54| "you keep hurting me and keep giving me reason to hate you"

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I woke this morning feeling happy all over again.

Amara's still asleep. She doesn't have school today, so I'll let her sleep in.

I quickly got ready, having to get to work.

I got dressed into a black, mid thigh lengthed dress.

I paired it with a pair of red bottoms.
For my hair, I put it into a slicked back bun.

I left after and went on searching for Ace.

I che ked his room first and wasn't there.

I went to his office and wasn't there as well.

I continued looking throughout the entire house.

I stumbled across an unfamiliar set of stairs going down towards a door.

I went down and opened the door.

Immediately, an awful smell entered my noise, and I almost gagged.

But I sucked it up and continued my search for him.

I walked past many empty see-through rooms.

I heard a pain screaming yell.

A part of me says to get out of here, another says go.

So I listened to that part and followed it as the person kept screaming and screaming.

In the distance, I saw a door was opened and light coming out.

"Shut the fuck up for goodness sake. You put yourself in this position." I hear Luciano voice speak.

I narrowed my eyes. The person screams again, but this one's worse than all the others. It made me hault in my steps, but I continued after.

I got to the door and looked inside, and I felt my heart stop.

My mouth slightly fell open.

There sits a boy who looks no older than twenty. He is painfully injured

Injuried in ways I didn't know a human could get injured.

What seems to be his blod was everywhere. On the floor and on on him.

But when I see the people that are causing so much pain for this person, my heat sinks to my stomach.

I looked between the two.

I didn't know what to say or do.

"Shit." Lucianos voice says.

"Naomi." I hear Ace's voice say, and I don't recognize this man I love. I don't know who he is.

Why are they doing this?

I shook my head at him and turned to walk away.


"You didn't tell her?" Luciano asks.

"Of course I didn't. What would she think if I told her?" I asked, turning around to look at him.

"Well, she found out on her own know. Imagine what she's thinking now." He says.

I was about to speak, but he beat me to it.

"Just go after her. I'll watch him." He says, and I wasted no time leaving.

I heard the click of her heels in the distance, and I quickened in pace.

I see her open the door and leave.

I ran towards the door in hopes of catching up before I lost her.

I opened it and left jogging up the stairs, and saw her head for the stairs.

"Naomi." I called, hoping she'd stop, but she doesn't.

I'm two steps away from her.

"Naomi." I called again, grabbing onto her arm and pulled her towards me, and she crashed into my chest.

She glares up at me. She has this look of hate in her eyes, and it breaks me.

"Don't touch me." She said, and I didn't think those words would hurt, but coming from her, it kills me.

I immediately let go.

"Let me explain." I plead.

She steps back, and I was about to step forward.

"Take another step towards me, Ace. I swear I'll leave you right here right now.'' She said, her words serious and harsh.

It was one thing losing her, but
I wasn't gonna lose her without putting up a fight. I was gonna fight for this woman. No matter what.

I put my hands up in surrender.

Fuck! I didn't know what would happen right now, and it was fucking the hell out of my mind.

"Can we just talk?" I asked.

"Talk about what exactly? That you were so close to murdering that boy. Ace, I thought we were getting somewhere, and you keep hurting me and keep giving me reason to hate you. Wow, her i was, loving the hell out of you, and now I'm finding out now that you're murdering people. Hurting them?" She spoke and cut through me like a bullet through the heart.

I kept opening my mouth to speak to her, but she wouldn't let me.

"How long Ace?" She asks, and it's no use lying to her.

As I look into her eyes, they look at me with so much hurt. She's hurt, I can see it.

"Since I was seventeen." I said.

She shook her head at me, and I felt like I was about to lose her. I feel as though she's slipping right through me, and it's hurting me. Hurting me like hell. Hurting me more than ever feeling that.

I keep hurting her and hurting her, and I keep making it up to her just for it all to fall apart, and now we're back at square one.

It's like every time we both take three steps forward, one of us goes one step back.

"Can I talk, please?"

She gives me a look to do exactly that, and I do. I speak, trying my ultimate best to convince her the best I can not to do anything that will leave my heart broken.

"I am in the mafia. My family goes down in the history of the mafia. My father was the boss, until he handed it over to me. His dad was the boss and so on. Look I didn't choose to do this job, but I had to. I promise you nothings gonna happen to you or Amara. I won't let anything happen. I won't let anyone get as much as a mile close to you. I know this terrifies you. I can see it and I know I've hurt you, once again, and I'm truly so sorry for doing it again. Just...just don't leave please." I spoke, hoping she got my words.

But the look she gave me only disappoints me even further.

"I appreciate you telling me that, but I can't afford to live with such a person like you. I can't afford to put me or Amara in such danger." She says, and I know there's something hidden in those words.

"What are you trying to say?"

"I'm trying to say, I think this isn't gonna work out anymore." And just like that, my heart shatters in picese i dont think i can put back together..

Shadow Of The Past | ✔️Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora