Shadow Of The Past | ✔️

By daisiewritess

95.3K 1.8K 175

Naomi Madden, a renowned fashion designer, attends an upscale award ceremony celebrating her latest collectio... More

01| "All those steps lead me somewhere"
02| "Shes Amaras sugar Mamma"
03| "Im ofricially taking your child away from you"
04| "My parents are in court"
05| "Ive lost home"
06| "Ive found the right perosn to be in out family"
07| "I also want you to be happy"
8| "I only fell in love with one women"
09| "Those eyes"
10| "My girls with someone else"
11| "You are not happy with this man"
12| "Bitch you were lying"
13| "Im sorry Im sorry Im sorry"
14| "I know damn well you wouldn't do that to yourself"
15| "Can you believe me for once"
16| "Princepessa the real question is are you ready"
17 | "Thank the heavens obove. I don't know how I was gonna cope without her"
18| "So is Ace your boyfriend?"
19| "Im proud of you"
20| "Fuck my fucking goddamn life"
22| "Because I feel like I can trust you"
23| "im trusting him with her"
24| "No, No I wasn't crying. There was just onions in the room."
25| "Oh girl. Stop crying or else your makeups going to get ruined."
26| "because she my little girl"
27| "You could've spent more"
28| "Your doing so well honey"
29| "Blue butterflies"
30| "I spent my entire life that I've spent with you worrying about you"
31| "You won't end in a not so lovely way, you hear me"
32| "You know I'll always pick up"
33| "Oh my he likes what he sees"
34| "it was killing me"
35| "im gonna loose it."
36| "I love you"
37| "Maybe"
38| "You look so damn beautiful"
40| "Nothing changed about my feeling towards you"
41| "Why'd you leave me"
42| "I felt home in his arms"
43| "Its forever hers"
44| "That reason is always because of you"
45| "You guys are going to look so cute."
authors note ☆
46|"Eyes up babe"
47| "Sorry, I can't"
48| "You two kissed, didn't you?"
49| "Cause For The First Time In Forever..."
50| "There wasnt anyone after you"
51| "Im thinking about wanting to try us again"
52| "I'm here and will always be there when you need it" 🔥
53| "Pain. It doesn't feel great does it?
54| "you keep hurting me and keep giving me reason to hate you"
55| "Thank you for making me feel a slight bit of love again"
56| "She's reaching for me, and I'm not able to reach for her"
authors note
57| "Here I am looking at them through pictures"
58| "issues"
59| "You never faulted in being a mother"
60| Just promise me that you'll come back. Both of you."
61| "Forever"
62| "you're so brave"
63| "Butterfly tattoo"
64| "you're just so perfect"
65| "Youve outdone yourself"
66| "yeah, he's fine."
67| "Thank you for maing my mom happy"
67| "Ti amo, e lo farò per sempre."
67| "You lied to me"
69| "whats stopping you?" 🔥
70| "You're in for it now"
71| "His love was a guiding light, illuminating my path"
72| "I didn't mind falling, as long as it was you I was falling for."
73| "im pregnant"
74| "I swear you two alone isn't a good idea"
75| "Run"
76| "Put the gun down."
77| "Forever"
78| "I'm not going anywhere"
79|"God, you're hot when you're in father mode"
80| "Love"
81| "I will always choose you, always and forever"
82| "Sucks to suck"
83| "I have beef with you"

21| "You okay?"

1.9K 32 11
By daisiewritess

I lay in bed watching my daughter sleep and as I do so, joy, peace and strength is all I feel. Just having ger beside me. With me. The first person I see everyday, makes me want to wake up in the morning and continue on with life.

She's the reason for everything single good in my life.

But after what happened yesterday I was thinking about getting her into homeschooling and a tutor, but I'd just have to ask her if shes okay with it.

Today I do plan on heading out to Mara's, to check if everything going well. I hope it's, because ei haven't been in since I left for Italy.

Rose did bring me some clothes for Amara and I to wear, so I think I'll just start getting ready.

I don't even know how I'm supposed to get my clothes and Amaras if I don't even want to step foot back onto Xaviers property.


Once I've gotten out the shower, I get ready: put on the outfit Rose brought with a pair of black heels.

I put my hair up into a tight high bun. I let Amara sleep and head downstairs.

There are huge men in black suits walking around.

I could care less about this, but whats going on with Aces life?

I get into the kitchen my eyes meet a naked back, with sword with wings and as the body moves the muscles contract and releases.

I trip and fall due to the heels amd not paying attention to my surroundings.

I prepare for a harsh impact but don't  every hit the ground.

I soon feel huge arms wraped around me. I slowly start opening my eyes and they meet those hazel eyes.

Somethings happens and by that I mean there was a jolt of electricity going everywhere in my body.

I then realize were touching each other for the first time touching, skin to skin in six years.

"You okay?" He asks and I fucking forgot how raspy and husky like this man's voice is in the morning. It stays like that for an hour or so, before it goes to his normal voice.

As I hear two simple words come out of his mouth another jolt of electricity runs everywhere in my body.

I hate that this is happening. I hate that I actually like this feeling. I hate it.

A memory of me recording him say sexy things to me in this voice pops in my head and I almost smile at the memory.

When we were teenagers I would always, every morning make sure to record his voice so I could listen to it in class with an airpod in my ear.

"Yes. Thank you." I said and he brought me back to my feet.

He looked me up and down and the way he was looking at me burned my fucking skin off.

I couldn't anymore so I walked around him and went to get a glass of water and headed outside and saw Milo and Nala on the patio togther.

As soon as my heel hits the ground they're heads pop up and soon come charging to me.

I quickly put the glass down and open my arms. I start petting them and they give me kisses.

I then stand up and walk to a mordern gazebo and take a seat at the table with the dogs following behind me.


"Just let me go. I need to go to work!" I yell at the bodyguards at the gate.

"Sorry ma'am, we were told not to let you go." They calmly say.

I'm irrated. Annoyed. Mad. I'm so close to even hitting them with the heel.

My Uber is just right outside and they arnt letting me go.

"I don't give a shit about who told you shitheads not to let me go. I need to get to work." I yelled throwing my hands in the air.

"We can't let you go." Another says.

I take a deep breathe to stop myself from starting to throw hands.

I pinch the bring of my nose as i say, "who told you not to let me go."

"Our boss."

"Who is?"


I let our a sigh and without saying anything else, I head back to the house and ask for Ace and soon I get there.

I don't bother knocking and just enter.

Big big mistake.

Im met with ten set of eyes just looking at me. Some filled with lust in their eyes.


I roll my eyes at them and search for Ace and he's looking at me. He says something in Italian that's inaudible to me that make the men look away.

"We need to talk." I mouth. He slowly shakes his head, while mouthing, "I'm in a meeting." Back to me.

I rise my eyebrow and he sighs.

"One minute." I mouth. He says something to the men and they leave. They greet as they go past.

Once they all are out i enter, closing the door behind me.

"Why are you telling your bodyguards not to let me go?" I ask crossing my arms infront of my chest.

He said nothing but leaning against the table on his side, with his arms crossed.

"Ace, I have to get to work. My understanding outside and I'm sure because your, people my rides probably gone." I said. He just stared at me with a blank expression.

I roll my eyes in annoyance.

"So you aren't going to say anything. You just gonna look at me." I said, throwing my hands in the air.

No answer.

I sigh and turn around, but before I could take another step his hand grabs onto my forearm turning me around.

"You aren't going anywhere Nai." He whispered yet it held power and demand.

He hasn't called me that since lord knows when. He's the only person who's been able to shorten my name into Nai.

"Ace, I need to go. I need a business to take care of. I need to make sure everythings going well and I'm about to launch a new line. People need me at work Ace." I stated looking up at him.

It's silent for a while before he says, "Fine go." He let's my arm go.

"Thank you." You said.

"But I'm sending two bodyguards with you, just for your safety. And I'm not taking no as an answer." He said.

"And I probably shouldn't ask you this, but please take care of Amara while I'm gone." I said.

He seems taken by surprise.

"I will." He said and I could genuinely see he will with his whole entire life.

I hate that I have to do this, but I don't want any other person but Aubrey to take cate of her, but she's gonna be at the office with me the entire day and there wont be anyone to take care of Amara for me, due to it being so busy now.

So I have no other choice but to get Ace to do it...


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