Call Me Dirty Minded

By RebelleMysteries

784K 31.6K 12.8K

Highest Rank #5 in Humour - Skye Einstein isn't your particular girl, even if she's the great grandchild of A... More

All Rights Reserved
1. Amazeberries
2. What to Do & What Not to Do (New Kid's List)
3. Mr. Goddess or Mr. God?
4. Hit My Humerous
5. Ass Fetish
6. Paint Me Wet
7. Drool Over the Artist
8. Call My Family Eccentric
9. Ms. Coffee & Mr Delicious Italian Teacher
10. Perks of Showering Naked
11. Suffocate in Squeezes
12. Le Butt Clutcher
13. Wet White T'shirts
14. Dirty Brownies
15. Surprises
16. Erotic Morning Voices
17. She's Excited He's Not
18. Girls Know How to Control the Balls
19. Boys in Lingerie
20. The Dirty Girl Got Me Whipped
21. My Anaconda Don't!
22. The Definition of a Real Man
23. Naughty Boys Always Have to Pay
24. Lights? Nah, Cookies and Batman!
25. The Smart, Strong, Horny, Naughty, Dirty-Minded and the Sexy
26. Sleeping Doritos
27. Beauty or the Beast
28. The Heart of Life
29. That is Zit!
30. The Fallen Angel
31. Kiss Me Slowly
32. Hello Badboy Bestfriend Awkward Hello Mr Goddess
33. You Chose the Right One
34. Cookie Thief
35. Borrowed Undies & A Road Trip
36. Dying a Virgin
37. F*ckbewb
39. Wicked Wolf and Little Red
40. Skye's Delicious Addiction
41. Soaked Mattresses & Mistresses
42. Entire Student Body Eating His Baked Goodies
43. Moans of Ecstasy
44. Hitting Hard Balls
45. Purchasing Diks & Dikheads
46. Upgraded Biters//Reduced Balls
47. Shrek is Loved in Cumberland
48. Wet Dreams
49. Goldilocks
50. Slipped Inside
51. Hits Runs & Regrets
52. Underneath the Erotic Fabrication Called Dustin
53. Dustin's Bulge
54. The Absent Truth
55. Dr Penny Trait
56. Buttered Her Muffin
57. Tattooed Heads
58. Twiddling Lips
59. Jiggling and Giggling
60. Oral Presentation
61. Period.
62. Fuzzy Holes
63. Jace Daddy
64. How to Cure a Hang Over

38. C'est La Vie

11.5K 451 121
By RebelleMysteries

Chapter 38

C'est La Vie

Hunger - Ross Copperman
Hello Vegas - Lay Here (play when in living room)
Foster The People - Pumped Up Kicks (Muaha, You'll definitely know when to play it)


Jace's POV

~Flashback 3 Years Ago ~

"But I can't dance!" Skye whines, laying tummy first on her bed while she gazes up at me. I laugh at the triumphed little Skye, 14 and still hadn't hit a growth spurt. "Don't laugh at me Jace! Just because you know how to move your body and stuff and I can't" she begins mumbling, squinting her eyes.

"Oh please babygirl, I'm pretty sure that little butt has moves. So come on and grab my hand beautiful", I walk up to her, laying out my hand. She looks up at me as I watch the corner of her mouth lift, leaning forward then grabbing my hand. I pull Skye up and off the bed, swiftly pulling her into my arms and placing my hands on her waist, swaying her side by side. I felt her chest vibrate with laughter. Looking down at her I raise a brow, "What's so funny?"

Her head lifted up and met my eyes, her hazel ones dawning on me making my stomach churn. "There's no music silly!"

I chuckle in return, leaning close to her ear and kissed it softly. I then began to softly sing Hunger - Ross Copperman lovingly in her ear. Her steady breaths brushed against my neck sending shivers down my spine, her lavender blossom scent intoxicated me and her soft arms wrapped around my neck, slightly tugging me closer brought warmth to my whole body.

"One look and I can't catch my breath, two souls into one flesh. When you're not next to me, I'm incomplete"

"You know Skye... I always found you the most beautiful girl. I've never met anyone before or after that could beat your beauty" My voice cracked, since it was the years of hitting puberty. I knew I couldn't say anymore since I had a girlfriend but neither do I want Skye to find this as a joke.

She glances down then back up into my eyes, her little button nose wiggling. She didn't say anything in return, nor did I expect her to. It was this moment I wanted to last and words were not needed. I let go of her waist with one hand and held her small one in my palm, pulling our chests against each other.

I swayed her little petite body around, letting go of her hand and spinning her. I watched as her eyes sparkled and her head leant back in laughter. My heart stopped. I drew her back in my arms feeling her nuzzle against my neck and planting a kiss, my knees could've detruded and collapsed in that second but I held my grip.

"Oh Love let me see inside your heart, all the crack and broken heart. The shadows in the light, there's no need to hide"

I pressed my body against hers begging for her to feel my heart rate, how she makes me feel. I then held her waist and pulled her up off her feet and over me, her head dangling down and staring downwards at me as the chorus hit. I spun her in that position watching her eyes close and her plump lips smile in a daze. Grasping her securely, I pull her down softly with her body still stuck to mine.

"You take my breath away..." She mutters ever so gently in my ear. I closed my eyes holding her hand again and swaying.

"Cause I'm on fire like a thousand suns. I couldn't burn it out, even if I wanted to. These flames tonight, look into my eyes and say you want me to. Like I want you..."

"And you my love... take my whole existence away" I whisper back, feeling her hand tighten mine and her head lean on my chest. I leant my chin on her head, swaying on to the music, feeling our heartbeats beat against each other. She was still unaware of my unspoken love for her, maybe one day I'll have the courage before anyone takes her away. I lift her hand in mine and spun her around once more, pressing her back against my chest as I leant my chin on her shoulder.

"Any girl will be lucky to have you", Skye mumbles sleepily. For some reason that hurt hearing her say that.

Don't you realise I'm only wanting you? Hm, oblivious little one.

I heard a knock on her bedroom door, but that didn't faze me, I kept swaying her in my arms to the music.

And then barged in the guys and Ryan, interrupting our music with them laughing chaotically. I sigh holding little Skye tighter against me, ignoring them. Smiling to myself as Skye also ignores them and continues getting lost in the moment.

I open my eyes and notice the guys slowly creeping away and mouthing sorry's with their chips bags, junk food pile and movies slipping out of their clasp. As the door closed Skye erupted in laughter shaking beneath me in time for the song to finish.

"I saw they're faces, priceless" she looks up at me with a toothy smile.

"I know... However cookie, I believe they have all horror movies and comedies for your liking" I enquire, heading to the door with her behind.

She grins brightly at me and jumps up, grabbing my hand and tugging me to the door faster. "Slow down there baby girl!"

"Never! Let's go, wait", she pauses, sniffing around the air, "there's donuts, we must hurry."

She laughs but stopping in her tracks just before the staircase. "What is it?" I question. She stares me up and down and gives me a look, a little dumbfounded it took me a second or two to realise what she needs, a piggy- back. I laugh lightly bending down waiting for her tiny self climb on. Standing back I hold her legs and walk down.

"Amaze flubba berries" Skye gasps, poking my shoulder. "Your muscles these days are just getting bigger... You just turned 15! Does that happen to me at 15? An expansion pack on boobs" I hiccup at her question shaking my head.

"Not sure baby girl." Once landing on the last step she jumps off and squeezes in next to Ryan beneath a blanket, Arthur and Sammy already in opposite single couches.

Walking in the kitchen I heat up some popcorn while Chandler puts in chips in separate bowls. "Chandy bear can you please pass over another popcorn packet" I purr, placing my hand on my hip.

"Of course Jacey Poo!" Chandler lovingly replies, chucking me a popcorn pack before diving head first in the Dorito bowl.

"Boys!" Skye shouts out from the living room making us all respond instantly in sync with a, "Yes Skye Light?" This however made her groan and bellow out fathoms of how well she can hide bodies if we were to call her that again.

"You know we love you!" I call out laughing, only to make her yell out more terrifying things she can do to us, ending her rant with a, "I still love you guys though."

Walking in with Jayden and Chandler to the living room, I roam my eyes on where to sit. "HERE!" Skye smiles brightly patting the seat beside her. Her braided hair in two bouncing slightly with her TMNT XL shirt.

I grin at my best friend and walk over but was lovingly pushed aside by Chandler and watched him jump in my seat beside her.

"Go Away CD!" She pouts, shoving him off, in response she was faced with his cheesy fingers to hush her. I shake my head and place the food down on the table and sit beside Chandler, Skye looked at me with those longing eyes. "Chandler if you don't move I will use my Kung Fu Panda punch" She mutters in gritted teeth. Everyone watches that intrigued as Chandler shoves a Dorito in her mouth to stop her talking.

"Awh little wittle Skye trying to act tough, so cute", Chandler coos. Skye grimaced at his words and held out her fist, striking down on his shoulder causing him to cry out in pain.

"What the fuck! INTELLIGENCE IS IN YOUR BLOOD! NOT MUHHAMAD ALI!" He yelps out, falling down with his last sacrificial Dorito in hand. "Oh little Dorito, you must be my remedy, my antidote from this death defying hit from mean little Skye." He whispers up at the Dorito chip on the floor. We all stared hearing the obvious cricket sounds.

I crawled in beside Skye squishing her a little between Ryan and I. She threw the blanket over me and cuddled into my chest smiling. I looked down at her flawless features and began running my fingers through her wavy caramel hair, the fragrance of Rose.

I combed my fingers through her hair as her breathing softness and lent up when the doorbell rang. Ryan jumped up and opened it revealing Carter and Josh. Carter's smothered look in his leather jacket, walking in slow motion with a comb in hand.

Someone call the helpline.

They bought the leather jackets a couple of months ago and ever since, it's become a ritual to not take it off. They believe it signifies their personalities and bad ass side, quoting Carter's words.

Josh waves over at us and sits in front beside Jayden in a beanbag. Carter however turned his head at Skye and licked his lips with a wink, I clenched my fist beneath the blanket and sighed watching Skye flick him off with the finger.

"Why is he here?" Skye asks Ryan, placing her feet on his lap and her head on mine. "I mean I love Josh, glad he's here but... why him?" She nods her head at Carter, who abruptly sits on another bean bag and seductively smiles, only to come to a fail when you see his braced teeth.

Jayden, Sammy, Josh and I already hit 15. The others still a few months away from becoming it. The years when Sammy's face was still covered in acne, the majority of us in braces, Skye having the slightly emo look of a side fringe, video games was our main entity, the idea of a girl seemed more appealing than ever, the guys in the awkward stages of hitting a deep voice and still sounding like a chipmunk, our bodies forming, our skills developing and our true sexual orientations coming out.

"Hey Jace" Skye whispers up at me, giggling a little.

"What is it?" I query. She nods her head at Carter. I looked up and saw him looking down at his phone with earphones in while shoving some chilli chips in his mouth. I looked intently and noticed the reflection of porn in his eyes. Ryan too noticed and we all looked at each other with the thought of kicking him out or to someone's room.

"I give him 10 minutes before the small guns pop up" Ryan laughs rubbing the back of his neck, I snicker in return.

"Outside or upstairs?" Skye asks. We look down at her and immediately Skye and Ryan scream out, "Your Bathroom!"

"No!" They repeat in sync.

"Your room! Jinx! Free Punch!" They shout out again, everyone watched while eating the snacks that would soon be finished before the movie even begun. Both immediately hit each other and shout out in pain.

"Fu-Flubba doodle" Skye growls rubbing her shoulder, Ryan doing the same.

"What are you two fighting about?" Carter oblivious of the scene finally looks up and stares at them, unintentionally pulling out his ear plugs from the aux hole.

Loud noises of moans and sloppy sounds came out from the speaker end of his phone, we all shifted our head to him and burst out in laughter. Carter humiliated fumbles to turn it off, failing at the sort and dropped it on the floor revealing a gang bang.

"Oh fuck!" Jayden shouts out laughing like crazy. Ryan stares wide eyed and falls back in fits too, "Porn? REALLY! Can't you wait till home?" Everyone laughed hysterically, I laid my head on Skye's stomach shaking, she patted my head with her laughs vibrating beneath me.

The guy just got here and already needed to shake the wagon.

Mortified, Carter stood up with a pillow covering his front. "I uh... need to go bathroom" He mutters, hurriedly running up not bothering to pick up his phone. His obvious small stampede poaching out.

"Use Ryan's!" Skye shouts out, terrified if he was to choose hers.

Carter turns around quickly and blows Skye a kiss then running upstairs. The kiss made her fall back and fake dying. "I-I just got shot... with his cooties" Ryan laughs patting her back.

"Should we resuscitate her or?" Chandler smiles with cheese bits stuck. I shake my head and nod towards Arthur who was holding a cookie packet. He got my drift and throws it at me. I hastily open it and put one in her mouth. In satisfaction she breathes and smiles dreamily while eating.

"Coast is clear" Jayden raises his fist high and announces making everyone cheer.

"Gah... we need to burn my bathroom" Ryan ghastly groans, face palming his head in time for another doorbell to ring.

"It's for me!" I shout out grinning like a fool, jumping up I open the door to conceal Kayla, my girlfriend. Her light dark skin mixing here complexion of her eyes, and her curly nearly put hair made her adorable. We've only hit the stages of holding hands and pecks, but you know... we'll see how it progresses.

I hug her tight with her small eyes glistening up at me. Leading her to the living room I introduce her to everyone, being her first time meeting. Although I'm in love with Skye, it will be years or maybe never till she'll notice me, so for the time being I need to get her out of my head and being taken seemed like a good option.

Immediately Skye jumps up and pulls Kayla in her arms causing Kayla to giggle. All the guys said their greets, all coming up for a proper hug. We resume to our sitting arrangement, Josh, Kayla, me, Skye and Ryan. The others sprawled on the singular couches, beanbags and in Chandler's case, the contented and comfy wooden floor.

Throughout the night we jumped movies, ate and swapped food but it went too fast so we ended up sending some guys to buy more, talked about random things and tackle each other. I held Kayla's hand loosely in mine while watching Sinister, as the movie progressed instead of jumping in my arms at the pop up scene, she jumped in Josh's surprising us both. I didn't mind though, I was distracted by Skye laughing, "This is so funny" She snorts making us look at her like crazy. "Wha?" Skye pouts, looking at us like we were the odd ones.

A bright light peered beside me, Kayla was laughing lightly while typing away on her phone. I nudged her gently, she looked up and mumbled a sorry and that she was messaging her best friend Alexis.

"Alexis... love that name" Ryan suddenly responds with a flop sided grin on his face. "She sounds gorgeous."

Skye sneered and poked his ribs, "You will never get her, she sounds out of your league"

"Aca scuse me, you want to bet? Maybe one day I will meet her and maybe she will like me!" He narrowed his eyes at her.

"$100, bring it on! Plus no one could go for that new formed pimple" Skye poked his forehead making him glare. They shook hands and locked pinkies, eyeing each other like a Mortal Kombat match. Matter of time.

3 movies later and Carter re-entered the room tired. "God, where have you been?" Sammy snickered.

"I uh... fell asleep" He awkwardly states, rubbing his arm.

"Where?" Ryan demands, wide eyed.

"Um... on my cu-" We all jumped up and hushed him making him shut up. Tackling him to the point we all piled on. "I CAN'T BREATHE!"

"That's the point!" Josh mutters in his ear, body slammed on top. I glance over and see Skye and Kayla eating popcorn in a daze and Chandler still licking his last remaining Dorito. Josh, Sammy, Arthur, Jayden, I and Ryan were casually loaded on him, you'd believe he would've died, but he didn't.

These were the years that the "leather jacket boys" and our group were close. The days we'd go to summer camps, amusement parks, eating at the usual booth at Vele' Café, gathering at the usual corner park in the middle of all our streets and versing in every sport. The years where our innocence and purity lessens by the more we learn and experience new and exciting things. Our childhood becomes smaller by the second, and the confrontation and summary of cooties and girls to us becomes the complete opposite. Even though, at age 3, I already understood what love was at first glance of Skye.

The years where we made embarrassing emails and thought they were actually cool, the days where rock punk bands was the shit and having abs wasn't a part of our game. The time where skateboarding and drinking fruit juice at the same time was skilled, and all the guys went through their risky, defiant and downright dangerous phase of stupidity. We were learning new things and seemed to forget all the rules of not being senseless we were taught as kids.

That night when Ryan's friends left and so did Kayla, the rest of us camped in the backyard in a tent. 7 of us in a circle cross legged talking about our future adventures. What we'd do in senior year, our hopes and dreams, what we seek to accomplish.

"I'll definitely be school captain and class president! But also teach a lot and become a provider and helper. More than just intellectual skills, be someone to look up to and be able to get through plenty of challenges" Arthur smiles, cleaning his glasses. I nodded to him agreeing he'd most likely become that.

"Me?" Sammy starts. "Captain of the baseball team, and become one of the best teams in the state. Have complex motives and game plans, be skilled and be a team no one can forget. After that I hope it pursues to helping younger ones look up at us" Sammy nods, throwing on his baseball cap.

"You don't even play though, you just play baseball cards" Chandler intrudes padding his face with marshmallows with melted cheese on top.

"So? I can learn! Plus I know every position, and angles to hit. And I promise you guys, all of this.." Sammy points at everyone's braces, glasses, acne, and other puberty flaws, "will go away and things will clear up for us."

Skye smiled at the idea and breathed in when it hit her turn. "I don't really know what I can master but I hope I find someone that will make me happy, fall in love you know... once a senior" she wriggles her button nose and looks down to hide away her blush. Jayden pulls her in a side hug as we all smiled at Skye, she can be adorable at times.

"I think for me, a road trip. An adventure with all of us, ticking things off bucket lists, rebelling against school rules, being free... Make our senior year the best it ever was. Make mistakes, learn from it, gain skills, venture through this world as a family." Skye's flustered face ridden and replaced with a dreamy smile. "That's what I want to accomplish in senior year, make it our best, most enjoyable, and most unforgettable. C'est La Vie!"

We all raise our plastic cups filled with soft drinks and clunked it together, "C'est La Vie!" we respond then sculling down our drinks.

I took in a breath when it hit my turn, staring down at the lamp in the middle.

I never really had given thought of how I wanted to end up in senior year or what I wanted to accomplish. I guess all that really disbursed me was the idea of being with Skye. I'm not sure what kind of person I will end up or where my face will be planted in the year books. I guess, at 15 all I could think was of making Skye the happiest person in the world, is that an eligible option?

I turned my freshly pierced lip ring with my top lip that I previously got pierced for my birthday, in intent thought. "I guess to me it doesn't matter. I don't mind having a name in the year books to be remembered as something, good or bad. But neither do I mind not being remembered, I think all I really want to accomplish is keeping you guys till we're old and wrinkly and in this exact tent 70 years from now. Some of us may be in wheel chairs, other canes and others may be sick, but tonight... tonight is ours and I want to keep that till we're no longer existent. Our friendship"

Everyone looked at me with a smile, Ryan patting me on the back in approval and my heart beating uncontrollably as I see Skye smile at me and look down with a crimson red covering her cheeks.

My Best Friend.

"I seek to accomplish being the coolest guy in the school," Ryan straight up states making us laugh. He blinks his eyes at us, "I'm serious! Well, okay okay... I hope to get through the rough stages and try to get out of stupid situations that I'll most likely end up in. I want to get through everything and fall in love, meet someone that can look over all my flaws and love me but still be my best friend. I hope to find that in senior year" It was my turn to pat his back and nod in agreement.

"Okay me... damn well" Jayden coughs stuck on the thought, "well heck I want our muck up day to be the best! Straight up! In fact I want to accomplish making the most pranks throughout my school years, get away with heaps of things" Jayden ran his hand through his curly hair. "I want us as a team to be unforgettable on that idea, pranking bullies, tormentors, those who deserve it. Be naughty and rebellious but in the good way."

Empathising with everyone's answer and relishing on our perspectives was refreshing. Then Chandler came in. "For seniorrr yearrr" he slurred, falling backwards and snorted with a marshmallow dangling in hand. "I will be the biggest player. One glance from my eyes, all the girls will swoon and orgie in their pantsies!"

We all gagged and did the expressions of being sick. "You've got to be kidding dude, you and Carter should be best friends" Jayden shook his head moving slightly away from Chandler.

"Hey! Okay okay, well honestly I hope to be the most enticing player in the school. My accomplishments of how many girls I can shabangabang and how many I can do in school in one day, teachers included" he winks. We all begun chucking food at him with boo's and gags, mostly filled with laughter.

"You're just jealous of all... this! I'm getting natural abs already" He grimly smiles. "Look we'll ask Skye, who has the best body here little one?"

Skye looks up and shrugs, "me." Everyone nodded and raised their brows, "she's right, being short has their advantages at this age", Arthur chuckles ruffling her hair.

"You guys know I will grow taller and look like an actual girl and all you'll be all famished by being friends with me" Skye joked, flicking her hair to the side to add to the sassiness.

"Sad but true", Sammy adds in.

Hours of eating more junk food and talking, we all finally conked out. Shuffling in my sleep, I wake up a little hearing light footsteps of someone leaving. I open it to see beside me, no Skye. Looking over, everybody still remains sleeping, soundless minus the light crickets outside and the sound of Chandler's occasional snorts. I quietly stand up and crawl out of the tent to find her.

Laying there beneath the stars was Skye. Her head lain on her arms as she stargazes, her two braids out in different positions, her now pyjamas of shorts and a sesame street Tee made me grin. Not in a perverted way, but how much she still was a kid. Walking over slowly, I lay besides her placing my hands on my stomach and gaze up. "Hey Nerd Thunder" she whispers.

"Hey Cookie Crumble, couldn't you sleep?" I ask, she sighed and shook her head in response. "What's on your mind baby girl?" I looked over at her and studied her features beneath the moonlight. I don't mean mean to be cheesy but it did make her sparkle.

"The idea of the future, I love it but do you think I will find a love? A true love that is, soul mate." She glanced down at her feet then back up at the sky.

"I definitely think you will, sooner or later you'll find it and when you do it's going to be everything you imagined. Just make sure the guy isn't some asshole or else I and all the others will beat his ass" I grit through my teeth at the thought of someone being a jerk to Skye.

She giggled and poked me on the side, "Don't be silly, I know a proper good guy when I see one. And don't forget, I'm great at punches!" She smiles encouragingly.

"Just promise me something Skye?" I look at her making her look at me in return. I scoop her hands in mine and look at her hazel eyes. "Don't depend your happiness on someone else, never. Depend it on yourself and when it comes to the time of falling in love, be steady and careful, don't fall too fast. I'd hate to see you hurt. You're strong but you're also fragile, baby girl" I hummed in and removed eye contact from her.

"Don't try too hard looking for love either... you never know, it could be right in front of you."

Saying those last words released something inside of me, I felt a little better. In a way it's as if I let out something I've been holding in, even just a little, that I want her. I want to be her love, first and last.

She smiled up at me and leaned close, cuddling in my chest. I wrap my arm around her tight, rubbing her arms. "Thank you for being the best thing in my life", she mumbles sleepily.

"Any time beautiful, and thank you... for changing my life for the better", I kiss her head and close my eyes to the peaceful sounds of her breathing and the light breeze around us.


I opened my eyes from my dream, more of a memory that seemed to seek me as home while I slept. I sat up in my temporary apartment with my parents, running my fingers through my hair and looking around. Licking my bottom lip ring I smile to myself at the memory reminding me something.

You've wanted this girl for 14 years, now that you have her... why are you in the city, thousands of miles away from her?

Taking off the blanket I get off the bed and head straight to the mirror. The stitches have come out and now only shows a slight scar across my stomach. The small bruises and busts around my face and neck had already disappeared and I've been able to walk fine. I've spent my time with parents, quality time of getting to know them and them getting to know me again, visiting places and diving in on a new restaurant almost every night. It's been good to rebuild my relationship with them and for them to get to know the real me even though the only thing I really talked about was Skye.

I trailed my thumb against my tattoo and grin at the retention. Throwing on a shirt I walk out to the highly detailed and upgraded penthouse towards my parents who had readied breakfast on the table filled with waffles, pancakes and top notch room service food.

"Hey Sweety, I'm heading to a meeting in an hour and your father in 10, eat up! I'm thinking about introducing you to a co-workers daughter of mine" My mum smiles, putting a waffle on her plate.

"Mum I think it's time to go back," I breathe in and look at her. My dad put down his paper and looked up at me with a smile.

"About tim! I've loved the time with you kid but you're not the same without Skye" My dad stood up and patted my back.

"You know, the first time you told me about her when you were three, with the little vocabulary you had but used much facial expression and arm movements to express your anger yet happiness on this girl that I believe, stole your cookie? I knew she was the one for you kid. You only have a specific smile with her, a smile no one else could get out of you. It's time to get what you deserve and to be happy" I bear hugged my dad and thanked him.

My mum sighed standing up and holding the sides of my face, planting kisses on both cheeks. "Oh gosh Jace... Skye has always been the one. You better make me many grand children!"

"Mum!" I stared wide eyed at the mention.

"I'm too young to be a grandad!" My father groaned staring at us petrified of the image. I chuckled patting my mums back and letting go.

"Before we go any further of that already, far picture. I believe it's time I'll ask her to be my girlfriend" A smile crossed my face, finally asking the love of my life to be officially mine.

Both my parents smiled and nodded. Me? I bolted to my room, I had enough family time, another smile and hug would be a waste now.

It's now time to go home and get my baby girl and ask her to be mine.


A long chapter, I was falling asleep on the last page haha. I thoroughly enjoyed this chapter, honestly the flashbacks for me is the best parts. What did you guys think of this one? And yes, Jace is back! So no more worrying and relax, because now the real road trip will begin. And this time, dirty thoughts will extend to an infinity of promiscuous and delicious things.

Comment ~ Vote ~ & Fantasise -- ~ & Sleep (So so tired)

- Mysteries

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