked with a raised eyebrow.

Dad didn't answer me and threw an envelope on my bed. I opened it and was shocked to see the pictures of Alberto.

I skimmed through the contents of the files and gave my father a questioning look.

"Those are the whereabouts of Alberto for the next ten days. You have exactly ten days to execute his assassination." Father said and put his hand on the door's knob.

"Wait? Why do you want me to do it? Weren't you adamant to do it yourself?"

"This is my gift to you. Take it without questions. If you want to return the favour, you know what I want you to do. Goodbye, son. I will wait for the good news."

This time I didn't stop him. I just sat on my bed thinking about how things would turn out.

I was determined to end Alberto, and I will do it in the most painful imaginable way. I was so close to taking my revenge and going back to my old life.Surely it was the best gift I had ever received.

Enjoy your last days on this earth Alberto. Soon, you will be six feet under the ground.

I quickly changed out of my pyjamas and hurried downstairs. Nina was standing next to Lillian who said a final goodbye to Jackson before he took off with Dad.

"We are flying to New York. Get ready Nina." I ordered briskly and motioned for Enzo to follow me to the study.

"What is going on?" Enzo asked with worry as I didn't utter a word and just paced the room back and forth.

I paused for a moment and looked at him. "The end is near, Enzo. I have Alberto's location."

It took my friend a few moments to understand my words, but when he did, his grey eyes hardened.
"I will go and pack. We must leave right now."

I grabbed his bicep and shook my head negatively. "No, it is our last mission. Nina and I must take care of it. No one else is allowed to help."

"But..." I raised my hand to stop his protest.

"I need you to keep Lillian occupied. I don't want her to discover that. She will get worried, and you know what it means. I don't want her to land in trouble."

Enzo nodded his head hesitantly and clapped my shoulder. "You got it, my friend. It is time to take your revenge. Make sure it is worthwhile."

I smiled at him and nodded my head. He was right, it was time!

Enjoy reading!

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Until next time!

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