The Not so Dark Hours (Tomarr...

بواسطة SalazarFrost

59.7K 2.2K 320

6th year at Hogwarts. Harry is starting to suspect that Dumbledore is not who he makes himself out to be. Fur... المزيد

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2.9K 119 36
بواسطة SalazarFrost

Ugh, I'm so tired. I yawn. Sneaking back here after not sleeping should not feel this familiar. I should definitely watch my sleep cycle more. I take off my robe and shake it out before going to fold it when I notice a tiny scrap of paper sailing to the ground.

It says 'Owl me. - Caleb' and a post address along with the apparition coordinates. Is he trying to get me to illegally apparate? He's an auror!

Caleb... Caleb.... I like that name, although it doesn't quite suit him. It's so... muggle. Oh god, I'm beginning to sound like Malfoy!

I just think that pureblood names have something special about them. 20.219 – that's how many males are called Harry with first name. At least according to a study I found. Wait! Tommy boy gave himself a chic new name, why can't I? I'm tired of being Harry Potter anyway! But what will my friends say? No matter. First things first I need to see if that is even legal within the playing field that is the magic law.


"Harry James Potter will you listen to me?!" Hermione screeches and I hold my hands to my ear to not get my ear drums damaged. She's been ranting about me not sleeping well and slacking off in classes. As if! I've been working and reading more than she has! But she doesn't know that, you barely tell her anything these days, a snobby voice in my head resounds.

Ridiculous. How have I never even noticed? Hermione's never been interested in me! Sure, she likes Ronald, that much is obvious, but me? She just hangs around me because she got pulled into my lucky adventure streak back in first year. Ron is actually interested in my Quidditch rants, my theories on different subjects, even my favourites! (A/N favourites as in colours, dishes and such) She doesn't even know what my favourite colour is!

"I've had enough 'Mione, can you back off?" I ask, feeling my head throbbing from a coming headache. I knew staying up late wasn't the best idea, but hey, I'm a super animagus now. Apart from the fact that I haven't even transformed yet, but that's minor details.

"Enough of what? Why have you been acting this cold recently? It's like I don't know you any more!" Hermione cries and stomps off, pushing aside Luna who would have fallen if it wasn't for Neville catching her.

"Thanks Neville." Luna says airily as ever and skips back to her seat, while Neville blushes. I wink at him and do a thumbs up to show my support before making my way to class. Ron turns to me and asks whether I'm fine.

"Sorry mate, she was acting totally out of line. 'Mione has been weird lately. Called me beyond stupid the other day when I asked about what she meant when she was on a rant about ancient runes. I don't even have that class! How am I supposed to know?" Ron ends his rant with a huff and looks at me expectantly. I tilt my head. Oh. Oh! I'm supposed to do the best friend support thing.

"Yeah, no, yeah. You're totally right! Sorry I was distracted. She's really been acting mean lately, pushing Luna like that. I just hope that this is a bump in the road and not her showing her true colours." I wonder. Has she always thought that way of me and Ron? She's always acted bloody understanding of us before. As Ron stands up I see that he's wearing the trousers I gave him last year. He hasn't worn them before, but he should be regretting that decision. His arse looks fine in them. They're crisp and showing off his Quidditch thighs and pert behind in the best way possible. As he bends down to pick up his bag from the floor we hear a wolf whistle and Zabini appears next to Ron saying:

"Nice arse Weasel!" It sounds teasing and the Slytherins laugh, but I hear him add quietly, so that only Ron and I can hear. "I would tap that." Ron's head turns into a tomato and he tells Zabini to shove off. He runs off and I follow behind closely, giggling, much to Ron's dismay.

"Shut up Harry! We've got... What have we got next?" He asks and I roll my eyes. I swear, pay attention.

"Well you've got divination and I've got alchemy." Ron groans and complains about how I've become like 'Mione in third year with how many classes I'm taking. I beg to differ. I haven't had a burnout yet and I've already made a sleep-routine plan to keep me from it.

"Gotta go this way, see you at... history of magic?" Ron almost questions and I nod, watching him prance off happily. Apparently he liked Zabini's compliment more than he let on.


Today is my first real alchemy class since school started a month and a half ago. Apparently the teacher only just arrived at school, so I haven't seen them yet. I cautiously walk into the classroom, noting that I am one in a group of a mere seven students. Including me. We had a teacher prior who introduced us to alchemy, but we only had about five lessons with her before she quit for whatever reason.

Suddenly the door swings open revealing a young man. He is hot. Drop dead gorgeous. Okay, calm down Harry! It doesn't matter that he's better looking and more charismatic than Caleb, he's my teacher and that's that. I stare at him for what seems like hours, until I realise with a start, that he's staring right back. Dark brown and well-styled hair, aristocratic features, steel blue eyes and well built. Although something seems amiss. I feel as though I've met him before.

This is really going too far. I am disgusting, just like Vernon said. And Petunia had always told him that I am girly. Even Dudley knew, calling Cedric my boyfriend. Nobody would ever want me. I'm going to get rid of Caleb's contact information. I should be ashamed of myself for being this attracted to a teacher.

Yet as he starts talking all of those thoughts fly away.

"My name is Professor Miler, nice to meet you. Since I am new to this school and class, how about we do an introduction round. I want to know your name, age, favourite colour and your greatest passion. How about I begin and we go clockwise?" The Professor begins and I'm glad that I'm the last in that direction. "Well, you all know my name, alas, I am 28 years old, my favourite colour is that of an emerald, and my greatest passion is not Alchemy, but rather fighting for what is right." He points at Dean, who has surprisingly also decided to join the alchemy class.

"My name is Dean Thomas, I am sixteen, my favourite colour is grey, and I love hanging out with my best friend Seamus." Dean introduces himself and I snort. Grey like the colour of Seamus' eyes, huh? And his passion is being with Seamus? Oh man, if Seamus could hear this! The Professor simply smiles and looks at the next person. Theodore Nott speaks up:

"My name is Theodore Nott, I'm sixteen, my favourite colour is silver, and my passion is researching potions." Spoken like a true Slytherin. I don't know whether Professor Miler picked up on it as well, but he is definitely smirking.

The row continued on to Luna, who is sitting to my right.

"My name is Luna Lovegood, I am sixteen, my favourite colour is the colour of a new-born nargle and my passion... Well, I will know what it is in three weeks time." Luna says breathily and I smile fondly. Professor Miler looks intrigued before his gaze turns to me. I feel my face heating up and clear my throat.

"My name is Harry and-" I begin, but the Professor stops me.

"Harry what?" He asks and I raise my eyebrows.

"Harry. Just Harry." I answer honestly confused and the class laughs. I see something spark in the Professor's eyes, but the spark disappears as quick as it came.

"Well... Just Harry, you may continue." The Professor says and I nod, furiously blushing.

"Umm, I am sixteen, uh, my favourite colour is that of a well-aged Sangue di Giuda, and as for my passion... Well, my passion lies with helping others and learning many new things!" I add excitedly before looking back down at my parchment. I don't remember when my favourite colour switched from blue to a blood red, but it doesn't matter. Professor Miler clears his throat before introducing us to the lesson:

"Well then, you all seem to be ambitious and focused students, so I'm sure we will have a lot of fun discovering new things together." At this he throws me a glance. "Would you like to learn about everlasting life? Would you like to understand how to tap into your spiritual psyche? Alchemy is based off the ancient magic that some have read about. We will learn about famous alchemists such as Nicolas Flamel; and attempt to follow in his footsteps as well as open up your spiritual awareness while fulfilling your inner desires. Of course in the beginning we will be focusing on the basics as you did start with those with your prior Professor and the theory, but later on we will be going more in depth and have active debates. Now for the beginning I want you all to pair up and because the number of students isn't equal, one of you will be working and researching with me." Quickly everybody finds their partner, which I missed because I was stupidly staring holes into the air. Of course some girl who's name I have forgotten also found the Professor attractive and wanted to pair up with him, but when she refused to pick another student the Professor decided on her partner himself. "I didn't know you were this eager to spend time with me Mr. Potter." The Professor teases and the class snickers, apart from the girl glaring at me.

Everyone goes to sit with their partner while I'm waiting nervously as the Professor gets his things and moves to my desk. I wipe my sweaty hands on my trousers and push my glasses up my nose. Oh my god, I sound like basically every gay nerd in those stories the school girls hide in between books in the library. [A/N the original wattpad before the existence of the www ;)]

The Professor shortly announces that we will be reading the texts he prepared for us. Apparently he wrote texts about each famous alchemist we will be learning about. Every group will have one alchemist to present by next lesson. He did provide the texts to use, but he wants us to really get to know the alchemist and present them with our own words. He said that he found until now students learn best when they have to explain something themselves rather than listen to an old boring speech performed by a teacher. We can also include creative factors such as painting the alchemist to express our interpretation of him, make a collage or timeline of his life, or even use a muggle camera to film a short movie in which we act and depict his life. At the last point most of the pure-bloods snorted, but I am more than excited. I have never thought of such a creative way to conduct lessons. Professor Miler should definitely have a word with Binns and I tell him that much as soon as he sits back down at our table. He laughs heartily.

"Now then Mr Potter- or may I call you Harry since we are going to be in a group together?" Professor Miler begins and I agree to switching to first name basis. He tells me to call him Todd at which I must contain a snicker. His name sounds so American, yet he could not be more British in the way he moves like a posh lord and speaks truly refined. "Now then Harry, how do you want to tackle this. I hope you don't mind that I chose an alchemist already." I don't mind at all and the only thing I would like to tackle is you, I say. Well, the first part.

We start planning the project and I can't wait to tell Salazar and Harriet about this lesson. Harriet has been having an upset stomach, so she couldn't come along. I turn to look at the Professor who is explaining with wild hand gestures. Yes, this will definitely be the beginning of something new. Whether this something is good or bad I can't tell. Time will show.

A/N What do you think will happen next and what creature do we want Harry to transform into at the next animagus stage?

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